
Father, may I?



5 Years
09-03-2015, 05:21 PM
When Sonticus decided to move, Starling decided it was time to go home. The summer sun was still high in sky, and the coolness of fall was nowhere near ready to set in. It made him happy, every step he took make his smile grow wider. His jaws were full of different northern herbs that he had found, most that Arian had taught him as he trotted back. Everything was good, everything was great, and he was finally coming home! He had made some good friends while he was in the North, but he was more than glad to get home, to warn his father of all he learned out there and tell him of how much he had learned. Without stopping at the border this time, Starling trotted on, glad to finally be home to the familiar scents and wolves. He moved along with determination towards his dug out store, that hadn't been touched since his little vacation when he decided to clean out all the dead. Taking his time he'd sort out his herbs, putting the ones that needed the dampness of his store to the side, and pulling the ones he needed to dry out from teh pile. Emerging from the store, he'd set them aside and in the sun so they could dry out like he needed them too, before finally turning towards his home. He breathed in deeply, pulling in the scent of Abaven, before sighing softly and tossing back his head. His call was determined, oddly strong for the timid healer, but he was home. And he wanted his father.




7 Years

09-03-2015, 05:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2015, 12:26 PM by Evelyn.)

His ears pulled forward as soon as he heard Starling's call, quickly leaping to his paws and racing towards his son. It wasn't hard to pick out his brown and white form from the pale grasses, and he slowed to a trot before coming to a full stop in front of him. Leaning down to nuzzle the top of his head, Bass' heart sank a bit that his boy smelled so strongly of another pack. It pulled at his heart strings, making him wonder if his children would ever leave his side and his pack. Shaking the thought away he pulled back, grinning down at his skillful boy. "Starling, its great to see you home again. We have missed you here, and me and your mother have quite the news to share with you." He said softly, golden eyes lit with pride. He was so proud of his whole family, and of Starling going all the way to the North to pursue his passion. "But first! How was your trip, my son? Did you learn what you set out to?" He asked, head tilting slightly to the side. He couldn't help but let his pale tail wiggle behind him. He wanted to spout out the news right then and there, but he bit his tongue. He wanted to hear how everything had gone first.


Art by Evelyn



5 Years
09-03-2015, 07:20 PM
It wouldn't take long before Bass showed up, and Starling couldn't help the large smile that spread across his lips. He would lean towards him, nuzzling his cheek as Bass greeted him, and he couldn't help the small laugh that bubbled from his throat. It was so good to be home! "Mi sei mancato, tanto." He said softly, words flowing easily from him as he gazed up at his father. He tilted his head then, blinking over sky blue eyes. News? What news? Was it good? But his father wouldn't continue, instead asking him about his journey and he would nod slowly, looking down slightly. Oh boy, did he learn some things. "Ho imparato molto sulla guarigione, soprattutto sulle erbe del Nord. Ma ho anche imparato alcune cose... di un uomo, lassù. Che mi è stato detto di mettere in guardia circa." He stuck with his Italian tongue, because he found it easier and quicker to speak. He wanted to get passed this, so he could get this news his father tempted with. "A proposito di un uomo di nome peccato, a quanto pare è piuttosto pericoloso. Arian mi ha detto di avvertire i suoi intetions, anche se non sono del tutto sicuro di loro... Io non l'ho incontrato neanche." He said delicately, shifting on his paws before looking up at his father, his ears pulled back slightly. He didn't like the idea of danger, and he didn't much like how he had nothing more than a simple warning and a name. He'd clench his jaw slightly, tilting his head as he waited for his father's questions, most he knew he would be unable to field, but he'd try anyways...especially if it kept Abaven and his family safe.




7 Years

09-03-2015, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2015, 12:26 PM by Evelyn.)

The boy laughed, and he couldn't help but let out his own smooth chuckle as he places a tender kiss on Star's forehead. "E io te, figlio mio." he said softly, easy switching to Starling's preferred language. It would seem that he didn't stutter when speaking Italian, and so Bass was more than happy to comply by switching to the different tongue. If only his other kids were as into the new language than Starling was, that would really make him happy. He saw the look on the boy's face when he spoke of news, and he smirked at his son as his tail quivered behind him. He would know soon enough, but first he needed to know how it all went for him. He had hated that Starling was gone for so long, but then again he had been away from home as well. Wasn't quite fair to be upset, but now that his family was whole again, he felt so much better. They were all here, with some more on the way. Lips quivered again, but he was easily distracted when Star started to speak of his trip. The alpha nodded his head slowly at the mention of learning a lot about herbs. He was so proud of him for going and learning all by himself, but it was still such a strange aspect to him. Of course he knew that they needed to have healers, but the whole herb thing was... confusing. Starling had tried to teach him but he had quickly lost interest. The herbs could be left to the one that cared about them, he would stick with fighting.

When he spoke about learning about a man up there, his face quickly lost all joy as met the level gaze of the brown and white boy. Danger? Ears pulled back slightly, a small grumble in his throat. Apparently Arian had warned Starling to warn himself, and it left his brow pulling upwards. He never met him, so the boy could not have any direct knowledge. "Ti ha detto perché era pericoloso?" He asked in a level tone. He was not one who was quick to judge, and would leave the 'danger' deciding to himself. Unless he posed a real threat, but even then what would he do? Go around and hunt the man down? Of course he would take this warning seriously, but... he was not going to harshly judge another based on someone's word. Perhaps he would talk to Allen about this. "E come ti senti di tutto questo?" Bass asked, brow still risen.

Pausing and looking up at the clear sky for a moment, Bass filed all the information in the back of his mind. He would deal with that soon, calling Allen and perhaps even Quelt to him. They were both older, and had maybe heard about this man before. Hopefully it was nothing too serious, he was in no mood to start a battle at the moment. Not with Wren... Oh that's right. He looked down at Star, a smile once again on his maw. "Oh, e su quella notizia?" He started, pausing for a dramatic effect. Finally after a few heart beats, he decided to let the poor boy know. "Stai per essere un fratello maggiore," Bass' tail wagged behind him quickly, a smooth chuckle leaving his lips. "Tua madre si aspetta un'altra cucciolata."


Art by Evelyn



5 Years
09-03-2015, 08:37 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2015, 09:05 PM by Starling.)
Starling shifted again as his father questioned the knowledge he had, sighing softly. His sky blue eyes would shift up at Bass before looking back down then, staring at the herbs he had laid out to dry. "Arian ha detto che aveva promesso il suo trono per lui... perché lui era potente. Ha cambiato la sua mente mentre parlava con me, e mi ha avvertito che sarebbe stato dispettoso e forse uccisa..." He said softly, but that was all he knew. He had never met the man, and he had mainly been astonished on why Arian had let herself into this hole but never really questioned on why this man was a danger. "Sonticus spostato... e sono sicuro che peccato non è stato dato il trono. Non ho bastone in giro ho solo... volevo tornare a casa." He said softly, lifting sky blue eyes back up to bass as he smiled almost weakly. He wasn't that great at this whole political thing, but he wanted his father to know the details he had gotten...even if they were very little. He'd smile softly when the mood changed, and his ears would swivel forward as he listened to the news his father had to share. Blue eyes would grow wider as his smile spread so far up his cheeks it felt like he would dislocate his jaw.

"Really?!" He yelped happily, his tail swinging behind him as he hopped on his paws lightly. "Posso prendermi cura di mamma? Gestire le sue erbe? Oh, per favore, papà. Ho aiutato Arian quando ha partorito i suoi figli! Voglio aiutare!" He said rather loudly for his voice, wiggling in his excitement as he looked up at Bass with his bright and shining eyes. This news was great! It was fantastic! It was so so much better than Starling's. New siblings?! He was gonna be a big brother! Oh it was great. "Ti insegnerò loro tutto quello che so, padre. Tutto! Imparerò più modo che io possa insegnare. Oh, i piccoli fratelli!" He exclaimed, his words coming out much faster than normal as he almost rambled. He was so excited, so happy, everything was wonderful.
