
I'm Alive.



2 Years
09-08-2015, 11:35 PM
S3RL - To My Dream

BIC:: Long legs pounded the earth underfoot as the new face to Alacritis wasted no time to begin and make himself at home in this new place that would soon be exactly that. His home. Strong, lean muscles flexed and contracted as the tall wolf propelled himself forward at an impressive speed. Not a thought in his head other than the early summer breeze flowing across the open expanse of land, no tall trees nor other obstructions present to break the flow of air across it. And the bright, beautiful yellow sun in the morning sky, proudly bursting his orange and pink light across the land. His grey fur rippling around his body as he tore across the flat surface. His maw hung open slightly as he focused on his breathing rate and his heartbeat as he'd be taught when young. Drawing in through his nose and out through his mouth for as long as he could. The scars across the left side of his face broken by his parted maw, and his ears folded flat against his skull as he ran.

Obito was alive. He was young and healthy and surrounded on all sides by stimuli of the green and beautiful reawakened world. The young brute loved to move and move quickly. Sometimes it was all he could do to satisfy his body. Run. He was a Folami, out in the world farther than any had ever ventured before, and that was notion enough to make him excited. Yes, he had his doubts, his uncertainties. Like the fact that he was a pact creature with no pack, which meant he needed to find one. And he knew nothing of any of the options on the table as of current. Now was a time to play it cool, stay smart. Scout, observe, learn. Being of a rather tribal upbringing, he was not afraid to fend for himself for awhile. But the world was a bright and wondrous place. At least, it was supposed to be. Time would tell if he had chosen poorly. But either way, it sucked to go it alone. One needed friends. Something to live for. Something to make you have meaning. And he wanted it deeply. To somehow earn the greatness in his veins. To prove himself worthy of being a Folami. The old word stood for I Command Respect! Once upon it was a venom filled, hate bubbling command. Now, it was a standard. A way of life. Ever sense the first Folami had Souls put in them. Their name took on a different meaning.

He knew the stories well. And he was very proud to have a Nafsi in his chest. And he whole heartedly wanted it to be of meaning. But for now, he just wanted his heart to pound and his blood to run. A small tree would appear in his field of vision, he was closing on it fast. Dropping low then kicking off, rotating his head right hard, he would catch it's bent over trunk from years of the wind's abuse with his front paws, the connect his hind paws to the trunk and kick off. Flying off at an almost ninety degree angle, he would continue to pound away at the earth with his paws. His eyes trailing left, he would bank into a gradual turn to finally end up facing the way he came. Then he would turn right and set back off the way he'd originally be heading. Finally, he would slow down to a trout then come to a sliding halt, pulling his maw to the sky and letting a howl sound proudly across the open air, his pulse pounding in his ear as he finished and started gasping for air.

What would all of this lead to? What purpose would he find for himself? How would he earn his name? What would be the meaning that Alacritis held in store for the young man? Now begins the process of finding out. Now begins another story. Grim or Glorious, well. There was only one way to find out from here.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-09-2015, 03:07 AM

She'd taking to exploring the lands now that Sonticus had found their home in the west. The southern and western plains more easily accessible, the woman not having to make the long trek from the North with fear that she would return to some sort of devastation. No, she was closer to the pack here and would hear them should trouble come. She'd decide to go hunting today, the sun high and bright as the rays heated the land considerably this season. The prior season might as well have been a continued winter, though now the lands were not as cool. She set out in search of prey scent, hoping to bring back something decent for the pack. It was the least the new beta could do for the pack that had given her a home, however temporary or permanent it would be. She had found a new purpose in life, though part of her still felt empty. Missing a piece that she feared would never be whole again.

As she traversed through the tall grasses, she would catch scent of a few rabbits whose paths criss-crossed around the plains. Frowning, she wasn't sure which way the critters had gone and she didn't want to spend all day trying to track them down. The near stilled winds would bring something else, something she hadn't entirely expected nor thought to follow. Curiosity gnawed at her, the need to investigate and find out whose path she had crossed was strong. She hadn't detected a pack scent on the fading trail, so perhaps it was a loner just crossing the lands on his way to...well, that would be determined soon enough. Quickening her pace, she wondered how far along the other had gotten to. Surely at this rate she wouldn't catch up, not unless she ran...but wouldn't that be too much? She didn't want to feel like she was stalking a stranger, perhaps it was best to let sleeping dogs lie. If she caught up then she caught up, if not she wouldn't cry about it.

She trotted along as fast as she could, hear beat growing faster as she moved beneath the heat of the sun. Gods, why must it be so I wish we hadn't moved from the North.. A truer thought if she ever had one. This was one reason she regretted after they had moved. There was little to no relief from the heat this season unless she was in the cool waters of wolfpaw lake. That would be the first thing she would do when she got back home, for she had not seen a stream around here just yet. She stopped in surprise then, the scent she had been following nearly forgotten until it grew stronger, and not only that, but she stopped in her tracks when a howl called across the sky. The stranger she was purposefully seeking perhaps? Moving on again, she would find him soon enough, the dark male standing a ways off from a tree as his melody cried out to the heavens.

She would approach slowly, unsure if he was friendly or not. Though she kept a bit of distance between them, she arrived to stand a couple of yards from his left side. "So much for finding prey." She mused aloud, though her tone was in a joking manner. Honestly, she had given up on finding prey once his scent had been the height of her curiosity. He was a stranger, one she'd never seen before. His pelt was a dark contrast to the land, though she supposed she might fit into that as well considering her pelt wasn't exactly sunshine and daisies. She watched him with curiosity, his pelt appearing windblown as if he'd been running for quite a while. But why? Was he running from someone? Something? She cast her glance in all directions, but saw no sign of anyone else around. Well, things just got more mysterious, she supposed.

"Talk" "You" Think


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2 Years
09-09-2015, 07:29 PM
Johnny Cash - Redemption Day

BIC: His expression would become rather serious as he looked over the rolling expanse of land. His chest rising and falling with hefty bellows. This place was huge. And he knew nothing about it. Such was a daunting thought. He knew not of the wars. He knew not of sorrows. He knew not the history under his paws. Such was an acceptable thing though, right? So long as he showed a willingness to learn. A place this beautiful had to have a story or two. Perhaps it would be worth him becoming a Mlezi. Perhaps it would turn out that he would soon be once again traveling to find greener fields. Alacritis was just as likely to piss him off and send him on his way as it was to impress him. Again, there was only one way to determine all this information. After a moment of collecting his thoughts, he had finally settled his breathing back to a calm pace, once again able to breath souly through his nose.

But before he could set back off to plunge deeper into the new lands around him, a scent would roll across his noise. His ears would stand up right at attention as his eyes quickly scanned the surroundings. The woman would appear on the left side of his body, the scared side of his body. And at once he was impressed by what he saw. This new comer was a very large female. Obito was tall, but this woman was just... Big. Unsure of weather or not it was muscle or plumage, all he knew was that she looked capable. Turning himself to face her, he would give a self conscious flick of his half ear. Dropping his snout just a tad, he would eye her with his rich amethyst eyes. She'd caught him off guard, so he wasn't quiet sure how to react. Was she friend? Or was she foe? A single, uneasy wag of his tail would betray the fact of his uncertainty. It had been awhile sense he'd really interacted with another wolf. His voice would finally pipe up after an uncomfortable moment of silence. "Apologies, Miss. I'm not intruding upon anything, am I?" he would say in a very polite tone. Hoping to avoid any unpleasantness.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-07-2015, 02:48 AM

The uncertainty and apprehension was evident in the man's stance. He seemed unsure, and more then likely it was due to her being a stranger. Well, that was obvious. Who wouldn't be wary of a stranger? She would do well to keep her posture relaxed, showing she was not here to harm him. "Apology for what, exactly? I will admit, I..was kind of following you. Out of curiosity, of course." Idiot. Now she did feel like a stalker. Internally grumbling at herself, her ears flattened to her head as she felt the embarrassment rush to her face. Why did she tell him that? Quickly, she would try to save herself from what she'd said, hoping that it didn't sound as creepy as she thought it did.

"W-what I meant by that is...uh...I was out hunting and, I happened to..catch your scent. I figured I'd track it down to see" If what?? Think Avalon, think! "If maybe I could find some help in tracking down larger prey?" Bingo! Smooth save! Well...maybe. She grinned sheepishly at him, tail wagging mildly. Surely he wouldn't be afraid of her after that now would he? Even though she was larger then most she met, she wasn't very intimidating. Much less with her many mistakes and clumsiness. She supposed it was the fact that she felt out of place sometimes, subconsciously she hadn't thought about why She had decided to seek him out in the first place.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!