
Ill-fated Soulmates


08-27-2014, 09:08 PM
Okay, let's see, where to start...

Basically, there's a shitstorm following Nikko. Though it isn't his fault. His mother is from a powerful family from some other place that isn't Ala(though Nikko doesn't know this, and I can't see any situation where he actually will ever know, and it doesn't matter anyway because it's not really important). His father is also pretty well-known, but again, not important. They were killed, Nikko's brother is missing, and a voice inside his head keeps telling him that he(the voice) killed his entire family, leaving only Nikko alive - and only because he has to use Nikko's body in order to actually harm anyone.

Shortly after the death of his parents and the disappearance of his brother(which happened when he was 6 months old), Nikko was taken in by a kind, soft-spoken wolf named Moss. Moss again plays no important role, other than he was Nikko's sole provider when he was still growing, and he holds a special place in our little crazy boy's heart. This is where you, the potential player, come in! Moss happens to know another family, and introduces Nikko to two other males about his age. He forms an unlikely friendship with one of the males(let's call him A). A and Nikko are almost polar opposites, with A being quiet, analytical, and smart, and Nikko being obnoxious and rather slow. A's entire family, really, is very quiet and intelligent, with basic manners being a must(though A and Nikko throw manners out the window and were/are known to throw insults at each other like it's going out of style).

A and his family leave only a few short months after, but he and Nikko's friendship is one that A will never be able to rid himself of.

Just as he promised, as soon as he turns a year old, Nikko sets out to find A.

Seven months after setting out on his journey(the duo being separated for just under 10 months), he finds A. A, at this point, is no longer with his family, but doesn't reveal to Nikko why. In fact, anytime Nikko asked, he was met with violence. Which is an important addition to A's personality. In the ten months he and Nikko had been separated, A becomes a rather callous, occasionally violent individual - though I feel it's important to note that, up until this point, he never actually hurt Nikko, merely forced Nikko to shut his mouth(though wrestling matches and skirmishes between them were/are common).

At any rate, the two are together for nine months until A attempts to abandon Nikko. Although Nikko doesn't know it, the truth is, A has been developing feelings for our spiky-haired dumbass, and traveling around with Nikko has taken A away from the path of revenge that he set for himself(more explained later). This is also the point where Nikko's "demon" Teumesios finally makes an appearance. Although he's been in Nikko's head for the past two years, this is first time he reveals himself. Nikko is so caught up in feelings of anguish, anger, and betrayal that his hold slips. Nikko and A have their first (and hopefully last) true fight, though Nikko remembers very little from it. Ultimately, A does not kill Nikko, but wounds him seriously. Nikko does not know this, but A leaves him with a wonderful, albeit temperamental healer. We will call her B.

Although B doesn't provide much details, Nikko discovers that, at some point before Nikko caught up with A nine months prior, B had met him and claims to love him. During the months that Nikko spends with her as he slowly recovers from his nasty wounds, he believes that he's fallen in love with B, and tries/will try continuously to win her over(it doesn't ever happen, but that's okay). Eventually, B declares that she's going to help Nikko find A, and the two set off.

Which brings us... HERE. To Ala. Nikko and B manage to track A down allllll the way here, but his trail is now cold.

SO, more details:
No, Nikko did not kill his parents, nor did Teumesios(because he isn't real; Nikko's imagination made him up because his brain is not able to handle what really happened).
Yes, the disappearances of Nikko's brother and A's family has something to do with it.
Nikko's cheek scars were given to him by someone from A's extended family. Nikko, along with his parents, was supposed to be killed, but his torture was interrupted by his brother, who was taken hostage(again, Nikko doesn't know this).
A doesn't know the whole story, either. Basically, unless Nikko's brother gets out, neither one of them will ever know the whole truth. All A knows, is that his family's and Nikko's family's deaths aren't coincidence, that they are connected in some way. He doesn't actually KNOW who killed them, or why.
B's main role is that she is a healer, BUT she is a kickass fighter and has a temperament. And God help you if you threaten Nikko or A.
A's family is not "missing." They, like Nikko's family, were killed, including his brother. A was left alive for the sole purpose of him continuing to be in pain.
Yes, an extended family member of A's(calling him D) did do this(with help, obviously). D is power-hungry. He destroys everything that he perceives may become a threat to him - even if that would never have actually happened. The truth of the matter, both A and Nikko's families were quite close, going back many generations. They did not form one pack, but rather, shared their resources amongst the two packs. D did not approve of this. He quickly found others - from each family - who did not approve either. And, of course, we all know that there are many wolves out there who will kill just to kill. So, really, D was set. D killed A's parents and brother(some time after Nikko's) as well as Nikko's parents, with his own fangs. He had been in the midst of torturing Nikko when his brother stepped in and was taken back as a slave. At this point, the two families were beginning to rally together to defeat D. In hiding, Nikko was not seen, and the families moved away as soon as they were able. This is when Moss stepped in. Moss is a rogue, but often stayed with one of the two families, and so knew them all very well. He took Nikko in, intending to give him to A's family, seeing as the remainder of Nikko's were scattered and nowhere to be found. They, however, declined, but had no qualms with their sons playing with them, until they, too, moved away(and were later killed).
A is now dead-set on killing everyone who had anything to do with his family's death, and determined to beat those who stand in his path down until they move.

I know it's not much to go on, but feel free to ask any questions, and I'll answer to the best of my ability. Also, if you happen to notice anything contradictory(since this plot is kind of just being written down as it comes to me), let me know. If you have some changes you'd like to make, let's discuss them. I'm pretty open on this plot, even though it will mean having to change up Nikko's history a bit. However, I have mentioned nothing in any of Nikko's posts about his history, so it's fine.

The past is out of the way, now for their future!

It's 100% up to you, A's potential player, if you want someone to make D so that A can kill him. Personally, I'd rather Nikko prevent him from that path, but as long as A can be saved after everything's all said and done, I'm good.

A, B, and Nikko become amazing friends. However, A and Nikko will - eventually - accept their feelings for one another and become homosexual mates. (By the time this happens, however, hopefully B will be over A and will have moved on.) I know, I know, it's kind of cliche, the two who hate each other begin to love each other. But back off, I love me some love-hate!

And that is, ultimately, what A and Nikko's relationship has become. During the time that the two were apart(going back to history again) the second time, A becomes more resolute, colder, and downright hateful towards virtually everyone else - especially Nikko(but remember, just like before, he struggles with his intense feelings for Nikko). His conflicting feelings for his former friend lead him to lash out at Nikko, moreso than he did before. It's important to note that A is no longer the quiet, collected child that Nikko once knew, the one that Nikko has spent much of his life chasing and trying to reconnect with. A is emotional and volatile. Quite simply, his path of hatred and revenge has torn him up - even if it's only been roughly a year since his parents were killed. It will take him a while to fully accept Nikko back into his life. But, because Nikko's a stubborn little asshat, who likes to weasel his way into peoples' hearts, A does eventually accept his feelings.

=Takes a breath= Holy hell.

HOKAY! So, personality wise, A is:
- Vengeful
- Hateful
- Volatile
- Hides everything behind a mask of calm.
- Secretly very lonely and just needs a hug from Nikko.

Anything else, is totally free for you to add. As long as you keep the important bits of his history, I don't really care what else you add. The ONLY THING you need to worry about it, is his parents were killed(he doesn't know why or by who), and his repeated meetings with Nikko.

Onto B:
- Genuinely caring
- Intelligent/insightful
- Healer(not really a personality trait, but still important)
- Emotionally (and physically) very strong.
- Tempermental
- Protective

Just like with A, you can add anything else. B has no set history in this, and her main role in this whole thing is to be the glue that binds Nikko and A together. She's also Nikko's temporary love interest. It's up to whoever takes B if she and Nikko have a "fling" but know that it won't be permanent. It's up to whoever takes B and A if those two end up having a fling, but again, it won't be permanent. I'd like it if B was over A by the time him and Nikko start, you know, seeing each other. She IS insightful, and she will be able to recognize (before either of the two boys) that they are madly, desperately in love with each other.

For all the other letters(I think just D?), I'm not really asking anyone to play them. At least, not yet. But if you are interested, shoot me a pm and we shall discuss.



08-28-2014, 11:52 AM

"A" is still available~


09-01-2014, 10:25 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2014, 10:28 PM by Nikko.)
Okay, so, I just realized that I left out some very key things about the relationship between "A" and Nikko.

The shortest version is: They love each other, but hate each other. Their feelings are crazy intense - but that matches both their personalities perfectly.

Longer version:
A acknowledges that feels very strongly for Nikko. The issue is, he refuses to accept it. He firmly believes that he's destined to die in a battle between himself and his family's murderer(the one whom orchestrated the entire thing). Feeling anything for someone else stands in his way. It distracts him, alters his path. He lives purely to kill the one who ruined his life. Once he accomplishes that, he has no desire to go on living. Feeling for someone gives him something to want to protect, something to live for. To look forward to waking up everyday for. While the idea of love doesn't frighten him, he believes it isn't for him. In a round-about way, his violence towards Nikko is done to protect the both of them from the pain that A is certain will come. Even if it means figuratively ripping Nikko's heart out, A will do whatever he feels is necessary to keep Nikko out of his life.

Nikko, on the other hand, does not even realize that he has feelings for his best friend/greatest enemy. He can't explain why he wants so badly to keep A from enacting revenge. He can't explain why he doesn't want A to run after his own death. His only explanations are "He's my friend" and "I'm a hero." Nikko is not comfortable without A being somewhere near him, being somewhere safe. He can't stand the thought of never seeing his closest friend, nor can he stand the thought of finding his friend as little more than a walking corpse. When he was nearly left behind by A, he nearly panicked, and when A refused to stay by his side, he grew anxious, uncertain, and angry. He felt betrayed, and he also felt extremely confused. He was happy by A's side. He was happy, and even wished to spend the rest of his life by the other male's side. When the thought that he may not spend the rest of his life at his friend's side, he refused to accept it, and he refused to accept that A was literally marching off to his death. Even if it meant breaking A's limbs, he did not want to let him go. Now that he's gone, Nikko is still determined to bring him back.

These two are the definition of co-dependent. Without the other, they're both wrecks - even if A pretends he's fine. If the two were a little more honest with themselves and a little less emotional, the truth is, their personalities would greatly compliment, and yes, complete, each other. A as the stoic, calm current, and Nikko as the brash whirlwind. Despite their anger, bickering, and constant scuffles, being together truly does change each male's views on not only himself, but on the world as a whole. On his own, Nikko certainly feels apprehensive, even if he doesn't act it(truthfully, I think he's too stupid to realize he's apprehensive). He feels as if no one will ever truly know him, like he's alone in the world. A, on the other hand, purposely distances himself. His feelings for the world are turning to bitter hatred, both loathing the wolves who, like Nikko, are ridiculously happy, and insanely jealous that he cannot find happiness. Ironically, it is with Nikko that A is his happiest. It is also with Nikko that A feels the most vulnerable.

So, yes, most of the hate comes from A, and A really is the only one who loves and hates Nikko. Nikko loves A, but in a severely unhealthy way. He can't function well without A. He tricks himself into believing he can, but underneath his idiocy and silly grins, he's broken, and only A has the power to put him back together. Only A can bring Nikko to such an emotional extreme. And only Nikko can bring A to such an emotional extreme. The two bring out the best, and the worst of each other.

OH! On another note, because I just realized it may be confusing, Nikko doesn't connect the dots between his family's death, and A's family's death. To him, they're coincidences. Awful, horrible coincidences. A does suspect something, but doesn't have enough information for him to make any educated guesses. If Castor(Nikko's brother) returns, then and only then will A and Nikko realize just how *ahem* fateful it is.


09-01-2014, 10:43 PM
Name: Tremayne Luimaen

Age: Three Years, Born In Spring

Gender:: Male


user posted image

Tremayne is a creature who holds elegance in his frame. His body is long and thin, though he supports lean but strong muscles upon his frame. His legs are long and slender, capped with small paws. Long fur, though not overly thick, covers his frame, particularly on his rather large, poofy tail and upon his cheeks. He has a bit of a more chubby face, though a longer muzzle. He is a little attractive, yet not so striking that one might take more than one glance at him.

His body build, while nothing overly impressive, is made up to be thirty-five inches in height and weighing in at roughly one hundred and ten pounds. The blue gaze of this male holds a steady look of determination, and he walks as a creature who bears nothing but purpose. Trey is on a mission, wearing a mask of calm and false body language as he needs it to get around dealing with those who are unnecessary.

Tremayne?s coat is nothing extremely special either. Made up of coal black for the most part, only a bit of white marks his body. His front left leg bears a long stocking of the color, ending as it reaches his lower shoulder. Half of his large tail, perhaps the most awkward area for the color, is coated in white, as if he dipped it in some pool of the color. His chin has a bit of the snowy color too, as well as a single slash across his muzzle, going from his upper lips across the bridge to rest on either side. His blue eyes, tinged with a small hue of light purple from his mother?s side of the family, once gave him a very soft look as a child.


Tremayne is a male broken by his history. A past haunts this man, full of bloodshed, hurt, and betrayal within his own line. He knows his family is murdered, and that has filled him with a sickening hate driving him along a path of revenge. Trey is sick, growing worse with each passing day, as his mind becomes plagued with the desire for his revenge. There is nothing that will stand in his way of finding the one who murdered his family and bringing them to justice, even at the cost of his own life. It is something that Tremayne feels is no longer of any importance, so long as the murderer is dead by his fangs.

This leads Trey to being extremely unstable and volatile, spinning downward in moods and emotions. Often the young man is trapped inside of his head, and his swings tend to make him distant of others. He has a tendency to be violent otherwise, especially if others stand in his way, and is not beyond using force to push past them. Wolves who have hearts, and hold happiness within their hearts, are now considered something so disgusting and vulgar to this male. He hates others... with one exception.

Tremayne is, in fact, in love with a bonehead of a male named Nikko. He is in denial of this fact, his heart guarded and bitter after losing everyone else who was close to him. So yes, he loves Nikko, but in a twisted way of wanting to protect him Trey does everything but show that kindness. He has gotten into a serious fight with the male and injured him badly, even if he left him with a healer for help. Tremayne is afraid of Nikko being with him, of him getting hurt, so to protect him, and keep himself on his path, he must keep Nikko away at all costs.

Tremayne is honestly a very lonely male. Hurt and lost... his heart has been turned to black. Once the quite voice of reason, he now stands as a calm before the storm. He wears a mask to cover his emotions, so well guarded, even when he is fraying on the inside. He is still intelligent, yet that intelligence is tossed to the side in place of recklessness as he seeks out the truth and path of vengeance. He is truthfully very paranoid, that somehow he's going to end up with one body in particular being found... the one that would truly shatter the last shreds of his sanity. Should anything happen to Nikko he would be utterly devastated... especially since he is the only one still able to get to that hardened heart.


-Born in a litter of two, has a brother.

-Was introduced to Nikko by Moss, who knew Tremayne?s family. At the time Trey was much softer and kinder than he is now, and a polar opposite of Nikko, whom he formed and unlikely friendship with. Though raised with basic manners he was still known to {?lovingly?} insult Nikko, as well as use a bit of force to get him to shut up if need be. After a few months Tremayne and his family leave, but despite that Tremayne can?t seem to get Nikko off his mind.

-Roughly ten months or so later Nikko reunites with Tremayne, as promised. However Tremayne is alone, his family murdered, and the young man is now much more hostile and violent, especially when asked about why he is no longer with his family. The violence and volatile nature he has had been developing is something that is completely new to him, however.

-For nine months Tremayne remained with Nikko before he attempted to abandon him. Feelings that he couldn?t explain, didn?t want to understand or accept, began to develop in his heart. Feelings for Nikko, his companion, mingling in his heart, he knows that the only way to continue on his path of revenge is to get rid of Nikko... And so thus their first true fight began. After seriously wounding Nikko he leaves him with a healer, Maximum, whom he met for a period of time {unknown to Nikko}, and continues on his way.

-Tremayne has wandered for a long period of time alone, growing colder and more bitter towards those he sees. His hate festers in his heart, and with nothing left to keep him off his path of vengeance Trey is on a downward spiral. His coldest feelings of towards Nikko, if only to protect both of them. He can not afford to keep his feelings at the forefront of his mind, because if he accepts them then he will not avenge his family, or so he feels.

RP Sample:

Days. Hours. Minutes.

Even with every second that ticked by the trail grew colder, but for Tremayne, regardless of what he had, what he knew, he would find the truth. It was something that consumed him -- he knew his family was murdered. Nikko?s family... It hadn?t been a coincidence. That was impossible. It had to be impossible. This was a plot, some sort of plot, but by who? Why? His blue eyes were dark, brooding with thoughts as he pressed on. The trail was going colder... Dammit! He needed more leads. He had to find the ones that did this and make them pay.

That, for Tremayne, was the only thing that truly mattered. No. That wasn?t completely true. But it was his goal. The only one he would allow himself to focus on, to make sure it was accomplished. Every other wolf he met that wasn?t connected was just a burden, an obstacle. Nikko, Maximum... They too could not be in his life. They would hold him back. They would take him off his path... But he couldn?t let that happen again. It had hurt him to do what he did to Nikko, but he was left with little choice. He wouldn?t fail.

How long his journey had been going on he didn?t know? Perhaps a year or so now? It didn?t matter. Didn?t matter how long it took. His mind was set; he?d find the killers and take them out. No matter how many there were. How futile the mission may seem. He would give a deep sigh, coming to a stop.

Summer... It was summer. The sun was hot, the heat driving him crazy due to his mainly dark coat. But it at least kept many others from pestering him. They sought shade during the hottest points of the day, the time he chose to travel. He had no taste for formalities... Especially with such happy-go-lucky wolves who were ignorant to the evils lurking within this world. Just the thought of such wolves made Tremayne clench his jaw tightly, and he would pin his ears back. His mind was racing, going on a tangent, and even if he was weary from travel he?d been doing most of the day the brute would lunge forward, breaking into a run.

He was trying to run from something he couldn?t escape; his own mind.


09-05-2014, 04:34 AM
Don't know if you wanted History written up as well, or an RP sample. xD Let me know love.


09-23-2014, 02:56 AM
Hellz yeah, man, I already told you Trey is perfect. Definitely make him!