
The morning has come



4 Years
08-08-2015, 09:42 AM

The morning night was still carrying on despite being much too early in the morning for Nona to be up after having comfortably laid down. Quickly she would roll to her feet and let out a sharp cry of pain. Nona would only be able to get a short sentence out between another cry of pain as she would feel the contractions hit harder and harder, "Allen... get up Allen!". The dark brown fae would let out another cry and almost naturally she would try to push without thinking. Nothing came this bout but and she had no clue how long this would last. Nona wanted Allen to be awake to be there for her more than ever now despite him being in the same den as her.

She would take in a deep breath or at least try to do so without letting out whine. Hopefully Allen would wake up and aid her after all he was her mate. This would be the beginning of a painful but hopefully worthwhile morning. Again the contractions picked up again as she felt the need to push a second time. Only time could tell when Allen may wake to her cries and the sounds other various sounds she would make as she would push trying to mitigate what she was feeling as to hold on to stay awake. Very soon new life was to be brought into the world after this was all over... her own pups that Nona and Allen would welcome into the world together.

OoC: Anyone in the pack is free to join the thread but please let Allen (Keno) post first before joining in thank you

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


08-09-2015, 03:41 PM
Allen would almost immediately spring up at the first cry of his name. Allen... get up Allen!" He heard. The calico gentleman would immediately cast a worried look over his mate, forcing himself into a state of wakefulness. He would move to Nona’s side, licking her head as she took on the natural state of a mother giving birth. Instinct would be a strong guide for her now, the young man knew, and he would give a soft whine, noting how her body reacted to the contractions.

It would be a hard but worthwhile morning, for soon their children would be brought into this world. “What do you need, my beloved? Water? Herbs?” He would question. He wasn’t sure he was ready to play the part of a healer but for his mate he would try his best.



4 Years
08-12-2015, 02:39 AM

Nona would try to take in deeper breaths instead of smaller ones as the contractions hit again now that Allen was awake. She would try to focus on him as he asked if she needed herbs or water. Nona would try to think of what she needed but her thoughts were going many miles faster than ever before. Water yes perhaps she could think a bit more clearly if she had water. Nona would quickly let the need escape her maw before letting out a bit more quiet of a cry as she could feel them it wouldn't be long now and then another sharp point came as she couldn't help but push with all her might as one new life came from her. Had anyone else been in here they might have seen that the dark brown fae was a bit of a mess and a wreck.

However the sharp pains weren't quite over no not so soon yet. However this time it felt like it was getting a little easier for her to get thoughts and the like a bit more clearly in mind, "Allen I need water and clean the little one for me too..." her voice was cut off as she let out another cry and pushed again bringing forth a second life. Nona felt like collapsing to the floor like it would be a sigh of relief but no the fun was just beginning as she would quickly start stating more orders for Allen to try to follow, "herbs..." was all the fae could get out as she couldn't hold herself up anymore as the floor greeted her body. Nona was hopeful and believed Allen would know what to do till she recovered.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


08-13-2015, 04:21 PM

The moment the need for water left his beloved’s maw he would give a nod. But there was one duty, prior to getting it, that he would need to focus on. The little one at Nona’s side, covered by the birthing sac, needed to be cleaned. Allen set to the task with a will. He would clean the little one carefully, noticing that it was a little girl. He honestly couldn’t be happier as he moved the little one to his mate’s belly to drink. He had hardly finished that task before a second life was brought into the world.

Allen was doing his best to remain calm. To keep himself on track. He would clean the second pup, a son, and place him next to his sister before rushing out of the den for water. He’d bring it back, carefully dribbling it into his mate’s maw from a giant patch of moss. Then, that task done, he would set the moss down to get the bundle of herbs that Nona and he had prepared for this occasion. He’d place them by her head, giving a soft whine as he looked at the exhausted state his poor mate was in. Allen would lean in, licking her forehead as he tried to sit.

“Oh Nona...” He was shaking some, a bit of a nervous wreck now that their children were actually, physically, here.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
08-19-2015, 01:07 AM

Nona would take in as much water as she could get from what Allen had
retrieved for her. Next was the herbs however it was going to be tricky on
her end to try and convey what was to be done to Allen. She would do her
best however it wasn't coming to her as she was completely exhausted so
Nona left it up to her mate. Her voice was soft as she felt her mate lean in and
lick her, "Did we do it... are our pups here Allen... is it a dream that I haven't
awaken from yet?"
Nona couldn't tell if this was real or just a reality that only
existed inside her head.

The fae would quickly realize however it wasn't a dream as she managed to
move her head to look towards her newborn pups, "Oh Allen, we did it they're here... they're here!" Nona's voice picked up in volume a little as she
would do her best to reciprocated the love to Allen as she could see him
shaking. Green eyes would close slowly as she was tired from the pushing
and all she wanted for now was a little bit of rest. However there was the
matter of her needing to be cleaned so thus before she would drift off into
slumber Nona would request it from her mate, "Allen I need you to clean me
as well...probably...probably going to be a hassle but I need some sleep..."
fae's voice trailed off as sleep was slowly overtaking her to recover from this


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


08-20-2015, 06:31 PM

Allen would smile as his mate spoke, giving a nod. “Yes my beloved we have done it. Our little ones are into this world.” They were truly here, a son and a daughter. Allen could feel his burst of pride welling in his chest. He would let his gaze slide over Nona as well, giving a small nod as she made her request. “Very well my beloved. You rest well.” With that Allen would begin the task of cleaning up his mate after the birthing as well, knowing that their little ones would be safe now.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah