

Marina I


7 Years
08-06-2015, 03:46 PM

The woman would flicker open her eyes in the midday light, feeling something stirring within. It began as a sharp pang, a sign of one thing; Babus. Her babus were coming, and the woman was excited. Head would lift, a joyous call being let loose for Nako, so that he might be there for the birth of his children, as well as her brother. The female would wag her tail happily back and forth as she settled onto the earth, letting each contraction take her body. Gods above she was so happy. The thought that she would have some little ones once more made her so very thrilled. A nuzzle was given to her belly, a soft set of words leaving her lips. "Don't worry my little ones... you'll be safe."

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]


08-06-2015, 03:51 PM
He had been nearby when the call went into the air, the man having a shiver run down his spine. Children, beautiful lives would be coming into the world tonight and he would be able to spoil the heck out of them. So Spencer set out quickly, diving right into the gulley without a second thought, shoving past the vegetation and ducking beneath larger plants. On the way there he could feel butterflies in his stomach, legs trembling the slightest. It had been some time since being around others since that incident when he was younger, but he would force himself to pull through for his sister and his nieces and nephews. Approaching where Marina's scent was the strongest, Spencer slowed down and carefully poked his head into the den entrance with a smile. "Mari?" He called sweetly, not wanting to enter too soon.



7 Years
08-07-2015, 06:09 PM
Nako to be honest was sweating out the last few days of his once mates pregnancy, the babies she wanted seeded within her womb by a willing male coming closer and closer to their due date. He'd been willing. Doubtful of pups fermenting within her belly, but their actions together had resulted in squirming masses of fur. That being said, the embarrassment at the whole situation hadn't stopped him from telling his sister Anais about what was soon coming. His brothers ribbed him incessantly about the situation.

And the call that announced that it was time echoed over the gulley, the grey male shifting to his paws with uncertainty. He already had a deer taken down by the creek for him to feed Marina, the den also close to water for his once mate to drink. What else could he do for her? Be by her side during the process? Help with the birth? Clean the pups of the birth sack? He stopped at the den in a daze, the stranger there ignored, the other one she called obviously. And it was then he realized that it was all out of his paws, this was up to Marina to deal with, the male calling down to the she wolf. "I'm here Marina."



5 Years
08-07-2015, 06:46 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The news of her brother's future children had filled Anais with absolute delight. She never would have guessed it - in her eyes, pups were a product of two wolves choosing to settle down together and start a family, and her brother had always appeared to enjoy his freedom. If anything, she had suspected children from him would have been something to come further down the road, but the fact they were due any day did nothing to lessen her joy for him and the pup's mother. Though she knew first hand how tiring and time consuming raising a child was given her experience raising her youngest brother, Anais knew too how very satisfying and rewarding it could be. And knowing she was welcome to be there during their birth made her even more ecstatic.

She grew impatient the closer it got to the due date, wandering toward the border of the pack lands and stopping herself from constantly calling out to her brother to find out the progress. She did not want to be a nuisance, but her excitement was almost too much to take, so when the call finally went out, specifically for her brother, Anais set off to follow it too.

A big grin stretched across her face as she ran, nimble paws carrying her expertly through the dense forest of the Fern Gulley as she followed the voice that had called out and tracked the scent of her brother. In her eagerness she had failed to let any of the Donostrea wolves know where she was headed, but soon she would be among family - of sorts. She could not be safer than among them. It took her a short while to locate the group, or at least her brother where he stood outside of a den. Winded from the hurried pace of her run, as well as from the exciting prospect of being an aunt, Anais called out to him as she approached. "Nako!" Though quiet, her voice did not lack its enthusiasm, and she still smiled brightly as she reached his side. "Are they here yet?" Whether they were or not hardly mattered; her biggest concern, as she craned her neck slightly to try peeking into the den, was meeting them.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



3 Years
Extra large
08-08-2015, 06:48 PM
Although all pups eventually grow out of their temporary home, leaving them no choice but to exit the womb, Zephyra, on the other hand, had been feeling rather discontent with her home for quite a while now. There was no doubt about her being a large child, who would gradually develop to tower over her own mother. Throughout the earlier stages, when she had been a tad smaller, she had to have been a nuisance in the womb, rambunctiously kicking and thrashing. Now, along with another two siblings, there simply wasn't enough room for all of them, but most importantly herself. Fed up with it all, her body slowly travelled head-first through the narrow passage, which was even tighter for her liking, in between the contractions. Eager to escape and reach the world of seemingly endless space, there was a chance she would cause her mother some discomfort with her quick and bulky arrival, though it was always satisfying to get the largest pup over and done with.

The firstborn slithered onto the hard soil in a wet bundle of green fur, momentarily encountering the cold breezes around her, blowing at her frail form. Warmth was all that she desired and....was that milk tickling her nose? Helplessly blind, she squirmed and writhed like a worm, trying to use her limbs for the very first time. She had entered the world - her new home - and already it was proving to be a difficult place.

Marina I


7 Years
08-11-2015, 08:17 AM

She was ready, prepared to give birth to the little ones that she would so love. Her tail would swish along the den floor, ears perking as she heard Spencer’s voice. “Come on in, Spence.” She would invite. The little ones were not here yet, but soon, soon they would arrive.

Her once mate would arrive timely as well, and Marina would look at him with a gentle look. “I’m glad.” And she was. She wanted these little ones to know their father, to see that they were loved. She would shift, feeling the contractions rack her body with their presence.

She was beginning the process of pushing when she heard another voice -- female -- call out to Nako. For a moment panic seized her. Did he have a mate!? But then, realizing by her question that no other female mated to a male would be so excited to have another female bearing pups she would dismiss the thought.

She would meet the golden eyes of the female, giving another sweet smile. “Soon.” She would promise. ..and very shortly after the firstborn would enter the world. A monster sized pup, but a true beauty cloaked in green and black, would emerge from her. Marina would begin the process of cleaning the little one, eagerly set to the task. Hell, one might even guess that she enjoyed the birthing process as much as she had enjoyed the pregnancy.

Then came the process of giving birth to the second born. Another female, she would learn, as she cleaned the coat mainly comprised of black and light blue. Another beauty, smaller than her sister and a little sweetheart if Marina ever saw one.

The last pup however was not coming so easily. Marina was getting weary, despite her happy demeanor, and she was trying to take a moment to catch her breath. Ears would flick back, eyes narrowing slightly as she pushed harder once again, finally producing the last little bundle. Another girl, coated in chocolate brown and white -- color neither parent had. It had come from Marina and Spencer’s father -- as had the bit of spotting.

Marina would wearily set about cleaning her lastborn, tail giving a weak wag. The smell of blood and birth invaded her senses, and the female found much of her energy spent. She would finish cleaning the last one and move her to her side, setting her head on her paws as she called out to those outside the den.

“They’re here~”


Table by:: Eve

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]


08-11-2015, 12:06 PM
She invited him inside. At first Spencer considered waiting outside so that she would have the space to move around once the children came and to breathe, but the protective side of him pushed him forward. So the man climbed inside carefully, moving himself so that he was partially blocking the den entrance. Allowing for fresh air to flow inside and the mugginess to go out. On the sideline he wanted to keep anyone and everything out, especially the one who fathered the coming pups, but Spencer would not judge the unknown male before he had a chance to actually meet him.

Ears swiveled around however at the sound of approaching steps, a new musky scent filling his nostrils. And from the way Marina spoke to him, the older male could only assume this was the male she spoke of, her donor. Spencer would not move from his spot till his sister invited the other inside, especially when another wolf showed, a female who seemed to know the male, Nako. Green eyes looked to his colored sibling and a look of displeasure crossed his features when he noticed the panic in her eyes and body when the girl appeared, causing him to plant his feet in the dirt. The only way they could get in now was again, if Mari approved it or if they miraculously were strong enough to crush him.

One by one the children came into the world, Spencer's eyes lighting up with each one, amazed by the colors adoring their wet pelts. All three pups were females, two holding darker pelts and the last a lighter chocolatey color like their father's. "They're beautiful." He whispered, reaching over to lick each child along their back then to kiss Marina on the cheek. Only then he would move, crawling out backwards and standing beside Anais, allowing them a chance to enter and welcome the little lives. He'd remain very close, laying on his stomach and keeping guard so that Nako had the opportunity to greet his offspring for the first time.


08-11-2015, 09:19 PM
Nuuu she didn't wanna go! She liked it here where it was warm and she could cuddle up against her sisters! But...her big sister was getting too big and too fat! She was crushing her, and she didn't like it. As her larger sister started to move away, Nixie squirmed and practically started kicking her sibling out so she could have all the room. But she wouldn't get that either, and if she could claw at her mama's belly to tell her to leave her for just a little longer, she would but she couldn't. So with an inaudible squeak she too would be pushed out into the cold cruel word. Maybe not so cruel just yet, but what did she know?

She dropped out on the ground near her sibling, it was cold and the ground felt hard and stuff was sticking to her! She didn't like it at all not one bit! But then someone was licking them, and it didn't smell like mama but it smelled similar. She didn't know who it was, but he would be in her life later probably. When she felt warmth from her mothers tongue sliding over her, she opened her mouth and a high pitches squeal came out several times over as she searched for her mama's belly. The warm scent of milk was calling, and with her mothers help she soon found it and began to suckle. She lay curled up with her larger sibling, the warmth of her mom comforting and lulling her into an easy sleep.



7 Years
08-16-2015, 01:05 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2015, 04:04 PM by Nako.)
The other male was in the den with her, Nako fighting back the urge to growl at such an action. He wouldn't though, not with Marina so close to giving birth, a situation already stressful enough. And just as Marina's brother would come so would his sister, Nako giving a nuzzle go Anais's cheek in affection and worry. He would be the pups father in fu, he would simply be their provider, neither wanting but not denying their company in his life should they one day seek him out. He barely shifted on his paws throughout the entire process. They were all females, all squirming and wiggling against Marina's belly to nurse themselves full. Marina bade him to come in and her brother got himself out of his way, Nako venturing down into the den.

The scent's of birth were thick in the air, the airy whimpers and cries of the babes as they fed and competed among themselves to find sustenance making him smile. They would have to be named, soon, but he would leave that all to Marina. "They're wonderful Mari, already feisty and full of life." He murmured, a nuzzle given against her cheek before he sniffed each of the pups. He hoped he would lean to care more about them and feel that they weren't just a project to maintain for a few months. There would be enjoyment and hate in this duty but Nako would do it and just be glad that a son wasn't in the mix for the cycle to continue. The grey wolf looked back at Anais and felt only shame in her witnessing of this. Far to unsure of the feelings that flowed through him, but he hid it well with a grin as he passed by his sister and sat beside her. "I'm sure they would've loved them Anye." Nako hushed into his sisters ear as he continued to watch out of the corner of his eye the trio of pups feed. He missed his parents.



5 Years
08-17-2015, 04:23 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Though she fully expected the response to come from her brother, it was the prone figure within the den that addressed her, and Anais blink in surprise at being addressed by the colorful expectant mother. The look on her face, which had fallen blank, transformed once more into an eager smile in response to the acknowledgment, and with her tail wagging the golden brown wolf accepted the nuzzle her brother gave nervously against her cheek. Even she could hardly stand the waiting and fidgeted slightly on her feet, and taking a moment to glance sidelong at Nako she could tell he was in no better shape. Goodness, this must have been extremely nerve wracking for him! But he seemed to be doing alright, and as she finally heard tiny cries from within the den Anais gave her full attention to the mother and babes inside.

One by one the little lives of her nieces were born into the world, but the process went much differently than she remembered it going with her mother and baby brother. This woman - Marina, right? - was attentive to each child and acknowledged those around her. It was how a birthing should be as far as Anais was concerned, and just a little it made her tear up to make the comparison. She blinked them away as Nako ventured inside the den after the other male had made room, and quietly she took a seat where she had been standing to wait and look from afar. Even at a distance she could see the pups had taken strongly after their mother, each colorful in their own right, and she could only imagine how beautiful they would look once they were older and wriggling around as babies did.

She was still smiling, if not more subdued, by the time her brother joined her again, and as he sat beside her she leaned toward him, momentarily resting her head against his shoulder. His words, softly spoken but touched with a longing she knew too well, stirred her tears again, and once more she found herself forced to blink in an attempt to get her vision to clear. "I know they would have," she whispered with certainty, nuzzling his shoulder as a means of consoling them both. It took a minute before she felt her voice was strong and under her control again, and she cleared it gently before she called out softly to the mother inside the den. "They're beautiful, Marina."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.

Marina I


7 Years
08-20-2015, 08:15 AM

Marina was happy, and tired, but mainly happy. Tail would wag weakly as she looked at the little lives that she produced, looking at her brother happily. “They are.” She would whisper. They were so very, very perfect. Nako would come into the den as well, giving a gentle nuzzle to her cheek as he spoke. She felt a sense of pride, so thankful that he had done this with her. “They have their father to thank for that.” The woman would look at the three nursing bodies.

Her gaze would slide to Anais, her expression still light. “Thank you.” She would gently nose each of her offspring before looking to Spencer, her words soft. “I’m going to rest now. When I wake up... We have the task of naming all these little ones.” She’d glance to Nako, smiling warmly. “If you think of any good names let me know.” With that Marina would set her head on her paws, slowly drifting off to sleep.

--Exit Marina via sleep.--

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]


08-21-2015, 07:21 PM
He would glance inside the den when his sister directed her voice towards him, smiling as she would include him in the naming of the little girls against her belly. ”Sounds good.” He murdered, green eyes trailing over each colorful child before turning away and resting his head over his paws. There would be a new journey for his sister, one he hoped he could be involved in as much as possible. Each child would be bathed in love and attention, taken out on adventures and learn many things to prepare them for adulthood. The family wasn't much, but it wouldn't matter. They would come together, this Nako fellow and his sister.

-exit spencer-



7 Years
08-26-2015, 12:08 PM
Nako looked down at the squirming babes with a mixture of anticipation and wariness. A night and a burning want for pups later here Marina was with what she'd desired. Anais commented on the pups beauty, Marina agreeing and addressing Nako's part in providing them. Anais leaned her head against his shoulder and that pulling him away from his idle musings, His sibling acknowledging that their parents would've loved the babes. "We'd have a fun time describing them to Bane." Nako remarked with a hush about their old blind sire.

Marina commented about going to rest and then get to naming them after she waked. Nako dipped his head. "I will, you just rest now, get all situated with them." Nako looked away from the den and back at Anais. "I need to go make a kill, I think it would be best if you head back to Donostrea," The grey wolf would kiss his sisters cheek to make good on the promise that they were on loan to Glacier. "but I'll walk you there. Let you think up a name for one." Male hushed the last bit and headed in the direction of Donostrea, giving one last look at Marina before guiding his sister back to her home.

-Exit Nako-



5 Years
08-29-2015, 12:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The exhausted but proud mother managed to answer her with a smile before the tiring stress of the birth finally caught up with her. Anais could see how worn out Marina was from the whole process, even at a distance, and knew how much any bit of rest that could be taken would benefit each member of this new little family. Those pups would wait for no one, and would begin demanding food, warmth, and attention the second they wanted it and no later. She hoped greatly that the new mother was prepared for everything that would come with raising a child, and hoped even more that she was prepared to handle all three at once. With experience raising only one pup, the smiling hunter could only guess how much of a handful they might be all together.

With the excitement over and a quietness settling in around the group, she could see that it was nearing her time to leave. She wanted to give Marina space to rest, and the family to have time alone together so they could settle in without the prying eyes of strangers on them. Nako picked up on it too. Anais lifted her head and peered at him as he explained his plans of finding a meal for the mother of his children, as well as guiding her home. The golden brown wolf nodded her head gently, agreeing with the plan. There was not much of anything outside of Donostrea for her now, except perhaps for her brothers, and she knew Glacier would work himself into a panic if she wandered off on her own. Getting to her feet, she followed after Nako quietly, only to grin brightly with a wag of her tail as he opened the door for her to name one of her nieces. She could name one? With her heart soaring on the honor bestowed to her, Anais quickly went to thinking and pondering names as she followed after her brother back to Donostrea's border.

-Exit Anais-

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.