
second chance



4 Years
08-15-2015, 10:15 AM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2015, 10:32 AM by Natalia.)
This is open to all Diamáchi wolves - Translations can be found by hovering over the Russian words.

Things had been peaceful, almost blissful, since Natalia had joined the nomadic lifestyle, yet something tugged at the back of her mind. She wondered about what else was out there, and if it would come to threaten the only true family she ever had. It was times like these that she found her solace in the hunt. She pondered these questions often though, leaving her hunting most of the day for succor rather than for need, though food was always appreciated. She watched the movement of the rabbits, careful and calculating as she started down each one. They were hopping about, not grasping her scent because she was downwind from them.

They were naïve to not look at where they were going, given the obvious presence of the tribe in the area. With her casual slicked back cerulean and shadowy fur, the tigress would shoot out from the undergrowth where she had hidden, quickly chasing down the now darting rabbits. She would quickly catch up, putting all her strength and energy into her large hunter’s gait, and she would overtake them, pinning them down with her paws so she could deliver the final kill, the bite from her jaws. When she finished, she fell into habit, reciting the prayer her mother had taught her on her first life. “Спасибо за вашу жизнь на службу спасения других от мира голода. Вы не будете идти впустую.” The Russian incantation was like muscle memory, an instinct that would never leave her. It was one of the few pieces of her heritage that she still clung to.

She would pick up the limp creature in her jaws as she headed towards the makeshift resting area she had made for herself. Her emerald orbs were focused on where she was going rather than where she had been. She fought back memories that she had long since buried. She plopped herself down beside a giant oak tree and begin her breakfast, watching the sun rise in the west, allowing her mind to drop her worries and her pains away if only for a few seconds to enjoy the serene setting. She would occasionally look down towards the rabbit and her blood-stained blue and black paws, reminding herself that she was alive. She couldn’t help but feel a nagging, like something bad was about to happen.

No, she needed to stop worrying, because Karpov, Cadoc, and Akilina would never find her, not even if they tried, because she had changed since then, and she wasn’t Natalia Tsar, but instead Caecia Natalia Diamáchi. She had escaped her demons and she was confident they would not find her, so why was she worried? She remained silent through her internal war, simply staring at the sun and occasionally taking bites of her meal.



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-15-2015, 02:47 PM

He almost couldn't discern Nat's scent underneath the rabbit blood, but either would have drawn him to the scene of her meal. His stomach was growling, and until he realized it was one of the clan on the kill (and realized how small it truly was) he might have considered rough-handing his way to a meal. Instead the celestial brute crashed through the underbrush with a smile. Mithras pushed his way into the open space Natalia had found for herself, tail high and smiling. "Hey!" he said, chipper. "How goes it?" He had liked the closed off foreigner from the get go; she too had a unique pelt, a unique heritage. It would be presumptuous to call them friends, but he was hopeful that she might warm to him more as time stretched on.

He parked it, ass hitting the ground with a thump and he doubled over sideways to scratch at his ear with a hind leg. Satisfied he stood and shook, asking "Have you seen the others?" He'd seen Tally a few days ago, but other than that no luck. It seemed as if everyone had been taken by their own projects and scattered to the wind. It wasn't unlike them of course, it wasn't like they had borders to heed or even really laws to follow, and gods he loved it. The brute perked up and looked around, wondering for a split second if there were any rodents left for him, but he had made quite a ruckus... No luck there, it would seem. Oh well! he decided. Time enough for that later.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



4 Years
08-15-2015, 03:00 PM
I love Mithras so much! - A translation for any Russian words can be found by hovering over them.

There was a hint of amusement, only a hint, buried deep in her mind as the celestial form came into her view, making a ruckus that she heard before she had even seen the brute. There was a light click of her tongue, almost unheard of but it was one of the ways that she could express amusement. She knew that the tribe carried many different forms of personalities from bold, overly loud and spoken like Mithras to quiet and observant like her. The tigress let out a small chuckle before speaking. “I am doing alright, Митра.” The woman would admit, allowing a small get graceful grin to find its way onto her paw. She could practically hear the rabbits and voles, small creatures but worth a light meal or decent snack, racing away from them as fast as she could. Luckily the lightning wolf had already caught herself a meal.

He would ask her if she had seen where the others were and she shook her head, not dismissively though. “I’m afraid I have not, мой друг, though they are all bound to be around the area during some point in the day. They might still be sleeping, too.” She spoke with her crisp Russian accent as she finished up the last bites of her rabbit before she got to work cleaning the blood out of her ebony and azure paws and lower legs near the ankles. She would look at him, wondering if he wanted a further discussion or if he had simply found her to ask a question. Natalia had  never been good at starting or carrying a conversation, she left that to brighter personalities like Mithras.



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-17-2015, 11:36 PM

The blue woman did not seem opposed to his presence so Mithras settled in. He let his long legs slide out in front of him while gingerly lowering his massive frame to the ground, coming to rest in a sphinx-like position. He felt comfortable with the Diamáchi, but he did not quite feel like one of them. It was hard to feel at home whenever Caia or Faria were away from him. He looked to the horizon, a habit he'd picked up over the winter, and hoped somehow to see them there. Most the Diamáchi knew of his discontent, his drive to find them again, and he appreciated the way he was both welcomed and welcome to do as he pleased. All he could really do was hope the girls agreed to come back with him one day, because he was finally starting to make friends.

Mith rolled onto his belly, legs up and cast about haphazardly as he tried to pick out the sky amongst the trees. The canopy was far above him, and even the birdsong sounded distant. He wished he could get up there among the branches; some looked massive enough to hold his weight after all, but he'd probably just end up breaking his neck. "I wanna go somewhere new," he blurted out. "Like somewhere crazy, that I've never even imagined could exist before." He frowned then, almost a pout, because he knew he didn't have the time for that right now. The girls came first, he had a mission, and he was damn sure gonna see it completed.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



4 Years
08-18-2015, 11:19 AM
<3 - A translation for any Russian words can be found by hovering over them.

There was a comfortable silence that enveloped the woman and everything around her as Mithras made himself comfortable, first settling for a sphinx-like position before rolling and flailing his celestial legs in the air. There was a hint of amusement in her eyes and a relaxed and honest smile on her maw. The Russian would remain silent, simply observing the newcomer to her family, which is what she did best. He would speak, making his concerns known to her and she pondered his wants briefly. “There is nothing to stop you from doing that, молодой Митра.” She pointed out, unaware of his past as many were of hers, only a handful of people knowing about Natalia Caelan Tsar. No, more people knew Caecia Natalia Diamáchi rather than who she used to be.

There was something eating at him, the observant wolf could tell. It caused her to try and figure it out without saying a word. Unfortunately, with someone as elusive and mysterious to her as the celestial son, she could not piece things together. It was only then that she decided to pose the question for herself. “Something is eating away at you, мой друг. What is it?” The observant wolf liked to help people, in a way she thought it helped atone for her sins, which were more than a few. The tigress would look up towards the stars, noting their ever movement despite the fact that they had faded away from her view with the rising sun.