
Eye of the Storm



9 Years
08-13-2015, 11:39 PM
(Note: he is over the border. Do as you please)

Arcus had always felt. He was always quite close to his emotion, but unlike his energetic brother he tended to hold onto it, to dwell. Everything spun in his mind, over and over and over again. Every word, every feeling, every sleepless night alone. He remembered it all, and it swirled around his mind, echoing endlessly. He felt it all, all the anger he had held onto, all the sorrow. The embarrassment turned rage from the way he just broke infront of his elder brother. He felt it all, and in him grew a storm he was sure would consume him, would eat him alive and toss away the shell of what he was. He would perish to his storm, he knew that, he understood that.

And it terrified him.

So he fled, he bolted from Donostrea like he had so many times. He moved as quick as he could, his paws barely touching the earth beneath him as he pushed through the territories. Pest could barely keep up, his wings flapping hard as he soared after Arcus. It was like hellfire was at his heels, pushing him more and more. He had to see her, right now, he had to see her. She was the only one that could calm his storm, could save him from everything he felt. Just seeing her light, her purity would push the winds at bay for a while. Shaye, shaye..he had to see her. He barely blinked as he crossed what he knew would be the scent marker, not caring what he would meet on the other side. Let the alpha strike him down, at least then he wouldn't lose himself to the storm. Let him die by trespassing, at least he would know he wouldn't become something dangerous then. He had to see her before he lost himself. Shaye, he had to see her.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-14-2015, 12:57 AM

She would never expect the scent of her Arcus to reach her in Abaven territory. She didn't even know if he ever come here before, often she went out to meet him or they would catch up half way. She titled her head and let her confusion play out across her features as she stood there for a long moment trying to decide if her senses where tricking her. After all, she did him, like a dull, sad ache in her chest that told her she needed to be in his presence herself again, free and light and wonderful.

She decided it was Arcus, not her imagination and immediately made her way towards him. Her mind made a little Ah oh to itself as she realized he had never announced himself at the border. Bass had never liked trespassers, and herself had realized it was bad form. She worried for him, although wondered if perhaps he had met Bass before and gained this permission. Confusion was her number one emotion when she found him, and yet still the grin lit up her face like he was the most amazing sight in her world. “Oh Arcus” she said softly, moving to bury her head in his coat before looking up at him with bright eyes. “Are you alright?” she asked him softly.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
08-14-2015, 01:06 AM
Arcus was huffing, his chest burning and his eyes wild. The moment his gaze settled on her he skidded, his paws digging into the earth to stop himself before he barreled right over her. He stood there for a moment, eyes wide and shining against the darkness that coated his skin, his chest heaving as he tried to breathe. Everything hurt, every muscle felt like fire as he stared at her, at the light that broke the storm. His brows pinched tightly as reason caught up with him, telling him that he was indeed tresspassing. But right now, he didn't care, not as she made it to him and burried into his fur. A broken sob fell from his lips as he ducked his head down to press against her shoulder, just letting himself feel this again. There was something about her that just cleared away most his sorrow, that calmed his anger, that answered all his doubt. For a moment he just stood there, hearing her voice, her concern. He must seem...wild, he knew that. His fur was a mess, the slate blue eyes shining with every emotional imaginable when he had them open. And he trembled, shaking as he rose a paw to wrap around her shoulders and pull her closer to him. Pest hovered above before deciding to leave them be and find Shaye's companion.

"I don't know.." He whispered, his voice tight as he breathed in, feeling his lungs hurt but no longer burn with need. His large body continued to tremble, but he felt the all consuming storm slowly leave, receed to the dark corners of his mind to wait for the light to set, before it would try again. It would happen, if he didn't get ahold of this..whatever this was. "I left, I can't...I don't know, Shaye.." He whispered, tones pitching as he clenched his eyes tighter, hoping to keep the tears in. He was angry, he was confused, he was hurt, so hurt. "I can't be there anymore.." He sniffed as he pulled his head back, looking away from her, to the side in hopes that she wouldn't see the water welling along the edges of his wild blue eyes. Yet he refused to drop his paw, he needed her too much.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-14-2015, 01:15 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 01:15 AM by Shaye I.)

Anyone could see that something was right, and she realized instantly that he wasn't allowed in the territory, he didn't look like a man of reason who had carefully asked permission, he looked like a man man led her by instinct alone. She chewed her lip, her worry intensifying as she worried about what had driven him to come her like this, what had happened, and how Bass would react now that he was home. Through any thought of getting into trouble fled when the broken sob left him. Oh god, Arcus, what had happened? Her thoughts begged an answer, but her trembling lip couldn't seem to form the questions.

When he pulled her closer she didn't protest, instead she snuggled into his coat, digging herself deeper and sighing into his fur. “You don't have to if you don't wanna. We can run away together.. if you wanted” she asked, her voice trailing off as she thought of her family and her pack, she adored them no end and wondered if it would hurt to leave them. “Or you could stay here. I could show you all the good places to go and tell stories and where we can watch storms?” she asked softly, knowing she would do anything to help her stormy friend

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
08-14-2015, 01:36 AM
He stared out at the distance, feeling oddly calm for a wolf that broke, well, wolf law. He knew this was reason to cut his throat, tear him open. He sighed softly then, his lips twitching slightly as she spoke, as if he longed to smile. He would tilt his head then, shifting back just enough so he could look at her better. Her eyes, her soft and gentle eyes. He'd sigh softly then, shaking his head as she offered to run away with him. There was no way in this world he could ever ask her to leave the place she called home, no way he could possibly ever rip her from her family. He knew how much they meant to her, how much she adored Vail. He couldn't do that to her. And now only that...he couldn't stay. He wanted too, but he couldn't...Voltage would know instantly. He stepped back slightly, letting his paw slide down as he leaned forward to press his forehead against hers.  "I can't..." He whispered, trembling slightly. He wanted too, he knew he needed her.

"My storm is growing, Shaye...and if I don't learn how to handle it..." He remembered his brother's face, the look of pure terror that crossed his face, those stormy eyes wide with fear. He remembered towering over him, his injured elder brother, who promised the world but gave Arcus very little. The guilt that washed over him, it almost made him wince away. "I couldn't live with myself if I ever tried to harm you.." He whispered softly, his eyes closed tightly again as he tried to soak in her innocence, her purity. He needed her light. "I will be consumed...filled and ripped apart by the winds. I'll become a monster..." It was only a matter of time, the anger the burned within him, twisted at his mind. The storms, the winds, his anger and rage and sorrow and hurt. It battled, like a hurricane. "But I needed to see you, Shaye. You will always be the light to my storm." He whispered, opening his eyes just slightly to look at her, his brows pinched. "I wish I could stay here with you..." But he couldn't, for whatever reason.

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years

08-14-2015, 12:41 PM

He had only been back for a little while now, a few days at least. There had been so little time to see everyone that he wanted to and have one on one conversations. His family was everything, and his pack was pretty much up there. He had yet to take full leadership back from Allen, he needed a few days to rest with his wife and the girls. But that didn't mean he had any less power, Abaven was by every right his own pack. So while he may be able to rest and leaving Allen in charge, it didn't make him any less of a leader.

Bass was on his way to patrol the borders when he caught whiff of an unknown scent, mixed with one he knew very well. Hackles rose as he froze and tested the air. They were indeed within the pack boundaries. He had heard no howl at the border, and besides, Shaye didn't have the authority to say yes or no. Lips curled back into a snarl as he broke out in a trot, making a beeline towards the two wolves. It only took a matter of moments before he spotted the dark gray beast pretty much snuggled against his niece. The pale man let out a growl as he came at the two, narrowed yellow gaze resting on the intruder. "Shaye... you very well know the rules of our land. And what does it have to say about those that trespass?" He asked in a rumbling voice, tail curled over his rump as he stared down at the man. "I could very well within all my rights attack you right here and now, but since you are curled around my niece I will do for an explanation. Now." Bass' voice was low and there was very much a warning in his tone. He had not yet been back a week and he finds out about his wolves getting into fights and finds a trespasser. Perhaps he should have never left... Eyes glanced over to Shaye, disappointment in his gaze. He said nothing else though, only waiting.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-14-2015, 02:55 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 02:55 PM by Shaye I.)

Arcus was trembling, and Shaye's sunny nature flailed as she wondered how to help him. She pulled her head up, then leaned it against his own forehead, closing her eyes as she hummed softly, comfortingly, as she thought. “What would help control your storms? I've heard of a thing called meditating that suppose to help you find inner peace, maybe we could find you a teacher?” she offered softly. At his next words, she almost snorted, but held her tongue out of respect for him. “I know beyond a doubt that you would never hurt me, not matter how mad you get. Where friends, and that reaches a place inside of us that outdoes stuff like anger. I know that, I know you, I would never fear you no matter how angry you got.” she whispereed, rubbing her nose against the bridge of his nose, opening her eyes to seek out his own gaze, her eyes bright, trusting. “I'll always be here for you Arcus, I promise, always and forever. You do whatever you need to do, and when you find yourself, we can go adventuring again. And ill come see you, wherever you go. Where best friends. Always.” she wished she could help him, closed her eyes again, still humming, still finding peace in his presence despite his heart-throbbing words.

She heard the thundering of his paws before his voice, pulling away from Arcus with a painful snap of her neck as she turned to look, and she would gasp when Bass's angry form thundered into sight, ducking her head and pulling her tail tight between her legs. She wondered if Bass would attack Arcus and for one hideous moment the little girl wondered which she would have to betray – Defend her best friend and in doing so get in a physical fight with Bass? Let Bass have Arcus, do nothing as her best friend was ripped into? She quivered, a sick feeling churning in her stomach. She had had every intention of ushering him off the territory, or calling for Bass, of doing something she just hadn't figured out what yet, and now she was out of time. “Please don't be mad Bass, please. He's my bestest friend and he needed me. I'll dig latrine holes for a week if you want” she whimpered, digging her head further into her friends neck. The bright natured girl seemed to be getting herself into positions that shadowed her sweet nature more and more often, and she just didn't know where she stood in them. She wished she had Bass's strength, to stand up and know what was right, but she didn't, she was just little Shaye, trying to do the right thing and falling short. Not to mention the disappointment in her Uncle's gaze got her right where it hurt.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
08-14-2015, 04:42 PM
Arcus could almost smile as she worried over him, fretted and tried to come up with solutions. But it was...inevitable, he understood that now. Right? This was his destiny, he had just been making noise before, thundering across the heavens with his anger and rage, but now he'd feel it all, and what a show he could be. But here, as he leaned his forehead against hers, breathed in her scent and felt the overpowering sense of wonder at her light and purity, a large part of him didn't want that. If that meant he had to be weak, if that meant he had to be tied down so he wouldn't become his might just be worth it.

Oh how conflicted could he possible be!

What happened when warm air met a cold front again? Some storm, hurricane maybe. Or a tornado, yes, that's what he felt now. The winds whipping through his being, tearing apart everything he knew. With a sigh he'd close his eyes to her, not saying a word untill suddenly they were in mixed company. Slate blue eyes would snap open as she ripped from him, and for a moment he felt a powerful need to cry before he swallowed it at this man's strong words. Ah, the alpha. He blinked before slate blue eyes narrowed as Bass turned his eyes to shaye, his words tearing through her, he could see it. She was innocent! With narrowed eyes he quickly moved, stepping between Shaye and Bass with his head high, but not dominant. "Shaye had nothing to do with me being here." Not directly. "So don't get upset with her, Sir." He paused then, his jaws parting as he tried to figure out how to deal with it. The only pack he had ever known was Donostrea, and they generally invited guests to tea rather than demanded to know why they were there. "My name is Arcus Elementas, and I just...I had to see Shaye. I'm sorry, it is all my fault entirely for crossing your border." He wanted to take the blame off her, even if it meant this man would tear into him. Shaye didn't deserve to have her life muddied by him, it wasn't very fair of Arcus to do that to her.

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years

08-14-2015, 05:25 PM

He could tell that his words had cut Shaye deep, but she wasn't young and silly anymore. She was older now and should know the rules of the land she called home. Bass had had enough with wolves stepping over his rules as if he had set them as mere guidelines instead. His niece was no excuse, in fact he held her in higher regards because she was family. While his posture slacked a bit at seeing Shaye this way, otherwise he said nothing to the girl, instead waiting for her friend to speak. When he stepped forward between the two of them he growled at the man, lips curled off of his teeth. Who did he think he was, to step between him and his family. Hackles were at full height and he was very tempted to take a chunk out of him. "While you may try to place the blame on yourself, it is still as much Shaye's fault for not redirecting you to the border. I have no issue with visitors, but I have a major problem with them ignoring my boundaries," he paused though when the boy's last name. Elementas. Was that not the last name of the alpha of Dono... something? He couldn't quite put his paw on it, Allen had told him that he had gone to their pack borders to seek out an alliance, gaining neutral trust with the pack. But when he tested the air once more, there was far too much of the man's own scent, with a lingering pack smell clinging to his coat. Ah, so perhaps no longer a member? Regardless, there was still equal blame on the two wolves before him.

Bass let out a sigh, motioning for the man to step aside so that he could speak to his niece. "Shaye, you know I love you. But you really do need to listen to pack rules! I don't think your mother would be very happy if she heard about this. However," he said, breaking off to look at Arcus. "since you claim that this man is your friend I will let you off with a warning, okay? And maybe I won't tell Motif about this. But you need to help Wren look after Finch, okay? She's been really drawn back since we returned and refuses to leave the den. I want you to hunt for her and try to draw her out. And you will escort Arcus to the border. Sound fair?" He asked, a brow rising. Not being able to help it, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. Turning his body to face Arcus, he narrowed his eyes further. "Next time you cross my borders I will not be so forgiving, is that clear? If you wish to see Shaye you call her at the outskirts of the pack. IF you wish to come inside, it is me that you call for. Is everything understood here?" He very much felt like a father scolding children, and he cursed his soft spot for his family.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-24-2015, 11:49 PM

Arcus tried to step between them and Shaye raised a paw, trying to stop him. As she knew he would, Bass growled at the movement from the tresspasser and she grimiched, thinking about the good hole they had dug themselves into. Shaye's ears dug futher, if that was possible, into her skull, and her posture shrunk that little bit more. She never liked getting on the bad side of her family, she adored them to pieces and it hurt when they where mad at her – seriously mad at her, like Bass was now. She said nothing in her defence, knowing Bass was right, she should have redirected Arcus to the border immedeitly, she had hesitated, worried for him, hugged him, all that time could have been spent ushering him instead, through she would have felt like a crap friend who didn't respect his feelings, but how was letting Bass down any better?

Life hadn't really given her a guideline for situations like this, she didn't believe in letting people down, yet here she was in a situation where no matter what she did, she would be leaving someone unhappy with her. The little girl let her weight fall to her belly as she placed it on the ground, her posture defeated, submissive. When Bass spoke again, her ears pricked up, almost immedietly, and her tounge lolled from her lips as her head tilted, light returning to her eyes, her expression for Bass one of love. That didn't sound like the telling off she was expecting! She was quick to nod her head in agreement “I'll hunt her a big fat squirral and make her feel better, I promise!” she agreed. “I'll escort him right away” she promised, through of course she would give time for this conversation to be finished. she leaned forward and kissed Bass on the cheek, her overly innocent nature shinning bright in her eyes, in both apology and love as she leaned forward then back again. She would ensure Arcus was safe and happy at the border, have some way to reach him before she ran off to complete her punishment as quickly as possible so she didn't let Bass down any more. She would make this work, she would make everyone happy, even if it damn well killed her, she simply... loved them too much for it to be any other way.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
08-25-2015, 02:13 AM
Arcus had left Donostrea because he felt unloved, felt as if his elder brother put himself on a higher pedestal than the storm lover. He felt like a worm beneath his eyes, and perhaps that was just a symptom of angry lack of self worth. But as he reguarded Bass, the alpha of this pack, he couldn't help but feel the same rage rise in his chest. Deep blue eyes would narrow as Bass' hackles rose, but he said or did nothing further. He remained standing where he stood, breathing deep through his nose as the uncle adressed the niece. The rage continued to build, even as Bass treated Shaye somewhat tenderly, and the sad look she held in his peripherial vision. But luckily, his mind still worked through the raging storm, and he merely stood there, rooting in place and staring unblinkingly at the alpha.

When amber eyes would turn on to the Elementas, tone reprimandive as if he were a child. This man didn't have much on him for age, even if Arcus was rather immature in that reguard. Perhaps he was used to being babied. The skin along his nose would wrinkle as he stared at him, never once turning his eyes away. "Understood." He said lowly, deeply, before he spared a single, miniscule glance at Shaye. The colors in his eyes were sorrowful, sad as he glanced at her, apologetic before he suddenly and swiftly turned on his paws and lopped away from uncle and niece and another pack he never wanted to see again.

-Arcus exit?-

"Burn Baby Burn"