
you explained the infinite


08-17-2015, 11:01 PM
#1; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

It was officially summer...huh. Two summers ago she had left Abaven all because of a sickness that had plagued her. She had driven Bass nuts, until she returned that Fall. That was when she mysteriously became impregnated with her beautiful children. She still thought about the event now. It was a bit of a haze now...what happened that night when she returned. But she would never forget how sweet and loving Bass was when he embraced her in their den. Last summer...what was she doing? Busy raising her children, probably? Hmm...

Sun lit rays invaded the den that morning, rousing her to the point in which she awoke. Bass was curled in beside her, obviously still exhausted from the trip home. And...maybe a little more because of his crabby mood lately. Wren smiled and shifted around, nuzzling his head gently before sitting up and slipping through the den entrance. The morning air was warm, but a calm, soothing breeze ruffled her fur and it felt amazing. Surely Bass wouldn't feel so irritated after realizing how lovely today would be. Hopefully it stayed like this. Calm, relaxing. Wren lowered down and stretched her stiff joints, her jaws splitting into a quiet yawn. What would she do? Hunt, go off to visit Starling or Lark...maybe even Shrike. Or she could take a nice walk around the borders. With a crooked smile, she headed off toward the border, kicking up dust as she left.

She arrived beneath the shade of an old, abandoned den. It was nicely had plenty of room, was just left behind, that was all. Maybe someday she'd fix this up for one of her children to live in, once they got old enough. At the thought of her children getting any older, Wren couldn't help but cringe, the fur along her neck rising. Soon they'd be bringing their pals home, whether they were girlfriends or boyfriends. Er...she didn't know how to feel about that.

Wren lowered down into the old den and gazed out the entrance. She was in heat, at the moment...but the thought of another litter hadn't occurred to her. Not even once. She had been too absorbed around Bass and her children that she didn't exactly have the time to think about it. Besides...did she really want another big bundle of pups to look after? What if she had five again...the girl lowered her head and rested her chin on her paws, staring out the den silently. Hmm...





7 Years

08-18-2015, 08:15 PM

He stirred slightly from his dreams when Wren nuzzled his head, but he just groaned and rolled the other way. He didn't want to wake up, not quite yet. He meant no offense by the sound but he had just been so tired lately, trying to catch up on everything. But when Wren left the den, his yellow eyes peeked open slightly, hazy gaze watching her leave. A yawn cracked his jaws open as he squinted towards the exit, trying hard to not wake up. But his wife had left, and as soon as he breathed in her changed scent his head rose slowly. Oh, it was summer now, wasn't it? Blinking several times he fought to clear the grogginess from his head, dragging himself to his paws and shaking out his pale coat. It had been a year now since Wren had gone missing, she vanished the first heat after they were married. His ears folded slightly at the memory, but that is how his wonderful children came to be, by some sort of miracle. And good dear ha to squeeze five pups out of her tiny frame. He smirked, shaking his head slowly. It was a good thing that he loved this woman as much as he did, she deserved nothing less.

Bass was not a very good morning wolf, he fought to get his frame out of the den and into the light. Blinking furiously at the harsh light. Damn summer and it being all bright and stuff. Huffing and trying to fight off his grumpiness, he slowly followed the trail that his wife left. The whole time there he pushed back his sleep and tried to focus on the better aspects. It was warming up, the prey should be back and running in no time. It wasn't hot enough yet to draw out the snakes that also made their home in the plains, just cool enough to keep them hiding. Nodding his head along with his thoughts, he finally paused when he saw Wren laying in the shade by an old den. At last he cracked a smile, trotting to her side and flopping down in the cool grass. "Buongiorno, carissima." He said softly, his voice slightly more gruff from sleep and... something else. Being this close to her he felt the full effects of her heat, his paws tingling at the smell. He remembered the first time he had picked up Wren's heat scent, and quite literally jumped back from the girl. Grinning, he bent down and nuzzled into the side of her neck, trailing soft nips down the length of her jaw. "Puzzi meraviglioso oggi. Come il sole, i fiori, e molto simile a una donna." Came his next words, aimed to be whispered in her ear.

Pulling back with a chuckle, he looked at her gray marked face with his bright yellow eyes. He loved her so much, there was nothing in this world that could tell him otherwise. She was truly the better half of himself, more calm and reasonable. He kept her down to earth when he reacted harshly, made him see things for a different way. He leaned forward again and tried to tug softly on her pale ears, humming quietly as he did so. "Ricordate la vostra prima manche, quando ero molto più stupido di me oggi?" He asked with a tilt of his ear, mischief alight in his gaze. They were young, but he felt like he had been younger still than Wren. Even though they were the same age, Bass had been a very naive man until he met her.



08-18-2015, 09:45 PM
#3; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

She wasn't sitting there alone for long. After several minutes, the larger form of her husband appeared at her side. Had he been following her? did she manage to get all the way here without noticing him? Maybe it was part of being in heat. He greeted her in a rather gruff voice, which she immediately guessed was due to the effects of her heat on him. It made her want to laugh at how helpless he seemed, like he was under some kind of spell. She bit down on her lip to stop anything from escaping her closed mouth. But once he began to caress her neck and plant kisses along her jaw and neck, her amusement faded. "Puzzi meraviglioso oggi. Come il sole, i fiori, e molto simile a una donna." He whispered into her ear. Wren smiled, placing a few gentle nips along his neck in return.

"Sei come un incantatore." She whispered, pressing her nose into his cheek as he began to tug at her ear. When they were younger, something similar to this happened...ah, yes. It had been Bass' first time encountering her while she was in heat. She had cried all over him, and he had to deal with her being so close to him. He could have easily guided her into making love with him, but he didn't. Instead, he allowed her to lean against him and cry for a bit. The thought of it made her smile. Even at that time, when his stomach was definitely in knots, Bass cared for her. He was such an extraordinary wolf. And she loved him so much for it, and many other reasons that were absolutely dear to her.

Ironically enough, he had brought up the exact time, right after it had filled her thoughts. Wren couldn't help but laugh quietly. He called himself a fool...and yet, he hadn't done anything wrong to her. Wren planted a few more loving kisses along his neck and head, her tail swaying back and forth gently. "Non avrei mai dimenticato una cosa del genere, il mio amore." She began, gazing into his bright golden stare. "Ma non avrei mai rimpiangere ricordare. Quella volta...eravamo giovani, e anche se lo sapevamo entrambi abbiamo amato vicenda, abbiamo rifiutato di confessare. Immagino che ci rende entrambi i pazzi." She said with a tiny, almost timid laugh. All those times...from the beginning, when she foolishly twirled around the year-old Bass who was hopelessly innocent, when he first created Abaven...flirting, giggling like a naughty little shit. And the time she had to tell him a story, and what happened to her mother and father...she would keep those memories in her heart forever. Aloud, they sounded pretty pathetic. But despite it being awkward and ridiculous, it was what made her love Bass so much. It was what kept her so attached to him.

Wren smiled weakly. She pulled her head back into her chest and nuzzled into his neck, breathing in his own familiar aroma as he was doing to her. "Siamo rimasti piuttosto infantile allora. Ma credo che questo è ciò che ci rende così speciale." She whispered, scooting in closer to him and staring upward to gaze upon the clouds that silently rolled past.





7 Years

08-18-2015, 11:04 PM

He didn't notice her trying to cover up her laugh, had no idea what kind of thoughts were in her pretty little head at the moment. But he very much was under her spell, just the scent of her in their den had led him to her side. He could not resist her when she was in heat, he wanted to surround her, consume her. Plus, there was a part that needed to guard her. If anyone tried to take advantage of his Wren, there would be hell to pay. Bass would gladly snap the neck of someone who dared touch her. She was his and no one else could have her. Yes, he was possessive, but he didn't care. His family meant way too much to him, too much to share with anyone else. When Wren placed nips on the side of his neck as well, his body shivered slightly under her touch, his desire hardly pushed under the surface at the moment. He let out a faint hum that rumbled in his throat, leaning right into her teeth as she nipped at his flesh. Damn he wanted her, but tried to keep himself tied down. Down boy. Bass wasn't going to just jump her... no matter how badly he wanted to.

Wren called him a charmer, and he snorted at her, leaning once more into her touch as she nuzzled into him. "Solo perché si mettono in me." He muttered, watching her as she became enamored with her thoughts. Bass fell silent with her, moving his head down to her scuff as he teased and tugged at the flesh there. Ever so slowly he trailed a path down her spine, nibbling before pressing a kiss where his teeth had just been. It was hard to resist her, to just have a little taste. A rough growl rumbled in his belly, his pale tail thumping on the earth in a more aggressive manner. He wasn't very good at keeping his lust down, it would seem. He rumbled as he pulled back, eyes contorting as he tried to focus, to push it down until Wren made a stronger move back. After all, who knows if she even wanted to deal what with could happen if they made love now? The talk of pups hadn't come up yet, and if they mated now... there was a pretty high chance that she would be expecting again. After all, she was more than fertile, if she were able to conceive their young a season after her own heat. He smirked to himself, finding it a rather good distraction.

To break the silence he brought up their first Summer together, gazing at her as he eagerly awaited her answer. She planted more kisses on him, and he had to close his eyes for a few moments to try to close that door again. No, no. Lust could wait. Be civil and talk! He was a man now, not a teenage boy driven by hormones and instict. It was hard though, during their trip they were surrounded by family and their girls, there was no space for them to do more than snuggle. Her tail swung behind her and stirred up her scent more, and very slowly Bass opened his eyes to look at his wife. Gods above she was so beautiful, how was he so lucky to have her? Snapped out of his thoughts when she spoke, he chuckled softly. Yes, it was a rather hard moment to forget. That was the first time she had cried on him, and that he had held her that close. "O siamo stati solo paura," He whispered, touching his nose to her own. "Penso che entrambi erano spaventati da quanto profondamente siamo caduti per l'altro così in fretta. E 'stato davvero come siamo stati pensati per essere, anche allora. Abbiamo appena ... bene insieme." Grinning a bit at her, Bass kissed each of her cheeks. "E guardate adesso, i genitori di un anno di età cuccioli."

Bass paused after his last words, pulling his head back so that he could try to see Wren. She had snuggled under his chin and into his chest, and placing a lick at the base of her crown he fought to catch her gaze. "Wren?" He asked, wishing to hold her gaze before his next words came tumbling out. "Hai mai pensato di avere più bambini?" His voice was very soft, hardly a whisper as he tried to stare into those minty green eyes. It was not the only thing on his mind right now, more the fun and loving way of GETTING babies. But he had to think ahead, think of what could become of a romp with his wife. At any other time of year they wouldn't really have to worry about the consequence, but at this time of year? Better be sure.



08-18-2015, 11:49 PM
#5; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

The whole time she was completely oblivious to the war that was happening between Bass and his inner demon. The woman was too busy absorbing herself around the memories she and Bass had shared. The singing, the first time they made love, when they both had a ridiculous mud fight. Of course, her "inner demon" was whimpering like a puppy in the back of her head, begging her to take notice to Bass and how he was trying his best not to start humping her like a rampaging beast. But Wren was so out of it, totally uninterested in love making. The little times she nipped or nuzzled at him was when the voice in the back of her head slapped her hard enough to move her into reality. But those were brief moments, really.

She glanced back at Bass as he began to nip down her spine, adding a little more teeth to each nip, to the point in which she felt soreness in the area. She heard his needy growl, and her ears fell back against her head. 'Men are questionable.' She thought silently, unaware of Bass' struggles. Her inner demon was becoming a little louder, and she was prepared to begin returning the harsh nips, but he spoke and she snapped her jaws shut completely. Everything he said, she agreed with. They were basically made out for each other...meant for eachother. And she could never ask for a better husband...he was her other half. Without it, she'd be nothing. Without her children, she'd be nothing. For once...she was proud of the stupid little yearling she was years ago.

He paused, licked her head, and she gazed up at him. His eyes...she could tell when he was relaxed, and when he wanted something. And it was quite obvious he was struggling with something. Wren stared, trying to dig the troubles out of him. But he soon answered her questions as clear as day. "Hai mai pensato di avere più bambini?" Wren's heart skipped a beat. Did he really wonder, or did he just want to loosen the knots inside his belly? The woman frowned, and turned her head slowly. Having was painful, stressful, and it split Bass and her a part. Did she ever want more? Or was her beautiful five enough? Wren became silent for several minutes, her paws kneading into the ground. She'd never really thought about this at all, and it was so sudden, she felt like rocks were dropping down right into her stomach. It made her feel heavy...weak.

"Non esattamente..." She whispered nervously, her ears flat against her skull.
"Mi piacerebbe avere più figli. Ma, che cosa se nascerà di nuovo cinque? Sarebbe troppo difficile per me da gestire per conto mio. Faresti un pacchetto di correre, e mi piacerebbe avere un fascio di cuccioli appena nati per prendersi cura di. Sarebbe ...stressante."
She was scared. Bass would never...force a task like that upon her, right? She was just like any other being- she loved having sex. It was fun, satisfying, and it connected you to your partner. But she was in heat. She was completely vulnerable of becoming pregnant once again. And...she didn't want the same thing to happen over again. Get overwhelmed, isolated from her husband, always having to worry...Wren squeezed her eyes shut and leaned into him, breathing him in deeply. "Basso, io sono solo ... paura." She moved in close to him, pressing her head into him. What would she do if Bass got upset?





7 Years

08-19-2015, 12:54 AM

He snorted at the sound of her jaws snapping shut, it looks like he won the nipping battle. But their conversation quickly turned, taking place of Bass' heat and replacing it with ice. He froze in place as he felt Wren bury herself deeper into his chest, and he could feel her heart pounding faster in her chest. Bass felt himself tense, getting ready for her words. They started slowly at first, with her telling him that she hadn't really thought of another litter. It was true, the first time they had fallen apart and hardly got to see each other. He had pretty much left her alone to raise the little ones on her own, and after she had been gone so long... That is when Abaven was really booming, and he had little time for anything else. But now? "Shh il mio amore, Shh. Va bene. Abbiamo Allen ora, se ciò dovesse accadere di nuovo. Stavo solo..." He paused, breathing out a sigh as he draped one of his forelegs around her neck, pulling her in closing to him. For a moment he said nothing at all, just hummed softly to her while he thought her words over, ears pulling back against his skull. He had not meant to upset her like that, he just wanted to see what was on his wife's mind, to see if it was okay to take this the next step further. He missed being intimate with his wife, and while she was in heat she was even harder for him to resist. Eyes closed as he licked her head again and again, trying to sooth both souls with its rhythmic motion. Had it been a mistake to bring this up all along?

Wren's head turned into him when she stated that he was scared, causing the man to freeze. He didn't want to be the cause of her fear, to make her feel this way. "Oh Wren, my Wren," he said softly, rocking his upper half back and forth to try and calm his lover with the movement. "Non abbiate paura il mio amore, non avere paura. Non avrei mai forzare una cosa del genere su di te, ho chiesto solo perché ... Beh ..." Pausing again he stopped all movements, tipping his head downwards to try and nuzzle her out of his chest. He wanted to look at her, to calm her and erase all of these painful memories. "Beh, perché siete molto difficile resistere in estate. Mi manca essere intimo con te, mi sento come se fosse stato secoli da quando sono stato in grado di fare l'amore con te. Ma c'è ovviamente la conseguenza di cuccioli se vogliamo essere vicino in questa stagione. Per questo motivo ho chiesto, che è tutto Wren. Voglio solo avere tutti voi ancora una volta, a farci uno come siamo abituati a. Ti amo con tutto quello che sono Wren, e voglio dimostrare che." Bass tried to lick at her face, whining softly as his tail thumped on the earth.

The pale man tried to shift himself closer to Wren, some of the heat returning to him as he breathed in her scent, their conversation taking a different turn yet again. "Non vorrei mai lasciare ancora una volta come ho fatto prima, ho imparato dall'ultima volta. Allen è qui ora per aiutare, ei nostri bambini sono troppo anziani! Sono sicuro che sarebbero qui per aiutarci e adorare i loro piccoli fratelli. Ma," he said, eyes becoming sharper as he focused on her, once more kicking his lust into the background. "Non vorrei spingere per avere un altro cucciolata. Tale scelta è per voi solo. Sono sicuro che posso ... trattenermi, in questa stagione. Solo un sacco di piste e nuotate a freddo." He was teasing, but was serious about the message that he was trying to get across. He wanted the freedom to make love with his adored wife, but only if she agreed with him while she was in heat. It wasn't always the outcome, but it was pretty common. That is why he was willing to hold himself back, only for her. It was always for her.



08-19-2015, 01:22 AM
#7; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

Her heart was speeding in her chest like the wings of a hummingbird, over and over to the point where she struggled to breathe. Bass wouldn't ever force her into having sex, right? She knew her husband all too well...he would never do something like that, even if it was on his life. But something told her that it was a possibility, and she continued to panic silently. Well, until he grew stiff. Wren turned her worried gaze to him, lifting her head up before he could even assist. He explained that Allen would be there to help them if they were ever split apart again, but she wasn't sure that was enough to convince her.

He began to rock her gently, and she forced an uneasy smile, her tail curling up tightly at her haunches. He began by saying she was absolutely irresistible during the summer, and that he missed being cuddly and intimate with her. Which, she could relate to. As much as she disliked the idea of more puppies, the sound of making love with Bass was stunning and alluring. She wasn't going to lie. She'd give anything to be able to make love with her husband without being in danger of becoming pregnant. She wanted to let Bass know how much she loved him, give him her all. And...maybe, without being a skinny, limp bag of bones who was sick and weak and didn't have much feeling of it. But...the stress. Wren stared into his bright golden gaze, thinking.

Their children were older. They could act as babysitters. And Allen could look out for Abaven during the early years of the pups, if she had any. Bass explained that he would never force her, however, he would need to go on runs and things like that to keep himself from releasing the beast on her. Wren smiled. After thinking for a while, she's made up her mind. Maybe...more beautiful, loving children wouldn't be so bad. If Bass wasn't there...she'd have something else to love, to sing to, to kiss every night. Wren slowly pressed her nose to his, her eyes suddenly becoming lust-filled. Her ears flopped backward lazily and she giggled timidly. "Penso che ce la possiamo fare." She hummed to him ever so sweetly.

Wren smirked and planted a kiss on his nose, her tail thumping gently at the ground. "Inoltre...sarebbe crudele da parte mia di respingere voi ora." Wren whispered, reaching up and tugging at his ear playfully. Last time they had made love, she hadn't got to do...anything. He was the one who nipped at her, loved her, kissed her. This time she wanted to be part of the love making. Wren gaze him one last loving look, before reaching down and burying her nose into his neck, nuzzling him gently. He'd be the one to start nipping- not her.





7 Years

08-19-2015, 01:42 AM

She seemed to take awhile to think things over, but that didn't matter to him. He was willing to wait for her, to let her mull his words over in her mind. After all, he had talked a lot. So instead he just laid there and held her, sitting in the silence to give her the time that she needed. Plus, it wasn't like it was a simple thing like what they wanted to eat. No, it was the choice of bringing more life into this world. Bass would never know what it was like to have to actually carry the children and bring them into this world, so he didn't think that it was really his choice to make. All in all, he pretty much got the better deal. He got to have sex and didn't have to worry about becoming pregnant. He huffed to himself, once again thankful for being born a male, but also feeling sorry that his wife had to carry the heavy burden of it all. It was her who had to wait, to hope and see what would happen. All he could do was be at her side every single step of the way. There was not much else that he could offer but love and support. And well, not having sex but... that was a less fun option.

At last she spoke, her gaze changing as she seemed to make her choice. Her laugh was timid and shy, and he realized that it would be him who would have to be more bold. He growled playfully at her, removing his limb from her so that he could scoot closer, eyes half lidded as Wren tugged on his ear. My my, she got frisky fast, didn't she? Well, you aren't going to see him complain! He leaned into her kiss, not helping but laughing at her words. Yes, resisting him would be rather mean, but he wouldn't force her. Ever. Love making was something that should come naturally, not something that you had to tie them down and force yourself on them. Rumbling at her again he stretched forward, his teeth teasing the nape of her neck as he made a trail down her jawline, heavy eyes on her the whole time. His tail thumped on the ground a few times as he placed a tender lick on her cheek, his need to be with her growing every moment. Heat pooled off of him in waves, fur standing somewhat on end as he sought to bring out the more playful side of Wren. He wanted her to tease him as much as he was doing to her now, dragging his teeth ever so slowly down her sensitive ear. "Carissimo Wren." He whispered, moving to carve another path of nips and kisses between her shoulder blade, circling slowly around the bone and down her limb.



08-19-2015, 02:05 AM
#9; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

Everything escalated quite drastically after she had responded. He had patiently waited, holding her close and humming softly. Being loving and kind, like the amazing man he was. But once he realized she was giving him permission, he seemed to become much less calm and patient. She heard his deep growl, and she grinned easily, letting out a tiny growl in return. This...definitely wasn't as natural as their first. And she couldn't help but feel slightly nervous. Last time everything was hazy, and all she felt last time was exhaustion and breathlessness.'d be different. She'd have the full feel of sex with Bass.

Wren leaned into his touch, letting out another needy growl as he grazed his teeth over the nape of her neck. She felt her stomach twist into knots, and finally, an unmistakable need for her husband rose in her chest. The woman began to tease him, flicking restlessly at his rump while stirring the heavy aroma around them. While he nibbled around the shoulder-area, she reached down and placed harsh nips along his chest, not harsh enough to break skin but definitely not very gently. She was needy for him now, and it was already driving her nuts that he had the audacity to tease her like this. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest, but despite this, she managed to push forward into Bass, reaching her head up and grazing her teeth over his ear, letting out playful growls all the same.

What did he husband have in mind? Surely, he knew he was going to be the leader here. She'd be playful, nipping and growling, but when would he take it to the next level? "Bass," She whispered, letting out a slow, yet extended whine for him. However she continued to press herself again him, her body basically boiling.





7 Years

08-19-2015, 02:56 PM

He chuckled softly, slowly as he could feel her start to grow impatient with him. It would seem that a rather healthy wife didn't like to be teased, but he was one to draw things out. He wanted to see her squirm like this, growing so hot that it was obvious that she couldn't take much more. Her growls were growing more needy as she let out a long whine, a shiver shooting down his spine as he finally rose to his paws, looming over his smaller wife. Grumbling he leaned down and nipped at her scruff, trying to pull her upwards as well. It was hard to keep himself waiting as well, now that he had felt her need grow for him. Ears pulled back towards his skull as the heat wrapped around the both of them, leaving him thankful for the shade. Even though it was the morning, he didn't care about the thread of a pack mate walking over here. Hell, it wouldn't be the first time. Bass had walked up to two wolves humping on his border, but at least this time one of them wasn't a trespasser.

Bass growled softly in Wren's ear, tugging a bit harder on her scruff, his skin still burning where her harsh nips at pinched it. More and more frantic he grew, until he knew that he couldn't wait. Leaning closer to her, his forelegs grasping at her hips, he breathed softly against her ears. Trailing a path of frantic kisses down her spine until he got to her hips, circling them with harsher nips. Growling, knowing that he was pushing both of them closer to the edge, he left a few more teasing bites and licks until finally, at last, he joined them together with one fluid motion.




08-24-2015, 11:10 AM
#11; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

Quiet growls continued to leave her throat as he continued to tease her, driving her crazy. She hated this...but at the same time, it was so thrilling. He'd make her wait, and she guessed until she begged he'd continue to brutally tease her. But he seemed to be getting nearer and nearer to giving up. He hovered over her, but did nothing but nip and tug mercilessly at her ears. Wren groaned, pressing up against him, encouraging him while casually letting her tail stir her heat scent. It only occurred to her that they were just in the shade of an old den. Not inside it, not covered at all. She felt different from Bass. Being seen like this, with the pack Azat...even if she was his wife, wouldn't it be a little awkward? Wren's needy growls and whines faded away, and her throat swelled as if she couldn't breathe. But it was too late for her to stop. She certainly enjoyed it, but not as much as she should of. Bass grasped her hips and leaned in closer to her, adding a few more nips own her spine before joining them together.  Wren couldn't stop the sudden gasp that left her maw, being taken by surprise. But the surprise/shock soon faded, replaced with pleasure.



