
Sass in Moderation

Rœkia T


4 Years
08-15-2015, 07:13 AM

Wind slipped quietly through the massive grove of willow trees, stirring and shifting the leaves in an almost hypnotic movement.  Rœkia peered through the Whistling WIllows.  Their leaves could easily hide predators lurking about…. but all the same she could smell the scent of Boneset nearby and would not be dissuaded from her goals.  A useful plant for both healing and darker purposes.  But that was the case with most herbs, too much of a good thing…

As she wound her way through the willows the femme could hear the sounds of frogs croaking and gathered that there was a lake nearby, maybe 500 feet or so to her right.  Excellent, that had to be where she could find some boneset.  In the thick of the willow it was less likely that plants could grow, near the lake side would be the better place to search.  Changing course she headed quickly towards the lake with a grin on her face.




3 Years
Extra large
08-15-2015, 07:22 PM
Roselin was getting her beauty sleep, or so she said. In truth, she was bored, and when she was bored she ended up sleeping to pass the hours by. She was curled up, settled in the soft dappled light that tried to work through the leaves above her, her eyes closed and her ears lax. She wasn't entirely sure what Ambrose was up too, it could be possible that he was playing with their little mouse, and honestly so long as she still felt him near she didn't entirely care. She loved her brother, and she could barely handle being away from him, but when she was sleeping it was a whole other story. When she heard paw steps in the distance, her ears swivelled to capture the sound, her eyes cracking open as annoyance crossed her face. She huffed, knowing that neither belonged to the strong paws of her brother, or the near silent steps of their little mouse. Someone was in their home, and that someone would have to face their wrath. Silence followed as she shifted to stand, stepping elegantly on gentle paws. She moved with little sound, woving through the willows and knowing that her brother would know exactly what she was up too. She was like a lion, tracking their prey, her lips set without their usual smile and her eyes narrowed. She loved hunting, adored it, but only when she decided it! The fact that someone had being stupid enough to come into their home wasn't something she decided, so she was more than a little pissed off. Excitment did light her veins, but only to create more annoyance, more aggression, no happiness.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: iqznma.png]


08-15-2015, 07:56 PM

Of course he was off with their little mouse, where else would he be if not as his sisters side? They very much enjoyed sending her out on nearly impossible tasks, and today he was overseeing her trying to take down a deer on her own. But of course he grew bored rather quickly, and headed back towards the Willows that they made their home in. Dappled light spotted his already splotched coat, and he quickly picked up the scent of a stranger within their home. Letting out a low growl, he stalked towards the dame who was dumb enough to venture this far into their land. Along the way he noticed that Roselin was already on the hunt, and the male chuckled. Of course she had already made her way towards the other, so Ambrose made his way around the other side of the girl, flanking her with his sister. Knowing that she would be in waiting somewhere, he did not bother to try and hide himself. Large bodice cut through the willows, tendrils tickling at his spine. It wasn't long before he spotted the speckled dame, and he paused, ears quivering. He had to admit, out of all the lesser beasts that they had run into, he had to admit that she was on the higher spectrum of looks. He couldn't help it though, he had a tad of a weakness to spots. He chuckled softly to himself, wondering if his sister was thinking the same thing. She did like the pretty ones. Moving once more, Ambrose aimed to come at the girl from her right flank, well within her view. He towered over her, but she was larger than their little mouse. Head tilted slightly, blue and green gaze narrowed towards her. "And what do you think you're doing?" He asked in a rumble, ears flickering to Ros. He knew that she could see him, he felt it. She was never far off, and he knew that she was not going to miss out on the fun. Although, his twin would probably be disappointed that he didn't stand back and wait for her to attack the girl. Ambrose couldn't help but smirk slightly, breaking his usual deep set frown.

"Talk" "You" Think

Rœkia T


4 Years
08-15-2015, 08:33 PM

Ahhh… mighty was her nose indeed. Rœkia stood triumphant below fronds of boneset, some reaching nearly 4 feet high. The leaves and flowers were most commonly used but she was also studying uses of the roots and so the fae set about digging up the plants. Her claws would bite into the earth around the base before her fangs would grab hold of the stem and she would wrench it free. She'd pulled about four plants and was digging her fifth when her ears flicked back.

Garnet eyes were drawn to movement as a large male approached her. Rœkia's tail flicked as she observed him debating if she she play any of her cards. The lost girl perhaps? No… no something about him seemed rather predatory. It would not do to play prey and cause unnecessary excitement. Keen eyes took in every body movement, trying to analyze what she was dealing with and if it was worth standing her ground or trying to run. His ears flicked and instinctively she followed the motion. Eyes peering off into the brush for a moment. Was someone else here? She turned back to stare at the male as he asked her what she was doing, her senses peeled for additional activity. Of all the luck… had she managed to walk right into a trap.

Rœkia smiled sweetly, puffing up her chest just slightly as her right paw gently stroked her gathering. Deep violet-red eyes flicked to the boneset and as she did she studied his paws, noting the lack of green stains that might come from one who worked frequently with herbs. He also did not smell of the variety of scents that often came with her line of work and so Rœkia lied… only a little. Garnet eyes flickered back up again to meet the mans.

"Oh, just picking some poison…."




3 Years
Extra large
09-03-2015, 12:22 AM
Roselin knew where her brother was the moment she heard the sound in the distant. Ambrose has some very distinct paw steps, something that was so ingrained in her memory, in her very being. She would smirk then, eyes narrowing slightly as she moved to a stop, not emerging from the bushes she stood behind. The woman was right in her sight, her brother off to the side. His rumbling voice was like fire in her veins, it gave her strength the remain where she stood, instead of pouncing on the woman like she had wanted too. In the time her brother spoke, she got a good look at the woman, and decided she was rather pretty. Roselin would tilt her head then, reguarding the girl before suddenly she froze.

Wait a second... "Poison?" She whispered softly, mismatched eyes alight with both curiousity and caution. She would quickly step forward then, through the dark leaves and glaring at the woman. Her lips would quirk into a smirk as she took a step towards her. "You have two choices, little mouse. Either you tell us now if you are lying, or you explain just how we can use those plants. And you better pray to the gods if you are lying." She said with her soft voice, her eyes narrowed as she did. She wanted that information, she wanted that knowledge, and she would be heavily disappointed it was nothing but a bluff.

"Talk" "You" Think

Rœkia T


4 Years
09-23-2015, 07:42 PM

Rœkia's mind worked quickly in her careful methodology. She was certain now that there was another wolf present and she was indeed in the middle of an ambush. Claws dug into the plants she'd gathered as she weighed her options. Like most of the Thyre family she was an accomplished fighter but she was indeed small and as a strange woman, patched and large like the other male, emerged she knew fighting was not her best option. Even if she somehow managed to win she'd be terribly possibly even fatally injured. Shit. Could she outrun them? Deep burgundy eyes examined the woman's lithe frame but Rœkia kept her gaze cool and impassive. She was not going to let them no how afraid she was.

"I suppose I could…. though I wonder how you'd be able to tell if I'm lying or not?" After all, she was an exceptionally talented liar, always had been but she allowed the smirk to fall. "I don't lie about my arts, ma'am." Unless it suited her. "Nearly every plant can be poisonous in the right doses or to the right wolf. This plant is boneset. Useful in treating fevers and muscle pain but give a patient too much and you can make them violently ill, even to the point of death. It's definitely not a nice way to leave the land of the living." She beamed proudly. "I do believe the road to hell and riches lays in the mask of good intention." As a healer she could easily gain a wolf's trust and "treat" them right into misery if she so desired it.

Rœkia glanced between the two wolves, taking in the similarities. They had to be siblings, littermates. She felt a sting of bitterness at her lack of that bond. Where she wanted to admit it or not she was almost jealous of them. "Why the interest in poison? You don't need help getting rid of someone do you? I'd gladly offer my assistance for a price."




3 Years
Extra large
10-03-2015, 10:08 PM
Roselin would stare at the girl, her eyes darting down to the plants at her paws before her lips curled in a growl. She was not pleased, not in the least. True, it could be useful for them, but this woman. She looked her up and down and snorted, not appreciating her appearance or her attitude. She stared at her for a long time, listening to her speak of the poison at her paws and how so easily she could do it for someone. It caused her lips to curl, a displeased look to suddenly flood her face. A threat! She growled deep in her throat, fur rising along his neck before her eyes darted back to the plant again. With a huff she'd look at her brother, communicating silently with him before turning back to the girl. "Get." She hissed deep in her throat. "Leave this place. If I see your pretty little face again, I will personally tear it apart." She hissed deeply, believing that she was a threat and not an asset, but Roselin cared too much about herself and her brother. Even if they were gods, even gods could fall to poison.

"Talk" "You" Think

Rœkia T


4 Years
10-04-2015, 11:53 AM

Rœkia felt the heat of pleasure stir in her gut at she watched the other woman assessing the situation. The displeasure, the disgust and dare she think it but perhaps even a tinge of fear. It was the fear Rœkia enjoyed. Even the strongest, most talented of warriors could be reduced to a writhing, sopping mass given the right poison and fear was as close to respect as she'd ever gotten in her life and as close as she imagined she ever would get.

"Of course, I won't trouble you any longer. Do have a good day." Grinning in her sweet and sickly way she'd gather up the boneset in her jaws and switfly exit the territory with a prance in her step. Pleased as punch her little white lies, her delicately laid little con managed to get her out of a potentially sticky situation.

