
Walking The Plank



9 Years
Dragon Mod
09-23-2015, 04:37 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2015, 06:31 PM by Obscuro.)
His father had told them to stay with someone else. His siblings and him had gone to stay with them, forced to leave their home for reasons unknown to him. Despite his brothers best efforts to keep him calm, Obscuro had eventually wandered away from the rag tag group and tried to venture back through way they came. Little did he know he had been going through complete opposite way. He felt that maybe it was taking longer to get back home because he was small, and by himself. But no. He had been going through wrong way the entire time.

Growing exhausted, he would slowly come to a trot. Chest heaving from the effort of running for so long. For once in his short life, he had gone out by himself. No brother, no guide. When he finally realized what he'd done, he began to grow scared. Ears plastering to his skull, tail tucking as he looked around.

After what seemed like an hour or so, the young boy grew tired of searching. He was also thirsty, so as he crept forward, he felt his way towards the water but little did he know that he was walking towards the edge of a rocky outcrop. As he neared the edge, he felt confident enough that he was close to drink water, so when he leaned forward, he stumbled and it would he his demise. The boy fell forward, catching himself on the very edge but he was too unbalanced, and he'd tumble into the water.

With a loud cry, the water surged over his head and he could not tell which way was up and which way was down. He had no idea how to swim, so he could do nothing more then flail as he fought to find the surface. He'd find it, however, gasping for air as he sucked in a deep breath, coughing as he floated down stream. He was panicking, he could feel his hind legs sieze from the panic that gripped him and they suddenly became useless. "HELP!!! ENIGMA!!! SOMEONE--" Loud and panicked screams were cut short as the water swallowed him up once more.

Finch I


4 Years

10-06-2015, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2015, 12:43 PM by Finch I.)

The girl strolled along the river, careful to not get too close to the edge. The pounding of water was all that she could hear, and was thankful for the slight pressure of Civetta on her back. Finch didn't often come to this part of the territory, generally she lingered in the plains and close to the family den. But her feathered friend had wanted to see the fast moving waters, and didn't often go anywhere without Finch. Which was probably a good idea, because for a tiny, tiny bird, she had quite the beak on her. Sharply spoken and seemingly no fear at all, the wolf was glad that she could offer a bit of protection to her. Letting out a soft sigh she was about to turn back towards the plains when she heard a sharp cry. Head snapped up quickly as her wide blue eyes inspected the waters, had someone been calling from in there? "Civetta! Fly o-over the water and s-see if you can s-see someone!" she called, hardly waiting long enough to give the bird a solid take off. Pale paws moved to run alongside the rapids, until she heard the finch's song call out to her downstream. She saw a wolf's head bobbing in and out of the water, and fear coursed through her. She wasn't strong enough to pull him out!

"Finch quick, down here!" the bird sang, and the girl was hardly able to pick it up over the rushing sound in her ears. Quickly she raced towards the call, seeing that Civetta had found a fallen log that jutted across the water. Swallowing hard she lowered herself to the slick surface, the frothing water had made it damp and had stripped all the bark from it. Dull claws dug into the log for more purchase as she wiggled as far out as she dared. Heart pounded fast in her chest as she leaned down, just in time to latch her teeth on the stranger's scruff. But Finch was not a strong wolf. She began to panic slightly, fear coursing through every inch of her body. She wasn't sure that she would be able to pull this wolf backwards. He was smaller than her, just a pup, but his weight still put strain on her neck. And backing up on the wet log did not sound like a good idea. But the chirping from Civetta behind her allowed her to focus on the sound, feeling her sharp beak pull at the hair on her tail. The finch was trying to guide her backwards, and very, very slowly she shimmied towards the bank. One of her hind legs slipped from under her and her eyes flew wide, a yelp sounding between the fur of the pup. Her belly slammed hard against the log, and she fought to catch her breath. "Finch! Its okay! You are almost there!" The bird cried, and Finch tried to ignore the panicked tones in her voice. Huffing she pulled herself to all fours, nor daring to turn around as she quickly scrambled backwards. When the brush of grass finally greeted her, she reared upwards and turned, flopping down to solid ground with the soaked boy near her nose. Panting heavily her blue eyes slipped closed for a moment as she tried to calm her racing heart.


Art by Evelyn



9 Years
Dragon Mod
10-26-2015, 07:17 PM

The world was so dark. His senses gone as he felt only the cold gripping fear and impending doom he felt within him. His lungs burned, his hind legs refused to move, and his flailing grew weaker. He was done for. He would die here, without his momma and without his father. He uttered a silent scream, only to find water surging into his lungs. This was it, wasn't it?

As he began to succumb to the darkness, eyes slipped closed and he let the water take him. He didn't feel the teeth around his scruff. Didn't feel the breaking of water as he was dragged back to shore. His mind was fading bit by bit. His breathing dangerously slow as his savior brought them to shore. He lied there, a sopping wet bundle of useless fur. His sides rose and fell, but barely. He felt he was on the brink of death.

Momma...I'm..sorry momma...I should have...stayed...should have..stayed to protect ganta with momma? I'm cold...why is it cold? Why am I so..useless...will I...die today? I'm weak...weak don't...survive...


OOC// sorry for bad post :c

Finch I


4 Years

11-11-2015, 02:51 PM

As Finch caught her breath, she eyed the boy. She saw his flanks moving, but they were painfully slow. The girl didn't know very much about healing, and almost everyone was away at the siege. She eyed Civetta, who had hopped over and was poking at the boys cheek, trying to wake him up. Panic rose in her chest, breath hitching all over again. What was she going to do? She couldn't just let him die! But... she didn't know what to do. Oh, she wished that Starling or Sparrow were here, they would know just what to do! Knowing that he was probably freezing after his dip, she curled her larger body around him, trying to snuggle him close to her belly. Oh crap, oh crap! What in the world was she supposed to do? A shaky sigh left her lips as she lowered her head, her tongue rasping over his soaking body, trying to dry it as best as she could. "P-please wake u-up..." she stuttered softly in his ear, going right back to her cleaning. Fluffing up her fur against him she tried to calm down her racing heart, just hoping that she knew enough to save him.


Art by Evelyn



9 Years
Dragon Mod
11-13-2015, 08:14 PM

This was it. He was done for. Even the clutches of hell were dragging at his skin, his body warming up bit by bit. The claws of the Demons poking and prodding at his face. Goodbye cruel world! He could feel the faint warmth seep into his skin, the light pecking of something on his face. If he was going to hell for some reason, it felt oddly gentle. Maybe...maybe he wasn't going to die. The rubbing sensation of a tongue on his body felt like the way momma did it. Was...was she here. A voice unknown to him kissed his ears, calling him back. Slowly, lids fluttered open but it would not change what he could see...or couldn't see. Darkness was still very much his world. Even death couldn't change that.

Suddenly, he felt something rise in his throat. The boy lurched up as the water he had inhaled surged up and out. When he was done, his head fell back to the ground as his sides heaved with the gulps of air he was taking in. His lungs burned, his legs felt stiff. But it felt good yet painful to still be alive. The rushing water had washed off the scent of his family, his own scent waterlogged. His senses were still numb, unable to properly smell anything quite yet. "M-momma?" His voice fell raspy and weak.


Finch I


4 Years

11-23-2015, 02:40 PM

The boy finally jerked and a huge breath rushed out of Finch's lungs, leaning back as he started to throw up the water that he had inhaled while rushing down the river. His eyes opened but they were gray and she knew that they were unseeing. Well no wonder why he had tripped into the river, stumbling around blind like that around the rapids. Her heart melted for the young boy, and she leaned down to nuzzle behind his ear. The slate blue boy turned towards her, asking for his mother. Oh dear, did he think that she was his mother? Finch blinked rapidly, gazing down at the pup with sadness in her eyes. Her own scent was strong, but he was probably so dazed and confused after a spill like that. "N-no, my name i-is Finch. You're i-in A-abaven right now. You f-fell into t-the rapids, and I pulled y-you out." she said softly, slowly. She didn't want to scare the poor boy any more than he probably already was. "Where is y-your family?" She asked.


Art by Evelyn