
A Message To The Unknown



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-18-2015, 11:46 PM

He left the oasis, skirting around Sonticus territory as he wanted to avoid it altogether. He refused to acknowledge that Sonticus even existed anymore, after what Arian had pulled her trickery he was rather bitter about his standing with her pack. He'd not spoken to her since, and there was really no need to. At least, not until he decided to raid them later after some training of the troops. He'd brought with him another child, though this time it would be Silva who would watch and learn. He carried in his jaws, two jack rabbits while she carried a bird; wanting to "help daddy" as she said. When he'd told her no the first dozen times, she had opted to throwing a tantrum...which in turn, he gave in. He hated that children made him a little softer, though he hadn't been that way up until his new litters and he wanted to make up for not being there for his eldest sons and daughter.

He paused at the edge of Algoma Prairie, gaze lingering across the borders for a moment until Silva pawed at his heels. Turning to her, he motioned for her to sit as his gaze said "don't you dare cause trouble.." Placing the prey on the ground, he called out to the alpha's of Donostrea. He'd heard little of them, but he had heard of them. They practically bordered the other side of Sonticus, and Sin wanted to know who his potential neighbors were near the Western borders. He settled upon his haunches, tail curling neatly around his paws as he waited for one or both. His mind filled with his family, the potential hatred that Abaven would have towards them for what he had done. Secretly he feared for the safety of his young children, and he would fight with all the power of the gods to keep them safe.




9 Years
Dragon Mod
09-19-2015, 01:09 AM

The girl followed happily behind her father. It was unfair that Ganta and Obscuro had gone with him somewhere the first time, so she made it a point to go this time. She had nagged and whine until he gave in, and now she was happily following along with a pheasant in her mouth as they made their way to who knew where. Small paws occasionally stepped on the pheasants tail feathers, but it would not deter her from the task at hand. Dual toned eyes met her fathers as they stopped, ears falling back as she pouted. He looked at her like she would cause trouble...and he was probably right but she didn't care. As her father dropped his prey, she put her bird down as carefully as she could as if it were delicate china. She sat straight and tall then as her father howled, her neck straining to see who it was he was looking for.




6 Years
Extra large
09-19-2015, 03:10 AM

Very few people came knocking to Donostrea, they had had a few diplomats in their time, sure, but only a few and far between. In fact, funny enough, Glacier seemed to have met most of the Alphas in explorations through the rouge lands, it seemed he was not the only curious leader interested in learning the lay of the land. The call at his borders was an unexpected surprise, but a welcome one. Despite his efforts to encourage activity in his pack there was still very little going on in Donostrea. He and Anais hunted a great deal of the packs kill, complimented by Locha's fishing, Voltage spent time with his family and his growing children, and the rest of his family... he saw so little of them.

He moved easily in the direction of the howler, blissfully unaware of the ID of his guest and the news they would bare to his door. He stopped in front of the stranger, to find that the man had unusual markings, a thought that rarely crossed the Alphas mind – his entire family thrived on strange markings. He grinned at the young wolf at – her fathers? - side. “Welcome to Donostrea, I am Glacier, one of the alpha's here. May I ask what brings you here?” he asked.





6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-23-2015, 03:35 PM
He waited patiently, Silva sitting at his side with all the curiosity of the world. He too was curious, for he had not met anyone from this pack and was certainly curious to find out who it was. The breeze here felt cool on his pelt, slightly less warmer then the deserts they now inhabited but he knew too that this part of the land drew air from the coast. It wasn't a bad idea...perhaps he too should consider another territory near the coast, but as it was he preferred where they now resided.

As he leaned down to nuzzle his daughter--something he never did before until his two recent litters -- he would spot an unusually colored behemoth marching towards them. Straightening up, amber gaze focused on the male as he scrutinized him, trying to figure out what kind of man he was before he stopped before them. More or less he figured the guy wasn't like him, he'd not heard of them so obviously, they didn't seek to dominate. The man introduced himself as Glacier, an interesting name he supposed. So Donostrea was the name...and he was just one of the Alpha's. He wondered who the other one was.

Dipping his head in respect from one alpha to another, a slight grin would find its way on his maw as amber gaze met Glacier's. "Sin Hellstrom. I've come with one of my daughters for a little visit and a neighborly chat. We've recently moved in a little ways to the west you see." He leaned over towards Silva, the little girl staring up at the man in awe as he nudged her and motioned towards the bird. "We come with a gift, I've other matters of business I'd like to discuss as well if you have the time."



9 Years
Dragon Mod
10-05-2015, 12:18 AM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2015, 12:24 AM by Silva.)

Oh, where were they!? She wanted to know who they came to see, and her paws danced in place as she began to whine. Then finally, the winds threw an unfamiliar scent towards them, and once again she craned her neck to look. Eyes grew as wide as saucers, the figure that approached was HUGE and...Blue! "Daddy daddy look! He's huuugee!" She wagged her tail as the stranger approached, his baritone voice rattling her ears as her jaw dropped when he stood in front of them.

She wouldn't take her eyes off of the alpha whose name was Glacier, well that was an awesome name! She waited for her father to speak, and when he motioned to her she quickly picked up the pheasant and strode to close the gap between her and Glacier, dropping it at his feet before looking up. "I'm Silva! I brought you a bird that I caught with daddy's help, how did you get so big and blue!?"




6 Years
Extra large
10-07-2015, 10:00 PM

The stranger would dip his head in greeting, and Glacier would wait in polite silence, giving the man a chance to give his name and a little bit about what brought him here. As he did so he let his eyes wonder to the excited girl at his side. Her eyes where hug and she seemed captivated by the Donostrea Giant. The stranger introduced himself as Sin a name that held no history for Glacier, and explained he had moved in recently, was he saying there was a new Alpha on the block? That intrigued Glacier, because as far as he knew thus far himself and Voltage had been the newest leaders to the area.

Sin then turned Glacier's attention to the fresh kill, explaining how it was a gift to accommodate matters of business. “It's a pleasure to meet you Sin, and well met. The gift will be put to use, and we thank you” he said politely. Using the royal 'we' as he thanked him for his pack, as he spoke the young girl picked up the pheasant and bridged the slight gap between them to leave the bird at his feet. It was a brazen move to make for a young creature in the face of a titanic stranger and Glacier's grin split upwards because of it. He nodded his head gently to the child, moving to take the bird from where she had left it, a movement to acknowledge her gesture as he placed it on his side of the border. He was intruded how Sin had brought his child here to speak of matters of state and assumed that in part this must be for the child to learn. Glacier took a set, showing he was prepared for the long haul if needed." “Very well Sin Hellstrom, i'm intrigued to know what you have to say.”





6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-07-2015, 10:22 PM
Sin Hellstrom

He couldn't help but laugh a bit at his daughters bold curiosity, she would grow to be a strong woman someday. Perhaps even a strong warrior or political meister. He nodded to Glacier as he thanked him, it was a small gift but it would do for now. He didn't want to waste much time, the man wanting to get back to check up on his other children and make sure they weren't getting into too much trouble and bothering his mate. Amber gaze met Glacier's, the ocean breeze rolling in to ruffle his coat some. As Glacier gave him the go ahead to continue, he would speak.

"I've come to attempt to Forge an alliance, altho I'm aware of some packs contempt for me and my kin due to my lineage, I only seek to protect my family." It was true for the most part, though he had taken the crown from a quiet pack to create a haven for his own family, it was something he brushed off. Packs rose and fell quite often, though he didn't know how long it would be until someone sought revenge for his part in felling a pack, he wanted to make sure there would be a safe place for his youngest to go in times of need.

He would be honest with Glacier, the man seemed capable, respectful. And those who he respected would not fall on his bad side without reason. "Should anything happen, I would like to know if your pack will be willing to take in my youngest for a time. There are six of them, including my daughter here. In return, I will gladly aid you in the future should Donostrea need it. I give my word on that."



6 Years
Extra large
10-07-2015, 10:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2015, 10:34 PM by Glacier.)

Sin would take little prompting before he spoke, and Glacier's eyebrows would raise in response to the mans words. They where cryptic at best and left Glacier guessing. He was here in an attempt to forge an alliance – this was no great surprise, as it was the main reason for any diplomat who made their way to his borders. It was the other part that intrigued the Alpha, the mention of other leaders contempt and a need to protect his children. That would be all he gave before he went on to further explain what it was he hoped to find in an alliance with Donostrea. Glacier was silent for a moment, mulling it all over and his eyes would flick to Silva as he thought, who was quiet for the most part.

“Finding sanctuary for your children sounds like a noble endeavor” he said finally, “but your words remind me that I know nothing of you, and I find it intriguing to hear that other alpha hold animosity over you. Perhaps in a gesture of goodwill you can enlightenment me to their view of you?” he asked diplomatically. His pack after all, was strong in their endeavor to remain neutral, he was uncertain about forging an alliance with a man who seemed to have found enemies in others.





6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-07-2015, 11:42 PM
Sin Hellstrom

He waited patiently as Glacier seemed to be thinking over what he said. He knew he had come off strong, perhaps even asked for a lot considering he hadn't really told Glacier anything about him really. He nosed Silva back to him, the girl protesting greatly as she seemed to want to stay near Glacier. "Seems she's taking a liking to you already." He mused quietly. Then Glacier would speak, Sin listening quietly as the clockwork turned. He could be honest about the challenge, Threar had seemed a very well liked pack, and he knew that when a particular Alpha from a particular pack, the one who'd been pacing nervously, was the one that could and probably would potentially seek to overthrow him in a fit of revenge.

"You're observant and smart. Good qualities to have, many would forget to question such things." Indeed it was true, but he would smile slightly as he went on. "Threar no longer exists because of me. I had challenged more in the hopes to see if they would fight back and defend their home, but I was very...disappointed. As a result, Abaven I am sure, despise me considering Threar was apparently a family pack of theirs. I don't doubt that their Alpha will come seeking revenge, I've not seen hide nor hair of him since. Arian of Sonticus also made mention of a rogue by the name of Surreal, that my pack moved into their home, however, had I known they resided there with children I would have claimed elsewhere. I don't wish to displace children from their home, although she has not come to seek me out for a chat either."

Arian did tell him that Surreal was his enemy, though sin had them, he had never even met the woman. She went based on a vendetta because of his claiming of the Plains, but it didn't matter now. She had not sought him out, so as far as he was concerned, the Plains belonged to him. He had not actively sought her out either, sure that she wished to remain in her veil of hatred and refuse to remedy the situation. There were many like that in the world, but the time would come when it happened...he would protect his home, and he would fight for it for as long as he could. "I know it doesn't sound all that...good. But packs come and go. It was more my intention to test the disbanded pack...but as fate would have it, they failed. I know seek to protect my family and have for them a safe place to live, which is what most everyone seeks, no? I am sure, that is why Donostrea stands as well. Family, is it not true?"



6 Years
Extra large
10-08-2015, 12:19 AM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2015, 12:21 AM by Glacier.)

Glacier grinned at the mention of the girl, it seems children where popping up everywhere around him and it was a little overwhelming. Voltage's children felt to him like they had been born only yesterday yet they had jumped from little jellybeans to miniature people in a matter of moments, and they now where at liberty to run about his giant's feet and take pony rides on his broad back, it was a lot to take in.

Sin would bring out the flattery as he tried to explain himself, pointing out Glacier's observant nature, which brought him to hide a smile. He sobered immediately as Sin moved on, and brought the conversation to Threar. Glacier had heard nothing of this, and had not seen his friend in a while – this hadn't come as a surprise, thus far his meetings with Frith had always been utterly random, a pleasant surprise. It explained a great deal of the general emotion of the packs around them – he didn't know all the intricate connections, but Threar seemed easy to love, a gentle natured pack of family, much like Donostrea itself. He knew little of Abaven or its connection to it, but accepted the possibility that it might seek revenge. Glacier himself held mixed feelings, there was regret – the chance of bringing their packs together in parties or events was lost, perhaps forever. What of Frith? Would he see his friend again? He dreaded to think what he might be going through after this upheaval.

Again, Glacier would find himself thinking carefully, and his mind did travel to the question of how Voltage would react, likely with more vibrant energy to the upheaval then Glacier himself, who kept himself under control and went though it with more logical then emotion. He couldn't keep himself from sighing softly in regret for lost opportunities before he forced himself to turn back to reality. The truth of it was, Threar was gone, would they return? He did not know, he had not seen Frith nor heard news of the pack before today, before the Challenger himself knocked at his door. Where this left them was a huge question mark to the shifting of the packs. It sounded as tho the other leaders of Alacritis would not lie idle to this, which was something Donostrea did not want to get in the middle of, especially since they in truth did not know where the other packs stood. There was a longer delay this time before Glacier said his piece. “Donostrea is family, a safe haven for our siblings, a place of neutrality and peace. In light of this, I can not agree to an alliance at this time – for the safety of my pack I do not want to be drawn into a war from either side. In saying this, you can also rest assured that with the knowledge I currently have I will not lift a hand against you. Also, I would never turn down a child and if I found your young ones at my door one day they would not go cold or hungry, or given to those who might mean them harm” he said at last, his words as neutral and fair as he could logically make them.





6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-11-2015, 01:17 AM


The blood stained beast felt like he was holding his breath. He had said alot, surprisingly. And the other seemed to be in deep thought about it. He didn't know the standing between this pack and Threar, and Glacier could easily turn him down and declare him an enemy like the rest of the world, but it seemed...he was more level headed and thought rationally. A trait rare in those who led packs these days. The rest led with emotion, blind to anything else but what they felt. And it was often in those kinds of decisions, that would be everyone's downfall. Silva began to lean against his leg. The girl growing bored no doubt but her eyed kept wide as she took in every word being said.

At last, the Titan spoke and Sin felt like he could breathe easier. Glacier had offered to take in his children if necessary, and truthfully, that was all he really wanted. Although an alliance would have been good, he would not force nor press the matter about forging an alliance. If it happened in the future, then it happened. But he could respect the answer given to him. "I thank you. I won't press matters of alliance, I respect that decision wholeheartedly. It is good to know my children will have a safe place to go, however temporary, and in return should you need a favor in the future, don't hesitate to call." Although he didn't like being in debt to anyone, this would be something he didn't mind being in debt for. Safety of his family was first and foremost, and he would not rest if his children were ever taken away from him. Like Donostrea, his family meant everything to him.




6 Years
Extra large
10-11-2015, 01:28 AM

Glacier's answer hadn't been a definite 'no' only that he would not do so well it would appear as through he was taking sides in this potential upheaval. He wanted to keep his family clear of this, and would hold no judgment over why the others might act as they did, he would wait for the storm to pass, and then see how the lay of the land might have changed and where that might lead him and Donostrea after. For now, he would offer this man the best he could and wait for him to leave before he worried over Donostrea, Frith, and its other members.

“It is not a favor for a favor but I perhaps ask that if things might ever be reversed you would think kindly on us and consider before helping another attack Donostrea or perhaps in turn a sanctuary for our child if the need ever arise” he said logically, showing he would hold nothing over Sin for what little he could offer the man, except perhaps to meet logic with logic in the days to come.





6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-14-2015, 02:44 PM


He waited patiently, the alphas words lingering in the air between them for a moment before he himself would respond. Although he couldn't say for sure whether he would aid in attacking Donostrea later down the line, he would see this as his return gesture. He would not aid whomever else decided to attack, not since they so kindly offered to help a man such as himself, and this had been the only time he had ever sought help...but it was more for his children then himself. He did not want them around when war came, did not want to risk their lives being taken and their freedom stripped away. Come hell or high water, he would not allow that.

He nodded, a small smile on his face as sharp amber gaze looked the other Alpha in the eyes. "You are safe from an attack from us, do not worry. And should you find war on your doorstep, your children and family are welcome to seek refuge." He looked past him then, eyes full of thought as he considered the possibilities of the future. "I have no doubt Hellstrom will fall in the upcoming war on account of our pack being so small...but we will rise again. Of that I am sure. And when that happens, your family are welcome to visit. I'm sure Silva would like that." Was he being nice? Maybe. His mind was a fickle thing, but he would do anything for the sake of his children, and until his pack grew bigger, they would need all the neutral parties they could get....or at least, try and not make more enemies until they were ready.
