
Snakes in a Basket



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
09-09-2015, 10:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2015, 10:22 PM by Zell.)

The pounding of his heart drummed in his ears, footfalls sounding with dull thuds upon the surfaces of the boulders he leaped from. He was after something, the creature slithering and weaving it's way among the rocks as he gave chase. He'd spent all morning looking for the creatures, he wasn't about to give up the gold now! Crystal blue eyes kept watch on the serpent as it disappeared in and out of the rocks, the bloody creature was quick to try and escape but not quick enough. As he bounded onto the last boulder in his way near the edge of the territory, he took a flying leap toward the ground like a fox would upon a mouse hole. A scuffle would be heard, the faint sound of a hiss and low growling as his jaws closed over the snakes body.

Emerging from the ground, he bounded back on top of the rock as he made his way back to his already gathered catch. He wasn't doing anything particular with the serpents, though he was mostly bored and making a small random collection just to see if he could catch them. With the snake dangling in his jaws, he would deposit it onto the pile. Licking his lips from the tang of blood and the strange way the reptiles tasted, he thought about whether he should catch more or take his haul back to the pack and just drop them off to see if anyone wanted to use them for whatever. Like...medicine or some silly looking necklaces. The sun was high in the sky, light cloud cover enveloping it just a bit which cooled the terrain just a little. In the meantime, he decided he would take a break. Flopping onto his side, he stretched out as he enjoyed the warmth from the boulder beneath him and the sun above. It was a good day overall.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years

09-09-2015, 11:09 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2015, 12:30 PM by Evelyn.)

"Tanning yourself, are you?" came the soft vocals of the alpha, the pale man jumping up on the bolder that the other resting himself upon. Bass' golden gaze looked him over once, eying the pIle of serpents that he had got. He frowned then, tsking his tongue softly.

"Be careful, some of these Devils can poison you with their blood alone. Best be careful which ones you hunt. " From a young age the wolves of his pack learned about the snakes that dwelled here, but this man was a newcomer. Zell was his name, right? He had never really spoken to the masked one on a one to one level, he had just heard about his acceptance into the pack from Allen. He had come to his pack when he was away, and it was a shame that it had taken this long for the two of them to speak.

"Zell, correct? I am sorry that I was not here to accept you into Abaven, and I hope that the pack is suiting you well?" He asked, folding himself to his rump as his white tail curled around his flank. He didn't think that he needed an introduction, and was quite curious to see if he knew who he was. Zell had sparred with his son, Starling, and he refrained for asking how it went. All this would come up at the meeting that he called to change partners. Ears flickering atop his head, he waited for Zell to answer his question.



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
09-25-2015, 11:24 PM

Red tinged ears perked at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, one sky blue eye opening to reveal another standing nearby. A smirk lifted his lips as he pulled himself up to a sitting position and turned to face the alpha. Now that he got a good look, he recognized the man as the one who spoke at the meeting, the other alpha he guessed. "Just resting a bit after hunting down a bunch of these things." True, he was a bit tired after running around all morning looking for these snakes.

Ears tilted towards the man as he tsked and explained the potential hazards of his catches. He locked his lips almost subconsciously, not knowing that information. He didn't know that, considering he had never seen them before since he came from frozen wastelands. "Thanks for the info, I didn't know that...we didn't have these things where I come from." Perhaps he would have to learn about what was okay to hunt, and what to stay away from...of course, until he got better at hunting them.

"Zell, correct?" The tall man nodded, at least he'd heard of his name. That would save some time in introducing himself at least. "I assume your Bass? Allen mentioned you. And it's quite alright, I was welcomed in and briefed quite passionately about the pack..." Even so, Allen had been the only one to really talk to him. Nobody else had come to say hi, and he being somewhat antisocial hadn't bothered to try and talk to someone else. "I'm settling in okay, found myself a den near the's kind of..quiet here, unless it's just me." He shrugged a little. Perhaps it was his size and standoffish appearance that kept others at bay? He wasn't too sure.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!