
The Diamáchi



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-12-2015, 04:29 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 10:58 AM by Mithras.)

The Diamáchi
What are they?
A band of nomadic gypsy-like wolves who make their home in Southern Alacritis. These wolves do not have a pack structure or set leader, but operate instead like a republic. Everyone's voice is heard and is considered equal. They believe strongly in freedom and the bond they form as one cohesive unit. Their loyalty to the group is unquestionable, and they tend to consider all other packs, groups, and bands as either neutral or enemies.

Who are they?
The Diamáchi are comprised of many different wolves from many walks of life. They accept anyone into their family as a full member, after only a short trial period to make sure they can adopt their ways of life and remain loyal to the Clan. As such, they tend to attract lost souls, those who feel out of place or who have suffered great losses and don't know where to turn.

When did they form?
The Diamáchi Clan has been roaming around Southern Alacritis for as long as anyone can remember, but they do not have much by the way of a history. They /DO/ however have many folk heroes to speak of, wolves who have made a name for themselves and who's stories have been passed down through the generations. Young wolves aspire to this, to be remembered after they are gone. This, to the Diamáchi, is one of their purposes in life.

What do they do?
The Diamáchi want nothing more than to live happily ever after, but unfortunately for other groups of wolves, that often means picking fights and stealing what isn't rightfully theirs. While not openly hostile, they are a mercurial group who don't believe in possessing lands, territories, or other wolves. Expect many of them (but not all) to cross pack boundaries, raid others, and tease to the point of conflict.

How do I join?
It's easy!! If you have a character already in play who is looking for a new life, simply request a thread with one of the existing members! OR, if you would like to adopt a character who has been with the Diamáchi a bit longer, continue reading below...

The Application
Name: Anything is applicable! The surname can be anything you like, or they can have adopted the name 'Diamáchi'
Appearance: 100 words or more. Feel free to apply for a design below or make your own!
Personality: 150 words or more
History: How did they join the Diamáchi, or were they born into the Clan? What has happened in their life so far?
Plans: How will they work with the Diamáchi? What are you planning on doing with them?

Alright, I did it! Now what?
Whether you've adopted a character from below or chosen a previously existing character to join their ranks, scoot yourself over to THIS THREAD and introduce them! Check back occasionally too, as it will also contain current Diamáchi events and other news!

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-12-2015, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2015, 08:26 AM by Mithras.)
Red edits are from Eve to let you know the pricing! <3

OPEN DESIGNS (Corresponding numbers are found below the image)

Would need : Odd coloured markings x 2, Odd shaped marking. Total : 1900 Gems.


Would need : Odd coloured marking, Odd shaped marking. Total : 1100 Gems.

Would need : Albinism. Total : 800 Gems.

Would need : Odd coloured marking. Total : 800 Gems.



Would need : Regular shaped marking. Total : 400 Gems.



Would need : Regular shaped marking. Total : 400 Gems.



Would need : Regular shaped marking. Total : 400 Gems.

Would need : Regular shaped marking. Total : 400 Gems.

Would need : Regular shaped marking. Total : 400 Gems.

Would need : Odd shaped marking. Total : 300 Gems.


Would need : Regular marking. Total : 400 Gems.


Would need : Regular markings. Total : 400 Gems.

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



7 Years

08-12-2015, 04:31 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 10:41 AM by Lillianna.)


[Image: LdwT6g2.png]

Name: Irie Diamáchi
Age: 4, birth season Autumn
Sex: Female
BASE + light brown
EYES + pale blue
HEIGHT + 33 inches
WEIGHT + 130 pounds
BUILD + Lean, fluffy, etc.

MARKINGS + While the majority of her is a medium brown, there are areas of her that delve into a rich chocolate color. Her legs, head and tail are all areas that darken into this beautiful color; her back legs and face are accented by cream, as well. For her back legs, the tips of her toes are this creamy color. For her face, thare are two semetryical lines on her face.These lines start behind her eye, even with the bottom of her eye. This extends down the eye, following the eye shape and curving back up at the edge of her eye at the bridge of her nose, before extending down her muzzle and curving around the edge of her muzzle near her nose. This occurs on her other eye as well. Her ears are also tipped this cream color, about halfway down.

Personality: Neutral Good... I think.
Irie is a gentle wolf, albeit one that can become quite fierce if provoked. She strongly believes that the Diamachi is the way of life - that this is how it is done, and how it should be done, how it will always be done. She pities those that are not Diamachi; those that have deluded themselves into thinking that they should go into packs. She sees packs as another word for ownership: the alpha owns all the wolves in the pack, they don't have any free will. They have to be wary, otherwise they might anger the alpha. It is, in her mind, no way to live.

This belief, instead of making her despise outsiders, makes her want to help them. She believes they are lost, and need to find the right way, and she will do everything in her power to help them see the truth. This doesn't mean she's not wary of them: she's afraid, with their own convincing words, that the particularly delusional may persuade Diamachi into renouncing who they are and stop following the true path.

She is not opposed to Diamachi going off on their own. She worries for them, of course, because no matter what all Diamachi are family, but she also encourages the finding of one's true self, and oftentimes a journey on your own is exactly what you need. She will help train those that intend on travelling on their own, making sure they can provide for themselves and survive without the emotional and physical support of the family.

Unlike most young Diamachi, she's not particularly intent on making a name - for the most part. She's intent on helping others make a name, to see them hold their head up proudly. And, if that person happens to mention that she helped them... well, there's nothing bad about that, right?

She appears as light and carefree to most - she's happy to help, no matter the situation. She's not a fighter, but that doesn't mean she won't try to find someone who is a fighter in her stead. She adores newborn Diamachi - she goes out of her way to cuddle them and spoil them, much to the amusement of the parents. She will happily talk with anyone who has problems, too, assisting them in seeing what's good and what isn't: like a guidance counsilor, per se. She has much more trouble sharing her own problems, stubbornly believing that no one should worry about her like that. Lyre is the only one she feels comfortable enough with to share her problems and ask for advice with.

History: Irie was born, happily, to two Diamachi wolves that had decided n children. Her puphood was a happy one: raised with the other children, she learned the ways proper, and has been on the move since a baby. Nothing could have made her more happy, attending the Diamachi festivals, games, and just being with her family. Her favorite thing to do would be to walk with the adults and hear their wondrous stories. It didn't matter if they were true or not - they were stories! She loved them, with such a passion.

As a yearling, she found out another love of hers: pups. Once no longer a pup herself, she found herself longing to be with pups, telling them stories and teaching them just as she was taught. She found it delightful when pups asked to walk with her; she was so happy and proud she felt her heart would burst. She forged a connection with as many as she could.

Still, she felt she was missing something. This was solved when her parents, proud of their only child, announced they would be having more children. Irie was excastic, and her little sister Lyre was everything she could have hoped for. She immediately took over Lyre's life, much to the amusement of her parents. She wanted Lyre's attention more than her parents, and thus ensued teasing of how Irie should have her own family.

Lyre took after Irie, though instead of being a mentor, she became a healer of the Diamachi, willing to help anyone. She was a tiny bit more fierce than Irie, but Irie couldn't wish for more as Lyre grew up into a beautiful woman who was well known with the Diamachi. Irie believes, with all her being, that one day Lyre will be recorded as one of the greatest Diamachi healers.

Plans: Irie will teach everyone, everything, and everyone will love her. She will try her best to help those that are in packs find the Diamachi ways, and she will be there for her sister at every turn. She'll be there for everyone else, too!
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



3 Years
08-12-2015, 07:22 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 10:49 AM by Luck.)

[Image: I33i31A.png]

Name: Jarius
Age: 3 years
Sex: Male
Appearance: 100 words or more
Personality: 150 words or more
History: How did they join the Diamáchi, or were they born into the Clan? What has happened in their life so far?
Plans: How will they work with the Diamáchi? What are you planning on doing with them?



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-12-2015, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2015, 06:25 PM by Avalon.)
[Image: mIvqhMQ.png]

Name: Domino Cid Dragomir
Age: 1 Year
Sex: Male
Appearance: Standing at a slender and well proportioned height of 30" and weighing around 95 pounds, the male is slightly taller then his sibling who is around five inches shorter. Domino bears a base coat of white that envelops the majority of his body, his guard hairs are a very light ashen gray though hardly noticeable if at all. The male bears his namesake thanks to the two colors upon his coat, asides from the white base, he sports dark black patterns on a few areas of his body as well. Black sits atop his head like a crown, enveloping his ears and trails down his back where it then envelops the entirety of his rather bushy tail.

Adorning his coat are black spots that run across the length of half his body, from thigh to shoulder. He also bears a spot upon each ankle as well as each side of his face just below his eyes. His muzzle is also dipped in black, as if he tried to drink from a bucket of paint, and to finish off the darker variation of markings, black encircles each eye. To top it all off, he bears a complimentary cool and gentle light blue gaze, his emotions well hidden behind his stare.

Personality: Unlike his brother, Domino has the ability to speak. Thus he often speaks for his brother, Bogdan. He is very close to his sibling, the two being inseparable since birth. Due to their closeness, the siblings know what the other is thinking, so it is safe to assume that Domino knows what his brother wants. The male can be gentle, but hidden beneath his exterior is an animal waiting to be awoken. He can be a merciless fighter if need be, if only to protect his brother and whoever else he may become close to. Due to his past, however, Domino has trouble trusting others until he gets to know them on more personal levels. Like his brother, Domino is an observer and thinks things thoroughly before acting, but when it comes to the survival of him and his brother, he will take action. Though young he is, the male has been through quite a lot. Because of this, he is often suspicious of those he meets and always watched with a guarded stare. He is careful in what he says so as not to give away any information that might compromise him, his brother, or anyone else he cares about. The bravery he has might at times be seen as a flaw as much as a strength, for his bravery can be out of protecting his own or making foolish decisions and running head long into the fray for whatever reason he see's fit.

Loyal to those around him, the male gives his love and loyalty first and foremost to his mute brother, before giving it to anyone else who must work hard to attain his friendship. He is often skeptical around others, the man's words few and far in between until he gets used to and comfortable with whomever he meets. He is a strong individual, not easily swayed once he's made up his mind, but a bit of coaxing and appealing to his logical mind may be the answer. Though his flaws are many, his strengths make up for that. When he does talk, his words are thought through logically and his voice full of wisdom. And just like his brother, the man will treat others the way they treat him. He too, is a true neutral and stands neither for good nor evil. He takes action for the current situation, because it's survival for he and his brother before all else.
When he grows accustomed to certain individuals, they may begin to see a more playful side given the situation is appropriate, but more often then not he is serious in all aspects and doesn't like to goof off. He adores children, since he was raised around them since birth he has always retained a puppy like playfulness, however, it is quite rare to see.

His mind works in strange and mysterious ways, depending on who he's talking to, he may get riled up and temperamental much more easily then his brother, but on the other hand, one may never see it unless he feels threatened. He prefers to try and keep himself calm, the voice of his mother always whispering into his ear, or so he thinks so, and tries to prevent him from making rash decisions. He stays very close to Bogdan, for he is the only family left.

History: Domino and his brother Bogdan were not originally members of the Diamáchi Clan. No, the two were innocent brothers living with their parents in Southern Alacritia, living life almost peacefully as loner. That was, until one day a rogue attacked. This rogue slaughtered their parents, taking their teeth as his prize. Bearing witness to the attack the two brothers had little choice in fleeing. They were perused, but eventually shook off their pursuer. Eventually they would stumble across the Diamáchi Clan, and, seeking to make a new life for themselves join up with them.
Plans: Aalll the group threads with the Clan <3 Domino is grateful for them, and I would really love some group threads for him to get to know the other Clan members as well. He's up for following them and participating in the activities and all that fun stuff <3


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
08-12-2015, 08:14 PM
They are all so lovely! But I already have a bunch of chars coming in. If I were interested in a char joining the Diamáchi what should I do?

Would you like me to post the char here or shall I wait til they start being played and have the encounter all IC? I'd also be game for my char, Káti, to have been living with them for a few months.


08-12-2015, 08:21 PM
[Image: s5ONp16.png]

Name: Bogdan Mircea Dragomir
Age: One Years
Sex: Male

A small, lithe beast, Bogdan is a far cry from the muscled able body warrior. His body is built for speed, a strong chest and strong muscles within his legs. His spine is flexible, paws small and cupped in gentle form. He almost has a girlish look, with softer features on his face especially. He has beautiful, soft fur, with a most exotically painted design upon it. Large ears sit upon his head, often alert of his surrounding, and soft, doe-like blue eyes sit upon his face. Overall he stands at a mere twenty-five inches in height, but one should not underestimate the man.

When it comes to his actual coat color the young man is blessed with a light tan that darkens upon his back. Black also marks the coat as if an artist carefully crafted the look with an ink pen. Ears are coated in the rich ebony, as well as bits of his face. It runs down to his legs, marking them with the same rich inky ebony both up top and as circles lower down on the legs. From his rump, running down to his tail, bears this shame beautiful shade. He looks different from a wolf, bearing the markings of another species, but that is what makes Bogdan special.


Bogdan, being a mute, doesn't have a lot to say. He is an observer on the other hand, keeping a watchful eye out for whatever might interest him or serve a good purpose. It is his act of observing that is his strongest tool, for without it he would be blind to the world. Intelligent to say the least, this young man uses mind over brawn when it comes to working out his problems. He will try to figure out the best possible solution rather than working with the fastest solution.

Bodgan does not get riled easily. He is not a man to hold a temper, or act swiftly. He is more calculating, wanting to make sure that what he is doing is right before taking action. He has more simple views on life, not being able to verbally express them. His own goals are merely to live, to survive, to function. He will stand by his beliefs, no matter how simple they are.

He is a complex figure, believe it or not, behind that silent stare. His mind is always working, almost in an OCDish manner over things. His mind just... doesn't stop. His thought process is powerful, and he is an over-analytical being.

Overall it could be said that Bodgan is a true neutral. He does what he must to survive, treating others based on how they treat him. He is more go with the flow, do what is the right thing for the current situation. Bogdan does have a loving side though, and sticks like glue to his brother Domino. He is playful at times, but also has his moments of seriousness.

History: Bogdan and his brother Domino were not originally members of the Diamáchi Clan. No, the two were innocent brothers living with their parents in Southern Alacritia, living life almost peacefully as loner. That was, until one day a rogue attacked. This rogue slaughtered their parents, taking their teeth as his prize. Bearing witness to the attack the two brothers had little choice in fleeing. They were perused, but eventually shook off their pursuer. Eventually they would stumble across the Diamáchi Clan, and, seeking to make a new life for themselves join up with them.

Plans: Honestly all the threads! Floating in and out, getting involved in any and all plots that might spring up. I really want to have a character for the sake of threading with others and having group threads. ;w; I'll be encouraging a lot of open threads myself~

Additional:: I'm so sorry that this appy sucks. xD;; I can make it better later if need be.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
08-13-2015, 08:08 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2015, 11:34 AM by Tealah.)
Name: Wraith Diamachi
Age: 1 year
Sex: male
A deep granite (#282537) darkens much of Wraith's sturdy form. The color is rich and dark, overlayed with a lighter gray (#6c697e) tinted faintly with purple like rolling stormclouds. The lighter gray covers all four paws, and starting from his nose overlays the top of his muzzle, spreading out just above his eyes to cover his forehead and the backs of his ears before the color slides down the back of his neck, his back and down the top of his tail to engulf the last third of his tail completely. The color also streaks down at the front curve of his shoulders and both the front and back curves of his hips, like paint that has run down to form vague crescent shapes of storm-gray. A lighter silver (#A9A1AE) blaze, centered within the storm-gray, runs from his nose to a point between his red (#b30409) eyes, the silver repeated on the tips of his ears and in streaky ticking along his back.

Standing at 36" he is a large wolf, though hardly the largest. His form is strong and sturdy, being broad shouldered and with long, strong legs. But he is far from heavy-set, bearing as he does wiry, toned musculature and being thinner at the belly and hips like a dancer rather than heavy, musclebound and lumbering. He moves, too, with a dancer's grace and speed, preferring to slash and dance away to avoid attacks entirely rather than sitting and trading heavy blows. As such his sleek, glossy coat tends to be unmarred by much scarring.
Personality: True Neutral
Wraith is the sort of wolf to constantly go through life with a chip on his shoulder. He's quick to assume the worst about anyone not in the clan, defensive about his ways and quick to take insult if there's even the slightest chance of it. He believes that the Diamachi are getting the short end of the stick in life, that they're looked down on and viewed with disdain by others, especially pack wolves, that the Diamachi are oppressed and vilified. As such he is, by turns, wary, and belligerent to, those who choose to make their lives in packs. Rather than make him anxious to please pack wolves and change the views he believes them to hold, it makes him angry, and he takes the viewpoint that if they're going to think he's bad no matter what he does he might as well give them hell. They think he's a dirty thief well screw them, he might as well rob them blind and actually get something out of it rather than refrain and be blamed anyway.

He is a wolf of great depth and intensity of emotion. Those individuals that he loves, he loves with every fiber of his being. He would do anything for them. But even more, Wraith is intensely, scarily loyal to the clan as a whole. He lives, breathes, and would gladly die for the Diamachi. He takes any betrayal to the clan personally, like a knife to the heart (or the back, as it were), and forgiveness does not come easily to him. It doesn't matter if it's a small betrayal in someone else's eyes. He will forever (or at least, for a very long time) view that wolf with suspicion. He is also very slow to trust newer members of the Diamachi, though he will eventually accept them completely as the clan does. He is of the opinion that only the Diamachi can be trusted, and sees little point in coaxing outsiders to join them. After all, if they need coaxing they are not truly Diamachi.

Like all Diamachi, particularly the young ones, his life goal is to be live on in stories after he dies. It's a daunting goal for someone as quiet and brooding as Wraith, who isn't as likely to get attention as his more flamboyant peers. He quietly cherishes that dream though, and is twice as likely to pick a fight or go out of his way to cross pack boundaries to get noticed than he might have otherwise. Wraith definitely has something to prove, as much to himself as to the Diamachi and the outsiders.

With those he trusts (and trust doesn't come easily to him) Wraith is gentle and friendly, in his quiet, reserved manner. He has a dry, subtle sense of humor and is very chill and relaxed around friends. He's much more likely to be the one lounging off to the side watching and making amused comments while his friends roughhouse, rather than joining in.

Despite his rough behavior to outsiders, he treats Diamachi with the utmost of respect and care. He'll go out of his way to make check on little old lady Diamachi to make sure they have everything they need, to hunt extra for pregnant and nursing Diamachi mamas, to dote on Diamachi newborns, and to spend time with older Diamachi children.
History: Wraith was born into a large family who had been Diamachi for several generations. He was not the only pup in his litter, and has many older siblings who for the most part wandered off to do their own things, but his mother died giving birth to his litter so there won't be younger siblings. His father was grief-striken and for a large amount of Wraith's puphood wasn't there. When he was, he was short tempered and impatient with Wraith and his littermates - they did, after all, remind him of his beloved wife and were, after all, the cause of her death - and Wraith remembers him best as a loud, angry voice quick to cuff an offending pup on the head. The Diamachi provided for the young, basically-abandoned pups, and a disillusioned Wraith turned his hero-worship from the father who could not earn it to the clan instead. Still, a lot of the things his father had always said left a lasting impression on an impressionable child, and he learned to blame outsiders for his mother's death. After all, if packs hadn't forced the Diamachi into lesser living conditions by taking up all the best lands and the best prey and refusing to share, leaving the Diamachi little more than scraps, she might have gone into the pregnancy healthier. She might have survived to raise them, and his father would have still been the good man Wraith's older siblings claimed - with great sadness - that he'd used to be.
Plans: Wraith's personality is a mix of guardian and freedom fighter, and strutting teenager. He is likely going to stir up trouble just for the sake of getting a chance to scrap with outsiders, while also gathering together and taking care of the Diamachi to the best of his abilities. He'd be making the effort to gather young Diamachi fighters for raids on packs in part to annoy the packs, in part to take care of the Diamachi, and in very large part to live on in stories. So I foresee a lot of interaction with both Diamachi and outsiders for him, both good and bad. Drama, probably. It won't be dull though, he would keep it interesting.



2 Years
08-13-2015, 12:27 PM
-Glances at abandoned pile of characters-

Probably shouldn't adopt but might bring Aláwo into this group, she's one of the Southern Natives from when the Tahtla were around with a bit of time and effort she could possibly fit in with this lot; she doesn't like packs too much either and isn't very trusting of the Northern wolves. She only speaks Yoruban though have got an idea for a multi-lingual companion for her so might not be too much of a problem but she does still need a way to join this lot (hint hint, I'm open for suggestions!)
I'll leave it up to you Fox as to whether the two groups knew about each other or not, but given that neither were packs though would be safe to say they just ignored one and other anyway.



3 Years
Extra large
08-13-2015, 01:25 PM

Name: Vitality (Tally) Diamáchi
Age:  1 year
Sex: Female

34" 87lbs

Vitality is born of earth and wood, or so it seems. Her body is colored with nothing but brown, whether dark or light depends on the placement of the smooth strands. Her nose is colored with the smooth deep wet sand color that accentuates her fur, spreading from black nose to her brow bone, where soft cream dots in circles. The same cream colors her eye lid before spreading down to her cheek fur in one wide smooth but natural swipe before spreading down to color only the tips of her chest fur and swiping along under her under belly. The cream also tips off her ears, and colors from ankle to hip, covering only the back most edge of her leg, splattering with dots along her hock and coloring just the tip of her tail. Her forepaws, as well, look like they were dipped in the cream, before splattering along her forelegs, near the shoulder but not quite going that high. The deep wet sand brown color the back of her neck, spreading down to her shoulders in natural whisps before finishing near the middle of her spine. The fronts of her thighs are painting in the same brown, before it colors her back paws, much like her fore paws.

She is a being of nature and grace, and it shows. Her body is that of a dancers, standing roughly around 34" inches but holding nearly the bare minimum weight. Her ribs are often seen, dotting along her belly under the earthen tones of her fur, but she is not malnourished. She has a dancer's body with the ability to be carved with a hunters knife, or even that of a fighter.

Note: In the future she will have a green loose ribbon/fabric around her neck! When I can afford it, one day.


Vitality lives for life, for the feeling of the wind in her face, of the earth beneath her paws, so she runs. It's a habit, to relieve the stress and the worries of her life, that will, as she grows and ages, help with her agility. She grew up without a mother and the guilt knowing their birth was her final act, and a father who was absent in grief and quick to snap in anger, so she is quiet, independent. She lives more in her mind, creating worlds to survive in, to ease the pain she has thus far lived in. It has gotten to the point where she sometimes cannot distinguish if something is memory or imagination.

But she is not far from her brother. His loyalty is matched only with her own, though for potentially different reasons. She clings to the clan, to the thing she knows will always support her and that she will always support. It was due to the clan that she never felt truley alone, as well as her brother. Seeing his commitment to the clan inspires her own, and she dreams of one day becoming something..important to the clan. One day.

She is a calmer wolf, quiet with words and emotion. She isn't slow to feel but she is slow to react, slow to let others know she is anything but calm. She uses different outlets (her imagination, her running, what have you) to display and burn off her emotions rather than herself. No, Vitality is a gentle creature with a gentle smile, never letting anyone know what she really thinks.

History: Vitality is the last born of her mother's final litter, along side her brother to a family of many many descendants. Father absent most often and weighed down with grief, Vitality would find comfort in her mind. She spent most of her childhood playing games, whether her siblings wished too or not, and inventing stories to help pass the time. She grew up in adoration of the clan, her family, because they were there. Like baby chick syndrome, and has since then promised her devotion to them.

Plans: Vitality (tally) is pretty much an open book at this point, I'm not one to make full out plans for charries I don't quite know yet (though I already adore this one, just look at her!) But I see her interacting mostly with Wriath at the start, possibly hoping to help him gather fighters for raids, because while her hatred for other packs is nowhere near as intense as his, it certainly is there. But also see her coming to terms with her broken family and trying to find her own place in the clan whatever that is. No real "job" jumps out at me about her yet, but that's the fun part.


08-13-2015, 02:24 PM
#21 goes here

Name: Cinta Diamáchi

Age:  One year, Spring

Sex: Female

Appearance: A creature of beauty, Cinta is seemingly fragile. She looks as if any little blow would shatter her. She is constantly looking back over her shoulder, ears pinned. Cinta's frame is a hunter's, meant for reaching high speeds. Stealth is also another of her skills, her thin weight and medium height of 30 inches only helping her. Fighting, however, is far from her strong suit; Cinta would most likely end up flailing around and not even hitting her opponent at all. Her voice alone hinders her fragile appearance. Cinta speaks with self-confidence and quite clearly, not like one would expect from her.

Cinta's base coat is a vibrant golden brown, coating most of her with the expection of lighter markings. Cream makes a mask of sorts on her face, highlighting her gaze. At the halfway point of her ears, golden brown turns to light cream. Her scruff is cream as well, large speckles going down to her shoulders. These speckles are also found on her front legs, and near her tail. There are few near her stomach, barely enough to be recognized as the same markings that decorate her coat. On all four paws, a slender stripe of cream goes down the back of Cinta's legs before covering her paws. Most of her tail is cream as well, suddenly changing to that color.

Cinta's gaze is vibrant and purple, although darker than expected. It is the perfect addition to her fur, beautiful and flecked with lighter colors.

Personality: Despite her fragile looks, Cinta has a mouth that can be considered most inappropriate for a 'lady.' She is loud mouthed and strong in her opinions, a stubborn creature to the core. Not even her adopted family would be able to change her mind about most things. For one, they will not be able to convince her that her irrational fear, the fear that her family will come back for her, will never happen. If she is working on something, Cinta will not be taken away from her work for even a minute. She is a loyal beast as well, ready to defend her family at the drop of a hat.

Cinta is also slightly manipulative, using her charms to get anyone to do what she wants. Cinta is a huge flirt, using her charms on any wolf she even finds remotely interesting.

Fire and sickness scare Cinta, due to her past. The female will not talk about her past, even to her adopted family. She gets defensive or just leaves, leaving the subject untouched. It seems to be a sore one.

History: The first six months of her life were uninteresting. It was just Cinta and her brother, living in a small pack. Wolves came and went, but there was one that most did not trust. He had a deep bite in his shoulder, fur matted with blood and mud. Worse, he smelt faintly of sickness. When he first came, the alpha accepted him with open arms.

Days passed, and the new male's condition deterriated. He would not drink as much, not eating as much, either. Concerns grew, and worry made tempers grow short. One night, when it was storming, the rouge lunged at the nearest wolf and killed it. Foam dripped from his jaws, and he reeled of sickness. In the chaos, he saw Cinta, and was about to attack before her mother knew what was happening and lunged. Cinta watched as her family, excluding her brother, was ripped apart. The rouge male was eventually killed, but Cinta could not bring herself to stay. She left, with her brother, that night.

A flaming branch seperated her and her brother. Cinta, determined to find him somehow, found her adopted family instead.

Plans: Be a flirt and stubborn. Probably be a bad influence ;3



3 Years
08-13-2015, 04:45 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 05:07 PM by Lyndvarr.)
Decided what the hay, throwing him up here  xD

Name:  Káti Thyre

Age:  1 year, spring

Sex:  Male


[Image: 29qidtg.jpg]

Slender and lithe Katí is an agilely built wolf with long slender legs and slightly larger than average paws.  Cloaked in variety of earthen and sandy colors, Katí is a sight to behold, much like his mother.  His base coat is a reddish, earthen taupe color with a blanket of black along his back.  A stripe of a deep sand color extends from his forehead to the end of his tail which is tipped in black.  A v-shaped mark of white frames his shoulders lending startling contrast to his coat.  The underside of his body is tinged in lighter sand with a band of white as his throat.  Long snowy legs end in sand colored paws.  Katí's muzzle is tipped in white with a band of blank alon gthe top of his muzzle, the same black hooks around beneath his eye while above it is a mark of white.  Sand-colored eye spots complement his face from which piercing blue-green eyes stare out into the world.


Katí is a sensitive wolf despite his warrior upbringing.  Moody but also somewhat shy Katí often tries to hide his feelings and keep a calm and level-headed exterior as he was trained to do but sometimes it's hard for him to hide how caring and compassionate he really is.  

In general Katí is intuitive, adaptable, and at times outgoing.  His adaptability allows him to fit easily into most circumstances but he's most comfortable in his home environment with his family.  Katí works best in a supportive role with others and strives to help keep the peace and equilibrium amongst his family members.  

At times Katí is not altogether that trusting, which is why he prefers a small group of friends or family to socialize with rather than large crowds and packs.  Even though his personality is quite vibrant he prefers to deal with others one-on-one or with the support of a trusted friend.

Despite his sensitive nature Katí is a hardy individual who can withstand the blows of life and is extremely adaptable under duress and situations that might cause others to falter.  This is what has given him his tough exterior but at the same time keeps him compassionate to the plight of others.  He is able to be both pragmatic and spiritual and capable of forbearing troubles and suffering and coming out of it the wiser.

History:  Káti was born in a distant land to the Thyre clan. A powerful group of warriors locked in a rivalry with nearby clans over the prime hunting grounds of the High North. He grew up with eclectic training mostly in battle and the healing arts, however Káti was never found of the warrior way of life and heavily favored knowledge of the earth, sky and life that dwelled around him.

Káti's first winter proved to be a terribly harsh one. Disease and starvation ran rampant and a brutal assault by an alliance of enemy clans succeeded in scattering the Thyre clan. Separated from his mother, Káti found himself alone in a strange new land. Fortunately, he had the luck to run into the Diamáchi who gave him the opportunity at a new life.

Having only been traveling with the Diamáchi for a season Káti is still very green in their ways but his natural interest in traveling and the healing arts is helping him settling in well to the nomadic lifestyle.

Plans:  I am up for ideas! A plot point with Káti will obviously be the fact that his mother Aserlín is looking for him. We could use this for conflict later on if it's desired. Also his darker cousin, Rœkia, who is a poison master and con artist is also wandering about Alacritis.

In general though I'd love him to make a close friend or two and go exploring throughout all of Souther Alacritia (determined to hit every territory).



8 Years
Chrono I
08-14-2015, 10:28 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 11:32 AM by Chione.)

Name: Lyre Diamáchi
Age: 2 Years (Summer)
Sex: Female


I've got the gems for this design

(Will be on profile as is)

Lyre is a medium sized wolf standing at 32 inches tall and weighing 113 pounds. She is slim and agile, making it easy to get through some hard places as well as her body looking quite gorgeous. She normally stands with her head held high, interested in whatever or whoever she is looking at. But she doesn't try to look threatening unless provoked.

Lyre is a tan, sandy color rather than a brown color. Some of her underparts (her stomach, some under her tail, and the bottom of her neck) are just a little bit darker than the rest of her body. Her ears are tipped with an ivory, the darker tan color fading underneath. Under her eyes are also this darker tan color, but they are followed by a strip of white that runs down the side of the bridge of her nose and curls at her jowls. Her tail is also dipped ivory. Up all of her legs is also this white color, but once it hits her knees it starts the swirl all of her body's colors up to her shoulders and hips. It almost looks like she was sketched with all of these colors, making her a little more unique than most wolves. Lyre's eyes are a pale blue, almost grey color. They blend nicely with the rest of her pelt.


(Will be written like my other chars, take a look if you want)

Neutral Good: Lyre is a gentle and friendly creature. She is willing to help anyone who needs it, physically or mentally. She can easily be seen as a mother figure, knowing how to deal with stubbornness and caring greatly for everyone in her family. She will do anything to protect the ones she cares about, she would give her life to do so. Lyre can be stubborn herself, doing what she wants so long as she believes it is right. And she holds strong beliefs at that.

Lyre can have trust issues with strangers, they have to prove their worth to her. She is still willing to help heal anyone who comes across her, but if they prove to be threatening to her or her family in anyway, she will send them off. She isn't one to believe in lifelong revenge so she wont necessarily follow you to the ends of the earth. Just hope you don't cross her path again if you did something severely wrong.


Born into The Diamáchi. Will be open to history plots with other Diamáchi. Found Mithras and helped him find the rest of his family. (Fox should clue me in on stuff she wants me to know about the two)


Skills in Healing and Hunting. All the friends, all the threads. Little sister of Irie, 2 years apart. Eventually going up to the north continent maybe? Just to visit though and see what it's like.

I'm willing to change anything you like, height (I can even buy height for her), anything specific about her personality, etc.

Quick Avatar for whoever gets her ;3



1 Year
08-14-2015, 10:58 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 06:28 PM by Fate.)
Caecia Natalia Diamáchi - Female - 3 years of age - Summer - Toothless

Looks: She is a tigress in a wolf’s hide. Caecia is of medium build, standing thirty-three inches tall with a width of fifty-four inches and a weight of one-hundred-forty pounds. The woman is mostly the color of a panther, jet black with the fierceness to match it. Light blue accents cover her body; highlight the strongest parts of her: her legs and her mind. She has spots of this azure color surrounding her maw and dabbing at the front of her chest. Tiger-like stripes cover her back and about half of each leg is grazed with blue, the other half remaining the ebony color that is familiar to her. Her eyes are a piercing emerald green and tie her entire look together.

Caecia has muscles built up her legs and her side, supporting her hunting primary ability. Her tail is slightly long for her average height and her fur is usually slicked back, barely a hair out of place or sticking up. This gives her a certain aerodynamic that allows her to push herself to move faster. Her voice is a soft alto tone, similar to that of Scarlett Johannson or Amber Heard.

Inside: Subtle and silent, Caecia prefers to stick to the shadows and observe, rather than openly confront someone for information. The young woman uses her abilities as a huntess to do just that – observe and learn new things. In an attempt to keep an open mind on everything, she does not make a judgement on other wolves until she knows the story behind an event she might have heard of or witnessed.

While she tries to keep a level head, Cae often finds that she is easily frustrated or angered when she cannot accomplish something she wants to do. This leads her to be proud and pick fights in order to defend her name, something she is not particularly proud of. During these defenses, she takes up the name and alter ego of Kaskad. She is overly anxious at times and loves nothing more than the idea of being secure. Security is almost always her first concern and if she thinks a place unstable, she will avoid it at all costs.

Caecia does what she wants, when she wants, and this classifies her as a chaotic neutral character. She will go off on a whim for a sense of adventure! Learning new things is something that will make her day in an instant, so if someone offers her knowledge, she will take it. She enjoys diversity and will diversify her skills so she is prepared for every situation.

Caecia is classified as a mixed-personality shape. She fits into two of the four categories: a circle character and a star character. She enjoys the silence and seclusion that a circle type personality prefers while also seeking out similar wants and needs (such as being flexible and taking risks) that a star type personality normally possesses. It is because of this that she loves freedom the most and is constantly needed to feel important to the world.

The Story: Childhood was such a funny and misunderstood thing. Caecia, who was the only child born to parents Karpov and Akilina Tsar, never had a childhood and was not born with the name Caecia. In fact, she was born Natalia Caelan Tsar. From the moment she was able to work, she was being taught. What to do, what not to do, how to behave, what not to say. Her entire life had been laid out for her, a marriage arranged, and a crown. She was taught Russian first, becoming fluent before being taught English, as that was what her soon-to-be husband spoke. She was raised to be silent, observe things. Thus, she became a hunter within the pack and a beta underneath her parents until she was ready to take the throne.

When she came of age to marry, cultural traditions placing this at three and a half seasons, she met with the stranger she was supposed to marry. Cadoc, the name fitted him, because it meant war. He was abrasive and uncultured, something her parents ignored and expected her to do as well. She didn’t approve. It was during a hunt that she made her move, sneaking away from group. They hadn’t noticed during the feast and she ran as far as she could. When she hit her first year of age, she met the Diamáchi and decided to join them and stop running. She picked a new name, Caecia, though she kept the name Natalia as a middle name, believing that roots were important and made her who she was meant to be, and she adopted the last name Diamáchi as a sort of tip off to the life she left behind.

Natalia goes by both names: Caecia and Natalia, and most of the tribe knows of both names though not too much of her past. She tends to stick to herself though she remains a skilled huntress and does more than her share of work amongst her community.

What Next: I plan for Caecia, or Natalia depending on what a specific wolf calls her, is to find her place in the world while working to protect those she cares about (The Diamáchi) from the dangers she truly knows exist in the world such as her parents, Cadoc, or wolves like them.




5 Years
08-14-2015, 03:37 PM
i'm debating frost joining but i'm not sure
[Image: V140qFa.png]
[Image: frost_by_reflectedmemories-d8kgz78.png][Image: mOf6wyP.png][Image: cb5d7e52a9afe4eb62f9acc9360938aa-d96nk17.png]



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-14-2015, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 04:56 PM by Mithras.)
All of your apps look good to go! I'll add their names to the current Diamáchi Directory in the plot page. If you haven't checked it out already, it can be found HERE! When your character is accepted feel free to post an introduction and we can get this ball rolling!

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-15-2015, 06:27 PM
App is finished~


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
08-15-2015, 09:24 PM
Same here



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-15-2015, 10:44 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2015, 10:44 PM by Caia.)
*narrows eyes*how could you do this to me fawksie



4 Years
08-20-2015, 04:43 AM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2015, 04:56 AM by Varda.)

Name: Aloysius "Ferret" Diamáchi
Age: One year, born in Summer
Sex: Male
Aloysius is not nicknamed "Ferret" for nothing, as his image never fails to live up to his title. Narrow limbs support his streamlined body with thin bones faintly visible beneath his sleek coat, giving him an unhealthy and scrawny look to his appearance. His lanky legs will never seem to fill and develop, even as he ages. Because of this, his weight will never fluctuate over sixty pounds, though it is subject to drop throughout the winter months. Overall, he isn't an impressive figure, smaller than most of his species at a height of twenty-three inches. However, he still finds advantages with his lithe size, being suitably built and crafted for speed, swiftness and agility. Though if need be, he isn't afraid to use his body for a more strength-orientated field such as combat.

It's difficult to decide which stormy shade is the most dominant upon his fur, as it appears to be an even mixture of light ebony and foggy grey. The ebony, like soot and coal, envelops his forelegs, rising up to swallow his underside, lower half of each flank, majority of his tail and chest before smoothly spreading over the majority of his head, all not before leaving a vertical strip covering half of each shoulder blade, almost looking like reins upon his pelt. The grey, like ashen stardust, shrouds like a silver cloud over his hind legs, hips, top half of each flank, spine, hackles and the rest of each shoulder blade whilst touching upon the inside and back of his ears, cheek tips and the base of his tail. This misty hue also neatly paints a pointed mask upon his facial features, covering the bridge of his nose, amethyst gaze and a section of his forehead. However, if one is to look carefully, they will notice that a cream colour dabs his chin, outlines his eyes, faintly tips his hind paws and flecks almost unnoticeable strands upon the center of his flanks and the ends of his cheeks, chest and hips. The two main tones blend together quite smoothly to create a shadowy appearance whilst the ivory complements the finer details.
Loyal and steadfast - Aloysius would go to great lengths to protect his clan, as he believes that he must repay them in every way possible for raising him under their care. Regardless of the challenge and cause, he is always dependable, willing to risk his life dutifully. With an unwavering loyalty, he'll do whatever it takes, even if his size isn't cut out for it, to keep his family safe.
Social and humorous - In fact, he is a rather chattery character who enjoys the company of others. Occasionally he will seek to be the centre of attention within a conversation, only because he hates being left out from the excitement around him. If a discussion isn't directed for his ears, he'll make sure he knows every bit of gossip by rudely prying himself into the chat. Hence the nosy canine that he is. Over the seasons, he has developed the habit of dramatically exaggerating his stories and adventures to ensure that his audience is left in awe. Because of this, he has grown to be a fine storyteller, or at least, that's what he thinks he is.
Arrogant and apathetic - Sometimes, Aloysius isn't the most pleasant of individuals to talk to, especially with his fowl language. He can be careless at times, quick with his actions though slow when it comes to thinking. Not being able to control his impulses, he can be reckless and stubborn, however, he remains determined that he will soon be able to decide what is right ahead of time.
[will expand as I play him further]
Aloysius hasn't got much in the way of his history, and would like to keep it that way. Born into a small band of French thieves and bandits, presumably an enemy of the Diamáchi that he would soon encounter though not entirely confirmed, alongside four brothers, he was the runt of the litter. He was the product of a one-night stand, a way for his drunken father to conceive potential warriors for the gang, accompanied with a harlot for a mother. Whilst his brothers were trained as raiders, the ones who would attack the gang's foes when the time came to pillage, at the young age of a season, Aloysius was given the role of a spy and messenger. The position suited him quite well, and in no time was in-action, aiding his gang significantly. That was when the adults began to nickname him "Ferret", and he soon became a reliable and important member. Despite this seemingly proud moment, he was treated brutally with little food and sleep, as each day was practically swallowed in extensive and intense training or missions of wicked thievery. Still being a child, however, there was a time he wandered too far out in the darkest and coldest of nights. Innocent and frightened, he stumbled upon an unfamiliar woman when his skeletal body was on the verge of collapsing. The female took him in, and with the heavenly care that he received, the memories of the gang slipped from his mind. Eventually he grew up to take his foster mother's name, Diamáchi and became a part of the Diamáchi clan, where he still resides to this very day.

Plans: All the threads with everyone, I guess. I haven't got anything big in mind, to be honest, though I hope some future plans will arise as I develop him further.

[app completed]