
I keep trying to find me



5 Years
09-10-2015, 04:55 AM

Donostrea was alive with happenings, little paws of joy scampering and frolicking along the beach. Terrae did his best to play his role, occasionally checking on the adorable children and the mother that had brought them to the world, receiving the same response each time - perfect health. All was seemingly well. Since his tutor was preoccupied with the less experienced healer of the pack, the more advanced healer found a large chunk of his following day empty without much plan. So after completing more highly prioritised duties, he embarked on yet another exploration away from his pack, dragging a stubborn hedgehog along with him. It had been a while since he had taken the day off; a break for his companion and himself, though he did hope they would become more frequent as his lessons brought him more medicinal knowledge. With the last session fresh in his mind, he planned to use his wanderings as a way to find the aforementioned herbs and berries. Accompanied with the prime season of summer, the earthen male set out along an unfamiliar route in the hopes of discovering regions more promising in flora, though if unsuccessfully he could always stop over at neighbouring areas that he knew bloomed the adequate plants he desired.

His lumbering limbs brought him to a mystical territory where tranquil willow trees grazed the soft earth and streams ran intricately alongside his halted paws. There didn't seem to be as many herbs in this area as he had hoped for, though the sight and atmosphere was too alluring for him to ignore. It was the wafting beauty that had summoned him, so he peacefully sauntered around the woods, weaving through the delicate trees with the calming trickling of the water in the background. He wouldn't spend long here; some time had to be allocated towards actually finding herbs though until then he would bathe in the splendid serenity that encompassed his form.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*

Bright Moon


6 Years
10-14-2015, 07:37 PM
After joining up with Fiori, Bright was still trying to get used to her new life and these unfamiliar lands. She'd been too uncertain to seek out any of the pack members to get to know them yet, and she felt awful for it. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. Instead, she tried to focus on herself, exploring the lands and making note of the location of many different plants. She recognized some herbs, but she still couldn't identify most plants. She knew she should seek out the healers in Fiori, Leo had said there were a few... but she just wasn't ready yet.

Through her explorations she found herself in a serene place where the willows danced in the breeze and clear streams trickled peacefully amongst the tree's roots. There was little other growth, but it was a beautiful place, and she thought it worthwhile to explore it further. She padded daintily through a stream, dipping her head to drink before looking up to see another wolf. A man. Bright backed away, concealing herself behind the long tendrils of a willow, peeking out just slightly to watch the wolf. For so long she had avoided contact with strangers, fearing harm, but could she always live that way? As her silver eyes watched him, she could see that he was enjoying this place just as much as she was. He couldn't be all that bad, right? Not everyone was a criminal.

Taking a deep breath, Bright stepped out into the open, her paws wading into yet another stream as she slowly approached the earthen-coated male. Her forepaws perched on the root of a massive, ancient tree, and she offered a shy smile to the man. "Hello there," she called out softly, "This is a beautiful place, isn't it?" She would begin with small talk and get a feel for the wolf in front of her, before introducing herself or asking anything else of him.

OOC: Sorry about the awful delay in responding to this. Life got the best of me and I had no muse left, but I'm back and trying to catch up!



5 Years
10-16-2015, 04:20 AM
ooc: it's all alright ;) take your time with replies!

Perhaps all the herbs were lurking in the small crevices he couldn't quite see or reach, so he shooed his hedgehog companion away to be his eyes in those unnoticeable places while he continued his own search over the direct growth upon the surface. As his gaze scanned the foliage, he came across a wafting feminine scent, piquing his interest. Momentarily, a soft voice called out to him, and he slowly turned his head to find a small silver female perched upon a jutting tree root. With his life constantly surrounded by family, it wasn't common of him to be meeting strangers from outside the pack though he wouldn't turn down this pleasant opportunity, even if she seemed a little shy. His features reflected a warm smile as he responded in a friendly manner. "Salutations," he returned the greeting with a solemn bow before looking back at the woman. "Indeed it is a beautiful area."

He glanced around at his surroundings yet again, like as if he couldn't get enough of the draping willows and serene creeks. It reminded him a bit of home - not the home he currently resided in, or the makeshift one when his family had first arrived, but his first home. The previous continent provided landscapes that suited all of the family's elements, where he had been most content with his lush forests. He was like a guardian over the trees, watching over the flora and caring for the many critters that he shared the environment with. The memories brought an ache to his heart, knowing that now was a different story. A beach wasn't exactly what he preferred to call home, but his family were happy, and he wouldn't argue with that. It wasn't like forests and woodlands had been completely erased from existence; at least he could visit such areas in his own time. "I'm quite accustomed to living by the coast, you see, though this is just as peaceful and calming."

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*

Bright Moon


6 Years
10-18-2015, 11:13 PM
Bright Moon saw the warm, friendly smile that spread upon his face, and it made her feel more at ease. His greeting was followed by a bow, a formality which she had not seen in a long time. He would then comment on their surroundings, agreeing that it was beautiful. As he glanced around, she let her silver eyes wander as well, taking in the peaceful qualities of the woods. The surface of the water glittered with the speckles of sunlight that leaked through the willow tendrils. Then she looked back to the man, looking over his coat - something about him seemed familiar. It took her only a few moments to realize why, causing her gaze to cast downwards. Memories of the man who'd captured her heart crept along the edges of her mind, but she forced them back into the depths. Now was not the time the reminisce, and dwelling on the past wouldn't help her adjust to her new life.

Instead, she would focus on the current moment. Though she was not used to life under the tree's canopy, the willows were beautiful and comforting. Stepping off her perch and splashing lightly through the stream, she moved slightly closer to the stranger in order to hear him better. So, he wasn't from here, but the coast. "So, you're from the coast?" she asked, wondering if he lived alone, or if he was with a pack, "I'm new to this continent, and I grew up on vast plains, so I'm still adjusting to being under the trees. It's not so bad, though." She wanted to ask him more, but she wasn't sure where to start. It had been a long time since she'd met someone new, and she didn't know what would be best to talk about. Did she ask him more about himself, or about the territory? Was he headed somewhere in particular or just relaxing? Taking a breath, she tried to clear her mind and not let her thoughts get away from her; if she just stayed in the moment, conversation would flow naturally. Smiling, she tilted her ears, waiting to hear what he would say next.



5 Years
10-20-2015, 01:56 AM

The woman appeared to be curious with his life by the coast, though he wouldn't allow that surprise to be shown in his features. If he had known about this forest any earlier, preferably at the time when his elder brothers were choosing a territory for the family's permanent home, he would have suggested this neck of the woods. Although it wouldn't be quite a considerate suggestion, seeing as it wouldn't suit the rest of his siblings' likings, if not needs, in a home. Then again, not everyone could be pleased, as he knew from witnessing a litter-sister's raging tantrum upon arrival at the beach.

"Yes," he confirmed with a firm nod, deciding it was the truth in somewhat of a way. The coast wasn't his original home, and wasn't exactly homely likewise. His abilities and physical attributes weren't quite crafted for life by the sea and sand, though perhaps they had slightly adapted after a year's worth of living. Regardless, the thought of home rarely brought images of the previous continent to his mind, for he had developed a strange attachment to the beach. Besides, he held no intention to return anyway, as the continent had changed drastically after the final litter of siblings' had left - changes that he shoved back into the depths of the mind every time they hauntingly crept into his thoughts. "I too was new to these lands many seasons ago." The memories caused a small smile to form on his complexion, as well as a quiet sigh to slip from his lips. Such good times - if only he could relive them for the first very time.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*

Bright Moon


6 Years
10-22-2015, 01:23 AM
Bright nodded in return to him as he confirmed that he was from the coast - she wondered what life was like by the sea, the air damp and salty. The cuisine must have been quite unique. However, she was glad she lived where she did, as the lands were drier and closer to what she was used to, with a variety of prey that appealed to her. She tilted her head as he mentioned he had also been new to these lands at one time. So he hadn't exactly been born here, but it sounded like he'd been rooted here for quite some time now. "Well, if you're still here, these lands must be quite livable," she mused in a soft voice. It was good to know that this place was capable of supporting wolves for season upon season, and was not so wrought with danger as to scare away its inhabitants.

It seemed he was a man of few words, but she did not mind. The silence was serene, the fresh air and cool water revitalizing. Reveling in the peace for a few moments longer, Bright found that her curiosity was growing, and she wanted to know more about this stranger and what else he could tell her about this place. Tail waved gently in the light breeze as she looked his way, her expression inquisitive. "Do you come here often?" she asked, wondering why he'd strayed from home, "I came here hoping to find out if there were any herbs. I'm no healer, but the skill has gained my interest as of late." She fell silent and glanced around to the environment - though beautiful, it seemed to yield little in the way of herbs and flowers. Although, she was sure it was rich in prey at certain times of the year, which was highly appealing as well.



5 Years
10-22-2015, 02:07 AM

The woman made a remark of the lands being liveable, him being the proof of the statement. A small smile crept to his lips. "Indeed they are," he murmured softly, bronze gaze meeting hers. Sometimes he reckoned his current home and the continent it was forged upon was more preferable than his previous one for many reasons. Then again, he couldn't have ever taken such a liking to these lands if it wasn't for his elder brothers who had guided the family to a brighter future, though that meant they had to overcome a few depressing obstacles. Inwardly, he thanked the two brothers for their dedication and envisioning, and sent a silent blessing to them.

"Well, this is my first time venturing through this particular territory," he admitted lightheartedly in response to her inquiry, taking in another thorough glimpse of the woods. Perhaps he and his family had passed through this region when they were moving to the coast, though never had gotten the chance to explore it closer. Overwhelmed with all the happenings and his own duties, he had forgotten all about it. Until now, of course. "However, I explore whenever I find time in my day."

While intently listening to the reason behind her wanderings, earthen ears pricked at the mention of herbs, intrigue scribbled all over his features. His jaws gaped in astonishment as his eyes briefly widened. Finally! He had finally found another healer, or at least someone who took an interest in the medicinal field. A little too late for a tutor now, for his brother had long ago found one for him. At least they could exchange knowledge, as it had been some time since his last lesson. "Really?" he queried with a tilt of his head. "As a matter of fact, that's why I am here as well. I am a healer myself." He finished with a proud puff of his chest, displaying confidence with his role though at the same time trying not to boast.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*

Bright Moon


6 Years
10-24-2015, 11:37 PM
She smiled back at him and nodded in acknowledgement as he confirmed the fertility of these lands. It seemed like a good place for young wolves to grow up, without fear or famine. If only she could have raise her pups here, perhaps her son, Ajax, would not have been kidnapped and brainwashed to become just like his father. If Ajax hadn't left, then perhaps Esarosa would have stayed with her family, too. Fear and paranoia would not have forced her from her home. She would be naive to believe that this continent was completely void of dangers, but so far it felt safer, and much more welcoming. The valley she'd come from was quite hospitable as well, but their neighbors were far from friendly, a constant threat to their safety and peace of mind. Evil had plagued the lands through and through. She prayed that her son Haru would remain safe and strong, leading their pack into the future at the side of the Alpha's daughter.

She was drawn back to the present moment when the man spoke again, admitting it was his first journey through these woods. It was her first time seeing the weeping woods as well. It was a sight well worth the exploration. Silver eyes meet bronze as she saw his face change, expressing intrigue as she mentioned finding herbs. Bright nodded to confirm her reason for being here - then he would add that he was here for the same thing. In fact, he was a healer. What a pleasant coincidence! Perhaps she could learn a thing or two from him. The lightest chuckle escaped her as the male puffed up after proudly announcing his rank. "What a coincidence that we are in the same place, for the same reason," she commented earnestly, "My name is Bright Moon, but I just go by Bright. What should I call you, sir?" She hoped that he would share his name, so she would know it for future reference, though she was also curious as to where he belonged, particularly if it was another pack.



5 Years
10-28-2015, 03:01 AM

An eager nod what was he would exchange in response to her comment, being not entirely a fan of coincidences, however. According to his beliefs, everything happened for a reason and had a purpose. Nothing was meaningless, even the most insignificant thing. In this case, there was a reason behind their meeting, and he believed it was so he could finally get himself into shape with his healing and benefit the pack. With that in mind, he wouldn't turn the encounter down as he was desperate to share knowledge whilst enjoying the company of another, one who wasn't family.

Ah, now he had a name to go with a pretty face. Bright Moon - it was an unusual title, and for a brief moment he briefly wondered if Moon was her family name. It reminded him of his younger sister who had been named after the moon, as well as the other two siblings of the youngest litter who shared astrological elements. The thought was tossed aside as he introduced himself in a courteous manner. "A pleasure to meet you, Bright," he said with a dip of his crown and a smile that split across his features. "Elementas. Terrae Elementas."

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*

Bright Moon


6 Years
10-31-2015, 01:03 AM
Bright smiled as he nodded his head eagerly. It seemed this would be an interesting and worthwhile encounter, and she was already feeling thrilled with herself for taking the risk of adventuring away from the safety of home. She hadn't even met a pack mate yet, besides Leo, just too filled with anxiety to seek anyone out. At last she had come out of her shell and made a move to find something new, made an effort to meet someone. And he was a mannerly creature, formal and polite but not unapproachable. He had been well-raised, it was clear. The woman dipped her head in return to him, smile stretched upon her lips, and for once her silver eyes showed a glimmer of liveliness.

"The pleasure's all mine, I'm sure," she replied, intrigued by his name - it wasn't like anything she'd heard before, "I'm glad to meet you, Terrae." Now for the real reason they were both here. Finding herbs and expanding their healing knowledge. "I'm not really sure what I hoped to find here," she admitted, looking around at the bases of the willows, the streams trickling around their roots, "It just seemed like it would be a bountiful place. Yet... so far I haven't seen any plants worth collecting. Have you seen anything of interest?" She wondered if he'd taken note of anything, or if his luck had been just as poor.



5 Years
11-01-2015, 04:09 PM

He too had hoped the woods would support the life of many resourceful herbs, though looks could deceive. It was unlikely there would be nothing worth taking, as any herb whether rare or common, would be of use to the healer. An enticing, sweet aroma of plants wafted through the woods, meaning there couldn't just be willows and streams. Then again, sometimes he would find wilted flowers or stomped stems, and that was just his luck, really. However, the area appeared to be untouched - a positive for the healer and his search. The whole day couldn't go to waste; he had to find something, even if the woman hadn't collected anything herself. Besides, she didn't have tiny, scurrying paws looking through unreachable crevices and nooks that she would have otherwise missed.

"I haven't either," he replied with a shake of his head, trying not to sound forlorn over the situation. "Though I did send my companion to look for some..." His words trailed off as his attuned ears caught the quiet pattering of minuscule paws. Curiously, he looked down to find the hedgehog standing beside his forepaws, proudly holding a pair of small white flowers, still attached to their stems. Trillium, it was, and it seemed to be rare by the looks of it. "Is that all?" he demanded softly, surprised with the amount before him. The spiked creature only nodded in response. "Well, I suppose that's better than nothing," he sighed as he watched the hedgehog scramble up his leg and sit upon his skull contently, clutching the flowers within tiny jaws. Realising that the woman was still around, he introduced his little helper. "This is Silvius, my companion." And in a whisper, he added, "He doesn't talk much."

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*

Bright Moon


6 Years
11-16-2015, 01:44 AM
Darn. So he hadn't seen anything himself, either. She frowned a little, realizing she might not get a chance to learn something new today. She'd really been hoping to make herself useful to Fiori by finding somewhere good to collect herbs. Well, not today, but she supposed there was always tomorrow. As he mentioned he'd sent a companion to aid in his search, she tilted her head curiously. She wondered what sort of companion he meant. Just as she was about to ask, a small, prickly-looking animal approached Terrae, carrying a couple of teeny little flowers in its tiny muzzle. Terrae looked down at the animal in a familiar manner, asking about the flowers it had brought back. As peculiar as it seemed to Bright, it would appear that this little animal was the man's helper. She'd never seen a creature like this, and certainly not tagging along with a wolf.

She watched as the creature clambered up to sit comfortably atop the wolf's head, clutching the precious flowers. At last Terrae would introduce his friend as Silvius, though according to the man, his companion wasn't much of a talker. Bright supposed she didn't really expect another animal to communicate with wolves, or at least she'd never heard of such a thing. She was fascinated, and smiled at the spiky coated creature. "It's nice to meet you Silvius," she said, not sure how the creature would respond, but if it was a friend of Terrae then she'd better be kind. Looking to the wolf again, silver eyes met his deep bronze gaze. "Those flowers, I don't think I've ever seen them before," she said, her curiosity building, "What are they called? What can you use them for?" She was really inexperienced with most aspects of healing, but she was ready to learn all she could.



5 Years
11-17-2015, 01:41 AM

When the woman politely greeted his companion, seeming curious about such a peculiar partnership, his ears couldn't pick up any response though could feel the tiny vibrations through his skin that the hedgehog merely bowed. Disappointed with the rudeness of his helper, he slightly lifted his chin in a gentle sort of nudge, beckoning for a proper greeting. Receiving none, a quiet sigh slipped from his lips. There had been times when his little friend had been a complete chatterbox - an absolute nuisance - though it seemed the timid creature lacked social skills when around strangers, if not everyone except the earthen healer. Oh well, that could be an issue for later.

His interest too was piqued at the hearing of her many inquiries. As an inexperienced healer like she stated herself to be, her curiosity was a positive, and he admired that. Fascination made learning so much easier and enjoyable, as his previous experiences had told him. Perhaps he himself wouldn't learn anything today, though sharing his own knowledge could be just as beneficial. "This is trillium," he explained casually, feeling his companion stand upon his head and display the flowers in a fashionable manner. "It helps clean infections and wounds, though can also ease the pain of childbirth." Which was how he had depleted his stock back at home, helping bring his adorable nieces into the world.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*

Bright Moon


6 Years
11-19-2015, 02:14 AM
Bright watched the little prickly animal as it gave a little bow in return to her greeting, causing her to grin and giggle slightly. She was surprised that the hedgehog responded to her words at all. It was cute in a way. She wondered if she might ever pick up a small companion; she had never considered teaming up with an animal of another species. She'd never even tried to speak to another animal. This new continent was altogether fascinating and different. Despite her interest in being greeted by a small critter, it seemed that her acquaintance was less impressed. Terrae seemed to be prompting Silvius to say something, but the spiky creature remained silent, holding his flowers proudly atop the wolf's head.

Her interest then returned to the flowers. At last he would explain what the flowers were called, and what they could be used for. Aha, so she could clean wounds with these flowers. She wondered if it was similar to marigold, a flower she was familiar with. But then he stated it could also be used to ease the pain of childbirth, and her brows raised. Was that so? She wished she had known for the times she had brought life into this world. She'd never given birth in the presence of a healer, and it had only been in the past year or so that her interest in healing had developed. "This is fascinating, thank you Terrae," she remarked earnestly, wondering how much else he knew "I really hope I can be of use to my pack someday, though I believe Leo said there are some healers within the pack already. I-I come from Fiori... do you belong to a pack as well?" Being new to these lands, she wasn't sure what the protocol was between meeting wolves outside of claimed territory. She hoped there were no tensions between her own pack and the wolves on the outside.



5 Years
11-20-2015, 08:39 PM

She appeared grateful as she thanked him earnestly, even if he had only exchanged a name of a flower, the actual flower itself and a couple remedies that accompany it. However, it must seem like a lot to the female, who knew little of the field. Inwardly, he couldn't help but to beam as a result of her fascination, feeling positive and productive that he had taught something. Trillium wasn't the only herb - there were so many more, some that he didn't even know himself. "Anytime," he nodded modestly.

It seemed she was a part of a pack, one that already had a few other healers. Nevertheless, she remained determined to be of use, and he admired that perseverance. "With some learning, I'm sure you will be," he softly added, offering an encouraging smile. She then stated she was from Fiori - a name faintly familiar to the man. Oh, was this the pack that had attended the last festival, the one that was ruled by a russet and alabaster woman? He couldn't entirely remember, though wouldn't speak of those thoughts. As he opened his mouth to speak, his companion would cut him off with a high-pitched squeak. "Donostrea!" The healer only rolled his eyes in amusement. "Yes, I come from Donostrea."

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*

Bright Moon


6 Years
12-06-2015, 10:08 PM
Bright appreciated his sharing of information, and nodded her head gratefully as he acknowledged her with the phrase "anytime". She smiled lightly. She supposed she ought to be learning from her own packmates, but she'd been too shy to meet them, and hadn't expected to meet anyone out here today. Still, it was more than worthwhile, and she was glad for their encounter. She could do nothing but flick her ears shyly as he said he was sure she'd be of use with some learning. She had feared meeting anyone out here alone, but this situation reinforced in her mind that not everyone was evil. There were still good wolves in the world, and she didn't need to fear being out on her own. Not always, though she would always hold caution close.

While she perked her ebony-tipped ears, hoping to hear where he resided, it would be his small companion that spoke up first. After all his silence, the hedgehog would show that he had a voice, and Bright smiled with amusement. She'd never thought she would speak with any creature other than a wolf. Terrae's expression was amusing as well - clearly the bond between he and his companion was well-understood and must have been long-standing. So, they were from Donostrea. She hadn't heard of the pack yet, being new to the lands, but Terrae didn't seem at all tense with her. Either their packs were friends, or at least neutral with one another. She was relieved. "Donostrea..." she repeated, wagging her tail as her silver eyes met with his bronze, "Good to know. I hope our packs will never be at odds with one another."

At last she realized how the sun had shifted. Though she wanted to stay longer, learn more, she knew she ought to be setting off back to her new home. She didn't want to be away too long as a new member, she didn't want anyone to think she wasn't thinking of Fiori. "It's been very great meeting you, Terrae," she said with a low dip of her head, then added, "And you, Silvius. I wish I could stay longer, but I really ought to get back home. Thank you again, I'm glad I got to learn something today. Trillium. I'll keep an eye out for it. And maybe we'll meet again some day. Perhaps I'll have something to share with you next time." She hoped she could return the favor someday. She didn't like the idea of only taking information from somebody without giving anything back. "Alright, I'd better go now," she said with a decisive nod, "Goodbye for now, take care." With that said, she would turn, ready to head back toward Fiori territory, feeling more positive about her future in these lands.

-exit Bright Moon-



5 Years
12-10-2015, 03:22 PM

Momentarily after her realisation, he too noticed the abrupt late hour of the day, The sun had already begun to set, sending fiery hues across the sky. Was it already noon? Had he really spent half the day in these serene woods? Well, they had conversed for quite a while, so he must have been so immersed in the fascinating field of healing that his sense of time had simply slipped. No matter; it had been a worthwhile visit to this region, accompanied with an equally worthwhile encounter.

"As should I," he added, already mentally preparing himself for the trip home. Which way had he come again? Oh well, he'd just have to follow his scent to the best of his abilities. "Perhaps our paths will cross in the future." Maybe it was worth mentioning Fiori to his elder brothers and seeing if the two packs had formed some sort of relationship. If they were allies, or at the very least peaceful with each other, he could visit the pack and perhaps hold a healing session for both empires. "So long, Bright Moon. I wish you the best in Fiori." he finished with a nod, smiling warmly as he watched the woman turn and walk back the way she came. With the flowers and a companion securely upon his crown, he too would head further south to the beach of whence he came.


"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*