
A fool told me clarity beats serenity

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-27-2015, 11:30 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2015, 02:58 PM by Shaye I.)

Shaye had never felt more alone in her life, somewhere along the way she had lost hold of who her family was but it never seemed to have mattered. Rhythm was the number person in her life, her hero, the one person she would always speak about and hold above the rest. Even when her best friend vanished on her to find himself even that hadn't left a mark on her sunny nature. A part of who she was, was the fundamental belief of good in others, of the unconditionally love she held for the wolves in her life and that they held for her, that in the end they would always find their way back to her.

Rejection; had she been asked before today to describe the emotion it left on a person she would have scoffed and laughed and said it wasn't a thing that mattered, because she loved whoever might have asked and of course they loved her. Now, it was love that was a fleeting feeling of the past. She felt the hole in her chest, that's what rejection was she realized, when it came from those that mattered the most. It was realizing something crucial was missing from her heart, and coping with the question of how to live without it. She had gone all her life without ever knowing the answer to that question and she wondered if perhaps serenity was better then clarity. It begged the question, if all the hard ships people tried to impress upon her existed, if such emotion pain was out there... did that not make the world a different one to the one she perceived? Perhaps it was true that bad wolves lived out there, that not everyone held good in their hearts. She shuddered, well free of imp territory now. She didn't understand how her thoughts could be lead down such dreary roads. She couldn't find her inner happiness, that emotion that was a part of her fundamental make up. Why did her heart hurt? Why did the rain that had started as a light shower and now pour heavily upon her not matter? It was like she couldn't even feel it. She was... numb, she realized.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
09-29-2015, 02:58 PM
A soft twitter would follow her as she moved through the trees, curious and watching as it hopped from branch to branch. He wondered where she was going, not that he really cared. That wasn't his problem. So with a high pitched whistle he spread his wings and soared overhead, flapping once, twice as he floated after her. Without a sound, without so much as a warning, he would carefully flutter down to land on the broadness of her back. Target captured! The second his toes would (carefully) grab onto her (if she hadn't moved, of course) he'd turn his head and call loudly into the quietness around him.

Nothing but silence filled the air, but if one looked carefully into the distance, they might be able to see a pair of bright, slate blue eyes. He stood there like a waiting storm, his deep greys hiding him in the shadows around. Only the light grey wisps could be seen...and his eyes. He had followed his bird after he gave Pest the mission of finding her, but he hadn't expected the dumb thing to land on her and squawk to the heavens for him. It was meant to be stealth! But oh well. None of the mattered now that he saw her, now that he looked at her from the distance. He was just glad to finally be in her presence again. He had spent a good deal of time with his travelling sister, helping her move through the territories and keeping her company. He, too, needed the company, and he had sent several messages with Pest to his friend. But eh, he couldn't trust the bird much farther than he could throw them. Which...was pretty far. Perhaps that was a bad analogy.

With a gentle smile upon his stormy face he moved through the darkness of the shadows, trotting towards her through the trees. "You don't look too happy." He observed, tilting his head to her. "What's the matter?"

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-29-2015, 03:06 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2015, 03:06 PM by Shaye I.)

Her body gave a little shudder of surprise when Tempest's claws touched against her coat and folded securely around her upper back. She sniffed, without even realizing at some point her eyes had started to leak and she hurriedly tried to wipe away the evidence, through no doubt the dratted bird would have spotted it already. Shaye didn't cry, it just wasn't a thing, well... she cried when she stubbed her toe, but those tears where so different to the ones she felt now, this wasn't here and she refused to ever be defined in this way.

It had been so long since she had seen Arcy that she hadn't expected his presence, even the s quark of his bird hadn't told her what was coming. Pest wasn't an uncommon sight for her, the duo often passed messaged back and forth through their feathery companions. She startled when she heard his paws through the undergrowth and turned to see him as he moved up beside her. She sniffed again, but this time her face broke into a watery smile. “Arcus!” she stated, before diving into his arms, over come with her delight in seeing him. Words passed between just wasn't the same as his presence, as seeing him here and now. “I-im fine, but how have you been?” she asked,


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.