
Darkness falls



9 Years
08-23-2015, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2015, 01:33 AM by Arcus.)
Absence makes the heart go fonder, but longing caused his mind to reel. He missed her rather dearly, and after their previous meeting had been interrupted and fully spoiled by her uncle and the alpha of Abaven, he missed her even more. Though, he had taken Bass' warning to heart, and he didn't even dare go close to the pack again as he spent his days alone, more alone than he had ever been. While he was glad he had left, he still missed his home, his den, and dare he say it...most of his family. Not all, but he especially missed Glacier. But more than Glacier...he missed her.

So he set to work, deciding to set up a place for them to meet. But it had to be perfect. It had to be absolutely perfect. He had searched endlessly for a place he could use, and when he finally found it, he set his plan in motion. He sent Pest to find his brother and Shaye only an hour ago (though travel time for both the bird going there and then coming here would take about that). Darkness had fallen, settling over Abaven like a hush. The barest of lights peaked over the mountains, coloring the edge of the world with a soft yellow-pink. It was perfect, the most perfect timing. He sat beneath the red trees, sitting on leaves with a flower in his jaws. It was a soft white thing, something he had seen along the way that was rather pretty...just like her. He waited, his eyes searching the darkness for her, hoping she would show up before it began...

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-23-2015, 01:46 AM
Shaye was nervous about the new spars Bass had declared for Abaven and having named her one of the healers and which fighters she would reside over. She found an odd buzz of curiosity in her chest, one that had started to flourish ever since Voltage had started the foundation training for spars with her. She was tempted to ask Bass to pair her with a fighter, but... all she knew where the stances, she didn't know how to actually fight yet. So, she quelled her curiosity and instead prepared herbs so she wouldn't be caught out. She especially sought Trillium, well a rare and difficult herb to find it was the only thing she knew to use to clean a bite and truly keep away infection.

So she was herb-hunting when Little Feather got excited, rose off the branch he had been settled on to take to the skies. Shaye would immediately see why when his sister came into view, and the two would do a little dance in the sky as they greeted one another. Shaye instantly realized Arcus had sent Tempest to her and she jumped on the spot in excitement. She hadn't seen him since... well, a time that had been unpleasant for them both. And she had been so worried about him! He hadn't seemed quite right when she had seen him last. He had been so worried about his building storms and emotions, was leaving his family!

She was quick to follow after pest, and Feather stuck to his sister side as the three of them made their way across the land to Arcus. When she saw him, she slowed her pace, and titled his head. He sat on a bed of leaves, haloed by the softening light of the vanishing day, and the red trees that towered above him. More then that, he held in his maw a pretty little white flower. She walked towards him a little more slowly, her tail swinging happily behind her. She couldn't help but think that the entire scene looked a little... romantic, and was sure there was heat in her cheeks. She liked Arcus, but she didn't think he saw her as anything more then a friend, and she was okay with that, she was, because Arcus was her bestest friend. “Arcus” she said happily, coming to a stop before him.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
08-23-2015, 02:07 AM
Arcus waited, perhaps a little impatiently as he flicked his tail too and fro. His paws shifted slightly as he gazed ahead, nostrils flared as he tried to find her scent on the wind. He fidgeted and shifted...okay, he was beyond impatient. He didn't trust Pest much to do the job correctly, the bird was beyond annoying. He constantly twittered in Arcus' ear and didn't let him sleep in and gave him very unhappy looks after time he mad a decision. (Like leaving Donostrea, and his family.) The bird was annoying but he was another link Arcus had to Shaye, so he wouldn't dare let him go.

He sighed softly before the gentle perfume of his favorite Abaven wolf swept through the area. His eyes lifted with light, bright and excited as she stepped through the trunks of the trees. He grinned around the feather, standing up to step towards her. She came towards him much faster, and his eyes glittered in the dying light. He slowly lowered his head to place the flower on the ground, smiling gently at her. "Long time, no see." He said with a smirk, ignoring Pest as he landed on Arcus' shoulder. "I got that for ya, thought it was pretty.." He said softly, his voice a deep rumble before he motioned for her to follow.

He trotted through the tree trunks before the Nook opened up, giving her a great view of the sky. More soft red leaves seemed to be pushed in the direct center, He didn't move to it, instead he stopped where he was, turning to her. "Wait for it."  He said with a smirk, glancing around. Dusk slowly bled into darkness, surrounding them so thickly. It blotted out all light, as the moon was even hiding behind the leaves of the trees. He waited, counting, before suddenly a light blinked to life. Small, faded and yet oddly bright, before another...and then another. Soon the whole nook was alive with swirling stars, something he had never seen before. His eyes didn't move from her, waiting for her reaction. His smirk had faded, leaving a little anxious smile upon his lips.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-23-2015, 02:22 AM
The two would stop before one another, and Arcus would place the pretty white flower at her feet. she tilted her head and grinned up at him. "Too long" she agreed easily, she had missed her friend and hadn't known where to find him these last few days - she knew looking for him in Donostrea would be a waste of time. as he brought her attention to the flower she leaned down and sniffed it, nosing it gently before Little Feature fluttered down, picking up the flower, and knotted it in with Shaye's own blue feather with his nimble beak and claws. She beamed at the bird and kissed his head before he fluttered back up to rejoin his sister.

Arcus would indicate for her to follow, and she said nothing but watched him curiously and moved to follow the boy. she was curious, and this whole thing seemed a strange greeting, too... calm, and quite, for the Arcus she knew. Not to mention she had had no idea he had such a romantic streak... the duo moved to an opening in the trees, their bird pair trailing along behind them before settling into branches above their heads. she paired upwards, silent and curious as she watched the moon and stars swallowed by the night. She narrowed her eyes attempting to see Arcus in the darkness, before a light flickered above them, drawing her gaze. then another, and another, and suddenly the world seemed alive with an orange glow around them and she gasped softly in surprise before holding her breath, and leaning into Arcus's side as her eyes flickered this way and that, trying to take it all in. she dared not speak and break the magic of the beauty opening up all around them.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
08-23-2015, 02:32 AM
Her gasp brought a smile to his face, and the way she leaned against him made his heart soar. She liked it! Not that he really doubted it. She seemed to be a sap, always leaning against him, listening to the symbolism in his stories and seeing the light in the storm. Not that it was a bad thing. No... He looked at her then, at her face illuminated only by the light of the dancing fireflies, at the feather and flower weaved into his fur and he sighed. No, it certainly was not a bad thing. "I knew you'd like it." He said with a smile, nuzzling into her cheek gently. He stayed there for a few moments, his eyes half lidded as he watched the fire flies around them.

After basking in the lights for a moment he'd turn to her and smile gently. "I mainly brought you here to watch the stars.." He said, motioning towards the pile of leaves. "I found this place about a week ago, and it's perfect for star viewing with the fireflies.." His voice was soft, undisruptive as he nuzzled her neck before shifting away from her to step towards the leaves. She'd join him, he knew that for sure. He stepped into the bed of leaves before laying down and rolling onto his back, looking up at the beautiful stars above. It was light they were surrounded by the universe, something that oddly made him feel like home. All the stars surrounding them, calm and gentle. It eased his raging storms, and allowed him to relax. But was because of her, it was always cause of her.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-23-2015, 04:32 PM

Her eyes where moving to and fro in the sky above them, enjoying the natural wonder of what he was showing her. She could see the little bugs, some settled into the leaves above them, others drifting through the sky, a glow with their own brilliant lights. She glanced back at Arcus as he spoke, to find his gaze upon her, and she blushed easily, averting her gaze again, quickly looking upwards to hide her embarrassment. It was funny, the sweet and easy going girl didn't easily feel confused and caught off guard, but something about Arcus... always stirred funny feelings in her chest.

Arcus leaned into her with his muzzle, and she sighed softly, contently, as she let her anxiety go to lean effortlessly against him in return. Arcus would speak then, admitting that he had brought her here to see the skies. She giggled softly, because it wasn't the stars that mesmerized her. He admitted to finding this place a week ago, and she remembered what state he had been in when she had seen him last, sure, a while had gone by and she missed him, but even so it was still a dramatic difference to see him so calm and collected, so... prepared, with this entire scene layed out just for her. She studied him, narrowing her eyes slightly. What had changed exactly, had he found some inner peace? Or was this a calm before the storm.

As she watched him carefully, he had moved away from her, falling contently onto the flowers and shifting onto his back to better admire them. She hesitated before moving to join him. It all just seemed.. too perfect, too different that she felt like she was waiting for something, waiting for this to change. Timidly, she placed her weight on the leaves, rolled until she too was on her back, shifting so that her head was close to him, and her tail far away, so was the angle of the wolf. her little flower fell against her cheek even as her feather spread out across the leaves, And so the two wolves made a little triangle, their heads touching, on a bed of fiery leaves as they looked up at a sky that had come to life with the lights of fireflies, that served only to halo the stars that winked at them from a distance, and she allowed herself a content breath, her worry leaving her with the exhale and a broad grin spread across her face as a paw lifted upwards as if to catch the stars.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
08-23-2015, 07:37 PM
He laid still, his eyes pointedly staring up at the sky. The way she was responding and staying very quiet lead him to believe that he had done something wrong. Perhaps it was a little much? Though romance was the last thing on his mind here (mainly because he didn't think of it). He just thought she'd love all this.... He had spent a lonely night here after his interaction with bass, choosing a territory close to Abaven but not right...there. He didn't want to be caught hanging around, but he couldn't put so much distance between them, not yet. He sighed softly, letting silence surround them as he gazed up at the stars. It was such a strange feeling, this thing he was feeling. It was like he wanted to cry, and he wanted to smile all at the same time. Silence surrounded them, both a gentle caress and a stiffling hand on his lungs. He was both terrified and so absolutely comfortable all at the same. It was so strange, this feeling, one he hadn't truley felt before. It had been such a long time since he felt peace like this.

He sighed after a while, still staring at the stars, watching the fireflies flutter around them. "You...are such a mystery" He said softly, just staring up at the sky, his smile replaced with a thoughful frown. "You've done so much for me, you don't even know."  His deep voice was tender as he traced a constellation in the sky. He just sighed then, his jaws closing tightly as his gaze shifted to something beyond sight. It had been a very long time since he had watched the sky before. He had been a child then, on their island, laying like this beside Astrea as she explained how to see the pictures in the sky. But he wouldn't do that much any longer, he hadn't even seen Astrea since he had left Donostrea, and they were supposed to explore together?

He would tilt his head then to look at her. They laid almost too close, his nose gently touching hers when he moved. "I just...wanted to show you...what you do for me...I'm sorry if it frightened you." He whispered softly, a small smile on his face as he looked for her eyes. His own were soft, tender, something that hadn't colored his gaze since before they left the island. He wanted to show her the calm she gave him, how he knew where his path was with her. Without her, it was like someone had shut off the light and he was left blinded and afraid. "I'm sorry if I frightened you...before." He whispered then, his smile fading as he looked at her, hoping she didn't think less of him after his...episode in Abaven.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-23-2015, 07:52 PM

She was enjoying the perfection of the moment, the silence didn't seem forced to her it seemed natural and sweet. When he did speak, she raised an eyebrow, glancing over at him in surprise, and was unable to keep herself from snorting in amusement, “Me?” she asked feeling the need to clarify he actually meant her. she was very open with her feelings, quick to show affection, quick to anger in the rare moments her mothers stubbornness had brought out her own. She didn't know what could be a mystery about her, she had always tried to be an open book to Arcus, she told him everything.

He would go on to say she had done so much for him and she sighed softly. “We are friends, that's what friends do, we look out for each other,” she said, jutting out her chin in a stubborn gesture, she would always look out for Arcus, always. “its really beautiful Arcus, and frightened me? no, my silence was, if anything, thoughtful” she shared, stifling another giggle, she wouldn't tell him what exactly she was being thoughtful about.

“I was frightened for you Arcus, not of, that's a pretty huge distinction.” she said softly, no more giggles to fight this time, the conversation was getting to serious for that, and she needed him to know how much she meant what she said. Oh Arcus, didn't he understand the rules of a friendship such as theirs? Surely he realized by now that she would always be there for him.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
08-25-2015, 02:27 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2015, 02:29 AM by Arcus.)
A gentle smile touched his lips as he looked at her, grinning as she questioned him. She always seemed to question him, and yet it never made him angry. He just smiled and held onto the truth she wouldn't accept as if it were his own secret. Perhaps she'd know one day, just exactly how much she helped him, did for him...just by being around, but it seemed like it wouldn't be today. "I want to protect you, from all the evils of the world." He said with a gentle smile. "You're too pure to be weighed down by darkened clouds..." He wanted her light to shine bright for eternity, wanted to always feel the warmth that lived there in her eyes. It was a gift she had been blessed with that he could enjoy in quiet admiration.

He'd turn his head back then to look up at the stars, sighing so softly. "I'll be devoured by my storms day soon. But your light tends to fend them off. Just thinking about you and planning to meet up with you has...dissipated them." He whispered delicately, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked beyond sight, sighing gently. "I don't want you to waste your energy on worrying for me...What'll happen will happen, and it'll be my destiny I'll have to face." He was the roving storms, a breath taking sight and a disaster upon the earth. One day soon he would fulfill that destiny, even if he didn't want too. So he'd look at Shaye, and smile softly. "In the meantime, I want to do everything I can to pay you back....for the added time you tack onto my calm before the storms.." He gave a toothy grin before he rolled onto his belly, tail swishing behind him as he laid his head on his paws and looked at her, only at her. "So, I'll be your genie. Ya got three wishes, three things I can do for ya or teach ya. What's your first wish, master?" He'd grin brightly then, eyes shining in the floating lights as he gazed at her.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-25-2015, 02:39 AM

She snorted when he spoke of protecting her from evils. Everyone seemed to think that evil was always just around the corner, but sometimes you just had to open your eyes and see the good. She saw the good in Arcus, he was sweet and noble, and she knew, just knew he would be there for her if she ever needed it. Maybe that was the problem with people, and their apparent terrible world waiting just around the corner, they forgot to see that everything had some good in them, if you just stopped to look.
She did a lot of exploring, of meeting new people and going to strange places, hell, she had even gone onto the battlefield, another apparently dangerous place, and she had met a friendly guy and he had taught her how to defend herself. Perhaps she shouldn't be surprises that he was sweet – he was related to Arcus after all.

She frowned when he spoke of being devoured by his storms. “You cant be devoured by what you are, storms come, and they go, they can be amazing, and terrifying, but they don't tear themselves apart – other things maybe, but not itself” she huffed, why did he always have to speak like that? Sometimes he made it sound like he expected to die young, like he thought his life would be ripped away from him. She shuffled on her bed of leaves and moved to place a paw against his chest. “Your not going anywhere, and i'll worry about you as much as I want, its my energy to waste” she said, argumentatively. She watched him as he rolled over, his eyes locking onto hers, and she found herself a little breathless. She realized how little space there was between them, and it seemed to make her dizzy. “wi-wishes?” she asked, her thoughts scrambled. Had she taken a moment to think about it she might have tred differently, but in that moment the silly little thought she had had early popped into her mind, of wishing she knew how to spar. “Teach me to fight?” she asked softly, already savoring, wondering, about her other two wished. She giggled softly then “My stormy genie”

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
08-25-2015, 02:56 AM
He didn't want to argue with her, because really, there wouldn't be much of a point. He understood her reasoning but she didn't know what it was to be an Elementas. But then again, he didn't really either. As she placed her paw on his chest he'd gaze at her, warmth blossoming from her touch as he smiled gently, but he didn't speak, didn't nod. He accepted her belief in him, but he didn't believe it. If that made any sense what so ever. So when he offered the wishes she seemed to quickly latch on, and the very first wish cause his eyes to widen and blink in surprise. "Fight? Now, why would you wanna do that?" He asked lightly, tilting his head. She didn't seem the fighting sort. Not that that meant she was weak, no, she was far stronger than most wolves he knew, himself included. But she didn't seem like the sort to want to fight, to sink her teeth in flesh and cause damage. No, she was much better as a healer. But, he had made a promise, a commitment, and it made sense. If his storms were to take him, he would want to know she could defend herself against the world. So he smiled then. "As you wish." He grinned brightly before lifting onto his paws.

He'd walk towards the clearer area, where they had stood previously, before turning towards her. "So I know how to teach you, I need to know what you know. Show me your stance." He said gently then, motioning for her to come to him. He needed to know where her knowledge lied, and how far into the basics he'd have to go. The way she worded it made him think that she really didn't know much, if anything, and he wondered what that uncle of hers was doing allowing her to go around without even a slim knowledge of proper defense. She could bandage a wound, sure, but that didn't help when you were currently getting bit. But then again, most of his siblings didn't know how to fight, and Voltage didn't seem to be getting off his rump and teaching them. Ah, alphas. He shook his head just slightly and turned his eyes back to her, waiting.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-25-2015, 03:02 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2015, 03:03 AM by Shaye I.)

She grinned cheekily at Arcus as he asked her why “Why, to fight off all those big bad wolves everyone keeps talking about of course” she teased him, through she didn't mean it. Truly, her wish to learn was pure curiosity, and perhaps because her idle had learned to fight, and if she and Rhythm where fighters and healers and could be the best they would be unstoppable! He was quick to agree despite his confusion and she bounced onto her paws in a heart beat, following his own movements onto his.

She followed after him in relative silence, excited to learn something new, and for Arcus to be her teacher. She didn't know the thoughts running through his head, and the irony that it was Voltage who had taught her the basics of defending herself, if not fighting itself. “okay” she agreed readily, and set her stances. She spread her paws out evenly, screwing up her face as she thought hard about everything she had been shown. She spread her toes, dug them into the earth. She lifted her tail behind her to be even with her skull. She tucked her chin and rolled her shoulders. She raised her hunches, bared her teeth and narrowed her eyes. She gave a playful growl, feeling all battle-ready and prepared to fight someone. “Grrrrr” the sound was soft, like it was coming from a child who fancied itself a tiger, and her eyes where alight with amusement.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.