
In the land of obscurity



5 Years
09-27-2015, 11:16 PM
(On the quest for Wintergreen!)

Starling was on the hunt for something very rare and very vital for his stores. It was necessary, especially with the drums of war pounding in his ears. If what his father said was true, and a seige was bound to happen, he would have to prepare. If Sin was the monster Arian and Starling's own imagination made him out to be...then he would certainly have to prepare. Pain, laceration bindings, blood clotters. He needed strong herbs, things that would help his family if Sin's army was stronger than any of them expected. It was better to have more, than to not have enough. Which is what brought him here, to this place. The earth was dry enough to grow the herb he was searching for, and he hoped luck was on his side. Wintergreen was not something that was seen very often, and he couldn't remembering seeing a patch the last time he was here. That just meant he would have to take another path, now didnt it! He wouldn't stop searching this mountain until it was definitive that the herb wasn't here. His family depended on it, he believed it in his heart. There was a taste of bile on his tongue from the thought of a seige, his anxiety churning his stomach. Every time he thought of the proposed fight, he couldn't help but think that something would go wrong. Either they weren't prepared for Sin, or he wasn't prepared. Starling wouldn't be able to live with himself if his family suffered because of him, because they depended on him and he wasn't prepared. Even now he felt himself begin to panic, his blue eyes growing so wide before he suddenly stopped. His gaze snapped closed, a whimper lifting from his throat as he sat down, hunching towards the ground. What would he do if someone was critically injured and he couldn't help? No, he couldn't! He had to...his breath came a bit faster as he stared hard at the ground, ears pinned back. He had to find Lyndvarr, had to find Aunt Rhythm...had to search for his healer friends. He had to learn all he could before the war drums grew any louder, he couldn't let anyone bleed because he wasn't prepared. Slowly he sunk to the ground, one paw resting on his muzzle as he stared dead ahead. Was he...even prepared? Oh dear god! He wasn't!

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
09-28-2015, 12:42 AM

The art of exploring was something that came natural to the boy, after being stuck on an island for his whole first year on an island. He had been told so many stories of these lands than he needed to see them for himself, and wanted to document everything that he came into contact with. So before he made his way to find a home, Cath was determined to lean the lay out of this entire land mass. Okay, maybe not all of it, but at least a good chunk of it. So when he saw the large mount sticking out like a sore thumb, he naturally made his way towards it. Mint green eyes scanned the horizon, large paws making hardly any sound as he weaved his way around obstacles. The way that he made his way across the landscape with no hesitation made it look like he knew this lands, but that was a lie. He had no idea where he was, what this place was called, or even what to expect. And that was the beauty of it all, it was an adventure into the literal unknown. All he could do was wait and wonder, careful to keep his emotions in check. He had only had a few minor out breaks since he got here, snapping at the very nice red marked woman, as well as passing out where the landscape constantly shifted. That was a major episode, and it made him shutter with the memory of it. He didn't want to have that happen again, so since that day he had been a bit more cautious to keep his head clear and level. Pushing conversations would not happen for the next few sunrises, he didn't need the added frustration at the moment. And it would seem that no matter how hard he tried, it was very difficult for him to portray with words how he felt. Trying to get another to understand what he was trying to say, or what he was feeling, was like forcing an elk to piss where you wanted it to. Pretty damn near impossible.

The large gray boy made it to the base of the Mount, the heat radiating from its very core. Carefully he lifted his ribbon marked leg and touched the bottom of his paw to the rock. It was warm, but not too hot to touch. Humming thoughtfully, he moved closer to push his ear against it. There was a soft rushing, like an underground river, but with a thicker liquid. He had been told about these volcano things, but he had never seen one on the island before. Stretching his head heavenwards he tried to eye the top of it, eyes squinting. It was too high up, although he could see the very air around the top shift and twist like mist. The heat that escaped from the top was distorting the air until it looked like it was dancing. Smirking to himself, he lowered his limb to the short grass and moved on, rubbing his monotone flank against the warmth of the rock before he began his walk around it. It was quite wide, he would never get dizzy if he attempted to race around the base of it several times. The grasses and shrubs that grew around the mount were short and rough, needing to survive in the warmer, drier climate that the volcano forced on the landscape. He had a feeling that deer stayed away from this area, but maybe there was something similar that lived here. Like an antelope or something. His belly growled at the thought of food, and he paused to look back at his stomach. Eyes narrowed as he huffed at it, betraying the sense of hunger that gnawed him deep within. But he didn't want to hunt for himself right now, he wanted to keep exploring.

As he walked on along the mount, flank still brushing against the rock surface a few times, blinked as he suddenly picked out the form of another wolf. It had been a little bit since he had run into another soul, and this one seemed rather... dead. The boy looked to be about the same age as Cath, and from where he stood he looked shorter than him. It was rather hard to tell though, his brown and white mottled form was clinging to the landscape like his life depended on it. If it wasn't for the erratic flare of his sides, he would assume that the boy was no longer living. Against his better judgement, Cathaoir slowly picked his way towards the trembling form. Stopping a few feet away, he just looked down at him, wondering what on earth was wrong with him. His pale green gaze looked up and around him, but there was nothing that led him to believe that he had been scared by anything. It was just the two of them here, and a few hares eyeing the two with caution. The yearling thought about leaving the other to deal with his own problems and go hunt one down, but he was already standing right here. Ears flickered back awkwardly as he shuffled on his paws slightly, before lifting one up and moving close enough to prod the fallen boy's cheek. After lightly jabbing him a few more times, he returned his paw to the earth before he just stood there and... looked at him. Not a single word was uttered, and he wondered if the poor thing really was dying. Maybe he should just go and hunt... Tearing his gaze away from the wolf on the ground, he eyed the closest hare, its elongated ears erect as it eyes the predator. Its whiskers shuttered as it froze, and the two just stared at each other for a moment. Before Cath could make a move to leave the stranger to his own devices and give chase, the rodent quickly dove away and into the safety of its burrow. Damn. It was too late now, and he felt like he had no other choice but to wait now. Looking briefly over the expansion of land before the two, his gaze moved once again to the creature at his paws. Maybe he was dead...

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
09-29-2015, 12:15 AM
Starling was curled tightly amongst himself, his nose buried under his nose. He wasn't crying, but he was shaking. His mind was spinning and swirling with thoughts that got more and more overwhelming as it went by. But then...suddenly, it all stopped. For a moment he didn't know why, until another prod pushed against his cheek. His head lifted slowly, large blue eyes turning to who proded him. The largest, wet blue eyes stared up at the stranger, blinking before it dawned on him. With a gasp, he burst up onto his paws, shuffling back. Embrassment colored his face, wrinkled the skin along his nose and pinched his brows eye on his forehead. He was so...embarrased! How could he have let a stranger see him like that? How in the world could...oh, oh, this was just great. A soft laugh bubbled from his lips, his paw raising to rub at his eyes. "O-oh my, I...I-im s-sorry." He squeaked in his imperfect stutter, rubbing at his eyes as he reguarded the stranger. He wasn't that much older than he was, but he seemed...bigger? Perhaps not in size but there was something about him that felt bigger. Perhaps it was the air around him...something. He shied then, almost subconciously, shrinking into himself. His eyes kept flicking to and from the stranger, his paw returning to the earth. "I-i h-hope I...d-didn't scare y-you. I w-was, umh...r-resting!" He lied, quite terribly. The sniff at the end sure didn't help his cause. Instead he stared on, away from the stranger as he tried to tuck into himself, as if to hide from this terrible embarrassment he felt.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
09-30-2015, 02:28 PM

His minty green eyes had cast away from the fallen boy before him, the movement of more rabbits stirring his hunters instincts. He had little concern for the most likely dead wolf at his feet, he didn't know who he was, therefor had no personal interest on if he was actually living or not. He was much more intent on the thought of getting some fresh kill to sate his growing hunger. That was until his ears quivered at the sound of the being stirring below him, his mighty head moving slowly to focus down on the much smaller boy. He watched with a guarded expression as large, damp blue eye gazed up at him, before the brown and white yearling scrambled backwards from him. Head tilted to the side slightly, eyes narrowing somewhat as he watched him scramble backwards. He seemed ashamed of his actions of playing dead, but the taller man was indifferent to it. He guessed that he was glad that the stranger was okay, it would be a shame that he had died at such a young age. He seemed to be the same age as himself, but was about four inches shorter than himself. Not that it mattered, but it was rather interesting to the gray boy at just how different the wolves of this land were. He had met some taller, and mostly those shorter than himself. The integration of colours he had seen on coats as well as size and stature was a true culture shock to him. He was used to just him and his family, and had never expected to run into this many different wolves in the few weeks that he had been here.

As the boy stammered out an apology, he just shrugged his pale shoulders. It wasn't like he had done him any actual harm in laying there like that, he had just been somewhat worried that he had been dead. Only a touch though. But when he shied away from him, Cath blinked at the boy in shock. Eyes grew wider as the stranger seemed afraid of him, something that he had never encountered before. It wasn't like he was scary, he was pretty much just standing before this stranger with a neutral expression, well, until now of course. A few more harsh blinks were all he needed to clear his head, before his ears pulled back against his skull in his own sense of embarrassment. He had not intended to scare the poor boy, he seemed to have enough problems, curling up on the terrain like that. He then stuttered out a very terrible lie, Cathaoir was no fool. He saw right through the false words, but saw no need to question the stranger on the truth. It was none of his business, in his mind, to know the inner workings of the strangers that he ran into here. He felt no need to ask the true purpose of why he was acting like he was dead, or hiding from something. If it had been a true danger, he had a feeling that he would not just be laying there. He just shrugged his shoulders again, eyes casting away from the boy as he fought with his own lack of communication skills.

After several heart beats of uncomfortable silence, Cathaoir shuffled on his paws as he once again scanned the horizon. "Didn't scare me. Just..." Just what? What did he really feel towards this complete and utter stranger? His two toned tail quivered behind him as he cleared his throat, a soft sigh shoving passed his lips. He was terrible at talking, really and truly terrible. He much preferred to show how he felt through actions, his body language was something that he depended on more so than others. Shoulders sagging downwards as his head dropped slightly, he licked his lips to try and moisten them. He suddenly felt very dry, like he had been trapped in a desert for far too long. Crap. He had gone quiet again, and the stranger was no doubt judging his lack of... well pretty much any social skill. "Um. Concerned." He finally muttered, his voice a soft mumble that he wasn't even sure if the stranger had heard him. Briefly his gaze fluttered over to the stranger for a moment, his head lowering even more as if he was trying to say that he was no threat to him. While he had the build of a warrior, bulky muscles that stretched beneath his monotone coat, this boy had done nothing to provoke an attack. Slowly his tail wagged slightly at his hocks, and even though he spoke nothing else at the moment, he wanted to make sure that he didn't frighten the smaller yearling.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
10-01-2015, 10:55 PM
Oddly enough, and possibly for the first time in a very long time, Starling wasn't afraid. He didn't feel fear in this stranger's presence, didn't feel like he should shy away or, more likely, run away. Perhaps he was growing up? Or getting braver? That was odd, wasn't it... if he was getting more brave, why was his stutter still as bad? Confidence? He hummed, visibly shaken from his thought process as he remembered where he was, why he was here, and that the very stranger that should be terrifying him was only causing embarrasment to flood through him. He lowered his head slightly, ears pinned back, avoiding the man's gaze. He didn't know what was going through the stranger's mind, or how much he seemed to be picking up just from appearance and...stutter alone. If he had known, Starling probably would have panicked and wondered if he really was such an open book! Instead, he remained ignorant and clueless to the thoughts in the other's mind.

So when Cathaoir spoke, Starling jolted and turned bright blue eyes up to him. He stayed silent, his breath caught in his throat. Just? His lips parted as he stared, brows furrowing slightly as the seconds ticked on before it...cleared. A small smile touched his lips, showing just the slightest bit of canine whites, as blue eyes shone just a tad in the light. He was nervous! More than that...he was awkward. Starling could understand, his stutter was directly related to his confidence in, well, everything. He often had a hard time speaking clearly, and as Cath shuffled, Starling just wanted to smile all the brighter. There was something oddly touching about seeing this tall gentleman fight with words in Starling's presence. And oh, he knew, he understood completely the embarasment that followed such a thing. It was only recently, as his confidence with himself and his craft grew, that he wasn't as embarrassed by his stutter as he used to be. He would wait, patiently, as the stranger tried to find the words, and oh...those words. Concerned? Something clicked inside of him, and oh, he would never be able to name it for the life of him. It was like a small wick of fire came to life in his chest, uncomfortable and soothing. And yet, it triggered something, that caused his paws to shuffle and his eyes to dart away. This was more coy, less embarrassed...this time there was fear, but it was not for his safety. "I-I'm s-sorry...I-I...m-made you c-concerned..." His soft voice stuttered before he licked his lips, shifting again as he tried to get comfortable in this sudden feeling. He would lift his eyes back up to Cath, a his lips twerking into a small smile before. "M-my name is S-starling.." He said softly, drawing out the silence as he waited, hoping the other boy would introduce himself. There was something deep inside...he almost needed to know the boy's name, as if his name would also name this strange...unknown thing.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
10-03-2015, 06:53 PM

Minty green eyes widened a touch at the brown and white boys reaction to him. There were emotions in his pale blue depths that he could not quite place, but it seemed very odd to him to say the least. He knew that he was not a man of many words, and was expecting to be judged harshly by the equally silent male. But there were no words that left the other, not for several moments. And when he did, all he stated was that he was sorry for causing the larger man to worry. Cathaoir just shrugged his shoulders, a seemingly repeating action in this conversation. His ever dry lips needed another licking as his weight moved around, before finally he folded himself to his rump with a good thump. The boy introduced himself as Starling, and Cath's gaze shifted towards his face as his maw opened to speak, before snapping shut again. Grinding his teeth together, he cleared his throat before the words were finally able to be pushed through. "Pleasure. Cathaoir is my name. Greetings." He said gruffly in his broken fashion. Nose quivered as he took in Starling's scent, committing it to memory with his name. It smelled like several other wolf's distinct scents gathered on his coat as well, and he wondered if the boy belonged to one of the packs that settled on these lands. He had heard little things about the packs here, his father had told him only very little. He had been told that they were ever changing, that leaders didn't seem to stay in power for long. Head tilted somewhat as he looked to the distance.

Two toned tail curled about his duo marked front paws, eyes shifting away from the boy again. Another silence lapsed between them, and he could almost feel the thickness of it choking him. Ears were pressed flat into his skull, almost vanishing into the fur on top of his head. He had no idea how to go on, he usually relied on the other wolf to keep the conversation flowing because of his lacking skills. But at this point, he was pretty sure that neither of them were going to take up the burden. Staring at a very interesting blade of grass, his mind almost throbbed as he strives to come up with something to say. Finally he focused on his scent again, breathing it in more heavily. "A pack. You in one?" He asked in his chopped up fashion, forcing his gaze to once more flicker over to the other. That was doing something, right? Better than the endless silence.


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-03-2015, 10:50 PM
Cathaoir! It was odd, surprising...scary how bright he felt inside at the thought of knowing that boy's name. He had to take a breath to help ease his beating heart and the weird...sensation. He didn't understand it, and for a moment his brain flipped over to a more...psychological standpoint. He tried to analyze his behavior, his feelings, this strange...sensation in his chest, but there was no passed precedence, there was nothing to compare. He had never felt so...strange. Like...light. It was the only word he could describe it. He sighed softly to himself, shifting on his paws and glancing down at the grass at his toes. The silence that settled between them was thick, nearly stiffling. He had to lick his lips to try and allow himself some relief from the thick silence. And then he heard the boy's voice again. Quickly glancing up, he smiled softly then. With a small nod, he'd glance back towards the grass. "Y-yes...I b-belong to Ab-baven.." He said softly. "I w-was b-born th-there...I-it's a v-very n-nice pack." He nodded then before clearing his throat. This was far too awkward, far too stiffling. This was no way to make friends! And something inside of him told him he should make friends with this boy, or he'd be missing out on something wonderful. So he'd lift his head back up to him, a small smile twirking up his lips. "I-I h-have t-to h-hunt-t fo-for a c-cert-tain h-herb o-on th-this m-mountain...w-would y-you m-mind j-joining me? I c-could use th-the c-comp-pany..." He said with a sweet smile, hoping the boy would join him as he trekked the volcano. He didn't want to part from him just yet, but they needed something to distract themselves in some way in order to get more comfy. Or so he hoped.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
10-03-2015, 11:53 PM

The silence lasted shorter this time, the boy's quick reply coming about him belonging to a pack called Abaven. He nodded his head, ears pulling forward slightly as he picked up those words. He wanted to ask more, more about the pack and their strengths. Cath wanted to join forces with the strongest pack out there, and to do that he needed to learn about them all. But before he could even think of something to ask Starling, the boy was talking once again, asking with his stuttering voice if he wanted to look for a certain herb with him that grew around the volcano. He nodded his head slowly, pulling his large form up onto all four paws and shook himself. Plus, he found this boy to be very interesting, he was the only one that he had run into who shared his awkwardness in conversation. He was so used to being alone in this, that he found it rather refreshing. Even though he was choking on the silence, it was... comfortable. "Herbs. They uh. Smell. Right?" He asked in his broken speech, looking around at the land before him. "Looking for...?" He left his question open ended, minty green gaze shifting back towards Starling.


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-04-2015, 12:13 AM
Starling would wait, his breath caught in his throat, for Cathaoir's response, his acceptance or denial to the request to hunt. He was excited, though, to venture off with Cathaoir and enjoy his odd, silent but...comforting company. His ears perked up at the slight movement that his new...friend was about to speak, and he couldn't help the smile that touched his lips. A soft smile, genuine and light. At the words, he couldn't help the light laugh (nearly a giggle, infact) that burst from his lips, nodding as he did. "Yeah, h-herbs sm-smell." He said with a laugh. But he wasn't laughing at Cath, and he honestly hoped the other wolf didn't think he was. He was...just laughing. It was like he had entered some odd, carefree place that he had never been. "I-I'm on th-the hunt f-for wintergreen! Th-they're a p-powerf-ful p-pain r-relief f-for s-severe wo-wounds....A-and I'm r-really g-going to n-need a f-fair am-mount soon.." He paused then, as reality attempted to creep into his carefree zone. But he shook his head and moved to stand. "I-it's s-said to b-be really r-rare, s-so w-we sh-should b-both l-look! I-it'll be r-really f-fun. Th-they a r-red b-berry t-type p-plant, u-usually g-grows c-close to the g-ground and wh-where it's r-real dry." He would nod then, giving Cathaoir another smile before he moved to walk, to find a path that lead up. The dryer the soil, the better.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
10-04-2015, 12:34 AM

Starling seemed to blossom before his very eyes, the shy boy quickly becoming into a very giddy, almost carefree wolf. The shift had come rather suddenly, and Cath's ears laid back again. He cleared his throat as he took a step back, his tail wagging a few times in unease rather than excitement at his hocks. The boy laughed, and his slightly wider eyes gazed over the now excited boy. His ribbon wrapped leg lifted slightly as he folded back slightly. He nodded his head at the boy's words, even though he knew that Starling was not laughing at him. Cathaoir knew that it was because of what he said, his lack of communication skills were pretty much null. When the boy went on about the herb called Wintergreen, he paid a bit more attention to him, taking to mind what he was saying. Even though he felt a little more uneasy because of his random shift in mood, he had no plans of walking away now. There were still questions that burned in the back of his mind, and he wasn't one to give up lightly. It was really rare, which proved a challenge.

The larger man put his paw back down on the earth and took a few tentitive steps towards the hot rock. It would make more sense that it would grow higher up, the ground was pretty much dry as well as warm. It was odd to think of anything growing on the active volcano. "Climbing. We are going. The top?" He asked, cursing himself under his breath as his steps became heavier. Usually the giant could walk without making any sound, but now he was displeased with his own words. He felt like he was acting stupid, and for some reason... he had this desire to impress this smaller boy. Glancing over at him, a lopsided smirk came to his pale maw. "You need lots. Why? Its rare. Must only need in um..." he broke off, fur raising slightly. "emergency?" He was a fighter, and knew all about the wounds that could come out of it. Muscles coiled and rippled under his young coat, humming slowly at the thought of a battle. His claws flexed into the earth, miny green eyes blazing. Now that was something he could do, with no hesitation or embarrassment. Did his companion notice this slight shift in the stoic man?


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-04-2015, 12:56 AM
Starling smiled softly as he began to walk, before his thinking mind caught up to him. He paused then, eyes growing slightly wider as he seemed to...catch up. He often lost himself to his flowers, and somehow even to Cathaoir's...oddly adoreable way of speaking. With a pause he'd clear his throat then, head falling slightly and glancing towards the ground. "S-sorry, I...with th-this s-sort of th-thing...I g-get...e-excited." He stuttered softly, glancing at his new friend sidelong. He understood that this boy was hesitant, shy, just like Starling was, and he also knew that sudden changes could...perhaps be a trigger of sorts. Especially with the way he had responded before walking. He knew that now that reality seemed to trickle into his calm. With a hesitant smile he'd look back at the ground, this time searching for herbs. He wondered if, after they developed some sort of friendship between them, that they'd be less shy around each other? He wondered if he'd lose his stutter somewhat like he did with Lillianna, and if Cathaoir would find his love of herbology endearing. Something...someway.

He would smile gently as Cathaoir spoke, liking that he hadn't given up on this as well. They were the same breed, it seemed. Same sense of shyness, same type of speech impediment. He could tell that the boy was nice...real nice infact. He would tilt blue eyes back up to his friend then, a more gentle smile on his face as he reigned in his excitement. "N-not a-all the w-way....j-just u-untill w-we find wh-where th-they grow. I kn-know they're h-here...I c-can just f-feel it." He said happily then, a small grin on his lips as he did. He would continue to walk, trying to allow their odd but comforting silence to settle around them again. But Cath would be the one to break it, and he'd quickly look up in time to capture the chance in his stance. He'd blink slightly, the wheels in his mind spinned before a small, delicate smile touched his lips. "N-no...not a-an w-well, pl-planned. An-and I h-have t-to pr-prepare f-for the worst. S-since I'm o-one o-of the t-top h-healers in Abaven." He said with pride, and perhaps a little bit show-offness. He'd eye his friend sidelong, a knowing smile upon his lips. "H-have I f-found m-myself in th-the c-comp-pany of a b-big s-strong w-warrior?" He teased, with good intentions, his eyes and grin telling quite clearly that it was a joke. It was odd, he would never...joke like this, but he wanted to see his friend smile, wanted to feel him relax. It was like his new mission. Wintergreen be damned, he wanted to see cheer in his friends eyes.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
10-04-2015, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2015, 09:10 PM by Evelyn.)

At the others apology he just shrugged his shoulders, somewhat more coy like as he realised that it was becoming more of a habit action. It's not that he was scared, but he was new to these lands and was rather... jumpy. Even for a fighter. But he knew that he was out of his limits here, that these wolves knew their homeland and he did not. Like a blind pup he walked this new world without knowing what exactly to expect, adding an aspect of adventure ad well as danger. And Cath was always on his toes, always ready to defend himself and those he cared for. "No need. Passion is not... shameful." he mumbled, knowing full well that he would spring into action of asked anything about fighting. But unlike the other yearling, the gray boy was not fond of words and sayings, but expressed himself far greater through his action. It made it easier for him to read others because of that, noticing the smallest changes in any company he kept.

They kept their pace, and with the small silence Cathaoir felt himself becoming more relaxed around this Starling. He was calm and quick thinking, and his interests were not well hidden. He had to admire that, i think wasn't often that he met someone with the same amount of ambition at such a young age. They seemed to be cut from the same cloth, and it was the first time in his life that he had been able to say that. Not like he had met many strangers, but it was something that he had not expected. Eyes blinked as he focused on the words that were spoken, with Star telling him that they didn't have to go all the way up. He wasn't afraid, but as his minty gaze landes on the Mount he knew that it would be a dangerous trek. Making it to the base of the warmed rock, he searched for the best area for the two to make their way up. There was a lot of loose rock and debris, but he soon saw a path that had shelves jutting out of the side, thick enough for them to stand on. Pointing his nose towards it, he waited to see if Starling would agree with his choice. He didn't want to start leading if his friend had a different path in mind.

Starling's words about needing to be prepared made him nod once more, although his ears pulled forward at the mention of being the highest ranked healer. "This young?" he asked, unable to keep both the shock and... yes a touch of admiration. To be a yearling with that high of a rank, he must be more dedicated than he led on. But when Starling spoke next, Cath could not suppress the deep baritoned chuckle that rumbled in his throat. "To my own accord. No pack. No rank. Not very impressive." he muttered slyly, casting a sidelong glance at the brown and white boy.


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-04-2015, 01:34 AM
No matter how hard he tried, if he even wanted too, Starling wouldn't be able to get rid of the small smile that stretched the edges of his lips. It almost hurt his cheeks, he hadn't been this...joyful in a very long time. Instead he just trotted beside his friend, a soft laugh on his breath as Cathaoir said his passion wasn't shameful. The warmth seemed to almost spread at those words, and his tail would sway behind him. He was confident in his craft, but he sometimes thought perhaps it wasn't the best thing to spend so much time on. "M-more like Obsession..." He said softly, almost smoothly as he glanced around, searching for the greenary that he knew wouldn't be growing yet at this elevation. And yet, he'd somehow keep an eye or an ear on his friend, trying to gather anything he could on this strange new friend. He blinked then, turning his head in the direction of the broken trail, and he'd nod slightly. Sometimes, herb gathering was dangerous, but he wasn't afraid...not anymore. All fear he had felt before Cathaoir poked him on the cheek was gone, faded to black and evaporated from his bloodstream. He didn't even feel the patter of his heart in his anxiety, just the solid beat within a spread of strange, but welcomed warmth. He'd grin, then, moving to follow Cath along the path.

He'd smile shyly when his rank was questioned, but blue eyes wouldn't turn away from his friend. "Y-yeah, i-it is...p-pretty much all I d-do..." He said with a shy laugh, glancing towards the earth then. "E-ever s-since birth..." It was almost true, he had been born in the winter, but the second he had seen a speck of green he had been hooked. "B-been w-working v-very hard a-all my life t-to learn a-all I can..." He murmured, his ears pulling back. But oh, if he could, if he was given one wish by a random star in the sky, he might just trade it all to be a competant warrior, to be something valuable, something his father dreamed of. Shaken out of his thoughts by Cath's voice, he'd smile brightly and trott quicker to try and get at his side, moving to try and bump his shoulder against him. "A-an army d-doesn't make th-the warrior." He said with a gentle smile up at him. "Th-the warrior m-makes the army. E-even if y-you're n-not in a p-pack, i-it doesn't m-make y-you an-any less of one." He'd smile softly, delicately as he tried to find Cath's eyes, to communicate this in silence as well as in imperfect, stuttering words. "I've w-wanted t-to be a w-warrior f-for a long t-time...But i-it's not just w-words I tr-trip over." He said with an embarrassed laugh, feeling heat flush over his cheeks despite his near constant smile. "I th-think b-being a wa-warrior is v-very re-respectable b-buisness. Ev-even if y-you don't h-have a r-rank to say s-so just yet. Y-you will, s-soon I b-bet." He'd murmur with conviction, turning his head quickly to look around, to search for his ideal herb.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
10-04-2015, 01:52 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2015, 09:11 PM by Evelyn.)

He flicked his ears dismissivly at Starling's words, it wasn't always a bad thing to have an obsession. Plus, it was something rather useful to have an interest in. He didn't have much knowledge of the smelly herbs, just a few basics that his mother had taught him growing up. A few useful tips to keep a fighter alive, that is how she explained her lessons. At least she could tell that the fire boiling in her son was meant for good, even though he scared her with his bipolar tendencies. But today with Starling, he didn't feel there lingering bite so much, only the one time at Starling's quick shift of emotions. But that was neither here nor there.

His pathway approved, he studied it was narrow eyes to try and find the best bath to get up on. His muscles coiled and ready, he hardly felt the light bump on his shoulder as Star spoke again. He turned almost bashful at the praise, darker marked paw twisting in the blades of grass as he yet again shrugged his gray shoulders. He had told him all about how he was a hard worker, and Cathaoir wished that he was better with words to tell his new friend just how amazing it was. But the tides had turned too quickly for him to think of anything to say, and he was glad for the distraction that came next. Bunching his hind legs he sprang forward, landing with ease on the sharp rock shelf that was one up from the closest to the ground. Picking his way up like a mountain goat, the gray yearling scaled the Mount until it was no problem at all. It only took him a few more leaps before he reached the first of the large shelves, a few bushes and greenery clinging to the barren rock. What did he say it looked like again? Blue flower and red thorns? No, red berries. Had he even mentioned the blooms colour? Shrugging his shoulders he looked down, watching with careful green eyes to make sure that his friend followed with the same ease. He was ready to grab him if anything happened.

All this time had given him more space to think, more of a chance to formulate that words he wished to say. "Clumsy paws can be a good trap. Make quick work of an over reader. Faking out is not often thought out." he muttered, sentences becoming less broken because of the time he had to mull things over. "I could... show you. I may have no rank. But teaching, that I can... try." he held Starling's bright blue gaze for a moment before he shifted his eyes away, not able to maintain the contact. "But. You have to take me. Exploring that is." While his vocals were a lighting teasing, there was more of a hopeful note. If Starling had been working so long on healing, he must have been around to see everything out there. Cathaoir had not... and he rather liked this boy's company.


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-04-2015, 02:16 AM
Starling would smile still, enjoying the small touch he had shared with Cathaoir even if the other boy hadn't responded to it at all. He was a fighter, wasn't he? As he looked at his friend now, silent and ready to leap, he felt himself sigh. He certainly had a warrior's form, strong, powerful as he readied his muscles. Starling felt himself tracing the strong lines, almost at a distance, quiet and his usual busy mind just shut off. When the other boy leapt, making quick work of that distance between the ground and the shelf, Starling felt his breath catch just slightly. Impressed, even as a flutter coursed through his chest. His eyes widened slightly before narrowing and looking to the side. Now...what was what? He shook his head then, shrugging his shoulders to himself before he focused on own task. He had to leap, he had to show Cath that he wasn't...clumsy. Sticking his tongue out just slightly he pushed his weight on his hind limbs, like springs, before jumping forward and up, afraid he'd miss or make a fool of himself.

When his paws touched rock without problem he nearly cheered, celebrated, but blinked as Cathaoir kept going. There was more! Ugh. This was the hardest herb to get, but it was worth it. So worth it. Especially if the pay off was good., even as he thought about wouldn't matter either way, not since he was spending time with this new friend, this intriguing stranger that set a fire in his chest. He'd grin then, feeling strength course through him before he trotted to the edge of the shelf, readying himself and leaping, following Cath from shelf to shelf at a much slower pace. By the time he landed on the same that Cathaoir did, he was panting, his legs shaking with overuse. He barely heard his friend speak through his panting breath and beating heart, but what he did hear pulled a laugh from his heaving chest.  "N-not a g-good t-trap if you l-land on your f-face." He said with a breathless laugh, taking this chance to catch it. And then...he paused, eyes growing wide at the offer, and the price. Cath would train him, if Starling took him out hunting. He couldn't explain the feeling that spread through him, a nervous but excited flutter, the fire like red hot was amazing and terrifying all at once. "Y-yes! of c-course. I'd l-love f-for you t-to teach me."  He said happily, his grin spread to show a small ammount of pearly whites. "An-and I'd be h-happy to have you with m-me. H-hunting a-and ex-exploring." He said softly, smiling up at his friend before turning to look at the bushes at their paws, instantly knowing that it wasn't wintergreen. He'd lower his nose to the earth then, searching for the scent. It was here, on this volcano, he could feel it! It just....required more work, it seemed. Of course it'd be called rare if it involved rock climbing!  

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
10-04-2015, 04:27 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2015, 09:12 PM by Evelyn.)

He realized when Starling caught up with him that he would have to slow down his pace. It wasn't that the smaller boy and a handicap to him, Cath's legs were simply long enough to scale the sheer cliff with more ease. He didn't mind, he wasn't often aware of the struggles of others. He looked for the herb with his friend, but he wasn't sure that he would know it as well as Starling. But hey, he was helping, right? The boy made a comment about falling on his face and it not being skill, the taller yearling shrugged his shoulders for the thousandth time. "Depends. Even falling can be turned. Used as an advantage. Anything can be an asset." he rumbled honestly. If something happened that your opponent didn't expect, it could be used against them. Even if it was a trip, i the could then be turned into a fake submit, lunging when your opponent comes to finish you off.

Starling's eagerness made him chuckle softly, dipping his head in acceptance of the agreement. At least he wanted to learn, and was open to other skills around him. "Deal." he said with another sharp nod. With that he turned and started up towards the next large shelf, seeing that Starling had found nothing here. This time he made his way up slowly, taking more purposeful steps to silently show the brown and white boy the best path to follow. This time when he landed on solid ground he stretched out his limbs, seeing a plant that could very well be what they came for. Head tilted to the side as he took a few steps towards him, before he heard a snapping sound behind him. One of the rocks from the edge had crumbled and fallen, and panic filled Cathaoir's eyes. Had Starling made it over before the rock off? It was close enough to their path that it could have hit him, and while it was not a massive stone it could still do some damage. Panting in fear, he raced back to the side and looked for his friend, desperation is his generally calm minty eyes.


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-04-2015, 07:14 PM
He blinked slightly at his friend then, smiling softly to himself. He hadn't ever been told his tripping would be useful. But he couldn't help the warmth that spread through him at the his words. Anything can be an asset. He couldn't help the smile the touched his lips as he looked at Cathaoir. There was something so wonderful about this, something strange but so perfect. He couldn't help it as his gaze followed his friend as he leapt again, jumping from their shared platform to the one slightly higher. He had barely managed to catch his breath, his chest lifting and falling rapidly before finally, he stood on all four limbs, placing his weight on his hind legs as he moved to follow his friend. All of a suddenly, something rumbled slightly, and he quickly looked up. Blue eyes grew so wide as he watched a rock fall, directly towards him. With a cry he'd jump forward, kicking off the bare edge of the platform. But he wasn't good at this, he wasn't coordinated. He leapt just in time not to get crushed, but as he moved through the air, not enough to make it all the way to the next. Panic shot through him as he reached for shelf. He didn't make it all the way, but he managed to grasp the edge. His elbows locked at the sudden impact, the breath getting knocked from his lungs as his rib cage his the edge with a smack, and his rear fell still, swinging under him and almost pulling him down. "Cath!!" He screamed, his eyes wide with fear, pupils shrunken as he tried to keep his grip with dull nails, his hind limbs kicking and scratching at the rock at his toes to try and push himself up. He couldn't get up! He felt sheer panic course through him as gravity tried to pull him down, as he slid just slightly off the rock face, as his legs shook with the struggle of holding himself up. "Help!" He cried, his eyes snapping closed as he kicked harder, trying to push up, but he was slipping...oh he was slipping.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
10-04-2015, 09:25 PM

As soon as he saw his friend gripping to the edge of the rock face, scrambling to try and pick himself up. Letting out a loud yelp he dove forward, his teeth seeking to get a hold on his scruff before he fell to his death. His heart beat almost painfully in his chest. Cathaoir was strong, but he really needed to strain himself to pull Starling up to solid ground. He reared up slightly, using his weight as he tossed himself back, trying to use his momentum to pull them both over. With a tight grip on Starling -- hopefully not making him bleed too badly, as both boys pitched backwards. Cath landed with a thud on his back, his front legs wrapping around Starling's front limbs, trying to link behind his elbows as the air rushed out of his lungs. He laid on the ground gasping, his maw dropping from Starling as he struggled to breath. It made the gray man grip the smaller yearling tightly against his belly, not realizing that he was holding him in place as he fought for air. All he cared about was the fact that he was here, and that Star was safe. He was safe.

Finally he was able to take a deep breath, his lungs greedily inhaling as much air as he could get. It was then that he blinked his green eyes as he looked at the boy, who was very close to himself. His legs slowly unwrapped from Starling, heat flooding to his cheeks as his gaze was cast away. An odd feeling spread through his chest, his heart not calming any since pulling Starling off the edge of the cliff. It wasn't from fear anymore though. He didn't know what it was from, his dark tipped ears pulling backwards as he cleared his throat. Very slowly his gaze shifted back to the brown and white boy, still wider than normal. "Um. Flowers smell too. Right?" He asked awkwardly, blinking rapidly as he tried to focus, finding it hard to do so with the pressure of Starling on his chest.

ooc ;// Permission to powerplay Starling was given by Arin.


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-04-2015, 09:50 PM
Fear flew through him, coursing like acid through his veins as he tried to push himself up. His blue eyes snapped open as Cathaoir leapt forward, a gasp pulling from his lungs. Teeth cut through his nape, but he was grateful at the grip, feeling Cath begin to pull. He'd scrape his nails along the rock again, trying to push up with him, pulling with his forelegs. His muscles shook, burning as he tried to pull his body weight over the safe side of the shelf. He had never felt fear like this, never felt such animalistic need to survive. He could almost cry if he had a moment to think. But instead, he just clung to the edge. Teeth gritted before, suddenly, he was yanked right up and over with a yelp. Breath came out in quick pants as he rested his forehead on the surface beneath him, which so happened to be Cathaoir's strong chest. A heavy scent filled his lungs as he breathed in, his body shaking from the terror and the exertion. He couldn't keep himself up, his legs shaking and weak as he laid sprawled right over at his new friend.

At the sound of Cath's voice, Starling slowly lifted his swimming head, looking down at him with slight confusion. "Yeah.." He whispered with a small smile on his face. "Flowers smell.." His voice was soft, gentle, as he sighed and closed. Everything still spun, his adrenaline causing his heart to race in his chest. And then...things, slowly, began to come clear. He was safe, and....oh. Blinking, he'd stare down at the boy again, heat flushing through his cheeks. Oh... His chest grew tight, heart racing through his chest as he realized he was laid, sprawled, across Cathaoir, held tight to his chest. "Mi hai salvato..." He whispered so softly, dreamily as he stared down at him. He should lift off, but his legs were still shaking. It wasn't very...polite, but he almost didn't want to move. "Tu sei una specie di eroe, non è vero..." He murmured, almost not realizing he had flipped over to Italian. He, somehow...and it was all thanks to Cathaoir. "C-can I call you Cath?" He whispered suddenly, just looking down at him, breathing in the scent that surrounded him.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
10-04-2015, 11:20 PM

The yearling tried to take deep calming breaths, Starling's head pressed into the softness of his gray underbelly. His breathing tickled his fur, causing more sharp thrills racing down his spine like an electrical current. His breaths came out in scattered gasps, his pupils dilating into narrow slits. Starling mumbled about flowers smelling as he fell back into his fur, and Cathaoir felt like his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. He didn't doubt that the boy had been afraid of his near fall, and he struggled to do something, anything to help calm him. Minty eyes gazed over him as he slowly bent forward and ran his tongue over the center of the boy's head, murmuring softly to his friend. He just wanted him to be okay, and more importantly he wanted a bit of space. He wasn't comfortable with these new feelings that were coursing through him, the heat that poured out of his body in waves. He had never felt like this before, and it was almost painful with how nice it started to feel. He could swear that Starling could hear his heart beating so hard, and when he boy looked up and blinked he felt his heart rate pick up as well. For a moment he just stared into those wide blue eyes, and Cathaoir felt like the world stopped spinning.

Suddenly Starling started speaking another language, and Cath was left blinking up at him, trying to figure out what he had said. "What. Was that?" he asked, his deeper voice pressing out in a soft whisper. Suddenly he switched back to English, asking him if he could call him Cath. He slowly nodded his head, Cathaoir was a long name and he didn't mind the shortened version of it. "Only if. Can I call you Star?" The gray boy's voice was so low, hardly above a whisper. With them so close to each other, there was no need to speak any louder. Finally, it was all too much and his head turned away, his throat being cleared again. "So um. Wintergreen." He said in his broken pattern, his legs bent and lingering against Starling's flanks. This was as close to anyone that he had ever been, and it was all too new and too scary. Swallowing hard his eyes closed, forcing himself to repress any horrors that his disability was trying to tear up. And honestly, it wasn't too hard. It was far too easy to focus on the beating of his heart against Starling's flank, feeling the returning pound like his own lifeblood.


Art by endless-adventure