
Maybe it's all part of a plan



2 Years
08-09-2015, 09:52 AM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2015, 09:59 AM by Avery.)

With a bright grin on her face, Avery walked through the bright green grass. It had been a while since travelling in these lands, and she welcomed the familiarity from her puphood it brought. She recognized the smells from when she was but a season or two old and the memories they kept, although they were not the best. For now though, she was done with travelling. Her paws had grown weary and she wished for something new! An adventure, maybe. Her pastel eyes glistened and her tail swished behind her, a gentle breeze rustling her chocolate fur. The girl paused before a river that carved it's way through the grass in front of her and sat, head tilted upwards to the heavens.


08-09-2015, 10:08 AM

Letting out a loud sigh, the male flopped to his rump as his bicoloured tail thumped on the earth. He was bored. They had set out in an attempt to go hunting, but this damn spring was so bloody cold that it kept all the prey away. Two-toned gaze made its way to his sister, the scowl rather deep set on his maw. His shoulders shrugged as he tossed himself onto his back, paws dangling in the air. "I despise this land, Ros. Nothing here is ever fun," he said with a pout, sounding very much like a child. But there was nothing to do! All the other wolves who thought they ruled over this world were either in hiding or shoved into neat little packs. Ambrose may like to pick on others, but he was smart enough to not charge into a pack and face down thirty little lesser beings. No matter how tempting the thought was... Groaning, he rolled back onto his paws and stood, shaking out his fur as he reached over to press a kiss behind his sister's ear. It was then that his ears stood on full alert, nose quivering as the scent of an unknown female crossed his path. Pulling back he smirked, tail wagging behind him slightly. "Perhaps I spoke too soon..." Tossing a wink in her direction, he began to follow the scent trail.

It wasn't long before the girl's form came into sight, eyes cast upwards as she sat by a river. The tall beast let out a smooth, cold chuckle, pausing to let his sister catch up. He was only a few feet away from the stranger, that is if she didn't scramble back. "A little late to pray, sweetheart." came his rumbling growl, teeth flashing at the smaller, lesser wolf. Oh joy, perhaps they could use her. A little being to do their bidding, what fun would that be? Looking over to Roselin, he rose a brow in question. She would know what it would mean -- he was seeking her approval. If his sister did not care for the beast they would move on.

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
Extra large
08-09-2015, 01:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2015, 01:49 PM by Roselin.)
Roselin giggled as she stood beside her brother, forepaws beside his rump as he flopped down. She hummed lightly, the delicate sound purring from her throat as she leaned in an pressed a kiss behind his skull. She moved to step away just as he flopped on her back, and she raised a paw to push against his chest for a moment. "You complain too much." She purred, her smile pressing upon her lips before she giggled and flopped down as well, her forepaws moving to throw over her belly and nuzzling into his chest. Oh she loved this man so dearly, but he was right, it was rather boring here. There wasn't much to do, all the forest critters she loved to chase and crush were in hiding, as if the spring was their warning to hide from the greater beings. It wasn't fair, things were supposed to be easy for them. But then again, when is "easy" really fun. She stood again when she felt him turn, quickly springing up and over him as he rolled back to his paws, and smirking as he kissed behind her ear. She paused though, when he was caught on a scent. She stared before a slow smile spread across her lips. "See? You complain too much." She said with a bubbly giggle, moving along behind him with her delicate steps.

Ros was never too far from her brother, keeping up with him as her equally large form moved through the trees as if it were much...smaller. She had a sense of delicacy, a regal air to her as she moved, one paw after another with her nose tilted slightly downward and her eyes flashing dangerously as she settled her sights on the strange little creature. A slow smile touched her lips, brows dipping just slightly as joy filled her. Oh, goodness, this shall be fun. When she heard her brother's voice, another round of bubbling laughter lifted from her. "Not that it would have helped any, hey brother?" She cooed, stepping forward so she was in line with her brother. She tilted her head with a hum, eyes tracing the girl's form. She was smaller, adorable. Oh, she'd do nicely. Ros always liked the pretty ones to do their bidding. Something about the adorable spoke of innocence, and she sure loved to crush innocence. Slowly she'd look at her brother then, eyes narrowing slightly and her smile spreading wider. Yes, she would do nicely.

"Burn Baby Burn"



2 Years
08-09-2015, 06:02 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2015, 06:03 PM by Avery.)

Avery closed her eyes and inhaled the scents around her. Her brows knotted slightly when she identified the scents of two wolves approaching. She felt the warm and spiky jump of excitement in her chest when she thought of company it had been months since she's seen another soul for more than a few minutes. Blue eyes focused on the male and female just as the man spoke. Avery's ears tilted back apprehensively when she took note of their size compared to her own. From their markings and appearance she guessed they were definitely related.

What had been excitement quickly dropped to the pit of her gut in dread. When the guy spoke, her suspicions were confirmed. This was definitely not going to be the friendly meeting she'd hoped for. Avery stood up, but that was as far as she got before she felt her legs freeze. Internally she groaned. Really, legs? The girl opened her dry mouth to speak, but came up with nothing to say. Except possibly the least useful, "H-hi."


08-10-2015, 12:24 AM

His sister kissed his head and he tossed her a classic wink, nearly missing her when he flopped to the earth. He grinned at her when she told him that he complained too much. Well of course he did, when there was nothing good to do. He could only stand around for so long before the urge to push and pull on someone else took over. He rumbled lightly as Roselin put a paw on his chest, a brow raising at her in a mock challenge. Leaning forward he tried to nibble gently on the appendage before she flopped beside him. She nuzzled into his chest and he tugged on her ear in reply, before he started to groom her pale forehead. Ambrose knew that she was bored as well, it had been at least a week or two before they ran into someone to tear into. Humming thoughtfully between his licks, he stopped and rolled over. When his companion jumped over his form he eyed her in amusement, grinning when she told him once again that he complained too much. "Maybe my whining brought out a little treat..."

He could feel her at his side as always, and extension of his own body. They moved as one, stopped as one, attacked as one. Both sets of green and blue eyes focused on the tiny woman, and he could feel the energy pulsing off his sister. Feeding off of each others energy, a smooth chuckle flowed from his lips at his counterparts words. "No, it doesn't often help. You see, little dear, we are higher than anyone who would even think of coming to save you." Scowl was set on his stony face as he moved from Ros' side, attempting to circle around the tiny beast. She let out a single stumbling word, bringing a mixture of a laugh and growl from his throat. He didn't miss his sisters approval, her okay to move on with this. Standing slightly behind her and to her own left, Ambrose left Roselin on the other side. They were both boxing her in, her only escape now to run into the river. But oh no, running would be a mistake. They would be faster, and they would catch her. A lopsided grin was presented at the dame, the poor little doe who couldn't even get her legs to work. "Now, tiny beasty. You have an option here, you can come with us willingly and serve us, or we can fight you for that right. Its up to you little darling, but I think you know what the better option would be." His grin spread wider as he took a single step towards her, hackles raising in excitement. His gaze shot briefly to Ros, leaving the explaining up to her. She could tell the tiny being what she would have to do for them, while he licked his chops. He knew that she probably wouldn't fight them, but a part of him could dream.

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
Extra large
08-10-2015, 12:50 AM
A giggle bubbled from her as their prey moved to stand, stuttering like a little lost child. "Hi" She sang, her jaws clicking at the end of her word as she giggled, glancing back towards her brother as he moved from her. A small part of her wanted to move with him, to flow after him like she always had, but this was the game. She watched with a giddy happiness as her brother circled their new found prey, her easy smile forever on her lips. She was quiet as he spoke, merely giggling at the thought of anyone higher than them existing. He would stand behind their new little doll, his massive form looming over hers, and Ros felt herself grow more giddy. This was the most excellent little treat. She stepped forward, light on her paws as she did. Chin would tip down as she gazed at the girl, eyes darkening dangerously. "We are gods. Honestly, where's your manners. You should bow to us." She purred softly, standing directly infront of her now if she hadn't moved (though, where would she move too?) For a moment she was silent, breathing in the air around the girl. She smelt of herself, and no one else. Alone, huh? Perfect. "With us, you have a purpose. If you go against us, I'm terribly sorry to say will lose that purpose and...other things you rather like." She'd glance away from the girl then to look back up to her brother, humming again. "We require...a servant." She looked down to her again. "Something...adoreable, small..something without reason. You will do our bidding, whether its hunt for us or...hunt for us." She giggled then, having such an excellent time. Oh she loved little treats like this! Shifting slightly on her weight she'd lower her head more so she could look the girl in the eye. "Don't worry, we don't eat what we foul creatures are far too bitter." She stuck her tongue out then, shaking her head before her giggle filled the space once more. Her lips slowly moved into her smile, her brows curving upwards just slightly. "What do you say, little mouse?"

"Burn Baby Burn"



2 Years
08-10-2015, 09:35 AM

Avery's mouth snapped shut as she uttered her feeble greeting. Why on earth did she say that!? Although, in it's place she was unsure what would have come out. Her blue eyes flickered between the two siblings and every word they spoke echoed in her mind with an odd clarity. She felt every move they made and when the guy moved behind her in order to box her in, the claustrophobia set in. Her eyes moved to see how far between her and the woman there was, but any chance of an escape in that direction was thrown out the window when she moved forward and blocked her in from that side too. Avery's neck craned upwards so she could at least try and see her.

"What do you say, little mouse?" Those words brought a finality to the whole situation that came crushing down on the girl. Any chance of her fleeing or fighting was gone, if there even was one in the first place. Who even were these people?
"My name's Avery, not "little mouse". " she said, but what she's hoped would sound at least a little confident, came out with a waver, but she was past caring now. Looking away, she nodded. "Okay then. I don't have much choice, do I?"


08-10-2015, 11:39 AM

He could feel the pull of his sister as he moved from her side, even if it was this much distance between them he still felt its effects. But this was more important, to block off the little beasties exits. While Roselin was all giggles and smiles, he was more of the teeth bared, growls sounding and hackles raised type. But the sound of Ros' giggles were his fuel to his fire, the burning desire to bite and tear were strong. He was salivating, tongue lashing at his lips as his eyes burned with an intense fire. He wanted to consume the tiny girl, tear away that innocence that she reeked of. But his twin's words tore him away from his mind, bringing him back to the situation at hand. Yes, they were gods. He was shocked that the wolf had not fainted from fear, it was rolling off of her in waves. But she was young, one or two years under her belt. But oh, oh how she would learn from this point on. A manic grin consumed his mouth, teeth clacking together as his jaws snapped. The world around them faded away as he saw only their prey, only his sister. Her demands came out and vibrated in his head like a chant, her words of hunting and... hunting. Same words, but with a much different meaning at hand. When Roselin said that they didn't eat their prey, his head rose as he eyed her with a frown. "Oh but sister, she just looks so... tasty." He said, hissing out the last words between clenched jaws. Even though she was right, it didn't hurt to throw in even more fear. No, the little weaklings tasted rough and tough, not the type of meat he liked to consume. Didn't mean he was above a little sample, however...

Roselin called their new little darling a mouse, and he rather liked that. Head tilted as he studied her, her small size and even smaller amount of will power. Poor dear couldn't even move away from them, even if she tried. But when she retorted that her name was Avery, denying the nickname that Roselin had graced her with, the male let out a large booming laugh. "My oh my, it seems that the little one has some fight in her yet! Good, its more interesting when our prey fights back." A wide toothed grin was tossed at Avery as he took another step towards her, jaws snapping in the direction of her rump. But then the little mouse knew that she was stuck in her own trap, and said that she didn't have much of a choice. He hummed softly, moving to stand beside her and brush his tail against her flank. "Oh my dear, you always have a choice. Might not be the right one, but do try to have a mind of your own, won't you? Makes things more... interesting." He let out a deep, dark chuckle, his head tilting downwards to peer at the lesser being. Mmm, it would seem that Ros had taken a liking to this little creature. She had better be useful, or he would grow bored of her fast. Gazing up at his sister she rose a brow in questioning. Would they drag her home now, or try and pull more information out of her? Besides, he didn't like them if they didn't work. It was then that he started to take little bites out of them, as his sister knew well. At times Roselin didn't like when he sampled a taste of her play things, but there were times when it was more necessary.

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
Extra large
08-10-2015, 12:23 PM
She didn't have to look at her brother to know what he was thinking. They were woven from the same cloth, created by the same hands and spent every moment of every day together, it was bound to happen. Ever subtle movement from the lick of his lips to the shine in his eyes she knew, she read. She was very fluent in Ambrose. They were the perfect machine, which, she believed, was why they were so above these lesser things. They still would be if they ever parted, but that would never happen. They would live forever, together, at each other's side with nothing but these little playthings to join them from time to time. She snorted when Ambrose spoke, shaking her head as she looked back down at the little girl. "He's hopeless, you know. When he gets a notion to do something it's really...difficult to change his mind." She cooed, her eyes shining as she tilted her head just slightly.

When the little mouse spoke she blinked slightly, her smile fading just slightly. "Well, I don't really care and..." She smiled slowly, lowering her head again so she could look at the girl at eye level. Her smile spread to show sharp teeth, eyes flashing dangerously. "I didn't exactly ask." She purred, the sound vibrating from her throat as she lifted her head again and took a step back to hum lightly, looking over at Ambrose as he got...cuddly with their plaything. She couldn't help but smirk then, her own tail swishing behind her at his words. "He's right, little mouse. We don't want a robot, but we also don't want you too...comfortable either." She teased then, looking up at Ambrose as she thought. She tilted her head then, humming and gazing at the little girl. Did they want to get personal with her, or did they just want someone rather...anonymous to do their bidding? Surely it would help lay the ground work, get some information, learn what strings to pull. "Why are you so alone, little mouse?" She asked, stressing the nickname as her eyes flashed and she would laugh softly, a bubbly sound. The girl didn't need a name, that gave her more than she deserved right now. Maybe one day, if she pleased them. "You certainly smell like you've been alone for such a very long time. What happened? Did you get abandoned, left here? All alone?" Her smile was ever prominent, a gentle facade that seemed to almost make her more terrifying, more dangerous. She was very well put together, very controlled, but the moment she is crossed, all hell will break loose.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: iqznma.png]



2 Years
08-11-2015, 01:32 PM

Avery flinched when the man's booming laugh echoed in her ear. What followed from the woman, was not so amusing. Avery's head lowered automatically at her harsh tones and her eyes flickered to the river. But, when the male moved up beside her and trailed his tail over her flank her head flew around and looked at him. A shiver ran up her back and she tried to lean away, but her body decided not to co-operate. What was he doing?! After so long in isolation, being close to people, nevermind these people, gods... whatever, was way to much for her. Avery's pastel gaze went to the ground again.

"Why are you so alone, little mouse?" the goddess said in a sickly sweet voice that sent a shock of panic through the girl. Avery's eyes widened. How did she know? Her question was answered when the woman spoke again. Her scent.
"Did you get abandoned, left here? All alone?" She'd hit the nail on the head, it seemed. Chocolate brown ears flattened back further. It was pretty close to where they were now that she'd been left, actually.
"I've always been alone. Doesn't really matter." she sussurated


09-02-2015, 12:16 PM

It was hard for him to take his eyes off of the tiny creature that they had captured, but when he heard Rose's voice drop into a low whisper, his head shot up as he watched her bend close to the tiny female. She was a vicious thing when she wanted to be -- which was very much on her own time. He went to speak again to their prey, when he caught Roselin's thinking gaze. He paused in his steps, mismatched eyes watching her carefully. He had left this part of the conversation to her, switching the roles to her taking charge. At last she spoke, tactful words leaving her lips. He couldn't help but smirk softly, Rose was a very clever one. Her words were vague, not so much ripping the information from her as he would have done. Ambrose was a lot less... tactful when it came to situations like this. He just liked to bite and make their captured quarry bleed. Salmon pink tongue snaked across his lips, greedily looking at the tiny mouse. Oh how he just wanted a little taste, but he held himself back. Rose was in charge at the moment, and he waiting for the brassy girl to reply.

He could tell by the tiny girls actions that his sister had pinpointed her isolation. Ah, so she had been abandoned. "Don't worry dear, as long as you do what we say, you will always have a place with us." he cooed. Unless she grew boring, that was, then they would kick her to the curb in a heart beat. She said that she had always been alone, and that it mattered little. Well of course it didn't matter, but it sure did make things easier for them. No one to fight, no one to push and bully out of their way. He was slightly disappointed that there was no one else around though, they could have been able to catch themselves quite the herd of little minions. "Now, sweet little mouse, you won't ever be alone. You have been blessed by us gods, a privilege to come and serve us." Came his low, quiet reply. Now then, would they be taking their captive home? A single brow rose as he looked up at his mirror, his dear sister. What next?

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
Extra large
09-03-2015, 12:45 PM
Roselin would hum in disappointment, in boredom as she lifted her gaze up at her brother. This one was no real fun, no real challenge, but they had to take the small stuff too, in order to appreciate the more difficult ones. She came willingly, and right now for the tired siblings, that was good enough. So she slowly smiled up at her brother as he spoke, but she remained silent, calculating. She was always calculating, always planning, so when her brother's eyes rose to her, perfect brow bone rising, she already know the answer. A smile twinged her lips as she looked at their prey before she inclined her head, motioning in the direction they came. "Come, Mouse, lets show you our home." She said softly, turning then to begin walking in the direction of their home. She had stressed the word, in a way that made it exclusive to just her and Ambrose. It wasn't the mouse's house, it would never be her home, and Ros would make her know that. This was Roselin and Ambrose's life, their domain, and their little prey was there only while she remained useful.

"Burn Baby Burn"