
With your threads in mind



6 Years
09-17-2015, 09:57 AM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2015, 10:01 AM by Liar.)

Izzard & Blankts - Threads

He had given time for things to settle down. Seeing as he had spoken more with Arian, he delved deeper into the histories that was the walker family. He came to note he was not the only cursed child who had a rough childhood. On how his cousin had rose from the ashes, she truly was a gem that others didn't realize. Even with little faith she had in herself, from what he took of her children when given the right push anything could be pulled into place. Liar would find himself in the plains again. He sniffed the place out, his main goal was to search for that woman, Surreal.

Even if his apology hadn't been enough, he was a man of his own word. Perhaps talking was what was really needed, Liar knew actions could speak louder than words. His mind was a blank slate, his expressionless eyes looking out as he let out a simple bark. On the inside he could have still been seen as a boy, he was smart, and ever so damaged with the little ends of his brain always working with the demon that resided within his soul. Just because, he was on the darker side of things. People seemed to lose himself in the translation of it all.

Sitting down, he would scratch behind his left ear. The exotic male situating himself, with fur flat against his back. Intentions unknown, but still looking at if a rabbit had been caught into the snow. The cool summer air was coming in, and the clouds hanging above his head told him a storm very well be moving in. Even if it was only a few hours after the sun had rose. Liar himself had always been an early riser. To train his body, otherwise that ghost would still be haunting him behind his back.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
09-17-2015, 03:33 PM
Surreal Adravendi

She padded slowly along her patrol route, noting scents and sounds, as well as sights. Running into Creed had helped to boost her mood a bit. She had missed her old friend, even if she hadn’t thought of him very often in years. It gave her hope that she might see the rest of those who were missing again. Her little Faite, who must not be so little anymore, and Castiel, who had been missing for a long time, as well. Maybe it would be Lyric next. A shake of her head brought her back to earth, and she paused to sniff at a clump of grass. A rabbit had passed by not to long ago. Perhaps a snack for the kids. Of course, with how big Tornach was getting, a rabbit was more like a nibble than a snack.

The wind turned briefly, long enough to bring an unwelcome scent to her nose, even before the bark. A growl bubbled in her chest as she turned and headed toward the direction the scent had come from. Was it arrogance that brought him back, or did he just not understand the meaning of ‘If I ever see you here again I will maim you’? She picked up to a trot, tail flicking to raise above her hips in a display of strength as she came into range of sight with Liar. Her voice was sharp as the edge of an ice shard as she spoke. “What are you doing here?” She would give him one chance to talk his way out of a beating. But she wouldn’t allow her guard to lower, paws settling squarely under her frame, hackles lifting slightly.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
09-19-2015, 08:11 PM

The eden project - Chasing ghosts

Liar would watch the woman, her nerves were still on end clearly. However he remained ever calm as he usually was. Though she had seen his rare forms of expression. He was rather curious about Surreal ever since he spoke with Arian. Not to take many things figuratively though the conversation had been difficult to go through. Liar's inexpressive face would look over her delicate features. She indeed was a beautiful female to have been claimed by another, a family too. His head tilted to one side for a moment, ears flicking to the sound of her voice. Of course he took no offense to them.

"Looking to talk, maybe even properly apologize for my bad first impression." His first impressions did tend to turn out horrible. Ever since his father had died however, he had taken a lighter turn to his life even if his mind was warped. Children that were a subject to his own adolescence when he defiled women under his fathers orders existed in the world. Liar believed in a natural order, that of which he was on the stronger side of things. Where he based himself was a mystery, since sometimes he surprised even himself.

"I'm not very in tune with emotions." Liar mused with his mono-toned voice. He would stand again, his fur stayed flat against his back. However Arian had told him his actions did betray what he looked like. As if the boy had completely forgotten how to act like a wolf. His tail would hang low, not between his legs but just dangled there in his relaxed state.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
09-20-2015, 05:21 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal reined in her temper long enough to hear him out. Looking to talk was all well and good, but he had not helped her trust by returning here. Not only that, but he smelled of Sin, which lowered her trust of him even further, particularly with the proximity of her family involved. That Liar would never harm a child was something Surreal was unaware of. Even if she had been, she had more to protect than just her babies. Falk was blind, and less able to defend himself from an attack, though she would begin working with him on blind combat, something her Uncle had been training her in during their exile on Atlantis Island. She’d been pretty fair at fighting with mud over her eyes and hindering her sight. There was something exhilarating about only being able to hear and smell and feel your opponent as you fought; a deeper connection, because you had to stay close and literally feel for your opponent’s next moves through the minute movements of their muscles.

Her eyes bore into the expressionless face of the wolf before her. Her injuries had healed sufficiently that she could take him easily, and not be hindered by previous wounds. “Bad first impressions? You frightened my niece. There are consequences to actions, Liar Walker. Step wrong, and you can safely assume you will meet an early grave. What did Arian even do to make you do whatever you did to scare her?” The undertone of anger still lay just beneath the calm of her voice, and her eyes hadn’t softened. The exotic male was still on thin ice. All it would take was a wrong step to shatter it. “If you truly do have a hard time reading emotions in other wolves, you need to learn, and fast. There are far worse characters out there than a mother defending her children from a perceived threat.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
09-21-2015, 02:48 AM

Who was it that she reminded him of. Her appearance aside the way she spoke had perhaps shocked him mildly. His toes spread a little underneath the plains, closing his eyes he let the wind carry out his fur. The strangely marked male would only let his ears twitch mildly. He was well aware there was scarier things than... them out there. However, fear seemed to escape him. "If you don't win you die. So don't lose." So over and over again the beatings took place. What had he learned from that, pain couldn't be anything that would scare him. "We come from a family who takes weakness into severe account. I lapsed my judgment, a grandchild of a product from brother and sister matings would be assumed defective. I snapped my mind back in time." Liar honestly thought Surreal should have been thankful. If he had gotten a hold of Arian, his demon wouldn't have let her go. He still sat relaxed on that notion.

"Sometimes, I am that worse thing. My own children have made me realize that." he would let his head sit back against his shoulders. Not in an upward motion more like he was slouching. The male then slipped onto his stomach, spreading his paws on the plains. The reason for this..... he was curious what the plains felt like. Now that he was lower than her he raised his head slightly. "I want to know more about you." his voice cracked with that sentence. Perhaps a bit of sympathy in it, or even worry for her own sake.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
09-23-2015, 05:57 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal listened, cold expression still in place as Liar explained his family, and a bit of Arian’s biological heritage. Considering Syrinx and Eos’ children, she though Arian had turned out just fine for a wolf born of two family members. While it explained the reasoning behind Liar’s aggressive action toward Arian, whatever that might have been, it still was a very poor excuse. Family did not attack family, unless there was truly no alternative and lives must be protected. Neo was a wolf that Surreal knew she would put down should he threaten those who had once called him their own. None knew why he’d taken such a turn for the worse. “I have met wolves whose parents were siblings. Compared to them, Arian is a gem. And I will not hesitate to kill if it means protecting her.” She left no doubt in her tone. To his comment about sometimes being that worse thing, she made no remark.

She eyed him as he lowered himself to his belly, one brow point quirking, but at his following words, both brows furrowed. He might want to know more of her, but why, and why should she allow him to learn any more of her than what he may have already known? There was also the matter of Sin’s scent on his fur. That smell of old blood and strains of Armada heritage, so similar to Falk’s own scent, but worlds apart. Falk’s scent was warm, welcoming, beloved. Sin’s scent made her skin crawl. “And why do you want to learn more of me? I smell an enemy wolf on your fur. That doesn’t make me eager to part with details of myself. You could easily be a spy for him.” The point was, in her eyes, quite valid. As a rogue family, she, her children, and her mate could be seen as easy targets for captives. Force Claiming was something she had heard of, though Valhalla was never a part of that nonsense. It wasn’t worth having unwilling wolves in your pack. They were mouths to feed that might not help to feed themselves. They were weak links that might turn their backs on you in a siege.

No. Surreal didn’t trust easily, at all. But she had every reason to distrust a wolf with the smell of an enemy on his fur.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
09-24-2015, 05:39 AM

Liar blinked for a moment, so had Sin struck a chord with this woman. Oh wait, it had to do with Sin and Sonticus didn't it. That pack so apparently weak, however Arian was stronger than many could imagine. Liar had met woman so savvy with words, though only the smarter ones that could occur. A spy? Who would go as far as to harm her and her children, he narrowed his eyes for moment. Tell him who would hurt such a precious gem. He found anger filling his lungs for a moment. Though it was unnoticeable, as Liar stuck his nose to the dirt. Suddenly he let out his tongue. Dragging it against dirt and grass until he hopped up to all fours. His green eyes emotionless looking at Surreal. "I know nothing of Sin's old spats, and if he tried to hurt a hair on your head or your children I would not hesitate to kill him." he said this while trying to get dirt and grass out of his mouth before composing himself.

"Because.... I'm curious." there was an answer as simple as that for him. "I came from a land where I was a king, being here and starting over. I've been searching for my children and in some glimmer of hope.... my missing wife." what was he willing to pay for that he didn't know. "Me staying in Sin's pack might be temporary, I don't know." he shrugged his shoulders. It did not matter to him much, after all he had come to offer a slave. At that, maybe his walk of life was far different than this woman's. Arian was far more accepting of that but he would keep his mouth shut. If he ever saw Babel again, or Quezar. His kids would come first, over everything else.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
09-25-2015, 05:46 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Were all of Arian’s Walker family this bizarre? She caught the narrowing of his eyes, just before his dropped his nose to the ground and… did he just lick the ground? Surreal took a slight step back, one brow point arching in distinct displeasure as he popped to his feet. Clearly the ground hadn’t been all that tasty, because as he spoke next, he seemed to be attempting to clear his tongue of the debris. Her brow remained arched. With so little known about her, and this being only the third time they had ever met, how could he be that invested in her and her family’s welfare? To kill the very wolf he had joined up with if he harmed her or her children? She still couldn’t bring herself to trust the male.

At least he had an answer for her regarding her question. He was curious. His following explanation received little expression. How could such a blank wolf be a king? A pack ran off of their leader’s expressions; one reason fear must never be shown to all but the closest of members, usually family, Consort, and fellow alpha. The pack needed to see a strong face standing there. Strong, but expressive. How else would the know if their liege was proud or angry with them? One thing did resonate with her, if only slightly; that of a missing loved one. However, she didn’t announce that thought aloud. Instead, she chose to answer the last of his words. “For your sake, I hope it’s temporary, because if he dares to set paw on these lands with intent to claim them, thus displacing my children from their home, there will be hell to pay, and I will cut down any adult who stands at his side.” There was a subtle emphasis upon the word ‘adult’. She would never harm a pup, even if her own life depended upon it.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
09-26-2015, 02:22 AM

Her resolve amused him, not delicately, but however vexing it could have been it might have thrilled him. When he had ruled it was because of his cruelty, no one ever saw the kindness the man could hold. As scary and violent he could be, a gentleman at heart who just had a habit of shutting people out because of the abuse in his life. Liar was unaware of her distrust, nor did he care or mind. She was a free soul and no slave at that. Many would think him unkind, but there was no difference of right or wrong besides for when it came to getting your priorities straight. For a moment, he actually let her see a bit of himself. His tongue stuck only slightly out of his mouth as if he was sticking it out at her. It wasn't to make fun of her, he simply couldn't help it, she was a very crystal woman.

He let his tongue sit inside his mouth again before speaking. "If you need help with anything Surreal don't hesitate to ask me." Liar had come to his conclusion. He liked her, "In the meantime perhaps I will leave Sin's clutches. As bored as I may be, I was simply trying to occupy myself. No other pack would entirely suit the life style I am used to. Though an attempt to change is always nice. I'm not entirely nice man as many would call but I know where my likes and dislikes are." he would say with his tone changing with every step. He relaxed himself and sat down on his haunches. "I like you, therefore no harm will come to you if I can help it." she of course had a mate and a family. He was not interesting in any of that. They would be under his protection to. Previously of course he had soldiers to back him up, but he had his own strength to back him up.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
09-27-2015, 01:17 AM
Surreal Adravendi

As the fellow stuck his tongue out slightly, Surreal's frown deepened. There was no real sense of disrespect in the act... But Liar was a strange wolf. His offer of help should she need it was received with no comment, but she did nod slightly; as much of an acceptance as she would allow. His explanation she listened to in silence, and as he settled upon his haunches she let her stance fall into a relaxed, squared position. She wasn't ready to relax into a sitting position, just in case he was merely trying to fool her. That he liked her, she wasn't sure how to feel. She wasn't flattered, that was for sure.

She also wasn't convinced that he could truly be trusted. She hardly knew anything of the male beyond the fact that he'd had a mate, been a king in another land, was a Walker, thus Arian's cousin, and that he was running with Sin Armada. And it was that last part that was the sticky point. Judging from Liar's words about his family having a low opinion on weakness, he sounded like he must fit in well with Sin's talk of 'weak deserving to die' that Arian spoke about. She let non of her indecision show on her face, opting to maintain her calm, cold expression as she asked, bluntly. "Will you tell me of yourself, first? I cannot go about giving out my details when I know so very little about the other wolf."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
10-09-2015, 01:15 PM

Her question was rather dodgey. Not specific in his mind. When it came to himself, it wasn't like he would be sharing his life story out loud. That wasn't needed, it was a boring tragic story and he didn't need people moping over him because he really didn't care. As untrusting as she was, he would sit himself down and start to calm down. "What do you want to know?" He would share anything she asked for as long as it wasn't about Hellstrom or Sin. This was not about them, and at the moment they were just figures in the back of the train.

"I'm an open book, but only about myself." he would slide down to his stomach. Relaxing his front paws ahead of him. Liar was indeed curious, and when it was peaked there was no stopping him. He did what he wanted even if it costed him a leg or an eye. It was a dangerous life but he would rather live dangerously than safe.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
10-12-2015, 12:36 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal remained standing as Liar sat once more. The whole ‘taste the earth’ thing didn’t help her to relax around him. His actions came as though he had a thought and merely acted upon it immediately. ‘I wonder what dirt tastes like’ Lick. ‘Not good.’ The mental replay brought a faint flicker of amusement to the back of her mind, but her eyes and face remained quiet and watchful. But she voiced her question despite the distrust. “What brought you to Alacritia?” An easy question to start off with.

She was willing to start off slowly with asking him about himself, and willing to start at the outer shell and work her way in. Perhaps he would turn out to be useful, and was truly honest when he said he would be no threat to her or her family. Time would only tell, one way or another. For now, she was to remain wary. Trust was a hard to come by commodity.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
10-12-2015, 01:35 AM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 01:35 AM by Liar.)

Liar's expression would change a bit, even for a man like him there were painful memories to step over. Whenever her thought he had gotten over one, there was a thorn ready to be stuck up his paw. What had brought him here. At first it was what he was following, the king was no stranger to his own strength, needs and wants. His strange antics were a result of an odd upbringing. If he saw something, if he wanted it, most of the time he'd stop at nothing to get it. Almost like a child.

"Mmm..." Liar began for a moment. He shut his eyes shortly after as if he was trying really hard to remember. "My wife and daughter went missing. I went to find them and this was the last place I found their scent. My other children probably followed me, but I haven't seen any of them since I arrived. So I've forced myself to just continue on with my life. In the hopes that Nice or my daughter Babel will appear." Yes even a devilish man like him could love. He wasn't actually all that bad, he could be though. Liar was a piece of putty, depending on how others acted around him he could be anything. Though his emotionless state, it took some time to break through that. Even if those who payed closer attention, his body language was a bit estranged. The fact he sat up straight in front of Surreal meant he respected her.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.