
Wear no crowns and win no glory



4 Years
08-26-2014, 02:15 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 11:27 PM by Soren.)

The boy was wandering, oddly enough. Once more they had relocated and while he had spent some time making sure his new den was up to par he had not spent nearly as much time as usually upon it. He had decided he needed to socialize, probably a clear sign that something was wrong? Which they were, because in his life something always had to be going wrong! But now he found that the one person he usually could turn to was gone, his brother was off gods knew where and Soren was left to try and piece his life back together by himself.

Hazel orbs traveled blankly over nearly flat landscapes, pausing only briefly to register the strange long stone wall. With a sigh the Adravendi settled himself upon his haunches. Way to go, he berated himself internally, you go out to try and socialize and what do you end up doing? Picking the most desolate, empty space on the whole damn planet. You never change.

image by Trynx

[Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



08-26-2014, 03:06 AM

Finally the young Destruction fae managed to slip away, her toned limbs effortlessly carrying her lithe frame at an easy lope. For a while, Note simply wandered aimlessly, duo-toned orbs flitting about her surroundings, an awed smile on her maw. It wasn't until she was suddenly met with a tall, pale wall that the female paused, her gaze wandering up and all over the wall, following it with her eyes as it continued further down. An excited grin pulled her lips back, tail waving in anticipation. She took a deep breath to calm her buzzing nerves, lids covering duo-toned eyes for a brief moment as the young fae composed herself. After a couple of beats, Note jumped into action, her strong limbs pushing her body at a swift run. The fae looked away from the path in front of her as she ran, eyes on the wall, determined to find a good, low spot for her to leap over. Seeing none, a low growl was emitted, her frustration contorting her splashed features. Not one to simply give up, however, Note jumped anyway. Her goal was not to leap over the wall anymore, however, but to touch to side with all four paws, push off, and hit the ground running. She leaped, her front paws landing perfectly, along with her hind paws. She pushed off, a cocky grin now on her face. As she finally turned to watch her path, she realized that there was... something... blocking her path. Too late to really do anything about it, Note cringed when their bodies collided, her own rolling away from the other thing's, landing with her back hitting the wall.

The fae blinked several times as she lied on her side before slowly sitting up, dazed orbs looking all about. They finally landed on the thing that she'd run into, and with a start, she realized it was another wolf. Note gasped, leaping to her paws, the bruising forgotten - after all, she was certainly used to being scraped up and bruised. She rushed over to the other's side. "I'm sorry! Oh, geez, I should have been watching where I was going! I'm sorry! Really, really sorry." She apologized several times, hoping that the male wasn't going to bite her head off.

Act. "Speak." Think.