
Self Destruct Personality



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-02-2015, 06:41 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2015, 07:08 PM by Sin.)

Padding back towards the heart of the continent, corded muscle rippled beneath silken blood stained fur. Claws were sharp, fangs were ready, and his soul begged for release today. He left Enigma in charge of watching over Arietta and their brood to make sure nothing ill-fated happened while he went out to further sharpen his skills. The battlefield was the go-to place for every fighter, you never knew who would come to answer your blood lusting cry. His footfalls were silent, body tall and head high and at the ready as his banner swept about at his hocks, tendrils just barely above ground level. He remained alert for any sign of potential ambush, venomous gaze scanning the terra for a a good starting place. Though the battlefield remained much the same in its layout, there were always a few new things to be found. A femur here, a skull there, and often entire wolf carcasses being picked clean by vultures.

At last, as the sun rose steadily in the sky and remained sitting just above him, the demon would stop. His shadow stretched across the ground as his lips lifted in a half snarl, ears semi-flattened to his head and his gaze narrowed over the lands. The distant snarling and crying of others breached his senses, telling him that some reigned victorious while others met their demise. This place as full of blood-lust and haunted by ghosts, the undead spirits of those who had fallen well before their time, and of kings and queens whose reigns had come to an end. With one final look around him, his maw would rise to the heavens as a howl full of want, full of power, and full of all of his intentions filled the air.

Sin VS ???

Round 0/3


Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
09-02-2015, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2015, 09:51 PM by Birna I.)

Where are the people that accused me?
The ones who beat me down and bruised me
They hide just out of sight
Can't face me in the light
They'll return but I'll be stronger

Summer and blood stained the grass in amber hues that shimmered in the late summer heat which was sure to rise with the sun.  Birna shook her silvery coat, letting the wind ruffle through her fur as she overlooked the surrounding area of the battlefield.  The solid behemoth of a woman was intent on sharening her skills on some foreign foes.  Admittedly she still had many of her own pack mates to spar against but variety was the spice of life and soon enough she planned to arrange battles within Imperium for the coming fall unless Valentine had other plans.  Her first meeting had shown her the strains within her fellow packmates.  Individually they were strong warriors but collectively they lacked the team work and cohesion that would make them a formidable military.  She needed to correct this.

As Birna walked she suddenly froze as a familiar scent caught her senses soon followed by a masculine how.  Charcoal tipped ears flicked in the direction of the call as her eyes narrowed.  The traces were faint… worn but there was no mistaking the smell that had beat rhythms in her head upon her most recent daring mission to the north.  Sonticus.  Well, well, well…. had one of their scum come crawling from the muck of cowardice to face a real challenge?  

She strode into the grassy arena, honed, muscular limbs moving with disciplined precision.  She was young but by no means was she a novice.  The male across from her was a blood-stained brute matching of decent size though lacking in her greater stature.  Birna smirked. "Well, well…. I see one of Sonticus' worms has come crawling to the battlefield.  You're larger than I thought you'd be."  She had no idea if the male recognized her scent or not.  She at least had the decency to keep her loins clean but the scent of Imperium on her would be unmistakable.  Her shoulders rolled languidly forward in a motion full of power and control. "You aren't going to run away from me are you?"

[Image: 262ny8g.png]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-02-2015, 09:28 PM

From the distant horizon would emerge a figure of unknown appearance, but the scent drifting towards him would bring a grin to his maw. Imperium? How exciting! He stood ready as the woman approached him, words of disrespect spilling from her maw. Eyes narrowed in on her, she would potentially be the first of his marks for the future...yes, her scent and her form would be stored away. Lips curled in a grin, teeth flashing as his fur bristled. "Watch who you talk to with such disrespect, cur! I am no longer a part of that pack and their weaknesses. Unlike them, I actually partake in battle with dignity and honor. What you smell upon me will soon fade." He admired her blatant words but they would be spoken towards the wrong person. "Only fools run away from a fight, and I am no fool." Truth. He had fought two different times, felines that were bigger then his kid, and emerged victorious albeit with battle scars to show. The triad of scars upon his visage would scrunch as his maw wrinkled with a rather devilish snarl.

Something then would click in his memory, the beast driving further into his mind to dig out what it was that ailed his memory...ahhh...of course. With a critical eye, amber orbs searched the optics of the other, a knowing grin settling upon him. "You were one of the three who chose to trespass. I scented you on my way back to the Antiox, whether you are brave or foolish enough to follow your Alpha onto enemy territory is yet to be determined, though it no longer matters to me. The quarrel between Sonticus and Imperium is not my own." His tail would rise, arching over his back as he adopted his much used posture of dominance. Though he wouldn't quite assert his dominance over a pack wolf, no. Merely a display that he was not afraid.

talk, think


09-02-2015, 09:49 PM
I'm still comparing your past to my future.
It might be your wound but they're my sutures.

The summer was hot and the sun sat lazily in the sky and yet shadows still drifted over the old battle ground, simply the dark women had been on the fridges. Watching fights take place and victors be determined. A battlefield unto it's own, a place for her. Then again, perhaps not. Since the early morning had the shadow been prowling this battlefield, simply sampling it's wolves. Those who were strong and those who were weak, these wolves showed promise..but they were missing something. Alas, her boredom grew as the day grew later. only when a clear challenge rang out did her interest peek, a little.

Shifting her path, it didn't take long for those burning eyes to come upon two forms. A singular brow rose as the spoke, clearly they had some kind of history together..seemingly as foes. The women uttered a faint sigh, as they bickered. This wasn't here what she was here to see, no, they sounded like a married couple bickering over something quite pitiful. Ears flickered as she stood there, looking the two over. Both brutes in their own way, then again she wasn't particularly in the middle or small her self, sprouting quite the large form. Perhaps not as big as they, but it suited her never the less. However, for the moment she stayed out of their way and watched on the side lines. Maybe this would get interesting. The dark lady could of spoken but quite had decided to keep her trap shut, at least for now.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-02-2015, 10:09 PM
Cascade followed the scent of her packmate into the battlefield with a distinct curiosity. She hadn't initially been following the scent, simply wandering that way herself when she came across the scent and her curiosity was piqued. It seemed the warrior was off to better herself, and Cas wondered idly if the woman was ambitious enough to seek to rise in Imperium's ranks. She had guts, she was steady. Maybe Cas should see what kind of a fighter she was... Her ears perked forward at the voices that rose as she approached. Well, well, Sin Armada. Again. They did just keep running into each other, didn't they? She couldn't say his words provoked a good feeling though, and she sauntered closer to place herself perpendicular to the pair, several feet back, her own head and tail rising in an equally - if lazily - dominant gesture. "Might want to avoid calling Imperium wolves 'curs' if you're trying to avoid Arian's mistakes, Sin," she mused aloud, mismatched eyes staring levelly into his, though a crooked half-smile still bared a single canine in a gesture equal parts amusement and threat. Just because they kept running into each other, didn't mean she was going to let his insults pass. She was the second highest ranking in Imperium, for the moment, and it would do a great deal of good for her to actually act the part. She couldn't imagine Valentine letting someone get away with disrespecting his warriors. "Birna's a respectable member of my pack, after all, and we wouldn't want me to have to rub your nose in the dirt for talking down to one of my packmates would we? Or... would it be up to her?" She tilted her head up, imitating Birna's greater height tauntingly. Her eyes didn't even stray toward the female stranger, keeping her attention seemingly focused completely and relaxedly on Sin.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!

Mercy I


5 Years

09-02-2015, 10:27 PM

Looks like they were playing a little bit of follow the leader, as she caught on to Cascade's scent, who was smelling Birna, curiosity made her follow. Was there a party going on that she wasn't invited to? Ears perking she trotted after Cascade, falling in a few paces behind her. It was then that the events folded in front of her, but she had not caught the words that left the males mouth. Then she really looked at him, and noticed that it was Sin. She blinked before she smirked, brushing up against Cascade as she leaned against the slightly shorter woman. There was another stranger here as well, here for the party too, eh? Purple eyes glanced over the two, excitement starting to build in her chest. "And how come I didn't get the invitation?" She asked, grinning at Sin. She had drawn his blood once, and by the looks of the hostility between everyone there would be a fight breaking out soon. But aww, the odds were out of their favor. Eyes once more fell on the darker aligned woman, head tilting slightly. "Even this stranger seemed to get the invite." Mercy commented with a mock pout, before her jaws opened and snapped closed, biting the air in front of her. Oh this was going to be oh so much fun.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
09-02-2015, 11:03 PM

Welcome to the Jungle,
We've got fun and games...

Rumbling in her chest a low growl slipped through her bared fangs to return his warning.  She was not afraid of this man and if he were wise he would watch his tone with her for while she was not as quick as her fellows to violence she did have her pride and would not hesitate to tear this poor fool completely asunder.  Birna listened as he spoke however, and would not interrupt.  Every word he spoke could be laced with useful information and he confirmed her suspicions that he was no longer a member of Sonticus.  This bred more questions and she made note to check the boundaries in the north.  Had their little escapade actually caused this pack to splinter?  It was almost laughable.  She had no idea such weakness was breeding within Alacritis.  Still, the fact that he had left did little to earn her respect.  After all…  he hadn't come to stop them either.  It seemed he was looking to wash his paws of responsibility for his own follies.  But where was he off to now?  He smelt faintly of the west.  Something had happened, she was sure of it and she would find out in good time.

"Neither I should think.  It wasn't brave as they clearly are no more than the mud between our toes and it wasn't foolish as we have endured no repercussions for our actions.  I should think it…. merely a bit of fun." Fun?  Oh goodness these Imperium wolves were really wearing off on her.  And speak of the devil…  she turned to see Cascade enter the ring as well as a stranger who was mostly to be ignored at this point.  She smiled a Cas's little jest. "But whether it's your business or not you did insult me, further more I should test your words.  You say you will not run from a fight and we do have a fight on our paws.  Let me test for myself if you're really worth any more than Sonticus' crying babes." Birna's defenses rapidly set as her sky blue eyes narrowed fiercely….. when lo and behold another of her packmates appeared.  Were they following her?  

Her grin suddenly widened.  "I wasn't expecting to have a party but since we're all here… how about  two on two?  Or maybe we can find a sixth wolf to join us and have a three on three match."  Birna gestured to the red-eyed woman. "I assume you'll do more than just sit there staring like a goat?

[Image: 262ny8g.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
09-03-2015, 10:26 PM

She wasn't going to lie she had come to the battlefield to brush up on her fighting skills. Though finding a pow wow of wolves with Sin around seemed to be a bit more exciting to the average wolf. The woman from Imperium that she had met was here, along with another whom Amachi scented as one of the three who had previously invaded Sonticus lands. For some reason she felt no grudge. Perhaps just being the way she was she understood fighting but she didn't understand hating someone. No longer underneath Arian's grasp or even Sonticus' her scent would too fade and become mingled with Sin. Though the piping in that they all held was something no interest to her.

"I could be the third." Amachi said as she looked at Birna. Another giant, she supposed Imperium was a bit interesting in that aspect. Valentine was just her height, Amachi was only three inches taller but for a moment she thought would it be like if she were in Imperium. Ahhh well, Sin probably wouldn't let her go so easily. However she would like to fight someone as big as her. Esti from their pack was the same way. She found her tail wagging a little at the excitement of this all.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]


09-03-2015, 10:45 PM
I'm still comparing your past to my future.
It might be your wound but they're my sutures.

Silently the dark women stood there with a blank expression, more bickering, more arguing. Ugh, were all of these wolves married couples or something? For this was getting overly annoying, it was starting to make her head throb. Although she was on for politics, this wasn't the place for such things. This was a time to put those fangs and muscle to use, not useless bicker. Alpha's did tat far too much for her own liking, then again she maybe just getting a taste of what these packs were like. Shaking that head a tad, was any of these packs worth her effort in these lands? It seemed less like it, bit by bit as these wolves kept arguing.

"If everyone is done bickering like a married couple, lets get started." Calypso decided to speak and only added a light growl to it, yet it was clear that this marked male was outnumber. Thus, she moved to his right side, facing the others. Those defenses fell into place but the dame did not strike yet, simply waited for targets to be figured out and just whom one would be fighting, much less who would be her own target. She was tired of the talk, the was time to get down and dirty.

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
09-04-2015, 09:40 PM
ooc:  Ok, I believe we've agreed to extend the deadline beyond the usual 3 days, last I checked.
As for order....ummm.... I guess we should figure that out.  This was Eve's suggestion:  Birna, Sin, Calypso, Cas, Mercy, Amachi.  In hindsight we maybe should've started a Skype convo to work it all out but oh well.  xD

My, my fate really was on her side wasn't it?  Birna's eyes widened slightly as another massive woman entered the field, larger even than her!  Now this was a treat.  She grinned and nodded to Calypso, brushing off the others tone.  She could agree with the sentiment that it was indeed time to fight.  Defenses set with practiced precision as her head and tail moved to align with her spine, her chin tucking slightly to help guard her throat as her neck scrunched back and shoulders rolled forward pushing fur and fat over her vitals.  Hackles raised and her legs spread equidistant apart, her weight shifting evenly over them and bending slightly to lower her center of gravity.  Charcoal toes spread wide as her claws bit into the earth.  Ears pinned tight to her head, eyes narrowing as her brow wrinkled in a snarl. There was no question who would be her first target and she was in no mood to try and play any tricks.  She wanted a straight-forward, dirty, chaotic mess of a fight.  Time to let loose!

Birna kicked off the ground in a thundering charge as she attempted to close the distance between herself and Sin as the brazen femme sought to charge him directly head on. Birna's upper body would lift, her weight shifting evenly across her back legs as her tail fanned out wide behind her and abdomen tensed for added stability.  The bear woman attempted to lift both of her front legs off the ground, seeking to wrap her left forelimb around the right side and back of the base of Sin's neck, right in front of his shoulders aiming to put her hefty weight across his neck and push his neck to her right.  She aimed to wrap her right forepaw behind Sin's left foreleg, just below the elbow in a bid to pull the limb back towards herself.  She hoped the motion of both her forelimbs might aid her in unbalancing the man and pushing him to the ground.

At the same time she attempted to wrap her fore limbs around the male she also tried to slam the exact center of her chest into his upper chest.  She hoped to cause bruising as well as knock the air from the males lungs, hoping the combination of her pulling and pushing limbs might bring him right into her fearsome bear hug of an attack.  Gaping jaws moved with her chest slam as her head tipped down and to her own left as her upper fangs sought to pierce Sin's left eye, her lower fangs seeking to dig into the lower portion of Sin's left cheek, with the goal of closing her jaws together in a powerful hold thus causing her lower fangs to shred the large muscle (masseter*) that aided in the opening of the lower jaw with the goal of partially crippling the man's jaw.

-- You Can Bury My Body But I'll Never Die --
Birna, Cascade, Mercy vs Sin, Amachi, Calypso
Round 1 of 2?

* reference
[Image: 262ny8g.png]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-09-2015, 08:07 PM
Sin Hellstrom

Hackles rose at the woman's demeanor, her words of disrespect ground his gears but when another woman arrived they would slowly lie flat. Amber eyes glanced briefly at the darker woman, though she seemed to be a spectator at this point. It was then Cascade would come on scene, seemingly following her pack mate onto the field. "The business between Imperium and Sonticus can remain as is, but I won't be disrespected by your members either." He commented, voice nonchalant. He scoffed a bit at her later comment, brow raising as he motioned toward Birna. "She was the one who started, she doesn't need to hide behind you." Before anything else could be said, another very familiar sight would slide into his view. "Mercy, glad you could join us. It's always a pleasure seeing you around." Yes, he fancied the ivory maiden...and no, he would not hide that fact either. His attention would tear from Mercy to find itself on Birna once more as she spoke. He shrugged as she made mention of Sonticus again. Clearly he didn't care about that pack, he had only joined to gain control on a promise made, but Arian had gone back on it. So he had washed himself clean of the pack, and even when he was there it was of no importance to him really. "As I told Cascade last we met, I wasn't particularly interested in diving into Arian's mess with you lot. She ran away, so you should be proud of yourselves."

A purr rumbled in his throat. Did they think him weak for not intercepting them at the Northern borders? He had his own shit to deal with, he wasn't going to try and mop up Arian's mess. A bit of laughter would make it's way to his tongue, he insulted her first? No, it was the other way around. "If I recall, you insulted me first. But let's not play the blame game and get down to business shall we? I assure you, I'm no soft pup." He nodded in agreement, if it was a test she wanted then a test she would get. He didn't hold back in a fight, though he didn't particularly feel like he had to prove himself to these pack wolves either, but he would give her what she wanted this once. But it seemed, this wouldn't be any regular sort of fight what with the growing crowd. Amachi would suddenly arrive, the woman seemed to have been trailing him perhaps...but he wouldn't question it. Then the words of the stand by would linger towards him, the woman coming to stand on his side of the field. "It looks like we each have a team, let's get started then."

He watched the trio across from them, wondering which of the three babes he would be sinking his teeth into. He had already tasted Mercy's blood once before in a violent night of ecstasy, but the other two...he wondered how sweet their blood would taste. With practiced ease, he would begin to set up his defenses, for at any moment one of them could potentially charge at him. Bending his knees, he set his legs equidistant apart as his toes splayed over the ground, claws biting small trenches into the dirt. His head lowered slightly over his neck, aligning with his spine as his chin tucked to protect his neck. Tail flagged out like a banner, lining up with his head and spine as well, hackles rising to further protect himself. Stained ears flattened against his crown, amber optics narrowing in on the three opposing ladies, and lastly he would roll his shoulders forward to further protect his vitals, scruff bunching up in the process. "Let the games begin." He would growl to Amachi and the unknown woman. At last, just before Birna kicked off, his muzzle wrinkled as his jaws opened, letting loose a rippling snarl.

She came at him head on, lips peeled in a snarl as the pair would seem to collide head on. However, just before assumed impact, Sin ducked his head down as he took two side steps to his left (Birna's right) as he tried to swing his hips away from her(again to his left) to align them at a "T" angle, thus Birna's attempted bear hug would ultimately fail. Instead, her left foreleg would slide off the center of his back, and her right foreleg would do no more then lightly scratch his right shoulder thanks to his movement. Due to this, her chest slam would miss, and Sin would take the opportunity to jut forth his right shoulder in an attempt to slam it into the bottom of Birna's rib cage, hopefully toppling her over. He hissed with delight, the feeling of teeth piercing flesh driving him to adrenaline as her bite would find purchase upon his hindquarters just above the base of his tail. Blood welled with the sharp pain, several lacerations from her sharp fangs left in their wake, wounds approximately a half inch deep.

Growling like a rabid beast, Sin's head tilted to his left as jaws swung right. Hopefully with the changed positions, jaws sought to find purchase upon the lower end of her rib cage where tender innards were no longer protected. Bottom canines would seek the tender flesh of her stomach, and top canines would seek to slice down upon the right side of her body. He sought to cause pain, lacerate her body, and see her bleed. As he strove for this attack, his left forepaw struck out in an attempt to slam down upon Birna's right hind paw, hopefully to bruise her toes if not fracture a couple of her outer toes. Hopefully with this, it would further aid him in unbalancing her as well. Throughout this, a flicker of thought ran through his mind. He remembered there were four others soon to be in the fray, so he would tuck his tail into his body to keep the appendage from being chewed up.

Sin, Amachi, Calypso VS Birna, Cascade, Mercy
For Spar of Madness!!!

Round: 1/2

Out Of Character Notes: Sorry for taking so long guys x.x


09-10-2015, 03:23 PM
I'm still comparing your past to my future.
It might be your wound but they're my sutures.

Ooc; The rustyness is real.

The dark silvered lady could care less of what bickering was going on between these wolves here, however it seemed she had joined and been drafted to a team. Oh well, as long those fangs got to sink them selves into someones flesh. Ears shifted forward as two seem to pick their targets and it wasn't long before the man to her right and a dame across were going at it. Thus she moved aside, allowing them the room they needed as those eyes shifted over the ones left to target.

The odd black and purple one proved to grab the silvered dames attention and so Calypso shifted into those defenses, bending those legs as she centered her gravity by lowering closer to the ground. Those ears pinned back against her skull, while those eyes narrowed and her lips puled back into a silent snarl. Her hackles raised and that fur bristled as her head lowered to protect other vital areas of her body. Calypso debated about attacking first or allowing this one to act before she did, but alas the silvered lady preferred the element of surprise. Thus the women charged forth at Cascade. Side stepping to the right (left of Cascade) in an attempt at a body slam, with that head held low Calypso would aim for a quick grab of the women's neck at the right side (her left). Her own right paw would raise at an attempt to slam on top of Cascade's nearest front paw (left front paw).

Sin, Amachi, Calypso VS Birna, Cascade, Mercy
For Spar.

Round 1/2.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-15-2015, 07:11 AM
Now, Cascade was not big on respect the way Valentine was. Her own irreverent sense of humor did not lend itself well to a big show of respect towards others, and she didnt have the self doubt and anxieties of other wolves driving her to crave that adoration. So Sin's continued lack of respect toward her, Birna, and the pack in general did nothing to shift her lazy grin. That didnt mean she wouldnt have to act on it, but it didnt phase her. My my, though, that chip he carried on his shoulder did have a rather thick coating of petulance oozing off it. She didnt bother hiding it as she rolled her eyes. It was the way he looked at Mercy though, the way they spoke to each other, that nearly raised her hackles. Oh, Mercy, please tell me you didnt have the bad taste to screw this creature? He clearly didnt bathe nearly enough to warrant that sort of interest... "Always need the last word to make yourself feel like you are right dont you? Well, Birna has the right idea. Put up or shut up." Her low laugh rippled out, and her tail flagged in anticipation. She had never participated in an out-and-out brawl before. Suddenly, Sin and Birna were tangling in front of her, and her muscles tightened in preparation to leap forward toward them with the intention of jumping Sin...


But the movement was arrested as the teen-angst stranger popped up between her and the combatants. How had she managed to get there? Disappointing as thus far it looked like less of a brawl and more like they were going to degenerate into a series of one on one matches, which was not at all what Cas had been hoping for. Oh well. Cascade fell into her defences by instinct. Her legs shifted to just over shoulder- and hip- width apart, the legs squared up and her weight evenly distributed. Her joints went loose for freedom of movement, bending slightly at elbow and knee to lower her center of gravity. Her toes spread for increased surface area, as her claws dug into the earth to steady her. Hackles rising, she lowered her head and tail to be level with her spine for balance, her shoulders hunching forward as her head drew back to bunch the skin and fat of her scruff into protective folds over her neck. Her chin tilted down slightly to protect her throat, her ears pressed back against her skull, and her eyes - focused on Calypso - narrowed to dual-toned slits.

Calypso's charge was fairly short, since Cascade hadnt been standing incredibly far from Sin and Birna to begin with, and Cascade shifted her balance to her headquarters, digging in with her rear claws to stabilize as she reared up slightly. Calypo's shoulder struck the meaty lower left portion of Cascade's chest with a blossoming of moderate bruising, and Cascade's back arched to up and her knees bent to give her the leverage and flexibility to take the blow and remain on her hind legs. As she did she sought to wrap her fore legs around Calypso's neck just above the shoulder, her right paw trying to crap over the neck to Calypso's right side, and her left paw right below it seeking to curve over the neck to Calypso's left side, with the intention of gripping the girl in a bear hug to control her movements. The paw slam missed with Cascade reared up, and as she was seeking her bear hug grip Cascade was also twisting her head to her own right, jaws gaping, in an attempt to clamp her jaws over the top of Calypso's muzzle before she could land a bite. (COUNTER) Her upper canines sought the center left side of the muzzle, her lower jaw aiming to book the center right side, in an attempt to crush bone and fangs together and maintain a grip with which to control Calypso's head.

Round 1/2
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!

Mercy I


5 Years

09-19-2015, 12:35 PM

Oh joy, a big group fight! This was going to be fun. She was a little disappointed when they seemed to be picking each other off one by one, and her eyes flashed at the darker female who was attacking Cascade. Sure, there was another female who was covered in lines, but that would be no fun. Just fighting in a line? No thanks! So she quickly set her defenses, her legs set an equal distance apart as her knees bent, toes spreading as her claws bit into the earth. Head and tail aligned with her spine, shoulders rolling forward as her chin tucked towards her chest. Ears folded back against her skull as her purple eyes narrowed. Hackles raised as her lips curled back into a snarl. Oh yes, this was going to be a lot of fun. Completely ignoring Amachi, Mercy attempted to launch herself at Calypso. Cascade was trying to wrap the smaller female in a bear hug, attacking the front half of the silver woman. Mercy attempted to align herself with Calypso's left flank, side stepping to her own right to try and attempt the movement. There was very little space between her and the two fighting woman, she had been standing at Cascade's side before the whole fight started. Licking her chops, Mercy attempted to close the distance between her and Calypso. Parting her jaws, Mercy attempted to sink her jaws into the flesh just behind Calypso's left shoulder. Her upper jaws aimed for just half an inch behind the curve of her left shoulder, lower jaws seeking placement just two inches down from her top. Mercy tried to achieve a grip, wanting to do as much damage to the silver woman as possible. Mercy also attempted to raise her left front paw, trying to slam it down on the top of Calypso's own left front paw. Shifting her weight to her own right to keep herself balanced.

Round 1 of 2


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



5 Years
Dire wolf
09-24-2015, 02:14 AM

Perhaps Amachi should have been a bit ticked she was left out at first. Sin and Calypso seemed to be getting all the action. Suddenly her attitude would change in almost an instant. Her lips pulled back to reveal her white canine's her ears moving to pin against her skull. The woman's hackles raised, scruff rolling forward to protect her vitals. Eyes narrowing locking on her target(Mercy). As she was to the left of Calypso and straight in front of the white smaller female. Amachi's shoulders rolled inwards, knees bent at an angle and her tail level with her spine. Abdomen muscles tightening her toes spread into the terrain until she finally kicked off with as much force as the dire wolf could handle. Jutting her right shoulder forwards she aimed to hit Mercy on her right side where her shoulder connected with her neck. Her weight shifting to her right to make sure she didn't tumble too far.

Amachi's head tilted to the left, her head aiming to smash into the right side of Mercy's face. Her toes spreading into the terrain still nails digging into the dirt. Suddenly her jaws opened, pushing her body forward in the hopes of pushing Mercy into Cascade. The proximity being used to her advantage Amachi attempted to snake her neck across the back of Mercy's head. Her jaws seeking a portion of Cascade's right shoulder if she were able to reach. Her chest hoping to stick close to Mercy. As her weight pushed forward, throwing it out worse for wear.

1/2 For spar of madness.


[Image: 11ludc3.png]

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
09-24-2015, 08:45 PM

As Sin started to shift to her right  Birna realized her attack would not land as she desired and she swifty took action to rectify this.  Her back arced sharply, abdomen contracting to bring her forelimbs slamming back onto the earth.  With her weight already shifted forward she would attempt to pivot on her front legs and swing her hips to her own left seeking to some what realign herself head-on with Sin though with his head start the most she could hope for was to curve in like half of a yin-yang sign.  Her leg, chest and paw attacks would miss, her fangs only tearing moderate lacerations into his hips near the base of his tail but she was not perturbed.  Slow and steady won the race and she was more interested in lining up another shot than worrying about this first one.

Sin's right shoulder connected with the lower right side of her ribcage just behind her right arm.  Thankfully due to their close quarters, her leftward rotation, and Sin not putting the full force of his body weight into the shoulder with a charge the bruising would be moderate.  Her movement also brought her hind legs away from his questing paw slam however there was little she could do to avoid the reach of his bite.  Fangs would tear through thick fur to the flesh below, slicing skin and tearing moderate wounds in the lower center of her right side, just behind the rib cage.  Her rotation and thick coat sparing her from more severe wounds.  A seasoned warrior she quickly bit back the pain, letting the rush and adrenaline full her onward.

Birna would waste no time, her defenses holding solid as she charged for her next attack seeking to once again close the distance between them.  Her skull would align with her spine, tail tucking between her legs for added protection to her underbelly.  Her chin was tucked, neck scrunched back and shoulders rolled forward.  Hackles laced down her back as her limbs spread equidistant apart, knees bent at the center to lower her center of gravity as she attempted to come in lower at the man.  Her weight was distributed evenly between her limbs, toes splayed and claws biting into the earth as she ran.  Her jaws were parted, brow wrinkled in a snarl, ears pinned to her head and eyes narrowed.

Birna sought to approach Sin nearly head on at a 15º angle facing in towards his right, seeking to align her chest with the man's right deltoid muscle (just below where the scapula connected to the upperarm) seeking to slam the exact center of her chest into the muscle in the hopes of causing severe bruising and muscle spasms.  Simultaneously she'd lance the tip of her own right shoulder blade forward and up seeking to slam it brutally into Sin's windpipe a few inches below his lower jaw where the muscles weren't bunched as thickly.  She sought to crush the man's windpipe or severely bruise it at the least and send him coughing and sputtering away from her.  

In perfect sync her jaws would snap forward,  head rotating towards her own left as her gluttonous fangs sought to dig into the outside of Sin's upper right arm, jaws seeking to tear into the flesh in the exact middle of the shoulder blade where the large trapezius muscle connected to the spine of the scapula bone.  Birna sought a powerful grip that would sever the tendon connecting the trapezius muscle to the shoulder, effectively crippling Sin's right foreleg.

Oh but she wasn't finished yet, she was a beast as every bit as vicious as a grizzly.  As her weight would shift evenly to her right foreleg and back legs for the shoulder throw her left foreleg would snake forward, seeking to hook her left wrist behind Sin's right wrist in an attempt to pull the limb toward her.  She hoped that this combined with her chest slam, shoulder throw, and massive size might be enough to tip the man on his side and get him down in the dirt where he belonged.

-- You Can Bury My Body But I'll Never Die --
Birna, Cascade, Mercy vs Sin, Amachi, Calypso
Round 2 of 2

* reference
[Image: 262ny8g.png]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-29-2015, 02:51 PM
Quick she was to match him in near perfect movements. He would fail to topple her over as she pivoted to face them almost head on, however, she wasn't entirely quick enough. He tasted blood upon his tongue as his fangs sliced through her lower right side, not quite entirely what he wanted but it would do for the moment. He hissed through his teeth as his paw missed it's mark, but he would quickly bring it back to the ground and beneath him to bring him back to full balance. A bruise would also well moderately where his initial attack with his right shoulder had connected with her body.

Aware of the fighting around them from the other four participants, one could never be too careful. Sin ensured his defenses were held up, there was no room for folly in protecting yourself during times like this. Ears plastered to his skull, hackles on end as his eyes remained narrowed to slits. Tail tucked beneath his body to protect the oh so valuable parts beneath, chin tucked over his vulnerable throat as shoulders rolled forward to bunch his scruff around the back of his neck with fur and fat. His center of gravity was lowered, toes splayed and claws biting the earth for traction. Head lowered to align with his spine and his knees bent to further place him closer to the ground.

Birna came charging, and he would be as ready as he possibly could be. Bracing for impact, he sought to swing his front half towards his left away from her, while hips moved towards his right (his right, her left) seeking to bring the pair parallel to one another. His right side on her left side, and he would use her momentum to aid in this endeavor much like a car slamming into the frontal half of another and causing it to nearly spin out of control. Except her body would stop him from spinning out of control. As she slammed into him, she would not strike where she wished but instead, struck the solid bone part of his right shoulder, severe bruising would be the result of impact but it would not deter the man. Her attempt at lancing her shoulder tip into his throat would be somewhat unsuccessful, instead it would spike the side of his neck, however, with his lowered position, it would be no more then an annoyance as it left a light bruise upon rolled layers of fat.

With him being smaller then the giantess, he would use his smaller stature to his advantage to the best of his ability. And then it was as he saw through narrowed eyes her jaws swinging towards him, Sin was ready. Lips peeled back, he swung his jaws towards hers in an attempt to grasp the top of her jaw in his teeth (lower canines beneath the roof of her mouth, upper canines on the bridge of her muzzle) and bite with all the pressure he could muster in an attempt to make her submit and curtail her aim to cripple him [counter]. He would then feel her weight shift slightly as her paw aimed to unbalance him, but it would be a wasted endeavor as he once again, lifted his right forepaw and aimed to slam it down upon her snaking paw to pin it and potentially bruise or mildly fracture her toes.

Sin, Amachi, calypso VS birna, Cascade, mercy for Spar

Round 2/2

OOC//sorry for the shitty phone posts and sorry if it's confusing T^T


10-04-2015, 09:55 PM
I'm still comparing your past to my future.
It might be your wound but they're my sutures.

Occ: Since I don't have the muse and I'm ill, just going to make this quick reply.

A poor choice she had clearly made, as the women found her self in a bear hug. As those jaws would come down, Calypso would pull back quick to dip her head downward in order to slip free of the bear hug. Even as those teeth could graze her muzzle, causing some light to moderate lacerations and scratches from the teeth over all. The white one had been seen out of the corner or her eye, making a split second decision Calypso would leap to the left side full dodge. glaring at the two women for ganging up on her, a huff was given. "Have your fun, I withdraw." Calypso would mutter, turning, she'd leave this place and this ridiculous fight.

Caly exit's.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-09-2015, 07:46 PM

Calypso ducked out from under Cascade's attempted grab, though Cas did feel her teeth connect a bit on the other woman's face as her forepaws struck the ground again. Calypso leaped to Cas' left to escape Mercy's charge and Cascade quickly sidestepped to her left as well in an attempt to realign her head-on to the other woman, which also would serve to move her away from Amachi's attempt to shove Mercy into her as well her bite.

But even as Cascade launched herself forward in an attempt to slam her shoulder into Calypso, the other woman took off and groused at them about the fight... as though she hadn't known what she was getting into! Cascade was left standing where Calypso had been moments before as Calypso disappeared. Incredulous, Cascade launched one more quip at the woman - "Oh whine about it!" - and quickly reset her defenses. Her paws slipped to hip and shoulder width apart, toes spreading to increase the surface area while her claws dug in, and she took care to make sure her weight was evenly distributed over all four of her limbs. Her joints bent slightly to lower her center of gravity and went loose for freer movement, while her head and tail equalized at the level of her spine. Her shoulders rolled forward to bunch up her scruff, taking the time to stick her tongue out at the retreating woman before her chin tucked down to cover her throat. She narrowed her eyes and her ears slicked back to her skull.

Turning her attention leftward, toward the embattled Mercy and Amachi, she bunched up her hindquarters and bent her legs to lower herself even further to the ground. Her hindclaws dug in, and her muscles uncoiled like springs in an attempt to launch her diagonally toward her left, toward Amachi's hindquarters. She aimed to slam her lowered body into Amachi's left hind leg, the front of her own right shoulder attempting to strike the outside of Amachi's hock and drive it inward with the intent of dislocating the joint. Simultaneously her jaws aimed upward toward the center of Amachi's underbelly directly between Amachi's hind legs seeking to gain a very painful, dangerous grip on the woman's underbelly. Cas' left forepaw snaked forward, attempting to hook around Amachi's right hind leg at the ankle with the intention of jerking it towards her, hoping to unbalance the much-taller female.

Round 2/2

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!

Mercy I


5 Years

10-12-2015, 05:36 PM

ooc;// We figured out that with Calypso's exit, she jumped to the wrong side, making Cascade follow her movements by accident. All of Cascade's directions should be the opposite of what is stated, leaving Mercy free to attack Amachi's left side.

A flash of movement alerted Mercy to the movement of the striped woman, and as her paw slammed back down on the earth after Calypso dodged out of her way she adjusted her weight to all four paws. Amachi was a lot taller than Mercy, and so when she attempted to slam her shoulder into her right side, it missed completely. However the fronts of Amachi's knees bumped against her, the taller woman's left front knee hitting behind her right shoulder directly behind the curve, and her right front knee just barely grazing the underside of her chin. Only a minor bruise formed where Amachi's knee hit behind her right shoulder, and did not slow her down at all. Mercy lowered her head slightly, dodging Amachi's attempt to smack her head into her cheek. That is when Calypso backed out of the fight, and Mercy took several steps back as her jaws snapped in thin air, hopefully until her body was out of the way of Amachi's front. What a coward! She snarled, but didn't have much time to think. Amachi pushed forward, but because of Mercy's backward movement she was not shoved at all. Once more Mercy's jaws parted, her head moving towards her own right. Mercy then attempted to sink her jaws into the taller woman's left rib cage, Mercy's lower jaws aimed for the underside of her left rib cage, an inch behind her left shoulder. Upper jaws were aimed three inches from her lower jaws. The pale woman tried to bite down as hard as possible, trying to aim her teeth for the sensitive muscles that lay between each rib bone, and also tried to achieve a hold. At the same time Mercy shifted her weight to her own right, lifting her front left leg and attempting to slam it down on Amachi's front left paw. She hoped to break the innermost toes with her slam, hopefully causing enough damage to put the dire wolf off balance.

The whole time Mercy's defenses stayed set, her ears still against her head, lips pulled back in a snarl, with her eyes narrowed. Her weight was shifted to her right as she stood on three grounded legs, toes spreading as her claws bit into the earth. Tail stayed aligned with her spine, her neck trying to maintain the best straight line as possible. Shoulders were rolled forward, her chin tucking as close to her chest as possible.

Round 2 of 2


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.