
Pick me up and drop me



4 Years
09-20-2015, 02:05 PM

After her talk with Valentine, Arian was tripping over herself again. How could someone be so rude? Just over a merely amount of land. Hellstrom had decided to share borders with her, though unclear how she felt she knew the pack itself wouldn't be happy. However with Sin's kids and their prior relationship whether he thought it or not, she wouldn't pin anything against him for petty reasons. How many wolves would hate her if they found out she was the one who suggested Sin target Threar? The most quiet of the packs. No, nothing of a word would be breathed about that. As she stepped near the mangrove, her tired paws settled at the borders.

Leo would know what to do..... or at least have some input on it. She knew speaking to Surreal would only lead the woman to say that she should attack Hellstrom. Arian was having a hard enough time running in circles. To move her pack once more right when they had gotten used to the lands. Well, that was a difficult decision all in itself. Her tail flicked as she raised her head in a howl for her brother. Worse case scenario her pack no longer stood, but after making it this far. Her pride would be hurt a bit if she lost it now.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
Athena I
09-20-2015, 04:24 PM

His adopted sister's voice had been much more frequent in his life these days and that was a fact he was happy about, not matter the reason. As always, he was quick to hurry toward her call when she howled from the border. He still felt a little unsettled with the recent events around Threar even though his chat with Bass had helped bring him some calmness. Seeing Arian broughts a smile to his muzzle and he trotted up to her to give her a warm embrace. "I'm glad to see you're alright, Arian, even if you do look as stressed as ever." He chuckled softly to himself as he stepped back to settle onto his haunches in front of her. "You know I'm always happy to see you. What's the reason for your visit this time?"

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
09-20-2015, 11:04 PM

Her eyes twitched for a moment as she spotted her brother. Muscles on the steady rise and fall. Keeping her emotions in check is what she had been trying to do. She had been many a stranger and even then pouring out her scared emotions to them seemed easier than giving it out to family. What else did she have left to lose, before she had nothing but now everything meant something to her. Her tail twitched a little, she would have given a happy greeting but with her heart thumping up against her chest it was hard. "I'm always happy to see that you're still around." Arian would speak. She sat down and took in a breath before letting it out.

"It sucks that whenever I see you. It's always on bad terms when I have things on my mind." her eyes went estrange for a moment, she glared but it was more out of stress and confusion than anger towards her brother. "I tried moving Sonticus to the west to avoid Yfir, but now it's Imperium whose hot on my tail after they invaded my territory in the north. Valentine came to me, I tried to make amends with him and come to a peaceful conclusion but the man just can't seem to get anything into his head. He threatened Sonticus... if we were to stay in Druid's moor. Now, the man known as Sin who used to occupy my pack and wanted to it over all the same has made his pack hellstrom and moved next door. The man has two new litters of pups so I would not wish any misfortune on him but I don't feel safe anymore." she tried to stick to pausing maybe that way Leo would understand what she was explaining.

"Valentine basically, threatened me because his prior pack had the moor. I know that well enough, but it just seemed stupid. He occupies Seracia's old lands where we grew up. But I suppose I know I'm not strong enough to size up to his empire. I wish I could just take Sonticus and make everyone vanish. Wherever I go I'm threatened. At this point the pack means a lot to me. I came to ask what you think I should do." Arian finally finished, and it was clearly shown in her eyes that she needed some sort of help with this. Maybe she was looking for him to say she should just give up. Even if Sonticus no longer stood, she knew others would figure out their lives. The question was, did they need to exist in the first place.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
Athena I
09-23-2015, 10:11 AM

He really wasn't surprised to hear that Arian was having some kind of trouble. Trouble always seemed to have a way of finding itself at Arian's door. He would listen quietly as she described their move and the complications that arose because of it. First Yifr and now Imperium? What was it about Arian that brought all these disagreements upon her and Sonoticus? He knew of Yifr and Imperium, but this Hellstrom pack was new to his ears. Perhaps he was only making assumptions, but the fact that this new pack had appeared just as Threar had been defeated seemed like an awfully big coincidence. He didn't comment on that yet though, Arian's problems were the thing of concern right now.

When she was finished explaining and asked his opinion of him he hummed thoughtfully and considered it for a moment. "Well I've already told you before how I disliked that your pack was so far from Fiori. That was true when you were in the north and especially true now that you've basically moved into Imperium's backyard. I hate that you'd have to move your pack yet again, but I think that might be the easiest option. I can't offer my pack to help fight them. It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't want to put them in that kind of danger. But perhaps if you move closer to Fiori I could help to protect you if they were to attack you." He paused with a frown and he added with a sad tone to his voice, "There's plenty of free area around my pack now. If you haven't noticed." He shrugged with a slight sigh and then waited to see what she would have to say about the offer.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
09-24-2015, 02:38 AM

It was true, being closer to home would also probably put her at ease. She almost felt like she was watered down. Though pushing this on Leo, it almost felt like she was doing it again. Using someone. She certainly hoped no one saw her like that, it was the worst kind of fear she had in her. Arian wanted to avoid one thing, Sonticus or Fiori getting attacked. Though, if any of them got hurt because of her, she was unsure of what she was gonna do.

"I'll tell them... probably a day after I get home and speak with Cypress and Avalon... I also adopted Avalon as my sister." she explained, though she leaned back on herself again. Her tone had automatically changed to very unsure. About her own decision, she couldn't really doubt herself. This was no time for that either. "Leo.... I have something tugging at my chest." her tail twitched. "I know I complained about Hellstrom, but if anyone knew of this they'd probably hate me." he jaw clenched. "Threar was the pack challenged for. And the reason for that is... I told sin Threar was more worthwhile to challenge than my pack." she sighed. "It's my fault, and if Abaven ever found out they'd certainly make quick mince meat of me."

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
Athena I
09-24-2015, 09:53 PM

Leo nodded when Arian said she was bring it up to her pack and her mate and the woman who had come to ask him about Fiori assisting Sonoticus. He remembered Avalon pretty well from their meeting, but he was still a little surprised when she said she had adopted the woman as her sister. Adoptions were certainly not uncommon among their family and he had to problem with the new addition. He just wondered if their mother knew about it or if this was the first Arian had spoke of their new sibling of sorts to any of her family. He would still give her a smile though at the news. He was always happy for more family, even distantly adopted family.

His expression grew curious as she spoke of something that was bothering her and then even more curious and a little concerned when she brought up Hellstrom. She confirmed his suspicions that this Hellstrom alpha had indeed challenged Threar. What she said next shocked him more than anything and for a moment he could only stare at her. He was lost for words and that wasn't something that happened to him very often. He slowly shook his head and a sigh passed his lips. "Arian... I don't know what to say to you right now... You're right. Bass certainly would make mincemeat of you if he knew. The only reason I am not siding with him is because you're my sister and I can understand that you were just trying to protect your pack. I respected Frith very highly and I considered Threar one of Fiori's allies and I'm sure there are more packs out there that felt that way as well besides Abaven and myself." He shook his head and again and just sighed as he looked away from her for a moment. "But you're my sister. And what's been done can't be changed now. I'll keep this between us, but that is the most I will do for you on this topic."

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
09-24-2015, 11:09 PM

Her ears moved forward to Leo, by confiding in him she had put him in a difficult spot. She to had enjoyed Threar's company. It came to he sudden realization that in the pit of her stomach in a way she had betrayed an allie. They didn't have an alliance though but she and novella had been on good terms. Arian stifled out a cry, she bit into her lip to make sure the tears wouldn't fall. She would bury that secret with her, not was not the time to be crying over a mistake she had made. "Okay." she breathed. Spreading her paws out she stood up. She supposed she should head home now.

"I'll see you soon Leo. Maybe now my children can spend more time with you as well." Arian let out a calm smile. She was certain Juniper and Rivaxorus would be happy to visit their uncle. They had adjusted easy to the first move so she didn't have any doubts they would mind the next and the permanent one. Surreal might not have been happy, but Arian did what she could to keep moving forward instead of tripping backwards on herself.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.