
I've got to stop



4 Years
08-14-2015, 09:55 PM

Arian would walk across the snow as her blue eyes scanned across the water. Letting a sigh escape her throat, she was now debating if she really was doing what she needed for her family. She had the urge to run away, to run away and never come back. However, her feet would stay planted. Her tail flicking from side to side. No matter what Sin did to this pack it was her home and she would serve it for their survival. Worse case scenario one day, she would get it back from him. She wanted him to trust her, but she was prepared for the worst as well.

Cypress didn't seem to argue at all, she honestly felt alone in this. Her eyes moving off to the side, Amachi had taken a liking to Sin. So it was only one at that point. Her lip curved however, she wanted blood. She needed that sense of protection in her veins for this to work. She didn't want to see Yfir so close to her home. They needed to move, or completely be rid of. Something she would speak to Sin about. For now she was trying to clear her mind.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
08-19-2015, 10:25 PM
Hefty paws would trample the snow, sturdy pillars carrying the male over the deck of the ship, following the scent of another. He hadn't worked hard enough during the day, and thus he found his sleep fitful, not coming to him at all. He needed to be on his paws until he was exhausted enough to sleep. He would follow Arian's scent until he found her as she was looking over the water. She seemed disturbed, her thoughts roaming. He didn't know if he had any consolation to offer, but in the very least he could spend the time in the presence of his leader.

"Greetings, miss President," he would greet her respectfully, "It would seem your mind is racing... the air here is salty and crisp. It puts me at ease." He padded quietly to her side, but he could feel a tense prickling vibe seeping off of her. Xephyris didn't know exactly what bothered her, but clearly she was having trouble resting as well. He wasn't exactly the best wolf to help someone else get through their discomfort, but perhaps a different perspective could give new light to whatever ailed her. He did not ask what was bothering her, much as he could tell something was on her mind, but instead he awaited her to offer her misgivings at her own will, or not.



4 Years
08-22-2015, 03:25 AM

The breeze that had an onset to the ocean onto her fur did bring her a bit of ease. As her ears moved to the sound of Xephyris' voice. A man she didn't really speak to often, but it did seem he was the only one calm about this ruckus she had caused. "It's nice to see you Xephyris." she would lace it on her tongue a bit longer. His name was a bit of a fascinating feat. As she let her paws soak in the sand she would take in an easy breath. "You seem like the only one whose taking this well Xephyris. Have you met Sin before?" She looked at him for a moment. "I just can't help but feeling with how things went I made a mistake. But.... Sin is what this pack needs." her eyes centered on the water.

She sat herself down a but maybe Xephyris wasn't much of a talker. "I didn't quiet hear what you wanted to be during the meeting, can't stay a citizen forever." Arian smiled at him for a moment. Maybe just talking about it made her feel better. It also made her think things through, on what sounded good, and what didn't. It helped a ton.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
08-24-2015, 01:56 AM
Xeph nodded to his leader as she greeted him, her voice lingering on his name a little longer than most. Yes, his name was somewhat foreign, but it could become familiar on the tongue once spoken enough. Then at last she would let it out, the thing that was bothering her. She thought that inviting Sin here was a mistake, so many of the pack members were thrown off by this sudden change. But he wasn't bothered at all, in fact he was almost thrilled. "I can see why the others might feel uncertain, and perhaps unprepared for Sin's sudden arrival," he said, his voice rumbling, "I have met him before... he is perhaps not what this pack perceives as a hero. But I think you are right. This pack will benefit much from his presence. They may not see it now, but he has the strength to keep everyone safe, and not only that, he will teach even the softest wolf to defend themselves. He may have come abruptly, and he is somewhat harsh, but he has much to offer. They will all see it eventually."

He spoke with much clarity and confidence, although he wasn't sure where it came from. Yet, he couldn't deny what he perceived. There were members within this pack that were weak, or young, or otherwise needing protection, and Sin could provide that. Xephyris was more than willing to offer his strength to that cause, and he knew there were others within the pack that would also follow in line. It was a sudden change, something that many of the wolves had not been expecting, but it was all for the better. Yes, he had met the brute outside of pack territory, and he respected the male - he was surprised but glad to see that Sin had joined Sonticus, along with his family.

When she mentioned rank, his eyebrows lifted. That's right, he hadn't said anything at the meeting, but now was his chance. "Forgive me for my quietness," he said, blinking his silver eyes slowly, "I have a hard time speaking in crowds. If you'd accept it, I'd like to fight for this pack, to protect those who need it, whether it be the young, the old or the injured. I'd like to be a Shield." Would she agree and appoint him a rank? He had been a citizen since his arrival, and he was ready to move on and become something more.



4 Years
08-24-2015, 02:18 AM

Xephyris did give Arian the confidence she needed. After speaking with everyone she had come to realize what they really needed. To listen and bounce off of each other was how life went. She would nod her head to the man as he announced himself. His loyalty was by far impressive. As quiet as he had been, he was of great use to everyone here including herself. Should the time come for a war in the future, she knew Xephyris would be there for them.

Arian would stand directly in front of Xephyris now, even if her ankles were in the water of the ocean. Her nose would gently touch his right shoulder. "Then a shield you shall be Xephyris." her crystal blue eyes shut for a moment before opening them again and she gave him his space. Her neck craned over to look across the water. The future was blurry, but now was very clear. "I feel something strange in the wind tonight. We best be prepared for anything once it comes our way." she would nearly say half to herself. Off into the wild she supposed. Doing whatever it took to protect the family she had made here.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
08-26-2015, 12:43 AM
The young man was surprised that he was able to put Arian at ease slightly. But clearly she had wanted to bring Sin into the pack for the strength he offered, and she needed someone to agree that it was the right decision, despite the opposition of many. Perhaps things were not turning out as expected for some of the members, but it would do them all some good to have Sin and his brood within the pack. Xephyris wouldn't consider himself much of a confidant, but it pleased him that he'd been able to offer some different insight which would allow Arian to breathe easier, if only for the time being.

Then she would acknowledge his desire to become a Shield for the pack, and she stood before him, her paws in the frigid water of their home land. He stood still as she reached forward with her muzzle, touching his right shoulder softly before appointing him to his new rank. One could almost see him glow - it was his only purpose in life to be of use, and he felt like he might achieve that now. "Thank you miss President, I will do my best," he said as he nodded his head to her, his silver eyes brimming with determination.

He tilted his ears to her as she spoke again, but it would seem the words were not really meant for him, she was merely saying what was on her mind. Still, he caught the words, and wondered what she meant. Perhaps she was worrying about that other pack, the one she'd mentioned at the meeting. So, they were really that much of a threat? "Is it Yfir you speak of?" he asked curiously, wanting to know of the threat that caused her such an ominous feeling, "Or do you sense something else on the winds?"