
Time is of the essence [joining]



4 Years
08-28-2014, 04:18 PM

After leaving Olympus, she had went on the search right away. Azalea was her only family connection she knew of now that was worth and effort to trying to be loyal to. She wasn't sure where'd she'd go if she lost more family. Arian was fairly neutral on all ends of the spectrum, and so when she had seen Azalea and Epiphron fight during the death match it wasn't like she could say much. Her connection with her mother had been thwarted and her father was completely gone. Ethereal was the only place she knew she could try in. To be the healer she wanted to be, and to have some sort of connection with Azalea who had been friends with Arian's blood cousin before. It made her tail flick, would she finally be someone Arian could call a family friend? It was difficult but the girl kept a smile as she walked to the borders before letting out a call for the alphess.
The newly grown girl would shift a little uncomfortably. Being a woman in this season seemed to be the worst. She felt like crying, yelling, and much more. And no one had stopped to explained to her what was going on so she threw it off trying to contain her hormones that were all over the place. Arian took in a deep breath before keeping a smile and flicking her tail. Hoping that she would be accepted here somehow.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
08-28-2014, 07:00 PM

The call had Azalea lifting her head immediately, water dripping from her chin as she had been drinking water from a small stream. Her ears moved about, pinpointing the noise and then pressing in that direction. The ton sounded familiar in a way that she could not put a paw on.

Regardless of who she thought it may or may not be, she set out quickly. It was not far to the border from where she was at which gave her time to pause and shake out her coat, which was a dirty mess after sleeping on the ground.

When she reached the border she saw a tall, slender she-wolf with a red tinted coat and white markings. A spark of memory hit her and her brow spots jumping. "Arian Adravendi?? What are you doing here? Won't your mother disapprove?" Azalea let her left eye take the lead now, turning her head slightly more to the right to show her the meaning. Did Arian even truly remember who she was? They had met when Arian was very very young.

"I don't want you to get in trouble." She hesitated now, not going all the way up to the girl. Her aunt had lived estranged from her family so it was really like she didn't know Epiphron anymore.



4 Years
08-28-2014, 07:48 PM

Of course Azalea would be worried about what her mother thought of her. Arian's tail flicked, her smile wavered a little with a twitch. She wasn't going to just follow her mother around when she had just turned into an adult. She had lost her chance to be the Seracia Queen and now her path had been completely ruined by Syrinx leaving her. So now, now she needed to find her own path. And her own emotions were a little out of wack, but she calmly kept her smile and took in a deep breath looking at Azalea. "I've been away from my mother for a long time, away from everyone. I saw you and my mother fight during the death match, and realized how much my heart doesn't belong to her anymore. I am my own woman, and I've been left behind by Syrinx and his lover Virgil. I didn't belong in Olympus and you are the only one I feel like I could actually belong somewhere. Use my healing and fighting abilities to the test." Arian gave a small sigh, but smiled at Azalea.
"This is my own life, what I do with it, I will follow through until the end. Azalea, I want to be in Ethereal, I want to feel wanted and figure out where I belong." Her blue eyes looked at the girl. Would she turn her away? Would she leave her behind like the rest of her family, well that was how Arian had felt anyway. She had tried hard to prove her worth and usually it went to waste. But the glass half full woman was not about to give up.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
08-28-2014, 09:23 PM

Arian would smile sweetly and Azalea would cast worried amber eyes upon her, even going so far as to look past Arian, half expecting her hell heathen of an aunt to come charging forth. Surely if Pip showed up now Azalea would be pegged an evil temptress, as crazed as a hydra, luring Arian to her doom.

The girl spoke then, talking of how she and her mother were no longer close. She had started to follow Syrinx, which explained why she had been at the death match. She felt honored to have the girl here, then, knowing that she was still viewed as family worth being around. "This is my own life, what I do with it, I will follow through until the end. Azalea, I want to be in Ethereal, I want to feel wanted and figure out where I belong." She would smile now, understanding of exactly what the adopted Adravendi was going through.

"Hey, us non-blood Adravendi wolves have to stick together, and it sounds like you would be well suited here. You just have to pull your own weight and it will be up to you to prove yourself. What would you like to do? You can only have one specialty but you're more than welcome to do other things." As Azalea spoke she moved forward, coming to sit before Arian.

"Your starting rank will be Tribune, which is basically members without a specialty. Once I see what you can do you will be ranked up. Other than that... welcome to Ethereal?" She was totally winging this, not sure how to welcome new members.

She would glance around, a lot more relaxed now, "I can show you around?" She glanced at Arian and then away, something clearly on her mind. "So... what happened? I mean, for forever I didn't even know that Seracia had come to an end. Until that day, it had been over a year since I last saw Epiphron. We were pretty close before she left Valhalla and when she saw me at the match she totally flipped. I didn't want to fight her, I only did what I needed to." Had she? If she remembered right Azalea had snapped midway, becoming enraged by her aunt who had the audacity to think she held the right to punish Azalea for anything.



4 Years
08-28-2014, 10:00 PM

She would have to start from rock bottom again, but that was alright with her. After all, if she was comfortable she was okay with only helping out with the best of her abilities. So Arian smiled when Azalea told her about only choosing one profession but being able to do other things. That was easy, what her life had been built upon. "I'm a healer, Loccain taught me in Seracia, and I learned my basic defense training from Virgil and Syrinx. But I mainly heal." Arian explained. Looking at Azalea, my how she had grown. She was no longer a small little pup. It was an odd feeling, and she really wished someone would explain to her why she couldn't control her emotions right now.
Azalea brought a seat up next to Arian, it made her feel more comfortable if anything. Then she asked about, what had happened, to Seracia and everything. Arian didn't mind sharing, if anyone Azalea deserved to know. The hormonal female took in a deep breath. "When I was nearly a year old, I went to leave Seracia to join Syrinx after training with him for a season, his daughter had invited me. I learned my mother and father were leaving as well. I stayed in Seracia though, and Destruction became alphess. I worked hard, and ended up becoming heir, I would have been queen too if Seracia hadn't been challenged for. After Destruction vanished from sight I only heard rumors my mother was in ebony but I only ran into her once. And my father, well I haven't seen him since the day he left Seracia a year ago. Everyone in my family basically scattered, but my blood cousin Vahva, I did speak with her a few times, along with my blood cousin Hajime but the two of them are now dead and I only have you left if that makes any sense. I don't know you well, but yeah that's that. I'm finally two years this season, but I've been feeling funny ever since Summer started." Arian let the shiver travel down her spine. But she smiled, giggling at Azalea a little bit. "A tour and a nice talk sound delightful."

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
08-29-2014, 11:59 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2014, 12:00 PM by Azalea.)

"I'm a healer, Loccain taught me in Seracia, and I learned my basic defense training from Virgil and Syrinx. But I mainly heal." Azalea would nod, confident in her abilities. The pretty young female had a good strong up bringing and was no stranger to change. To Azalea it made for stronger character and a more worldly view. Arian would know that things would not always be perfect. "Very well. I do not doubt your abilities, but I must follow procedure. Specialty positions are limited here, to encourage everyone to work harder."

She asked about the past, curious to know what had happened in all this time. Azalea would listen with interest, devoting her full attention to the she-wolf. Arian would explain the events in her life, even saying that she had been Heir to Seracia before it fell. This struck Azalea, further solidifying her faith in Arian being capable as a healer and potentially a fighter. She wouldn't say anything but she did have place for a couple wolves to groom into a leadership position. There was no promising the pack but it may be a good fit for Arian. Time would tell.

When she mentioned Vahva, Azalea looked at her with wide eyes. Unaware that the two had been related. She then became sad, frowning and looking down. Arian would finish to say that she was two years old now and that she felt weird. Azalea gave her a look half way between understanding and dismay. One day Sarka would say something like that and she would have to explain.

"A tour and a nice talk sound delightful." She would stand, motioning for Arian to come with her. She waited so that they could walk side by side, glancing over at Arian seriously. "Those funny feelings. Uh, well you see, you're at the age now that your body is changing. Maturing. Be careful, males will desire you more now and sometimes that can make them stupid. You're body is telling you that you can have children of your own now." Azalea spoke slowly, awkwardly. She looked uncomfortable, avoiding eye contact and feeling her fur grow hot. She was thankful to have two more years before she had to explain this to her own daughter.




4 Years
08-29-2014, 01:39 PM
Arian made a little expression with her face, she was a girl of knowledge but it couldn't stop her f mildly laughing at how azalea had reacted. The girl flicked her tail as they walked giving I'm a deep breath as she relaxed. She didn't mind procedure either she loved helping others and it would give her a chance to connect with the pack. Her crystal eyes looked around the area it was interesting to say in the least. "What about you azalea, do you have any children?" Arian asked, she didn't even know about kismet and Soren after all she was within her life.

One thing for sure was that she had or more thing to worry about now, boys. Not that Arian was the romantic type anyway, the closest thing she had to a fling had been fail an and she barely knew him now wherever he was. Arian waited for azalea to speak again, she wanted to know more about her cousin and empress.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
08-29-2014, 06:03 PM

The red and white female would laugh at her and Azalea would smile a bit, able to admit how funny she must look trying to explain things. It was only then that she wondered if Arian really didn't know anything about what was happening with her body, she was a healer after all.

"What about you azalea, do you have any children?" The question was asked in ease, Azalea turned her head to look at the other Adravendi. "Yep, I have two yearling sons, Kismet and Soren. I also have three young pups, they were born this past season, they are Sarka, Raziel, and Azael. Kismet is not in the pack, but he visits now and then." He was a smark boy, he would realize that the pack was no longer in the forest and come looking for her.

Now Azalea motioned around, "This is Gale Gorge, it gets pretty windy here. There are also a bunch of caves that belong to the pack, they are for dens and storage." She smiled lightly. "You will find herbs here that are hard to get, I'm sure you will like that."



4 Years
08-30-2014, 03:24 PM

So Azalea also had children. Arian had promised she would take care of Syrinx's children as their god mother and cousin. But that was no longer going to happen. Just the thought ached her heart, tore her out from the inside. But being here with Azalea it made her feel better, indefinitely so at that. They had such cute names, Arian loved young ones. Simply because of their oblivious nature, and she could end up as any of their teachers through time at that. As they walked along, she steadied her breathing. Calm down, you were finally home. Arian stopped with Azalea, and looked around. There would definitely be some interesting herbs here. And she was an expert at finding them, like the ones near the mines.
Her tail started to wag back and forth, she was excited. So very excited, hoping a little bit she stood nearly side by side to Azalea. She wasn't so small anymore, in fact Arian was taller. The tall lengthy wolf would press slightly against Azalea for a moment out of family instinct before moving away from her. "I can't thank you enough Azalea. It finally feels like I won't be lost anymore!" she grinned. The old Arian, the smart, young healer, was back.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.