
Family Ties



7 Years
08-30-2015, 04:53 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2015, 12:23 PM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal sat half submerged in the stream. It was the only relief she had found to escape the irritation of the heat cycle as it went unscratched. She still patrolled when the restless energy became too much to bear, and still made plans. She had been considering what lands to take apart from the Plains. She had been considering taking the old lands Valhalla had been in charge of under her mother. But she had taken a walk through those lands during one of the more vicious attacks of her feminine woes, and had looked at them through the eyes of an invader rather than one who had lived in them before. If an enemy wanted to sneak around to come in from the south, they could easily do so. So… despite the sentimental value of the land, she had decided to leave them alone. After all, the Plains held the most value. She knew them by heart; they held the dead. The Plains were where Cairo had been buried. She wasn’t leaving it to chance that others might claim the Plains. It would have been an insult to her mother’s memory.

She turned her head, gazing to the southwest. There was a place there. Birds were numerous there; a good prey source. It was defensible, and if she took it, there would be a river running through the territory. She dipped her head, lapping at the water, more of a thoughtful drink than to slake any real thirst. She still had other packs to visit, though she was content to wait until after Celestial was running smoothly and her heat cycle was over with before she approached them. A long sigh hissed through her nose and she sank onto her belly, water coming to her chin and covering her back. The cool water soaked into her fur, sending a pleasurable little shiver down her spine. For now, the heat cycle was dulled by the cool water, and she could ignore it.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
08-30-2015, 06:42 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2015, 04:04 PM by Arian.)

They lived so close to each other now, with everything having to be sorted out Arian figured it was time for a visit. With little Riv following alongside her. She obviously wasn't going to carry the fluffball all his life even if he wanted to. These lands held so much history into them, but she had decided to take wolfpaw lake instead and the moore. As she walked along the grasses, she was lucky that she had escaped her heat this season with the children around. She stopped when scenting Surreal, tilting her head to the side for a moment.

"Surreal are you alright there?" Arian would question as her son sat by her side. His two different colored eyeballs resembling that of his father. The president did still have to tell Surreal a lot of things. What happened between her and Sin, about the future of Sonticus and what she would do. Arian was only hoping someone able bodied would soon be able to take it over and keep it as it was. Whether it be her children when they grew a year old or otherwise. Now Amachi was out of the question. She sighed a little bit.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-30-2015, 06:46 PM
The pup was easily keeping up with his mother with that limp in her leg. Not that he even questioned why she did it. Apparent by the scars all over the woman who had given birth to him. He had a smile plastered on his face, he always enjoyed meeting more family. His skinny poof of a tail wagging back and forth in it's gray form that looked odd against his body. Once they stopped and he flopped down next to his mother's feet. She called the other Surreal, well she sure was real to him. She was pretty to. Was this the great aunt that he had been told about. Looking up at his mother for a moment he looked back to the other. He would stay quiet for now, not sure exactly what to say until he was introduced in some shape or form. Rivaxorus did however smile to show off his tiny puppy teeth.



7 Years
08-30-2015, 06:59 PM
Surreal Adravendi

The tread of two pairs of paws approaching caught Surreal’s attention, and the silver and black timber marked female turned her head, mismatched blue and gold eyes finding a familiar face in the form of Arian Adravendi; her eldest Niece. But who was this? Her eyes dropped to the pup at Arian’s side. The boy held similarities to Arian, and Surreal went on the guess that Arian had borne her first litter. A warm smile lit Surreal’s eyes as she straightened, turning to face her niece more fully. While the scent left in the air told a pretty good story that Surreal was in the middle of her heat, having her rump below the water helped to muffle the smell.

“Arian. I’m alright. I’ve decided not to have a litter this year, and I had forgotten how maddening it was. What brings you here, today. And who is this charming young fellow?” She added, lowering her head slightly to be on a level with the young boy. The scent on him told the story; he was Arian’s, all right. “Congratulations, Arian.” Her eyes flicked up to meet the crystalline blue gaze of her niece. Whatever her niece’s reason for being here, Surreal figured she would tell her soon enough.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
08-30-2015, 10:33 PM

Arian understood now, though not entirely. Through her life, heats had meant nothing more than her body more anxious. Though she blamed her slave days fixing that problem. Well she certainly hoped that Surreal could go without Falk for some time. It made her crystal eyes move around for a few moments expecting the armada to be here. He wasn't much of an Armada anymore was he, maybe it was just reminding her of Sin. Things wouldn't get much calmer with him would they.

"This is Rivaxorus II Riv for short. He's only one of my five children between me and my mate Cypress." She nudged the little one forward as he did look a little nervous to talk to surreal. "This is Surreal your great aunt. Recently Sonticus moved to Wolfpaw lake and Druid's moore to get away from some dangers so I thought we would visit." Arian tail wagged back and forth. Her eyes closing for a moment, oh how she was glad she was able to relax even slightly. Maybe Surreal was someone who wouldn't judge her so harshly for her wrongdoings.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-30-2015, 10:45 PM
Well Riv was the biggest out of his siblings. Maybe that's why mommy brought him here. As he was pushed forward he stopped on his paws, smiling at Surreal. His nervousness melted away as he hoped over to her, not knowing what the whole pup thing was about. He decided to paw at one of her front legs the large pup entertaining himself in his own mind. "We have lots of family, I'd say almost too much mommy! Walkers and Adravendi's. But I wanna be an adravendi forever!" he exclaimed. The walkers were exciting, but adravendi the name seemed to be so much more clear to him. Didn't matter either way. "So Surreal do you have babies?" he would flat out ask her. Those babies would be his cousins as far as his mother had taught him. Between those lessons and Japanese it was like he had a whole lot on his plate. What he really wanted though was to learn how to fight.



7 Years
08-30-2015, 11:14 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Arian wasted little time in introducing Rivaxorous the Second. Five children. Heavens. Surreal had as many, but in separate litters. Any nervousness that might have been seen in the boy melted away, and Surreal smiled as he piped up. “The Adravendis had a wonderful founding father. It’s a great sadness that he no longer walks the living realm.” To his question regarding her having children, Surreal nodded. “I have five, though only four are present. Regulus, Zuriel, Tornach, Baine, and Faite, though she’s missing, still.” The mention of Faite was for both wolves’ benefit as he eyes tracked up to Arian’s again.

Surreal gently sought to ruffle a paw over the pup’s head as she straightened, mulling over what Arian had said. “It will be nice to have family as such close neighbors. Your choices run alongside the Plains. We’ll share borders. You won’t have to worry about war from us. I’d never do that to you.” Her mismatched eyes ran over Arian’s face. “What dangers do you speak of?” And would those dangers follow Arian here?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
08-30-2015, 11:25 PM

It couldn't help but to put her at ease on this point. Finally her stiff muscles felt like they were unknotting themselves. As comfortable as she was around her family, it was something about a break that was far different. Arian would look surprised for a moment when she spoke of one of her daughters missing. A quick shake of her head, she hadn't seen Faite but she would indeed keep an eye out for her. As Surreal went to speak about lands being so close and her pack it would fill her with joy to have yet another allie on their head to keep them up being so small. Then the dangers, it made her hackles prickle, she would have to use some sort of innuendo with Riv around.

"The pack of Yfir's alphess Katja threatened us with raids, they were our neighbors so it was too dangerous to make that call. Then... Imperium's alpha Valentine and his woman Cascade walked across our borders and.... had some adult fun right in our home. We're too weak to fight imperium so I decided to move the pack. At first I tried to bring Sin Armada into our home for help but.... didn't quiet work out so he and his family are gone. I'm hoping Yfir and Imperium don't bother us for the time being." Arian explained, even then her voice was strained. A little bit painful even, staring at Riv she was thinking about if she had done the right thing or not. She wasn't going to be around forever, but she was younger than most. She ran away like Yfir had told her but now it just felt a bit easier.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
08-30-2015, 11:44 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal listened in silence as Arian explained, a brow point quirking upward at the mention of an Armada by the name of Sin. While Falk was an Armada who was trustworthy and kind, it didn’t mean all of them were. While Surreal wasn’t one to judge a book by its cover, the name sent a prickle down her spine as her hackles automatically rose of their own accord. As for Valentine Imperialis and Cascade, Surreal hadn’t met them personally, though Regulus had met the former and been moderately impressed. Surreal hoped to strengthen her hold before approaching them for anything. Battlesong had made note to her that Arcanum and Imperium had seemed to be allied. It was a sure thing that trouble might arise; that the Imperium wolves would be unlikely to care about a prior claim. She would deal with that when it came, however.

“Yfir isn’t above raiding other packs, it seems. They raided Threar not too long ago. Thankfully, there were only a few injuries, and all they took was prey. Still, they are someone to watch out for. Now, this Sin Armada. What is he like?” She was well aware of the strain in Arian’s voice. She didn’t pressure too hard for information, understanding Arian’s anxieties, but she did feel the need to understand why this deal with the Armada hadn’t worked out. A distant howl from Regulus told her he had brought in a few rabbits. Good. Rabbit may have been a lean prey animal, but they were tasty anyways. She pulled herself to her paws, stepping to the shore of the stream a few feet away and gave her coat a polite shake to dislodge the water, before heading toward the den. “You are welcome to come to eat if you like.” She offered over her shoulder, trusting Arian to talk as they walked. Often she found that moving as she spoke about something uncomfortable helped to ease the mind.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
09-01-2015, 03:27 AM

Rivaxorus would follow his mother as they started to walk. Arian was slower than Surreal no doubt about that. Her stomach did find itself growling, it appeared she had forgotten to eat with Cypress and the others before she left. Giving out a soft sigh, Surreal would ask about Sin. Arian couldn't help but to feel anxious, she didn't know Surreal that well. However family was something she could always fall back on. She couldn't count the senseless amount of times she felt she failed her mother. Yet, Epiphron had always been there for her. Leo, her brother as well had become so apparent in her life she was starting to think she was the weaker link for everyone. That's probably what it meant to be adopted, she wasn't grand like Surreal. She was a walker, carrying a curse on her shoulders.

"Well at first it was a thought of desperation to let him in. A mistake on my end that he reminded me of Syrinx, however, he's just terrified me for the longest time. Talk of the weak deserve to die and even now he probably thinks of Sonticus just that weak. I have to keep in his good graces otherwise he might hurt someone. When he left he took two of my members with him who grew attached. I don't blame them, they can make their own decisions. Now though, we're dwindling on members." her ears flicked a little. Sharing this made so much sense in her head. It made her feel better on all her rough edges as well. Out of anyone who could give her leadership advice apart from Avalon and Cypress it was probably Surreal.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
09-01-2015, 04:48 PM
Surreal Adravendi

As they made their way across the plains toward the den, Surreal listened to Arian, keeping an easy pace for her niece, one eye trained on young Riv. Sin was like Syrinx, then? Surreal remembered Syrinx. And his daughters. She remembered how his girls had hardly been disciplined; how they had been at each other’s throats, and how they had behaved as though the rest of the pack was beneath them. She remembered Syrinx’s father, too. Cairo. The chocolate male with the sapphire eyes that were wise and old. She hadn’t even been a yearling the last time she’d seen him. He had died not long after that snowy day. The two had been like night and day. Cairo had seemed like a guardian angel, even in his old age. Syrinx had been a dark version of his father. There was a distinction that wasn’t there with Epiphron and Chrysanthe; the distinction that Syrinx had been raised by Erani, but he wasn’t a brother.

Her head cocked slightly as she gazed thoughtfully up at the sky. “I remember Syrinx. I also remember his daughters, and that they were often at each other’s throats, and that instead of discouraging them and demanding that they respect each other and work together, he encouraged them to fight amongst themselves. Chrysanthe brought him in as secondary Alpha during the war with Glaciem, hoping he would be a help to our training. You aren’t the first to make a choice out of desperation. We fought as hard as we could in that siege; we still lost. We trusted Chrysanthe; we didn’t trust Syrinx.” Not even Erani, who had raised him after Guinevere’s death, had been able to trust him after he had waltzed back into Valhalla after disappearing and challenged Chrysanthe for her recently acquired throne, which had caused Cairo to have a heart attack. To his credit, Syrinx had forfeited upon seeing his father on the ground.

Her eyes turned to Arian as they crossed under the shade of the wooded patch that held the den. “My advice is to trust your gut before your mind. If he scares you, your instincts are telling you that he cannot be trusted, and that you should keep him as far away from Sonticus as you can. My advice is to watch your back where he’s concerned. Just because he reminded you of Syrinx, doesn’t mean he is Syrinx.” She paused as they came to the mouth of the ravine. Regulus had done well; ten rabbits lay piled at the mouth. Her son’s scent lay thick in the air, but he had already gone on to enjoy his elsewhere. She gestured to the rabbits with a warm smile, allowing her guests to take first choice before choosing one for herself.

She settled down to eat, allowing Arian time to enjoy the meal and think over what she had said. Then she asked calmly, “Do you know what his plans are? Or did he not tell you?”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
09-01-2015, 10:47 PM

Oh, Surreal didn't know did she? Arian followed Syrinx around like a little puppy for some time. He was her light after she had lost her home. Though, it did surprise her what he did. Somehow it made her rethink things. Even that time when she saw him die by Isardis' jaws. The sight changed her life forever, after that she had just been lost. Arian would grab a rabbit and settle herself down before she went to speak. "He's in the west now. I was going to hand Sonticus' throne over to him. He's creating his own pack now." Arian would say. Hopefully he didn't take these lands, it'd upset her dearly.

"I've been a bit lost ever since I came back. Of course I've found new friends and family, but I feel dragged down. Once one of my children are old enough I plan to pass Sonticus to them." Though Rivaxorus seemed oblivious to the conversation. He was too busy playing with his rabbit instead of treating it like food.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
09-01-2015, 11:17 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal listened as Arian spoke, one eye watching Riv playing with his meal with a faintly amused quirk to her jowls. Her gaze turned to lock with Arian’s as she gave notice to the fact that Sin, with the intention of creating a pack, was also in the west. There weren’t many territories in the west that would support a pack; a lot of the region was dry, with a good bit of desert land included. Emerald Valley, Whistling Willows, the Dancefloor of the Gods, and the two areas Arian had claimed were some of the few that were hospitable enough to maintain a pack. The others were Vericona Plains and the Estuary. The lands Surreal intended to rule, especially now that Arian was next door. Her eyes dropped to her rabbit as she tore a strip of meat from the ribs and chewed thoughtfully. “Out of curiosity… Is he a strong fighter?”

If he was of the mind that the weak deserved to die, Sin might be a formidable opponent if it came down to a fight. There was also that Armada gene pool to consider, but… It was something to consider. Surreal already had her plans in place for what she wanted in the pack. She knew, eventually, that she wanted to have a secondary alpha to help shoulder the burdens of leadership. And she knew Falk wouldn’t be that wolf. He was blind now, and unable to meet a challenge for the pack if one was called and she was unable to answer. She had thought, perhaps, that Korr might have been a good candidate, but he had disappeared.

The possibilities were endless here. She just had to see how things turned out.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
09-03-2015, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2015, 08:14 PM by Arian.)

Arian had a hard time thinking about it, but she hadn't even Sin fight. Her crystal blue eyes moving over Surreal. Searching for some sort of clear answer to give to her. Letting out a small sigh, Arian should have thought about this before she let Sin in on the first account. Intimidation was one thing, skill was another. Yet when you had both, it was even harder to fall into the backdrop on that account. The woman would try to relax herself as she looked at the floor of the terrain. "I never stopped to check. I have no idea." she mused. After her rabbit settling her head onto her paws to control her anxiety.

"I should have stayed with my mother Surreal. I failed at this once I never though I could really play Alpha again. It's a game I'm not kept up with. I need someone reliable to pass the pack over to, and those who I have in mind can't or aren't old enough." her paws dug into the ground. "The namesake itself means the world to me. But I was thinking maybe we need a complete make-over. Rules and Ranks alike." her crystal blue eyes searched Surreal's face for some sort of advice on the subject.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
09-03-2015, 05:08 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal nodded as Arian admitted that she had never checked to see if Sin was a good fighter. No matter. If that Armada made the wrong move, Surreal herself would find out eventually. She noted the anxiety growing in her niece and pushed herself to her paws, encouraging Arian to move around without actually saying anything. Subtlety. It was something her mother had embedded in her head and what Cormalin had enforced in his training. Subtlety that would make one’s passage through a land silent, as long as they watched their step and the path they took. She had finished her rabbit, as had Arian, and that freed them to walk. “One of the rules of my pack will be that a wolf wishing to join must prove himself or herself to be competent in the field he or she wishes to join under.” It would be a way to assure that those wishing to join as a warrior at least knew some basics. Of course, if they only knew the basics, but did well in a testing spar, and showed promise, Surreal would give them a chance to join under a lower rank to work and train their way up.

She listened to Arian’s next words, head cocking slightly. If her niece hadn’t thought she could do it, why had she done it anyways? To right past mistakes and try again, maybe? That wouldn’t be enough. She tipped her head in a gesture to follow, starting off at a leisurely stroll through the woods. “What kind of make-over are you thinking? Are there any wolves in the pack that you feel in your gut that you cannot trust to pull their weight and contribute to the welfare of the pack? Who do you trust the most?” There were other questions, but she didn’t voice them aloud. Namely, If you found a trustworthy family member who was willing, would you pass it to them? Epiphron was out of the question. She was very trustworthy, yes, but she had also recently retired, and was happy where she was.

Her eyes turned to Arian’s. “On your next meeting, I would like to attend, and see how you and your pack interact. Maybe I can help more if I can see how they behave.” As an outside observer, she might be able to get a better handle on what Arian’s troubles were, and how to handle them.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
09-04-2015, 03:53 AM

Moving again, it seemed that Surreal had the best idea. Staying in one place would only make her anxiety more apparent. Arian was probably more than thankful for that. Plus it kept her thoughts flowing. She felt that there was a lot she could learn from Surreal this way. However, she still had to talk things through with Avalon and Cypress. There was no way she was going through changes without their consent this time. Sin was one thing but they were councilman for a reason. Though with ranks changing she supposed things would be slightly different in that aspect. "I think my system of citizen will still stay in place for the moment. Basically until a wolf proves themselves under a certain skill they are a citizen. I wouldn't deny a place for a wolf to live. Even if they can't do anything for themselves as long as they make an effort." At least that's how she felt about the situation.

"Who do I trust the most." Arian would give a small laugh. Though it was more out of though than anything. "Call me bias but that'd be Cypress and Avalon. Cypress because he's my mate and Avalon, well we don't know each other too well but it feels like we've known each other forever. She's Gargoyle's daughter from the Glaciem before Isardis had it. Apparently was good friends with the adravendi's. She was a slave like I was at one point, we made a connection. Though sometimes I feel I can never do enough for her." her ears pulled back a little. Even if Avalon said to her that she had given her a home. It felt like she took her for granted a bit.

Arian lifted her head a bit her ears twitching. At first, she seemed hesitant. "Hmmm, I'll have to think about that one Surreal. Cypress and Avalon have a large say in the pack so the make-over would involve them and I wouldn't want to jump anything new on them again after what I did with Sin. Sorry Surreal." her tail flicked a little. "I do hope though this new make-over will instill a bit of courage in the members. They won't be so afraid of themselves." At first she had made the pack to make it right with what she did with Isokan. Also to get over her insecurities while she was still mentally healing. Now it seemed like she had completed her task. She was more of a healer than a fighter, and Sonticus needed a fighter or at least one to lead them.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
09-07-2015, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2015, 08:56 PM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal listened as Arian spoke about keeping the citizen system in place. It was a show of kindness on Arian’s part that she wouldn’t deny a home to a wolf who needed one, but… “That is kind of you, niece. But is it fair to the members of the pack who do work hard for their keep, if these wolves that are supposed to be proving themselves choose instead to take advantage of the kindness you have offered them by not earning their keep? Will you have the strength needed to throw them out if they have not proven themselves by the end of a certain amount of time?” Her voice was gentle, with no harshness to her tones, nor a judging edge. They were questions meant to encourage Arian to give full thoughts over the decisions she was making.

She kept them walking, as the movement did indeed seem to help her niece escape her anxiety and think. A small smile crossed her jaws as Arian spoke of whom she trusted most. It was natural to trust your mate more than anyone else. Falk had shaken that trust at times, but she still trusted him with her ideas, her plans, and her darkest secrets. The nuggets of information on Avalon were interesting, as well. Odette was a child of Gargoyle, as well. It was good to know that some of the male’s children still walked the land, though Surreal herself had never met him. Where Odette had gone was anyone’s guess. The girl Chrysanthe had adopted had simply vanished. As had Chrysanthe. “And whom do you trust the least?” She asked again as they crossed into the open plains.

Arian’s apologetic words regarding Surreal sitting in on the next meeting were received with a gentle nod. It was only when Arian remarked that she hoped the make-over might give Sonticus’ members a bit of courage, and that they wouldn’t fear themselves that she raised a brow point and answered, “A pack is only as brave as its leaders. The courage must come from you, along with thoroughly thought through decisions, complete communication with your members, and the willingness to put your foot down when they aren’t pulling their weight. No matter how kind you might want to be, you must be willing to act for the best of the pack as a whole. And if that means throwing lazy members out, then so be it. Ultimately, I can’t make your decisions for you. I can only give my advice and wisdom from the training my mother gave me. But I do hope you will take my advice to mind. I want to see your pack flourish as much as you do.” She turned her head to gaze at her niece with a long, steady look.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
09-08-2015, 09:16 PM

True enough Arian's anxiety had vanished and she hadn't even noticed it. As she thought thoroughly through all of this, well they could always end up voting out wolves they didn't like. Arian nervously laughed at herself for that thought before she quickly threw it away. Although she nodded her head to her. Yes she could do it, even if it meant disdain from others confidence in herself seemed to be key. Who did she trust the least though, that made her body tense up. Well it was obvious the question would pop up. In the back of her mind, the name immediately showed up. "Kreft, I'll be demoting him soon." Well it had to be done.

Arian smiled at Surreal after she finished talking. It was obvious how happy she was honestly. "I think thanks to you I have a pretty good idea of what I wanna do." she closed her eyes looking down with her head. "You're free to come to the next meeting I think. Cypress and Avalon wouldn't mind besides you're family. You'll get to meet the rest of my kids as well." her tail wagged back and forth.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
09-09-2015, 03:14 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Arian’s uncertainty seemed to be crumbling as they walked. The question regarding who Arian trusted the least seemed to bring the female’s muscles into a moment of tenseness, but she answered quite promptly with the name Kreft, and a decision of demotion. Surreal nodded slowly. “Tell me more about him. Why do you not trust him? In order for him to have less chance at argueing with you for that demotion, you must have some viable reasons to give him, so that if he truly means well for your pack, he can find ways to fix his wrongs.” This would be helpful in telling her what all Arian was dealing with. As they came to the stream, Surreal dipped her head to take a quick drink. Arian’s next words brought a small grin to her jaws.

The happiness in her niece was clear. The decisions that she had made were ones that made her happy. Arian’s announcement that Surreal was welcome to sit in on the next meeting was answered with another warm smile. “I’ll enjoy that. Family is an important part of the Adravendis.” And Cairo had set the example years before Surreal had ever been born, adopting Collision when he had taken Guinevere as his mate. And then in giving his litter to Erani to raise and making no effort in stopping his children from calling Erani mother. And then again when he had given Erani his surname, extending it to Surreal and her siblings as well. Both Epiphron and Chrysanthe had continued the seeming tradition of adopting worthy wolves to the family. Epiphron with Arian, Chrysanthe with Odette. Erani had possibly had heavy influence in this readiness to adopt strays and parentless children into the family.

It made the Adravendis unique, perhaps. And even when they hadn’t seen one another in ages, they still seemed to settle together as easily as a bird on the breeze. All except Neo and Preston. Neo had turned dark, and Preston had never stuck around enough. Quite possibly, they were both dead now.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
09-09-2015, 03:25 AM

It wasn't that she didn't entirely trust Kreft. After all as hard to read as he thought he was, she could see it through her conversations with him who he was. He wanted to act tough, but when it came down to it he was all wrong. Dipping her head to the water she would take up lapping it until her thirst was quenched. Starring at her reflection in the water. She would never get comfortable with seeing her face. That scar was a reminder of her family as well as her failures. Had she never told Surreal about who did it.... Arian had asked Neo to maim her. Well, her blood was tainted regardless of what happened. When she questioned kreft she laughed a little bit, she wasn't worried at all. "Well I'm confident enough to say even if he WAS trouble he lost our spar for his rank in the first place. He used to be so active in doing things. Just when he got his rank he got lazy and resulting in simply boasting about it rather than actually doing things. He seems to think he's all the craze when he's not. I know him well enough to know he has trouble dealing with the fact he can be viscous in a fight. But he forgets any good wolf can be a force to be reckoned with as well. The reason why I say I trust him the least is because when I placed him in a place of moderate power, he didn't even pull the extra weight other than his own. He's a good member..... just a horrible role model." She explained to Surreal. Luckily Kreft wasn't here, she was sure his short temper would spur up if he had heard any of this.

"Well, now that I've had some time to think. I'll share what I had in mind for my pack." Arian would face the water. Before she opened her jaws and explained the new rules and ranks she had in mind to Surreal. How the adravendi's and the walker family would be running it. Of course Riv already knew looking at his mother as she explained how Rivaxorus and Juniper were candidates to the throne. He was excited regardless over this fact. After she was done explaining, she would wait to hear Surreal's input. Arian figured she would stick with this system.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.