



5 Years
08-29-2015, 05:04 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2015, 05:26 PM by Rælynn.)

a four legged goliath tampers on the earthly barracks with testimony as she dances to the beat of the war drums, in sync with the devil's song that was illustrated behind the pillars of her vital essence. the wicked witch with celestial nebula's to match her devious fundamentals, fled from the vortex of the agape wilderness. she wasn't here for sport, matter of fact she was here to be trained in the fine arts of war. the pigmented ebony, sterling ivory feminine laconically sauntered athwart the chersonese, the peninsula of her sagittal cranium executed a svelte drip to the predominately mahogany land. brilliant hues oceaned across the apricot tundra that was freckled with lush greenery but more so rough and rugged levels, for a moment her assiduous haunches bristled a warning.

analyzing each apathetic wedge between terminally passaged foliage, a neurotically nostalgic convivial to adopt to hospitality in margins. careening to simple behaviour, the divinity gallant alighted herself upon the terrain, the melanoid indifference that commonly snaked from her cultural pharynx slipping betwixt tenacious orifices with a monotone articulation, masking Rælynn's loneliness beneath a blanket of insanity upon converse with herself. the lupus sauntered forth once more, empty eyes searching for inferior prey to brutalize and disfigure. in all of it's usual presence, an apathetic facade took place, typically one of the scowl, or humorous sneer. a disquiet smile reprimanded rarely, founded by a faux. something not of reality, the curiosity in eyes of all.



4 Years
Extra large
08-29-2015, 05:49 PM

Moonlight shimmered across the swaying field of grass that shifted so delicately in the whisper of an evening summer breeze.  Karabela rested atop a bounder, golden eyes shimmering bright and eerie in the light of the full moon, her ebony coat nearly melting into the darkness if it weren't for the stains of white and blood red earth that accented her pelt.  The evening was warm and pleasant… an excellent night for spilling blood.

Stretching in slow, practiced movements the behemoth of a beast descended from her perch and set out on a quest for a little rough-and-tumble fun.  The night air seemed to throb around the young warrior, the earth beneath her paws hummed with the possibility of once again sharpening her fangs in the arts with which she'd been brought up.  Her body moved with sinewy elegance, slowing to a stop only when her piercing golden gaze fell on an older, black-pelted femme.  A more experienced opponent perhaps?  Well, she'd see about that.  She watched the other woman for a moment, taking in the smaller woman's movements, the shifts and ripples in her body.

Karabela moved to approach the woman ivory cheshire grin on her face. "Hello there, enjoying the evening?  I don't suppose you'd care for a little physical violence?" The answer of course would be yes regardless of the other woman's vocalizations but Raba thought it polite to ask anyway.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



5 Years
08-29-2015, 07:07 PM

like adding kerosene to an ascending flame, the scent of yet another lupus was noted by her sensory glands. time began to creep to an agonizing halt, her keen luminaries able to depict the orifices of the foliage. whence the feminine beast gathered herself, unaware of the younger she-wolf's advancing robust limbs. Rælynn would rise from her hunched position to her brutal foundations. her tail flickered aggressively, hinting of a possible pending attack that might come next if she dares take another step towards the ebony damsel. obsidian labrums pulled back to divulge in a set of wickedly curved fangs, a low growl rumbling from the confines of her thorax - but instead of inverting a rather heinous and insidious crackle she'd reserve the formation of her reckoning to a more subtle gnarl. a purr tickled her stomach as it traveled further north of her fiery pit, inhaling the acid that felt like flames gathering in her esophagus. to the female with embryos of the calm sea, the humdrum songs of satan's metallic lyrics grabs hold of her attention.

a hellish smirk frolicked upon her countenance, ah, yes, indeed i am and why not, sounds splendid.

ooc; you may start love. hopefully muse comes back to me xc



4 Years
Extra large
08-30-2015, 12:53 PM
ooc:  Note to judges we have both agreed to extend the default time from 3 days to 1 week

Toothy grin spread from ear to ear as the foreign woman agreed to a violent spar.  Oh now this would be fun!  Karabela took a few steps back, seeking to leave a space of about eight feet between them from which they could form their own personal blood-stained arena.  Her defenses set in an instance, the humming vibrations in the air of promised violence lending speed, almost urgency to her motions.  She needed this.  Her skull and tail descended in alignment with her supple spine, her abdomen tensing as her chin tucked against the curvature of her neck.  Her strong shoulders rolled forward as her neck drew back pushing a protective covering of excess flesh and fat over her vitals.  Her sharp gaze narrowed as her ears lay tightly against her lowered crown.  Raba's weight would shift evenly among her grounded limbs that spread equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity.  Her toes splayed and claws bit into the earth for better traction.  Her hackles raised along the length of her spine as her ravenous jaws parted, blackened lips curling to unsheathe her fangs and bunch the skin of her face.

With her defenses locked down Karabela would launch herself forward, her lengthy limbs attempting to devour the distance lingering between herself and her opponent with deadly grace.  Raba would attempt to approach her opponent head-on before her body would shift slightly to her own left as she attempted to come at Rælynn from a forty-five degree angle, facing in towards the woman's right shoulder.  Karabela sought to come in lower and lance the lower front of her left shoulder blade into the outer muscular portion of Rælynn's right shoulder, right into the deltoid, hoping the combination of her forward momentum and superior size and weight would cause the muscle to temporarily seize up in addition severe bruising.

Simultaneously, the wraiths unsheathed daggers would seek to mar  the right side of her opponents visage.  Her upper fangs seeking to pierce through Ræ's right eye while her lower fangs sought to hook under the corner of her opponents right-sided jaw.  She sought a solid grip from which she could control the other woman's head in addition to partially blinding her.

As she moved in for the shoulder throw her weight would shift evenly to her front right leg and back legs as her left forepaw would leave the ground the paw then immediately seek to dive down in the hopes of connecting with the toes of Rælynn's right forepw.  Again Karabela hoped her weight would lend her an advantage and that she might sprain the toes of her enemy beneath her paw.  The turmoil of her heart and the stirrings of this summer night increasing her need for bloodshed and she would get it one way or another.  At this point she didn't care who's blood it was though she did dearly wish to taste this opponent.

Karabela vs Rælynn for Spar
Rd. 1 of ?

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



5 Years
09-01-2015, 10:26 AM
Ooc: I'm sorta new at fighting with wolves soo bare with me hah and I'm on my phone soo not the best and I was being rushed towards the end of my post haha (oh god I suck xc)

Rælynn neglected the fact that albeit she may be fairly dusty with her techniques in the fighting industry, she could tell that the other babe was no stranger to bloodshed. It was calming to note the many antics that took place before the storm ruptured, the ebony goddess would probe her celestial planets across the frantic sea of bristling fur that stood only a few inches from Ræ. The shifting of Karabela's muscles were well pin pointed as the female hooked her limbs to align with her well adjusted fragments. Rælynn's maniacal facial strings were toyed with the everlasting crucification of a vital grin, enjoying the time well spent educating herself upon the much younger femme's rippling proportions and how she mechanically maneuvered them.

Hallowing foundations checkered immediately in reformation to connect accordingly to her defensive stance, subtracting her weight among each appendage and bending at the elbows to shift along the earths surface in an effort to divide her weight in a substantial state of counteracting the probability of anchoring herself to the ground - in which would be possibly difficult to knock her over. Rælynn's digits separated two inches apart in order to allow her long menacing claws to usher through the dry soil. Her tail levitated in an upward motion to double the stabilization of her defenses whilst her dome aligns with her spinal cord and ears begin to rake back against her skull. Ræ's shoulders savagely barreled forth in an extra coverage of fat and muscle to protect her thorax and chest area from any permanent damage.

Just seconds after preparing herself for battle Karabela was launching her essence forwards. Rælynn shifted slightly to the right in order to ready herself for the impact as the other female came colliding into her, Ræ was quick to react. Her body rustled abruptly as it was threatened to be yanked down from the mass of Karabela. Albeit she took control of the situation and was able to keep herself upright. It didn't take long for the feminine demoness to launch her first attack on her shoulder blade, the pressure was emitted from the wraith of Ræ's vocals. The cobra pried herself from the additional severing bruise just in time to avoid the ultimate penalty that drove the woman's fangs into her right jaw, instead of her right eye. The pain was boiling now as the mass from her opponents paw comes crashing down on her splayed toes and her irritation on the mild affect was noted through her gruesome vibrations gathered within her canvas, but never once did she intend to draw attention to her inflamed wounds.

Rælynn was in tune with her inner hellion as she saw the opportunity to attempt at unleashing her incisors through the tendon of Karabela's back neck whilst shifting her weight on either side of her left limb and two back fragments so she could lift her right fore-limb and hook it upon the female's scapula in an effort to make her opponent lose some balance all the while trying to dismantle Karabela's ivories that were screwed into the right side of her face. If Rælynn was successful in her attack on severing the flesh of her opponents nape then she'd insure her defenses were correct and continue her pressure upon the right half of the femme's body while still driving her fangs deeper into her skin.

Rælynn vs Karabela
rd. 1 of 2



4 Years
Extra large
09-04-2015, 08:27 PM

Music to her ears, the sweet sound of flesh meeting flesh in the violent dance of battle.  The front of Karabela's lower left shoulder smashed into it's target, the deltoid of Rælynn's upper right arm, the other woman would shudder at the blow but remain standing, pulling away as Raba's jaws shot forward, gleaming fangs tearing into the flesh of her opponents right sided jaw, seizing hold over the mandible's corner.  Her left forepaw collided with Ræ's right forepaw and the speckled wraith would immediately redistribute her weight to all four limbs, double-checking her defenses remained even as her brutal attacks connected.  Skull and tail aligned with her spine as best as she was able, her chin moving to tuck and her neck scrunching back, shoulders rolling sharply forward.  Macabre matts of mottled fur laced down her back as her limbs bent, lowering her center of gravity and bringing her closer to her opponents level.  Her toes remained splayed, claws biting into the earth.  Raba's audits lay flat atop her grown, golden eyes still narrowed and calculating, waiting eagerly for her opponent to return the assault, return the pain.

Karabela didn't have to wait long as Rælynn broke free from her grasp, the enemies fangs finding their way into the back of her neck, several inches up from her shoulder blades but not quite midway. A growl of pain rumbled from Raba's throat as blood welled up from the grip.  However, with her shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched back the wound remained tolerable and her important tendons and veins safe, for the moment.  Karabela felt Rælynn's right forepaw slip from underneath her left one, the weight of Rælynn's right forelimb hooking across the top of her shoulder blades but with all four limbs grounded she would not be falling any time soon….  her opponent on the other paw...

Karabela attempted to pull back a split-second before her limbs would uncoil as she launched herself forward seeking to crash her greater mass violently into her opponent and maintain her 45 degree angle.  Raba hoped to lance the front of her right shoulder forward and up, seeking to slam it into Rælynn's trachea a few inches above the sternum and send the other woman sputtering and choking away from her.  In addition she also sought to collide the center of her chest with the upper right of Rælynn's chest in the hopes of causing bruising as well as, in conjunction with her shoulder throw, overpowering and toppling her opponent who balanced on three limbs where she charged with four.  Simultaneousy with her other attacks Karabela's blood-stained maw would part as her wolven blades sought to clamp down over her opponents right ear, upper fangs in front of the delicate appendage, lower fangs behind it. She hoped to snap her jaws together and tear the ear free of her opponents ebony crown.

Karabela vs Rælynn for Sparr
Rd. 2/2

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king

The Judge


10-03-2015, 11:52 AM
And the winner is...

KARABELA! Due to Rælynn not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Karabela's favor. Rælynn must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.