
They're Written In The Walls


09-25-2015, 05:43 PM

The man was relieved. His near death experience was over, and he had someone familiar to lean on in his time of need. The man had requested to speak to Arian away from the others, hoping that Lillie would understand. He was thankful that the girl had followed him, and he wanted to speak to her before she returned to Abaven. But first he had to speak with Arian. For the sake of his family. Her pack scent was strong, and the man suspected that she was an alphess again. He wasn't quite sure how he knew... but it was a hunch. The woman seemed to fit that role and had played it once before.

"I can't thank you enough for assisting me." The calico gentleman would begin. "I hope that I wasn't too much trouble." Allen would take a breathe, heaving a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry to trouble you Arian but... I... my family and I need a new home. Bass and I had a falling out. Ironically enough over Sin, the man who helped save me." His dark gaze showed pain. "Could... could my family come to your pack?"

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
09-25-2015, 05:53 PM
Arian was still very much angry, her nostrils flared as they left the scene. That one male only added to her ticked off mood, not Sin the weirdo who had been convinced the sand wanted a sacrifice. Well damnit she'd sacrifice him and see how he liked it. She grumbled underneath her breath as Allen led them away. Stopping, she flopped down on her haunches, expression clearly unamused until he spoke. Where of course, she listened. Her hackles bristled, "Bass what?!" she yelled. Her teeth clenching. "What the hell is he thinking, it's stupid throwing you out over him?! I have half a mind to waltz up to Bass right now and demand an answer for this." she paced for a moment. Though, she did need to calm down. Pacing back and forth she tried to take deep breaths, before she turned to Bass again.

"Of course Sonticus will take you.... we're moving near Fiori." she would say. "Family. Is family. Besides with our numbers so low we need it. And my kids would enjoy having you around." She would state. Of course Arian was different, after all the shit she had been through. Though, she sighed, and her body softened. Approaching the male she set her muzzle on his shoulder. "I'm glad.... you aren't dead Allen. I almost thought you had given up." no one could give up. Not after what she had felt.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


09-25-2015, 06:14 PM

Allen would flinch as Arian yelled. My, what a temper she had! But at the same time he couldn’t help but find it a little comforting. She cared. He would shake his head, moving to her side and gently nuzzling her shoulder. “No Arian. There will be no need for that. It’s my fault.” Allen would let a soft sigh pass him. “I know he intends to siege Sin over Threar’s falling. I didn’t see two wrongs making a right, and worried that Bass might seek slaves in retribution.” Allen would let his gaze look far out into the lands.

“I couldn’t... I couldn’t be a part of that possibility. Bass didn’t give me a straight answer... He told me to either fight or I could leave. So I did.” Allen would give a soft sigh. “Bass to easily allows his anger to lead him. It makes me worried. I wish that there didn’t have to be fighting at all... But... What will be will be.” Allen would close his eyes. “To think our friendship could be shattered by something so trivial... As not wanting to fight... A disagreement of views... I was his secondary for so long. I watched Abaven for him. It... It huts.”

He would open his eyes and look to Arian. “Thank you, Arian. I’m sure the stability will give Nona some piece of mind.” The man would smile gently. “I was down, yes, but... I didn’t want to give up. I was afraid to die... And... More importantly... I didn’t want to leave my family. If I had... I know I would have been far more shattered in the afterlife. My children, my wife need me.” Allen would smile. “...If you ever need anything Arian, say the word. I’ll be happy to assist how I can.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
09-25-2015, 07:39 PM
Maybe it was almost like it snapped back at her. Reality sunk in and Allen had touched her making her calm down. Even still though her tail was flicking back and forth. Though she had no right to get angry did she. Now that she knew, she would make sure Bass never found out about the truth. She was the reason Threar was challenged for. and that was something only between her and Leo. It was going to be taken to the grave. "I have to say I'm disappointed in him. It's his foolishness for choosing war over his own packmates. Plus since you have a wife and children from what Riv told me. And even if you didn't want to fight I wouldn't force you to, let alone kick you out." she grumbled for a moment. Maybe it was because he was blood family? Either way that's how she felt it was so stupid. Though, Sonticus and Abaven were allies. She had trained his son, and his son did help her in her birth. Arian would smile softly at Allen. She had something in mind but maybe she should wait.

"Well.... I know it's a bit sudden, I will give your family time to settle with the pack know the rules and such first but. I've been looking for a very long time for someone to take my place as the soul or alpha of the pack. Temporarily so until Rivaxorus or Juniper is ready to take the throne. I just don't trust myself with this leg. And Imperium pretty much hates us." she frustratingly looked at the ground. She didn't want to put Allen in a position that was dangerous, Sonticus was pretty dangerous considering all the attention they had grabbed for no reason. "It's only if your ready though, and I'd still be there to help you as the head healer." she laughed a little bit. This felt more casual than trying to give it up to a complete and total stranger.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


09-25-2015, 08:15 PM

Allen would shake his head slowly. “I told him at the battlefield that I would be there for him, Arian. How could Bass not be angry? But as I looked at what I knew, or what I thought I knew... I guess... I guess I just didn’t want a war.” The man would explain softly. “I could see him targeting Sin alone, but to go after his entire pack seemed... Wrong. It made me think of the war my sister was murdered in. Maybe... Maybe I was just afraid.” He would lower his head, listening as Arian continued on.

“...A... Temporary alpha?” The man would ask, raising a brow. There were issues at hand too with Imperium, one of Abaven’s allies, and Allen would feel himself bristle. “I’m ready to do so, Arian. I helped Bass in his time of need, and will gladly help you as well. I... I think that I will speak with Bass one more time as well. I do not wish for our bond to forever be severed... But... Perhaps this is for the best that we stay out of each other’s fur for a while.” Allen was thinking again, glancing over his shoulder towards Lillie and the rest.

“I just need to collect my family from Fontamo Bay. If you could take a look at my children, Arian, it’d be appreciated. They’ve been ill a while now, and Nona’s herb supply has been dwindling.” The man would breathe in, letting his gaze travel towards Abaven. “I... I can’t let fear rule me, Arian. I messed up... And I need to fix that mistake before it’s too late.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah