
The Strangest Stranger


10-04-2015, 05:48 PM

She'd been crouched at the edge of the forest for a good part of the early morning, tail twitching as she lied low, olive gaze eyeing the herd of Buffalo that grazed mere feet in front of her. She was waiting for the perfect moment, watching and waiting for a calf to stray too far from its mother. It would be foolish of her to go after a full fledged adult on her own, for that she needed a bigger group...or a pack. A clicking of hooves caught her attention, the woman spying a fairly young calf move closer to her position. Pressing herself closer to the ground, she waited like a cat stalking a mouse. The herd was slowly moving away from her, the calf lingering behind a few paces. Luckily, the wind was on her side and blowing their scent towards her instead of the other way around.

The second she felt that she could get away with her surprise attack, she took a single step forward and crack! What. The. Hell!? Quickly looking down, she realized she had stepped on a twig, the snapping resounding loud enough that by the time she looked up, the calf was running back towards the herd. With narrowed eyes and gritted teeth, she leaped forward and tried to run it down. At this point, the herd startled with a big red furry thing chasing them, the cattle split and charged away from her towards the hills.

Running along behind them as fast as she could go, she tried to seek out the calf she had set her sights on earlier, but it was now running between what she assumed was the mother and another scarred up bull. Ay chinga su Madre... frustration ripped through her then, as she slowed her pace until she came to a standstill. Panting slightly, she huffed with clear irritation before she realized where she was. She had ventured slightly beyond pack borders, and she cursed herself even more. Had she known a pack was around her, she wouldn't have tried to chase the herd this way. She turned towards the way she came, hopefully, she would be able to get out undetected...though she didn't know what the chances of that would be. She was only past the lines by a couple of yards, but there were some packs that didn't care whether you were in the center or had a hair beyond the border...

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-04-2015, 07:09 PM

With Chaos as full of milk as he usually ever got and sleeping soundly in the den, Cas was taking the opportunity to sun herself on rise of a nearby knoll. Close enough to listen for Chaos and prevent any escape attempts, but far and high enough to keep an eye on the land around her as she enjoyed the break. Chaos was getting better - significantly better - since he'd been introduced to solid foots. His odd dental structure seemed much better suited to solids than it was to nursing, and he was a much happier kid and slept a lot better now, so she herself was starting to catch up on her sleep. She was still on edge, still irritable, still struggling with a lot of emotions that usually just weren't present. She wanted to spend more time with Valen, just Valen, and sort out what was wrong with her, but with the kids, and Rhythm, and alpha-ing... no. She would not ask him for help and cause him more worry. She would find her own way out of this emotional morass she'd found herself in.

And the perfect opportunity presented itself in the sudden flurry of the buffalo herd that had previously been grazing placidly nearby, over near the border. Her ears pricked forward as she raised her head to see better, in time to catch the form of a stranger racing after one of the buffalo calves. Right over the line into Imperium. Oh, Cascade knew that line quite well - they marked the obvious landmarks, so she could see quite clearly that the dark colored wolf had crossed into Imperium without even a second thought, then when the buffalo herd outclassed them they began to slink back toward the border clearly hoping no one would be the wiser. Cas snorted, then stood and stretched. Trespassing, and attempting to steal prey? Fun fun. Chaos would be fine by himself for a little while. She had some business to attend to.

At a straight out sprint over land she knew as well as her own den, Cascade could run as silently and swiftly as a hunting cat or a desert hound, and she took full advantage of that, seeking to come up behind the male at a diagonal angle with the intention of slamming her right shoulder into his left hip in an attempt to throw him to the ground, then skidding to a halt. Teeth bared in a manic grin she huffed out, "You seem to be lost, pretty boy."

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


10-19-2015, 07:57 PM

She would almost make it back over the border before a sharp pain sent her sprawling to the ground, causing her to roll a couple times. Normally, something like that wouldn't catch her off guard, but the fact that she was focused on getting out and not expecting someone to see her had definitely, caught her off guard. As she righted herself, olive green gaze glared at the stranger, her words sending her hackles to prickle up. How rude! Picking herself up off the ground, dust clung to her black fur as she took a few steps back, exiting the final paces of the boundary, though she knew that wouldn't stop the woman regardless. Still, it was a mistake. She hadn't meant to cross into pack territory.

"Que chingados estas haciendo! Pase por accidente!" She growled slightly, her voice heated but when she released a frazzled breath she calmed...a little. "I apologize pack wolf, I didn't mean to cross. I was minding my own business and trying to catch myself a meal away from here, but the herd well..." She didn't need to explain any further, she was sure that this...woman, had already seen what had happened. Else, why would she be here?

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-07-2015, 07:13 PM

Stepping outside the packlands didn't remove the intruder from harm. If anything it made the King more determined; the rogue wasn't going to get away so easily. Valentine sought to cut of the trespasser's retreat by stepping behind him; a move that would box the man in between Cascade and Valentine. He was approaching from the man's left and moving towards his right. If he achieved the positioning he wanted, Valentine and Valentina would be in a rough 'T' shape with Valentine represented by the top line and Valentina by the bottom one. "Not so fast," he said smoothly, his tone subtly ominous.  "Why so eager to leave? You just got here." Valentine stood tall and proud, his posture exuding authority and making it clear that nothing short of complete submission would be tolerated. The only reason he hadn't gone straight for a fight was because Cascade had, for whatever reason, chosen to talk first, but that didn't mean this rogue would get away scot-free.



NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


11-11-2015, 02:08 AM

Oh boy. She really did it this time. As she waited for the purple hued woman to respond, she scented the approach of another from somewhere else. Quickly glancing around, olivine gaze fell on a rather muscular, very handsome, and well toned male. Hubba hubba. Jackpot. She was in heaven. She did not keep her back to the male, instead she back peddled a bit to where she wasn't boxed in by thing one and thing two. Though she was no longer really paying attention to cascade, valentine's rumbling voice captured her attention.

Oh say more. Her thoughts were beginning to take a turn for something more...less pg-13. Olive gaze soaked in the toned body of the male, but she observed in a manner that it didn't look too creepy. Her answer to his obviously sarcastic question would be simple. "Well, simply put. It was an honest mistake, but now I think perhaps it wasn't." She flashed a smile at him, though she didn't miss the obvious ominous tone in his voice, she was sure her fate would be sealed.

Her gaze shifted to cascade for a moment, damn crazy lady. Valentina's hip hurt a bit from the woman's tackle, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. No matter, she would do what she could, but after seeing this big hunk of a man, she didn't really want to leave now. "I could have also been testing the wolves here, were it true then congratulations you've passed. But we all know that's a lie, and maybe I had intentions of joining...I think I've had a change of heart."

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'

OOC//lame post because I'm tired xD



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-06-2016, 09:23 PM
"Oh I see! So stealing our prey is better than just trespassing then? Silly me, I thought we needed that food for our own wolves... Oh well, I guess our pups can just go hungry so you can eat!" Cascade's sarcastic simper in return to the male's actually coherent words didn't even try to hide her amused disgust at his attempt to get out of facing the music - and Cascade's grin burned particularly fierce when Valentine showed his face, taking up a dominant and clearly menacing posture in support of her. But the expression faded markedly when his presence made the stranger take a sudden behavioral about-face and start acting distinctly different. Her survival sense was sounding alarms at high volume, and her hackles prickled instinctively. "Hey, Valentine," she said aloud, her unease a faint undertone she couldn't quite extinguish. The idea of this strange creature staying a moment longer was suddenly abhorrent to her, though she couldn't quite put a paw on why. "I think maybe we should give our guest here something to remember us by and kick his ass out of our pack lands where he belongs." Rabies? Madness? She couldn't help the ticker-tape of possible scenarios from playing through her mind - she didn't know what it was but she couldn't help but feel that something was very wrong.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-09-2016, 01:37 AM

The reaction he got was most definitely not one he expected. He couldn't remember the last time he threatened someone and they responded by openly appraising him as if he were a hunk of meat and they a starving man. In normal, non trespass-y situations the attention would have probably be appreciated, but in this instance he was conflicted. On the one hand there was a certain amount of flattery to be gained; apparently the King was so good-looking that a trespasser instantly forget the danger he was in. On the other this rogue had crossed the border and such an act deserved some kind of punishment.

Cascade was quick to snap back with a retort that clearly tied into whatever was being said before his arrival. From what he gathered this man had been hunting on Imperium land. "Hey, Valentine?" His ears swiveled in her direction but his gaze remained fixed on the rogue in case he decided to make a run for it. There was something off about the way she voiced her suggestion but he couldn't quite place it. Unbeknownst to him they were getting different vibes from the rogue.

Deciding to play with the trespasser a bit, he smirked and said with mock thoughtfulness, "Hmm, or we could keep him. We could use another slave running around. I mean, we already know he hunts."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.