
could you not? {{ birthing


09-23-2015, 07:17 PM
#1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
Wren was only on her way back from speaking to Lillianna, satisfied with their discussion. She was pretty happy, even though she felt like a time bomb with exploding hormones. That poor girl- nothing like her mother. It was good to know. But all her joy quickly faded away when an enlarged, painful lurch hit her like a blow to the side. The heavily pregnant woman gasped and collapsed forward, trembling. She folded her legs shakily beneath her and tried to lift herself up, but failed, and crumbled to the ground once more. There was so much pain in her felt familiar. Like last time, when she birth. These were contractions. Wren cringed, and curled up into the dirt, whimpering softly. "Why now?" She asked, feeling another contraction rack through her body, a loud yelp leaving her lips. Currently, the girl was unable to howl. She was in too much pain. So all she managed to get out was a pained call for her husband, and Starling, an experienced healer. "Starling?! Bass?!" She called between whimpers, her legs pressed into her belly, trying to somehow ease the pain.

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years

09-23-2015, 10:05 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2015, 11:29 PM by Evelyn.)

Bass held a still warm rabbit in his jaws, intended for his wife. As he neared their den though, he did not see her within it. Worry filled him at once, she was very pregnant and shouldn't be wandering so far away. A whine left his jaws as he bit down harder on the dead creature, dropping it so that he could try and trace her scent. He rounded the side of the den and picked it up, it was faint, but not too old at all. Quickly he raced after the smell, and it wasn't long before he saw the woman curled in the dirt, calling for her and Starling. Good heavens it was happening already. Coming to her side he tossed up a howl and called for Starling and Harmony, an urgency in his vocals. He should know what it was about, and he just prayed that the young boy would bring what was needed. And Harmony, he needed her support in this as well as her aid for Starling. Drawing his attention back to Wren he let out a soft hum, leaning down to nuzzle the top of her head. He hated seeing her go through his pain, and was not at all envious of her position. "Baby mine, don't you cry," he sang softly, laying down behind her and supporting her smaller frame. "Baby mine, dry your eyes." The lullaby came from his mouth in hushed tones, hoping his deep baritone would help sooth her. "Rest your head, close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine." Hurry Starling, Harmony, anyone!




5 Years
09-23-2015, 11:12 PM
Starling had stayed around the past few days, which was oddly easier than expected. He had counted the days, and planned his...plans accordingly. It would be sometime very soon, which is why he had, up untill this moment, busied himself with gathering as much as he could so he could spend his week or so around the packlands just sorting. He had dug his store deeply, widely, enough to fit himself and all of his plants. He had also taken a page out of his training in Sonticus, remembering the odd wooden shelves that Arian had kept her herbs in, so he had painstakingly dug out grooves in his walls, enough to store his herbs, and he had tried his damndest to find warm pelts to help moderate the temperature and keep it dry for the winter months. The longer he could keep his herbs alive when the snow came, the better it was for their pack. It was all for his family, for their health and the new additions. He was well prepared, with his stocked store and his new rank, to help them through it all. It was he who would help his mother through her birthing, he wanted to be there for her, so he kept a special bundle tied in the back of his store.

So, when he heard his mother's desperate cry faint and very distant, he was ready. He rushed to the back of his store, picked up the pre-gathered herbs and dashed from it. His paws were swift (for once) as they carried him easily through the packlands, his pace quickening as his father's demanding howl called his name. It was time, it certainly was time. He breathed around the flora, his body pushing through the tall grass before he skidded to a stop at the sweet sound of his father's voice, and the painful cries of his mother. He quickly lopped towards them, dropping his bundle and nosing through it to find the trillium, motherwort and some dandelion roots. Moving towards his parents he quickly placed them before his mother, looking at her with a sweet but serious smile. "Sarà madre va bene, basta mangiare quelli. Masticare, tanto più si mastica più rapidamente che reagirà." He said quickly before turning back, gently nosing at her heaving sides. It certainly was time. He counted under his breath for the contractions before looking at Bass, nodding his head. Keep doing that, he said with his gaze. Comfort her. "Mamma, ho bisogno di respirare, dentro e fuori e cercare di rilassarsi. Prendete le vostre erbe, e solo respirare." He said in his tender voice, assessing her pain levels, and counting between contractions. Soon, soon, his little siblings would be here soon, and she would be just fine, he would make sure of it. If anything, he had brought enough pain killers to knock out an elephant if she needed it.




10 Years
09-26-2015, 04:13 PM

It had not been long since she'd returned when Bass unexpectedly - and urgently - called for her and Starling. Given that he'd told her Wren was expecting... it was very likely that which had prompted the call. She had no herbs collected, no den even yet, but she was prompt in answering him. Not in his den, but towards where the call had come a short way off. She came upon them, Wren and Bass and Starling all there already, and she gave the young healer a warm smile. She was so very proud of how far he'd come, so proud and so... sad that she had missed it all. Her eyes dropped to the herbs he had gathered, and rose back to him with a smile in her eyes. "Starling my darling, do you have any raspberry leaves and lavender? Or maybe catnip or crampbark? She won't need anything stronger, I think, though it was smart of you to bring them just in case. The trillium and motherwort are very good choices... Have you done this before?"

She remained serene and casual as she leaned over to lick Bass' cheek, seeking to bring calm to the little group. Bass and Starling were worried, as well they should be for someone they loved so very much, but right now Wren needed to relax, not panic. "Hello, Wren dear, it has been quite a while hasn't it?" she added, giving Wren a lick on her forehead and speaking gently in her ear. "You need to relax, not fight it. The pain is not something to fear, but something to bear with pride. You are a warrior, and this is your battlefield. Deep breaths, darling, and eat these herbs your boy has brought you. He has grown so very wise... you must be so proud of him."

Moving behind Wren to her back she paused, on paw hovering over her distended belly. "May I touch you, Wren?" she asked gently.



09-26-2015, 09:17 PM
#5" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
She had almost forgotten the pain she had dealt with the last time she had given birth. Of course, that was her first she had been all the more horrified and frightened by the pain. This time she knew...however, it was only knowing what was ahead of her. Horrid pain, and then her beautiful children. If...they were delivered alive, that was. But she had faith. She could feel, even when they were in her womb, their liveliness. Their tiny, beating little hearts. The slight bit of hope brought a slight calmness upon her, until another agonizing contraction racked through her. She thrashed herself against the dirt and let out pained whines, her ears pricking and her troubled gaze brightening as her husband arrived. Bass...finally. Her beloved...he always knew how to make her relax.

Despite obviously being less pregnant than before, the contractions weren't as bad as last time. But they were so long and agonizing...and she couldn't manage to find the breath to push, even with Bass singing sweetly at her side. She tried to relax her breathes, in, and then out. But when more contractions came rolling in, she totally abandoned the strategy, and returned to panicked breathes and pained thrashing against the ground. This was horrible. The pain, it wasn't as severe, but it was so dying slowly. Her head was growing light, and she felt like she'd black out any moment. Of course, until her son arrived. She lifted her head, his aroma and voice calming her almost as much as Bass' did. She couldn't quite see him, due to her vision becoming blurred with pain and exhaustion. But she knew he was there. An uneasy smile threaded through her lips.

"Starling, mio caro figlio..." She whispered through breathes, attempting to nuzzle him, put pulling back as pain exploded in her abdomen. She whined, pulling her legs into her stomach, biting into her tongue and feeling her head grow light once more. She couldn't handle was too much for her tiny self. How was she able to give birth to five pups before?! Why wasn't it that easy this time?! Wren dug her claws into the dirt, her tail folding beneath her trembling legs. When he offered her the herbs, it took her a moment to get them into her mouth. But once she did, she chewed frantically, ignoring the bitter taste. While she did this, she trained her breathes, trying her best to steady herself.

Really, this was horrible. The worst pain in her life, and she still wondered deep into the back of her mind why this was so difficult, and why it was so hard for her to breath calmly. Her vision continued to blur, and she whimpered loudly, her ears falling back lazily. She was going to black out, wasn't she? She was already so exhausted...and these pups were still inside of her. Tears began to form around her eyes, and she gritted her teeth, feeling the presence of another around her. Harmony. She explained the method, and Wren attempted it, managing to calm herself. But just slightly. "Così...fiero..." She whispered, nodding slowly to the sudden question that had come from Harmony. Could she do this...?

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years

09-26-2015, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2015, 09:46 PM by Bass.)

He felt like a silent observer, not really knowing what was going on. He just laid against her, humming and nuzzling her as Starling and Harmony both came in. He eyed both his son and his sister with such pride in his eyes, as they spewed out some healer crap. He just went on singing with Starling's encouraging looks. He switched over to Italian, hearing that Wren settled into the language most likely out of comfort. "Piccolo, quando si gioca, non pagano l'attenzione quello che dicono. Lasciate brillare gli occhi e lo splendore, mai una lacrima, bambino mio." He sand on, trying to keep the worry out of the thickness of his voice. This seemed worst that last time, and the panicked look rising in his features. She had to be okay, she had to make it. She would, right? He tried to catch either one of the healer's gaze, finding that he needed more comfort than Harmony's soft lick.


Sparrow I


7 Years
09-27-2015, 12:01 AM
Sparrow heard both of the calls, her mother's first, for Starling and Bass, then her father's call for anyone. It was time. She sat for a moment, saddened that her mother hadn't called to her. It hurt for some reason, even though Starling was the better healer. Sparrow tried to shake the feeling as she looked through her little collection of herbs. Some she had gathered in Abaven and others were from the trip she took with her parents. She grabbed the alfalfa and dandelion root she had harvested with the help of her brother. She looked around for anything else, but, after only a second, got too antsy and took off.

She was still late.

Everything was already happening. Sparrow kind of just edged in and placed the herbs next to Harmony and Starling and backed away. They were the experienced healers. She was nothing compared to them. She didn't want to hurt the pups, so she just... stayed back to let the real healers handle it. She wasn't a real healer.



5 Years
09-28-2015, 12:13 AM
Starling was so intent on that belly, on making sure that everything was alright that he barely noticed Harmony come up untill he heard her voice speaking to him. He tilted his head slightly, giving her a glance with a small smile before he motioned to his bundle. He had chosen Motherwort and Trillum cause he knew they worked, and that it was better for his mother to have less pain than...this. He hoped they'd work soon, he didn't like hearing this. But he compartmentalized these feelings, focusing on his task. When Harmony asked if he had done this before he'd smile softly. "This is my third." He said softly, lifting his gaze to Harmony and smiling softly. He wouldn't let the joy flood him too much, no, he'd revisit these words, feeling that happiness from her encouragement and praise. But now was not the time.

Harmony would speak, calming his mother as Bass switched to Italian. A gentle smile would touch his lips, nodding slightly before he lifted his eyes up to his father, catching his gaze. "Stai facendo bene" He said softly to both of his parents, hoping to calm both of their anxieties. "Questo è tutto, la madre. Respirare, lento e costante. Basta respirare e rilassarsi e lasciare che le erbe funzionano. I vostri piccoli bambini stanno arrivando, mamma... presto, basta respirare..." He whispered in his soft, soothing voice, moving to run his chin against her thigh in what he hoped would be a soothing way. He needed her calm, and not to fight the process. Everything would be okay once the initial fear was over, she just had to breathe...

"Talk" | "Italian"



10 Years
10-09-2015, 09:38 AM
Her attention fully on Wren now, she spared only a welcoming smile for Sparrow before returning to the laboring woman. She waited for Wren's assent to her touch, and then, putting her weight upon her haunches, she used her forepaws to gently massage the female's abdomen. Seeking to sooth the cramped, straining muscles there to ease some of the pain as the stomach was seized with contractions. "Sparrow, sweetling," she murmured softly, "Are you able to recognize raspberry leaf and lavender or chamomile flowers? I believe your mother could use some to smooth the contractions and make the birth progress more easily for her. The lavender and chamomile both would help to ease everyone." She sent Sparrow a smile - though Bass was trying, his worry was still there and Wren might sense and build off it.


10-09-2015, 12:04 PM
#10" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
Bass' soft, humming voice rang in her ears and she fought to steady her breathing, her legs still pulled into her belly. She just wanted them out, however many there were...she just wanted them to leave her body she she could sleep, damn it. Why did this have to be so hard? And how did she give birth to five pups without feeling this exhaustion and pain? Wren stretched her neck out and groaned, eyes popping open as the ever so familiar aroma of her daughter, Sparrow, wafted about the air. Wren twisted her head around and tried to capture the eyes of her sweet daughter, but unable to see her, she whined and returned to her struggles. Having Starling and Bass here was amazing, be able to see her sweet little Sparrow would definitely bring her some joy in this mess.

Wren leaned back against her husband just as Harmony began to massage her. The gentle, calming rubs gave her a moment to relax and breathe, and she carried on attempting to push. But to her surprise, the herbs were working, and so was Harmony's method. The pale woman inhaled and exhaled into a strong, painful push, feeling the first puppy slip into the world. She winced as more contractions- calmed by Harmony's massages, racked her body. And she sighed. "Your siblings...are stubborn." Wren spoke out to Starling and Sparrow- wherever she was. She managed to smile uneasily, before breathing in and pushing. Pain erupted in her abdomen, and usually she would stop to breathe...but she continued to push, letting out whines of agony.

Finally, in less time than she had thought, the second one followed after the first. And she thought she was done. She was ready to spin around to see them, when yet another heavy contraction smacked her like a branch in the wind. She gasped and gave out for a second, eyeing Harmony. "Keep that up, I might just have ten puppies." The thought made her cringe, and she eyed Bass, growling quietly and proceeding. Before long, the last and final pup was released, and Wren passed out. She was completely out of breath, losing blood, and exhausted. Good night.

"Burn Baby Burn"


10-09-2015, 06:18 PM

The young child didn’t like change; in fact, he loathed it with a certain passion that only a child within the womb could possess without even realizing it. He found solace in the warmth he felt which is why a low cantankerous noise was omitted as soon as Tordo was expelled, feeling the warm summer breeze that could not even compared to the warmth he had previously felt. He was cold, wet, and there were too many sensations for him to process, which caused the puppy with eyes still shut to cry out and wish for something warm. Atop that, his stomach growled with a fierceness that made it instinct to try and wriggle his way closer to his mother’s side so he could feed himself.

He was strange colors, a tan lining surrounding a white dorsal layout. His legs were grey and his eyes were closed shut, not accepting the light that surrounded him and the mystery of the world outside. It was strange, and the overwhelmed pup continued to squirm around while whining, not knowing how to even think as he tried to develop thoughts and feelings of his own. His hearing was distorted having just been born, and it caused even more confusion inside of him.

Where was he?



4 Years
Athena I
10-16-2015, 12:44 PM

The sudden change and startling movement wasn't so much of a problem for her as it might have been for her sibling. It was scary, but exciting at the same time. Something new was happening! However, her tune changed a little when suddenly it was very cold. Well, much colder than she was used to. As soon as she got air into her lungs she squealed loudly in protest until she had been brought to their mother's stomach and wriggled herself in beside her sibling. At least she wasn't cold any more, but she still wasn't entirely convinced this whole thing was a good thing. Not yet anyway. Right now all she really wanted to do was eat and sleep.

"Talk" "You" Think