
bring fire to the world (ABAVEN PACK HUNT)



7 Years

09-10-2015, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2015, 03:36 PM by Lillianna.)

serpent plains

She was... nervous. Not because it was a hunt, no, but because she was expected to lead the hunt, or at least call it, and she was merely a yearling. She felt honored that Bass would let her take responsibility, but at the same time... what if she failed? She was not a poor hunter, but she was inexperienced with a pack hunt. She had hunted with her mother, her adoptive parents, and then alone... but this would likely encompass many, many more. She was determined to try her best, though, regardless of her inexperience. She would not let Bass down as she had before; she would prove her worth.

She made her way to the Serpent Plains, where prey - especially deer - was plentiful. Snakes were as well, but each Abaven member knew how to handle those. With another deep breath, the yearling tipped her head back and called for the members of Abaven to gather to her. She simply hoped they would listen, despite her youth.

DUE DATE: SEPTEMBER 18! you don't want to find out what Eve will do to you if you don't post.

... I don't want to find out what Eve will do to you if you don't post. She's scary.

"Speech" "Italian"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



7 Years
Extra large
09-10-2015, 07:15 PM

With Limno pregnant she was unable to hunt, and as much as it pained her Quelt had to make sure she remained in her den. The woman definitely could do a number even when pregnant. As the call was sent out Quelt would come himself to participate. He was no hunter, and still sore from his fight with Bass(wounds pending but he could still hunt). Standing in front of the yearling he greeted with a smile. "It's a nice morning Lillie. I'm sure you'll do fine, I'm here to help." he would sit himself only a few feet away from her. Support whenever it was needed.

He certainly hoped wolves showed up though, he had heard how mad Bass had been previously when he left. His black tail curled around himself bi colored orbs keeping a close eye on the place. A pack hunt would give him time to relax, he did curse himself a bit for stealing this chance away from Limno. Fate worked in mysterious ways, oh well life happened and this was where it got him.




7 Years

09-10-2015, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2015, 10:32 PM by Evelyn.)

He had faith in Lillie, and was pleased that she had followed her instructions to call a pack hunt. When their conversation had closed and they parted ways, he realized that he had asked the very same thing of Mirabelle when she first joined the pack. And, he remembered her being nervous as well. He padded into the clearing, nodding his head at both Lillie and Quelt before he took a seat with his members. He sure hoped that their numbers would be grand, with the weather finally warming up it would be their first chance to take down large prey, where before the herds that roamed here were frail and hardly had any meat on their bones. But that seemed to be the problem -- getting them to show up. Bass had a thought to add in his own call to hers, but sat still for now. If only a few more showed, then he would demand them to come. He was getting tired of his pack lazing around, and would be sure to kick some butts.

ooc// YES this is mandatory. Get your butts in gear.



09-11-2015, 07:31 PM

The man was no longer so young, nearly reaching the age where he would be an elder. It was harder to get up some mornings, but Allen was still trying his hardest for Abaven, for Bass, and for himself. But right now the man just wasn't feeling quite up to par. With Nona and his little ones not doing so hot the man felt a worry in his heart that just continually gnawed at him. When would they get better? When would things lighten up? Allen honestly felt at wits end. So when he heard the call of Lillie he felt hesitant to leave Nona's side. But someone had to be there for her sake, to bring back food for her and the little ones.

The calico gentleman would rumble as he rose, giving a gently goodbye to his beloved ones. He would then leave them behind, tail turned as he headed off towards the gathering of hunters. What a sorry turnout it was thus far, and Allen would give Bass an apologetic look. "Nona and the little ones are ill Bass..." He would whisper to the other man, a pained look in his eyes. "I might need to take some time off of alphaship to tend to them... if you can handle the task alone awhile again."

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah


09-11-2015, 07:36 PM

A hunt? The boy was intrigued. He knew that his uncle Allen was supposed to be holding mandatory training for the pera and paluni soon, but he would make due with this hunt in the meantime. It surprised him though how young the caller sounded. Was another yearling the one holding the hunt? How strange! But would that stop the energetic boy? No! No, and no again! He would race towards the hunt in a bound of energy hoping to catch sight of Starling there.

But there was no such luck. The brother who had tended to his ankle was nowhere in sight, and the boy would let out a soft huff of sadness. He'd see his father and uncle standing there and bustled up to them both, giving an loving nuzzle to both the pale and calico man. "Heya guys! I hope I'm not too late to the party this time!"


Table by:: Eldarwen



5 Years
09-11-2015, 07:55 PM
Starling trotted along, his tail swishing behind him as he moved. He was keeping himself very busy, setting up his store for the winter and getting back into the swing of things. He was trying to learn to fight still, wanted to help his father with the healer training. As he was quite…confident in his healing skills he wanted to learn even more. Everything! So that is why when Lillie (Lillie?!) called for a hunt, he was on it. He was ready to get mad at her for doing something that could easily aggravate her injuries, but as he came up on the scene and saw his father and Allen he couldn’t help but sigh. Perhaps it was Bass or Allen who told her to do it, but even so she should have the smarts to wait a few more weeks before aggravating it even more. So he trotted towards them, a small smile on his face. "I-I h-hope you d-don’t mind if I j-join." He said softly, his eyes on the girl. He wanted to convey his displeasure for her holding this hunt without considering her injuries (at least so he thought) through his glance. He’d turn towards Shrike then, and smile so brightly before giving him the look as well. "H-how’s you’re a-ankle brother? Sh-should you b-be participating i-if you’re h-hurt?" He asked with a small smile, reguarding Shrike before looking up at Bass and then at Allen, hoping they wouldn’t mind him joining into the hunt as well.


Sparrow I


7 Years
09-14-2015, 01:28 PM
Sparrow bounded into the gathering place. It wasn't that she was excited for the hunt- as much as she liked food, she preferred small group hunting- she was simply happy to be interacting wither her family. She didn't really know Lillianna or what to think about her, but if her family approved, then she couldn't be all that bad, right? As she came up, she would aim to bump her nose against her father's right shoulder, "Hello, Father," she called softly, "How has the day treated you?" she would pause to hear his response, pulling away to look at Lillianna. The girl looked timid and shy. Sparrow could relate to that. If she didn't have her family, she knew she would feel insecure too. Stepping closer, Sparrow tried to gain Lillianna's attention, giving her a beaming smile. Had the two actually met yet? She didn't think so. Turning to her father, Sparrow's voice dropped lower, "Sorry Father, I'll be right back..." she murmured as she turned and trotted over to the girl, "Hi, um, Lillie? Sorry if we haven't met yet, but I'm Sparrow Destruction, Bass's daughter. It really is a pleasure to have you in out pack, and I hope you feel right at home. I know Vail thinks a lot of you, so, at least to her, you're already family." Sparrow offered a toothy, almost perfectly symmetrical smile, "I really look forward to this hunt," she gushed, even knowing she was more looking forward to interacting with everyone than actually hinting. She hoped they would all be friends and have a nice hunt followed by some tasty food afterwards.

Motif I


4 Years
09-16-2015, 06:23 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2015, 06:25 PM by Motif I.)
Motif ushered Shaye towards the meeting, realizing that over the next few days she would be starting her own hunting lessons with Vail. It was far too early for the young girl to join in on a group hunt, she was blind, and had no experience hunting so much as mice without her mothers assistance, and she would not risk her little one in a hunt with large animals, as a pack hunt was always about. Shaye however had no excuse for not participating and the stern mother steered her in the right direction, letting her run off to find people to talk to once they arrived. Motif herself glanced over at Lillie and her became a mask, she didn't how she felt about the girl these days but she knew Motif for one was not forgiven. she moved near the young girl, her eyes compassionate as she said softly. "The first thing your mother did for Abaven was host a hunt" she told her gently, before moving on to give the unforgiving girl space. as she did so her eyes caught Starling and widened with surprise. ”My Star, are you back now?” she asked, delighted, she had been sad to see him go, but also proud of him. If he was back, would he be interested in continuing their lessons in finding his inner strength? She smiled at the memories of how that had gone so far, she was as proud of him as if he was her own.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-16-2015, 06:28 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2015, 06:30 PM by Shaye I.)

Shaye wanted to go explore and have fun, so when a howl was issued and her mother got serious, Shaye was instantly rebellious, ushered along in front of her mother with teenage rebellion written in the girls eyes. Before she could go ahead and cause trouble, she realized who her mother was heading to.. Lillie! Shaye's eyes lit up in delight through her mother was already moving on Shaye easily danced over to her friend. “Your leading this hunt? That's amazing Lillie!” she said, her tail letting lose behind her as she playfully brought her front paws down, looking for the world like a puppy looking to play. “Where do you want me to go?” she asked, not only was the rebellion gone but now she was eager to help.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
09-16-2015, 07:40 PM

The man grumbled as he was woken from his nap by a howl. One completely unrecognizable, then again he didn't know anyone in the pack but Allen. Rolling onto his side with a huff, he stared out of his secluded den for a long while before finally deciding that he should go see what was going on. With deliberate slowness, he lumbered towards the gathering of wolves, Zell easily the tallest of them all. He saw Bass & Allen, the only two he recognized and gave no more then a nod as he sat off to the side. Blue eyes roamed over the crowd, well, this was disappointing. Had he joined a pack full of kids? Eyes roamed over to the one apparently leading the hunt, a young girl by the looks of it. That was when he couldn't help himself. "Sure you can hunt? 'cuz by the looks of it, something hunted you." He smirked as he stared at the scars on his face. He didn't care if he was reprimanded for his rudeness, that didn't mean he was a bad guy. He said what was on his mind, mostly to amuse himself.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years

09-19-2015, 03:23 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2015, 03:24 PM by Lillianna.)
The girl would stand there quietly as members started to file in. Quelt was the first one, and she acknowledged his words with a single nod. bass was not far behind the man, and she would dip her head towards him in a respectful gesture, green eyes suddenly blazing to life. Nervousness made her paws dance for a moment, but when that third member appeared, a strange confidence settled over her and those paws would still. Those eyes would focus on Allen, who was focused on their alpha. Her eyes would turn from him, and a glazed look would come over them; Lillie was thinking of a plan, a plan to bring down a cow from one of the deer herds. However, she couldn't concentrate with the members filing in... a child of bass and Wren, one she had not met... and then Starling.

A genuine smile, sweet, soft would appear on her muzzle as the older boy appeared, and her tail would wag as her eyes met his. That sweet smile would morph into a sideways grin; she knew that look... and normally it would make her feel chagrined, but she knew what it was about and had a work around for it. "Not at all," she would answer, voice the opposite of what her face was saying. It was tender and compassionate, and it spoke to her joy that he had appeared.

She'd move her eyes from his form as a hyper bundle of... something would appear. Lillie would hesitantly returned the smile, and it would slowly become genuine.. until Vail was mentioned, of course. The smile would drop off her face, though she carefully kept her expression neutral. She nodded to the girl. "Thank you," she murmured, forcing the smile back on her face. She had to chuckle a bit at the gushing the girl did, and she'd nod. "I hope it turns out well."

She'd then turn her attention from the girl to the chocolate woman who was now entering. Anger flashed through her body, though she'd squish it down, merely nodding to the woman before turning away. This was a hunt, not personal. She would not show her anger, nor bitterness, towards anyone in the pack at all. Not at this time, anyways. Still, she could not help but feel the anger inside of her, especially when Motif approached. she said nothing to the woman when she spoke. That bitterness would rise as he spoke to star, and she'd tear her eyes from the pair just as a very familiar blue wolf nearly sent her backwards in surprise.  A sad smile; she could not regain that earlier joy from seeing Star at all, even though Shaye was as important to her as the boy. Her tail swung behind her nevertheless, and she would step forward to nuzzle the much larger girl in greeting. "It's good you are here," she murmured. A smile twitching at her jaws, she shook her head at the over eager girl. "You'll find out in a minute," she teased.

She'd stand there and wait a bit longer, eyes constantly searching for one to come. It would be silent for a long while, but just when she'd begin to explain her plan, a sneering man would appear. Jaws would clench at his words, but she would ignore it, merely staring down at the man - a rather difficult task considering she was several inches shorter. Aside from that, she would leave it be; Bass was there, and she knew he would take care of it. She'd only make the situation worse - and look terrible in front of the pack and Starling especially. She'd wait longer, and only when she was satisfied none more were coming did she speak.

“You all know why you are here,” she’d begin, shaking herself out as she then continued. “My idea for this hunt would be to split us up, in a way. The herds here are fat and strong, and quite fast - however, we are also fast, and we would be much faster than an elder cow, or one wounded. We would begin by searching for one as a group under those criteria, as a group; once found, it would be signaled which one. We would then split - the faster wolves, and then those with more strength than speed. The faster wolves will essentially herd the prey to the stronger wolves, who would be waiting ready. Right now, the groups I have are thus: for the wolves that chase, and perhaps do a little bit of nipping, Starling, Shaye, Sparrow, and Allen. Those who will be waiting will be Bass, Motif, blue guy, other Bass kid, and red guy. I will be with the wolves who are more focused on speed to even out the numbers and also prevent a certain healer from getting irate with me at irritating my wounds,” she finished, a grin on her maw at the last bit. Green eyes danced as she looked down at Starling, triumph in her gaze. It would last there a second before she’d sweep that green gaze over the rest of the group, excitement beginning to infect her.

“That is my idea. However, all of you likely have more experience than I do in this, and I’d like to ask your opinions as well. How could this plan be improved, in order to strengthen our chances? Have I place someone in a wrong area?” She was not ashamed of her inexperience, at all. She was nervous, to a degree, but this confidence, this excitement… it also made her think. All of the adult members would know more than her, and she would consult them: they were there for a reason, for numbers and also their knowledge. Just as she had no shame for her wounds; they existed, and she had to take care so they would not be hurt further.

DUE DATE: September 26th!

"Speech" "Italian"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



8 Years
Extra large
09-20-2015, 10:51 AM
He'd not even heard Lillie's howl he'd been so far away, thankfully though he had been on his way home. He didn't often take time to himself, but today he'd gone off to enjoy some of these still foreign lands. He knew prety well how to get to Imperium, and they way back South would always be clear to him. However when it came to his new home he could only say that Abaven lands were really mastered by his paws. He felt a hankering to explore and he'd done just that.

Shai had seriously considered bringing Shaye with him, knowing full well how adventurous his daughter was. In the end he'd gone by himself and eventually find out he'd only make himself late. He'd gone straight to the den to find Vail within, alone. With little goading she'd tell him of her mother and sister's attendance at the meeting. And of course his lateness.

Thankfully it turned out he'd only missed roll call. He'd slip in to sit behind Motif, nuzzling the back of her neck as his eyes and ears found Lilli with interest as she spoke of her plan. He was late and had no wish to bring attention to himself so would remain quiet while he awaited the command to go. She seemed to have a good grasp on what needed done, the execution would be interesting.



5 Years
09-21-2015, 11:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2015, 05:39 PM by Starling.)
Starling would smile gently at Lillianna, noticing her coy little smile. It was obvious what his look meant, and he hoped that she wasn't pushing herself for this, but she knew how important it was to heal properly that he wasn't going to lecture her here. Besides, he was here, if something did happen he would be able to help, right? So he'd look at her, sky blue eyes shining with trust in her before his attention was turned else where. When Motif trotted in, the largest of smiles crossed his lips and he quickly nodded at her quesiton. "Y-yes, Aunt Motif! I-I'm sorry I haven't come t-to visit, I've been s-spending a lot of t-time trying to stock u-up my stores b-before winter comes." He said with the sweetest of smiles, stepping forward to try and nuzzle her when he paused. His eyes settled on the lumbering beast, blinking before squinting. He didn't like the looks of this man.

And...yep, his suspicions were correct. He would lean away from his aunt, his lips curling slightly at Zell's words as his eyes narrowed in to thin, angry slits. How dare he! Sure, Starling often made comments on face eaters, but it was never to put her down. At least, not after the first one. He did think she was...a little ignorant at times, and Star wasn't quite so...quiet about that either. But there was a definate difference between the way Starling would joke, and the way this man spoke just now. This was Lillianna's big break, her chance and he was very proud as she just turned away. But something in the young destruction was simmering, boiling, as he glared daggers at the man with a scowl on his boyish face. "Your skill level has nothing to do with the scars you have!" He suddenly growled, his tongue spilling the words perfectly for once. "But comments like that proves how little you have between the ears." He would snort then, glaring at the man, not braving a look at Bass. He knew he would get chewed out for this. "I d-don't know you, s-so you must not know. Abaven i-is a family, w-we work together. We do not k-knock each other down. You ap-apologize to her right now, sh-she has worked hard for this!" He didn't know if that were true, but Lillianna didn't deserve to feel any worse than she already did about her scars.

He would slowly slide his glare from the red furred man back to Lillianna, listening as she spoke. His smile would return to his face, his eyes shining in what he hoped would be a silent way of helping her through whatever nerves she may have. He would follow her lead, wherever she wanted him...even if he wasn't very coordinated or terribly fast he'd help.


Sparrow I


7 Years
09-22-2015, 12:25 PM
As Sparrow spoke of Vail, Lillie's smile dropped. She noticed it, but she wouldn't say anything, and her own smile wouldn't falter. She would turn her attention to the other members as they arrived, smiling at them politely... Until Zell arrived. His words were... well... dumb. A lot of wolves had scars! Before she had much of a chance to react, Starling chimed in. She was surprised by her brother's words, but she agreed. Stepping towards the older man, Sparrow added her own thoughts, using a calm and still friendly voice, "He's right, you really should apologize, but Starling, you shouldn't insult him back..." She looked towards her brother, her ears dipping in a silent apology for calling him out, "Starling is right, though... Abaven is a family, so we all need to try to get along and enjoy the hunt!" Sparrow ended on a cheery note before making her request, "Please, apologize to one another and then we can hunt!"

Sparrow would listen to Lillianna as she spoke of the hunt. It all sounded good to her and she nodded to the other girl. She was truly excited. Her tail swayed behind her quickly, the plush fur weighing her tail's momentum down to a soft bounce. Her smile rose to show the tips of her teeth. Now if they all could just get along...


09-23-2015, 02:33 PM

Shrike would look to Starling as he came up, giving a sheepish smile. “I think I’ll be alright Star. It hurts a little still but... I want to help!” He had been off his ankle for the most part up until today. He was getting bored of lounging around so much! He had to do something and be active, and what better way was that then a pack hunt?

Lillie would set up the hunting organization, though Shrike hadn’t missed the comment from the white and red man. It was rude! He would wrinkle his nose, holding back a comment of his own to the man as Lillie finished up. Besides, Starling and Sparrow both already gave their input. He would lean gently into Starling, trying to offer his brother a smile. Things would be alright... They had to be.

...all it would take was an apology, right? And then they could hunt!


Table by:: Eldarwen



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
09-24-2015, 03:28 PM
More would come, not that he'd particularly care. The girl he'd spoken too would not comment on his words. Maybe she wasn't a useless baby after all? He sat there waiting for instructions, but as soon as she called him "red guy" his ears flattened. And then...her boyfriend spoke. He could hardly contain the growl that rose in his vocals, the kid yelling at him and implying that he was stupid? No, Zell would not have it. Rising to his feet he glared at Starling, teeth bared as his hackles rose. "Don't preach to me kid. You claim this pack is like family, yet since I joined none of you except for Bass and Allen have made me feel welcome. So don't feed me that bullshit. I won't apologize since she obviously needs her boyfriend to defend her."

He turned to Bass, he was pissed yes but a flash of apology lit his eyes for a second as he turned back to face the crowd. "Judging me yet you never cared to learn my name...and it's not big red guy." Gaze flashed to Lillie for a second, though he would not hold anything against her, she hadn't said a word to him. "Talking of family yet you only care about your own, not those who come from the outside. What does that tell me?" He turned on his heel once more, stalking towards bass as he whispered for only his ears. "I'll deal with whatever consequences you have for me. Enjoy your hunt." With that, he stalked out, fur bristling as he headed towards the river.

-Exit Zell-

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years

09-25-2015, 11:13 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2015, 11:13 PM by Bass.)

He greeted each of his kids in turn, and was about to address everyone when Zell burst in with a rude comment. His eyes narrowed, but he said nothing. Not until the entire pack seemed to rise up and snarl at each other, ending with Zell stalking out of the meeting. Bass rose to his paws at once, ears pinned back as his own teeth bared. He addressed the rest of them standing with the group, and even though he was oddly proud of his kids standing up for Lillie, enough was enough. "All of you need to stop acting like children! We are a pack, but does that excuse my members from yelling at each other? From snapping so easily? You guys didn't even know Zell's name, and yet you preach to him that the pack is family. You need to start following your own words before you go on talking about them." He said, golden eyes flashing. This was not okay. He turned to Lillie, dipping his head to the girl. "I need to go and deal with Zell, but I want all of you to apologize afterwards, am I clear?" Waiting for a reply, he gave a curt nod of his head and followed after the red masked man.

-exit Bass-



09-26-2015, 11:56 PM

The calico man would sigh as the hunt seemed to explode with words of anger. This... This was definitely not what a family did. But he didn’t know if any of the other wolves had even bothered to speak to Zell as of yet. It seemed that Abaven’s members were forgetting what family was truly about, and though Zell should not have said what he had, they would all need to stop acting so childish. Bass was right. All of them needed to apologize. Losing his will for the hunt, Allen would tip his head to Lillie. “I’m terribly sorry Lillie but I think that I need to go lie down. I’m suddenly not feeling so hot.” Without waiting for an answer Allen would turn tail and leave.

--Exit Allen.--

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



7 Years

09-29-2015, 01:04 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2015, 01:11 PM by Lillianna.)
A flash of movement would catch her eye, and she would note a rather large male appear; he looked quite similar to Shaye... and her suspicions of who this male was was confirmed by the nuzzling of Motif's neck. This was Motif's mate, the father of Shaye, and Vail. Taking a deep breath, with the tiniest hint of displeasure sparking in her gaze, she turned her head back to survey the rest of the wolves. That survey would be interrupted by Starling's words; eyes would widen and ears would flatten at his words.

She was appreciative of the support, oh she truly was... but less so the volatility of the new environment. Sparrow would hop on the situation immediately, encouraging an apology, and all Lillie would do is watch silently as the red guy left. Bass would turn towards them, snapping as well, and it took all her strength to not sink into the ground. She gave a shaky nod to the alpha, before he turned and followed the man; then Allen would step up... speak, and leave immediately.

Lillianna watched in dismay as her hunt fell apart, but then Shaye would catch her eye and smile encouragingly; taking a deep breath, she spoke again, her voice soft. "With that incident, thing need to be rearranged a bit. Sparrow, me, Starling and Shaye will be on the run. Everyone else will be the killing team. Let's go." This time, she did not ask for any help; she merely turned and and started heading towards where she had last scented the herds, fully expecting all the others to follow and assist.

ooc. permission was granted by Sea to PP Shaye and Motif. Round III due the 6th.


"Speech" "Italian"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-29-2015, 01:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2015, 01:17 PM by Shaye I.)

Shaye watched in dismay as the wolves around them broke into a bicker, mostly one of words that instantly set Bass off in anger. Shaye wasn't happy either that the man was so insulting to Lillie, but Star would be the one to stand up for her, getting himself into trouble with Bass. Shaye sighed and glanced up at her mother who looked like she was about to step in and tell everyone to grow up, but there had been no need. The numbers at the hunt dwindled and she fought to catch Lillie's eye, to smile encouragingly at the girl, knowing she could do this.

Lillie took a breath and moved on, barely reaction to the chaos that had unfolded around her, a fact that instantly had Shaye proud of her. The young girl bounced to her feet and moved to her friend, following beside her when Lillie began to move and start the hunt. She nudged her friend as she did so and grinned “You've got this” she promised.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.