
Homesteading is for Suckers



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-14-2015, 05:06 PM
Mithras walked with his head turned skyward. The canopy above him was seriously impressive, arching overhead like a cathedral ceiling, hoisted aloft by trees wider than he was long. The forest floor was largely barren of undergrowth apart from a few resilient species of fern, and had a rich earthy smell. He inhaled deeply. There was something wilder about the southern continent, something more vibrant and untamed. The northern lands had been run to death with all the wolves crammed about, but down here it seemed as is you could walk for days and never meet anyone! Of course, that was hardly his plan.

He'd left the Diamáchi on good terms, and he fully intended to find them again. It seemed like a good life they were living, and while he couldn't possibly leave Caia and Faria, he'd hope maybe the three of them would be able to get along with his new vagabond friends. The girls had to be around here somewhere... But he was mostly looking for Lyre, Irie, Wraith, someone who could lend him a hand. For all the ruckus they usually made they could be pretty friggen hard to find. He sighed and sat down in a huff. He had picked up a few trails of scent over the past few days, but they were all too stale to do much with. Where the hell had they wandered off to?

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



2 Years
08-14-2015, 05:32 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 05:32 PM by Vivek.)
He had spent too damn long away from anyone else. The southern lands seemed to be a good place to search for his family at first, but it would seem Fiamette and Vi and Solo were all just... gone. For months he had kept up hope that he would find them again, or at least a trace of them, but it was to no avail. He was alone, and if he kept on chasing after ghosts it would remain that way... It had pissed him off at first, made him absolutely livid that they had gone... but now the brute just found himself bored. His feelings had taken a plunge, and a consistent bad mood befell the male. The Sovari were what he lived for, they were his, no matter who he came across or how much he liked them he had his family that he owned and owned him. Without that little piece of possession in his life, the red brute was almost completely lost.

Lost, but looking for purpose, he knew that he was meant for something, but had no idea what. His family tended to lead, but he just didn't have the drive to try and take over a pack or make his own. Not now, not when he needed to remake any sort of connections he craved. He needed to start smaller, find someone, anyone - perhaps a group, and start from there. Vivek was far from your average knight in shining armor, he was selfish, vain and arrogant... but he was also growing lonely. So he would take what he could get in terms of who he stayed with for now.

He really wanted some pleasant company though, preferably company that was easy on the eyes. That was and would always be a plus for the cardinal.

During his stay in Alacritia, he had found a few wolves of varying colors - but none, absolutely none had come even close to the color and intricacy of the wolf before him. Red eyes would stare, completely floored at the lupine that had just entered his field of vision. He had a soft spot for beauty, for those as exotic as himself - but never had someone been so much more so. Fuck, he nearly took a step back and blushed, he felt completely out done. Out classed. The asshole even had the nerve to be bigger than him. Ears would pin back as he took a step forward, slinking toward the male in question.

"Hey, are you looking for something?" Low tones were a bit roguish, and a smirk would touch the red male's lips in his usual manner of mischief. He meant no harm though, only wanted to speak with this male for a bit - possibly find out what he was up to. He had spied him sitting alone and gone for it, because why not, nothing had really managed to entertain Vivek nowadays, and the silence was literally killing him. "Would you mind a bit of company while you're here?" Not one to easily offer his help, but hey, if this guy asked him he probably would lend a paw...

He really was a sucker for a pretty face.

It was just a lot worse than previously thought.



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-14-2015, 09:43 PM

Mithras knew 'the spark.' He was well familiar with the light that would come into someone's eyes when they were looking to start something. It could be good, it could be bad, but if they were excited about it they would get the same look on their faces as the red male approaching him had just then. Mithras turned towards the voice and found a scarlet male waltzing his way and a broad smile immediately broke out across his face. The vibrant pelt was a sight for sore eyes after dealing with the drab locals. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he nearly forgot to respond to his question. "Some friends, yeah." His accent was not so thick and halting as it once was, the local language smoother on his tongue after his brush with the Diamáchi, but it was still blatant that it was not native to him.

The red male asked if wanted some company, and Mithras found himself quick to give in. He gave the man a small bow, joking sort that feigned a sense of propriety he obviously lacked, and chuckled, "Not at all, actually. I'm just moving through if you want to tag along. Looking for a group of wolves that took me in this winter past. I want to make a home with them for my sisters and I." His short speech ended with a shrug, as if it had not been his sole purpose in life for the past half a year. That was simply his way, to let things come and go as they pleased without making too much of a fuss. "Probably best to give you my name though, yeah? I'm Mithras Aeris." He had a charmer's spirit, a mercurial sort of drive that forced him to end his introduction with a wink, while waiting for his new companion to return the gesture.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



1 Year
08-15-2015, 03:55 AM
Tally was dancing through the trunks, her body weaving and waving and circling through the density of the trees, eyes stared up at the patterns she traced. She giggled lightly as she moved, not a care in the world, her paws moving swiftly as she danced through the trees. Wasn't that what one normally did? Danced through trees? She had been growing steadily bored as the days passed, as her life slowly dialed over to the anniversary of her birth and beyond. It was about that time that most wolves shed the old skin of their childhood, leaving behind most whimsy and almost all the wonder to step into their new skin of whatever field they were most interested in. Many nights, and many more days spent staring at the trees came up with little to no results for the lost gypsy. All she knew was that she wanted to be at her brother's side, helping in his endeavors.

And yet, she danced, alone, in the trees.

It was when she stepped in soft undergrowth, the sound of her quick paws masked by the dew that clung to them that she heard a semi familiar voice and something far from familiar. She perked and blanched practically at the same time, freezing behind a trunk that was nearly double her size. That..was someone she knew, right? The wolf of the sky. She had been intrigued but far too young to really know this wolf, but those tones were familiar. But that other sound, the voice that spoke before...that was not familiar. For a moment she is fearful, wanting to flee and call for her brother and have him deal with the stranger. But another much larger part wanted this adventure, wanted to sit in a circle of her clan mates that night and tell them of how she faced the stranger and how brave she was. Surely she could be a knight in armour, right? With a much more determined look painting across her face she spun around, stepping from behind the trunk and speeding towards the pair. "Mithras!" She called, a happy grin upon her lips, only remembering his name because he spoke it seconds before she decided to come out. She knew this wolf, at least vaguely. Who could forget a wolf painting with the universe. Her bright golden eyes shifted towards the stranger, her smile weakening but never falling. But she didn't address him, no, instead she stepped closer to Mithras, grinning. "You've returned!"

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
08-20-2015, 07:30 AM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2015, 07:30 AM by Irie.)
Irie Diamáchi

the ancient oaks

That scent. She knew it; she was intimately familiar with it. It was the scent of an old friend, fresh and strong, one that had been eluding her for days. It wouldn't elude her now, not that the owner of this scent would want it to in the first place. She bounded forward, being met with the wonderful site of pink and purple and blue and gold and multi-colored eyes and she died of happiness inside. She paused for only a second, to toss her head back and howl: it was a summoning howl for her sister, and for any other Diamáchi; the tone was joyful, and any who heard it would know that it meant a friend returning.

Then the wiggling brown ball of fur was on Mithras, bouncing around, happy whines spilling from her maw - she was incapable of speech, so excited she was - as she ignored Tally and the new wolf. Her tail was a blur as she delivered licks to Mithras' shoulder, neck, everywhere. Ooh, Lyre would be so happy! Mithras was a dear friend of hers, but an even closer friend of Lyre's - and secretly, Irie encouraged a relationship between them. Mithras was a good wolf, who worked with Lyre's gentle spirit.

She bounced back after her initial excitement and wiggliness had dissipated, but her blue eyes still danced mischievously and sparkled with delight. She flopped down next to him, tail hitting the ground softly in a repetitive sound and pattern, grinning at Tally, and then sobering up as she re-noticed the red wolf. Surprise didn't even register in her eyes at the abnormal color of the wolf; how could you be moved by it after spending time with Mithras? It was a beautiful color, nevertheless, but alas, it was worn by one who seemed lost.

Her head tilted at the male. She would not trust him, no, but maybe she could help him. Maybe he would see the truth in the Diamáchi ways once explained, and he would find a home among like-minded folk.



08-22-2015, 12:48 PM

Mithras hadn't been gone for too long, and Lyre a hundred percent understood the circumstances of his leaving and absence. She knew he would return to visit if not to stay. And lucky for her she was around the area by the time Tally and Irie had found him.

She would hustle her paws towards his  and their scent, a bit of excitement in her blood as the smells got stronger. Only after discovering a stranger was amongst them she became leery and distrustful. And soon enough she would be at the wolves paws.

Looking to Mithras first she would approach him with gentle eyes and instantly greet him without another thought.

"Long time no see stranger!" Her eyes would move behind him to the man dressed in red on red. Her face changing instantly into a more protective faze, looking back to Mithras for an answer. "Is this someone you know?" She whispered closely to him, hoping no one else would hear. Well, at least the red man...

Walk "Talk"