
Welcome back home friend



4 Years
08-13-2015, 04:56 PM

Nona would awake finally she had heard news that Bass and Wren had finally returned home and thus she felt that she had to introduce her new born son and daughter to Bass. After all he had a right to know that the deed was finally done and that new life was in Abaven. The fae was getting up later than usual ever since she was preganent and still was. Allen was probably off to attend to his duties as she remained laying with her young pups. There was a small chance that she took to let out a howl for Bass hopefully not disturbing her sleeping pups. Alna and Noen both resting against her body.

The women was very excited to show Bass her's and Allen's young however she was feeling kinda bad about not actively training but that would change hopefully soon however for now her children were the primary focus but she would still aid those who were hurt if they could make it to her. For now it was just going to be the waiting game to see if Bass would arrive at her den or not. Perhaps Allen would come back to the den if Bass was visiting with her. Hopefully the man wasn't going to be upset with her for not showing up to Allen's called meeting but this would have to serve as her reason for now. Either way Nona wanted to have a chance to welcome Bass back home as it has been some time since she had seen him in Abaven lands.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



7 Years

08-14-2015, 03:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 03:02 PM by Bass.)

There was a lot that Bass needed to do since coming back, and a lot of wolves to see. Hands to shake, babies to kiss. Quite literally some babies to see. He hadn't seen Nona's and Allen's young yet, being so busy in trying to catch up pretty much everywhere else. Just as the thoughts crossed his mind he heard the woman's howl, echoed as if she were calling from within her den. Ears perked as he made his way towards her, steps light as excitement rose through him. It was always such a pleasure to see the new life brought into this world, it reminded him of when his own children were born. Poor Wren, having to pop out five pups. Bass shuttered, he was glad that he had been born a male. Cause honestly, it looked like it sucked badly.

Arriving at the den, the man poked his head in and offered the woman a smile. Seeing that the little ones were asleep at her side he laid down quietly at the entrance, not wanting to come in too far and disturb them. "They are beautiful Nona, they look just like you two. What are their names?" He asked in hushed tones, tail slowly wagging from side to side. He wished that Allen were here as well, to share in the joy. But someone had to do some work, and since Bass had been back he had been too busy catching up on things here. Now was his time to rest, and he was so thankful for this woman's husband to help him through it.

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4 Years
08-17-2015, 02:30 AM

Nona would smile as she seen Bass's form appear a wave of comfort would flow through her as she let out a gentle laugh. Her dark brown fur with her pups laying against her would send another ripple of laughter from the women. Nona's gentle voice would come forth to greet Bass and respond to his question, "My son is Noen and the other little one is Alna as you can probably guess they're combinations of mine and my wonderful husband's names". That however was just to start off her side of the conversation as she would continue, "Welcome home Bass, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to greet you and Wren upon your return nor be at Allen's meeting if you were there too but as you can see my paws might be full for a little bit".

She was hoping that Bass would understand why she didn't show to her husband's meeting it wasn't because she didn't want to since she would have if not for being a new mother to her own pups. Nona would gently turn and brush her pups with her muzzle a little and give them a motherly kiss before turning her attention back to Bass, "and I'm sorry for not being of much help to the pack as Vor since you entrusted the rank to me and I feel that I have let you and everyone else down most of all I feel like despite becoming a mother to mine and Allen's own young I feel I have failed him in aiding the pack become better". Nona couldn't help but sharing how she felt and now was as good of time as any to let Bass know how she was feeling.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



7 Years

08-19-2015, 03:27 PM

When Nona told them the name of their pups, he couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Yes, a nice combination of their names. It was interesting, he had never thought of doing that with his and Wren's children, but instead keeping with family tradition in setting a theme for their young. "They really are cutie pies, I can't wait until they start walking around." He said softly, nodding his head. It was always be best once they started to move around, their personalities shining through. He remembered very well the first time that that happened to his pups, and he adored seeing little pieces of them come through every day. She apologized for not being at the meeting, and he just slowly shook his head. "No need to be sorry Nona, I understand. Family is very important, trust me. You be with you little ones all you can, they grow up far too quickly." His were already a year old, and he had no idea when that happened.

He watched as Nona gave her babies a little lick, his smile growing at the sight of it. There was nothing like a mothers love, he knew this for a fact. Wren's eyes had a different light in them when she was with their sons and daughters, something that he didn't think would go away. "Honestly Nona, its alright. When your little ones are older you can start being more active, but they need you more than anyone else does right now. You just rest up and get plenty of sleep, okay? Soon enough these guys are going to make you wish you had more paws." Even with just two, pups were very busy. They had endless energy, and often ran laps around Bass. He had never been more tired than he had then, and doubted that he ever would be again.

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4 Years
08-25-2015, 09:30 AM

Nona was greatful that Bass wasn't upset with her and hopefully he wasn't upset with Allen for the pack not doing much. When Bass told her that family is first there was a sigh of relief that escaped her maw. Now that she could relax and just truly focus on caring for her pups she had a question for Bass directed to his fatherly side since he had pups of his own, "Bass would you happen to have a couple of tips you could give me that might help me and Allen in raising our young? I figured that since you already have children of your own that you might have some tips you could give". The fae would chuckle a little remembering her first meeting with young Shrike at the birthday gathering. Now that she was thinking about Shrike Nona reminded herself that one day that she had to talk to him and a couple others in the pack.

"I have a favor to ask you, when you see Shrike tell him I wish to speak with him... Allen told me I should speak with him before but it slipped my mind unfortunately and it was to hopefully help him keep his confidence up even if something goes wrong".

Hopefully over time and if Nona was given the chance that she could see to that. Her own children though took most of her time leaving very little time to get out of the den on her own so the only way she would possibly get to speak with Shrike would be to invite him to her's and Allen's den. For now she was glad that Bass was able to pay her a visit. Her face lit up with a smile, "And thank you for looking out for us all Bass, thats what makes you and Allen the best leaders Abaven could ever ask for and most of all thank you for coming and visiting with me" Nona's voie would trail off as she turned to give the pups another kiss.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-