
Close Your Eyes


09-02-2015, 03:37 PM
I'm still comparing your past to my future.
It might be your wound but they're my sutures.

Those eyes peered forth into the distance, her mind else where as those paws lead her on. A ear flicked idly a she wandered, clearly not in a rush to get to anyone place. Alas she had much to learn and much more to do, but she would take her time, if her detected mind allowed the women to do such. The women had to get better control of that and yet that chaos was what made everything so fun. A pity for the ones who had taken her in not too long ago, but ah the massacre that had ensued had been quite the delight. However such thoughts were distracted once coming across what it seemed to be a herd of deer bedding down for the night, it was time for a late meal. Moving into the shadows, the women moved silently despite her size. A simple call was all that escaped the does muzzle before that neck was being crushed. The herd was startled and bolted into one general direction. This wasn't taken notice of, not as Calypso began to dig into her meal, not at all caring for the does struggles.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-04-2015, 04:30 PM

At last, the creature would make his way Westward to see what lands would be prime for the taking. His first stop, a vast plain full of plant life that reached skyward, the male choosing a path that wouldn't hide him so much. The scents of others lingering here were strong, lip curling at the thought of potentially driving them out for this place was rich with prey scent too. Maybe this would be added to his territory within the season, though for now he was merely scouting out the best possible places. Night had fallen of course, so through the cover of it he moved. Ghostly form winded in and out of the grasses, the night empty of sound so far. The distant sound of thunder would be heard, the male pausing in his investigation to listen. The sky was clear, so it couldn't be coming from the sky...

It was then that the rumbling grew louder, amber eyes scanned the terrain as the ground beneath him shook. As he glanced up, he would see a herd of deer coming towards him and for a split moment he feared they would trample over him. Ripping his feet off the ground, he darted off to the left and flattened his body to the ground, the herd rushing past and leaping over him though he received a few clips upon his back from their hooves. With a growl of pain and displeasure, he waited for the herd to pass before getting up, amber gaze staring in the direction from which the herd came. Someone or something had scared them off, and he would find out who.

Stalking through the grass once more, he followed the frightened scents of the fleeing deer from where they came, he searched the plain for the culprit. By the light of the moon, he would find them, or rather, a her. A dark figure met him in the shadows, a doe carcass within her grasp as she dug into the the prey. Narrowing his eyes, he approached the demoness, the brute stopping mere feet from her. "Enjoying your meal while others are nearly stampeded to death?" His voice was unkind, so this was the one to blame.


09-04-2015, 07:49 PM
I'm still comparing your past to my future.
It might be your wound but they're my sutures.

The night was quite, she was alone and with a steadily full belly growing. It was a good night for the loner, the distant thundering of hooves could be heard but that was suspected. The herd would flee for awhile yet, if any happen to be caught in their stampede, well that was their fault. Eating her fill just as a male came upon her, that head lifted and shifted that hellfire gaze to the alabaster male. "I cannot control where they go nor whom they run into." It was all he was going to get from the dark women, whom stepped aside leaving the carcass where it was, it had enough meat left on it to feed another wolf or her again if she so choose.