
Someplace I Used To Know



08-28-2014, 11:38 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2014, 11:38 AM by Enola.)

She had slipped away from Ludicael, not uttering a single word to Faolan before she had left. Things between the two weren't going exactly how she would have liked, but that didn't mean she was upset. The girl understood he was a busy guy, helping out his aging parents and the pack, so she didn't complain, just enjoyed the few moments the two could have together whenever they had the chance.

Accompanied by her companion Pluto, the two had slipped through the lands, moving very carefully so that they would not be detected by others. It was mainly the skunk who led, having memorized the course that Loccian had taken them when dropping the girl off to Ludicael. A few stops to rest for a couple minutes then travel the rest of the way and they should be there by midday, at least he hoped so. It shouldn't have taken no longer than a day for sure.

Finally they were there, and when Pluto let the girl know a smile instantly formed. "W.... we're here." She whispered, tail starting to wag behind her. She felt something deep inside of her, relief? She was growing anxious to re-explore her home by each second that passed by, gently kneading the ground with her paws. She wanted to see if her family's old den was still where she remembered, and her mother's herb storage.

With an encouraging brush from Pluto the girl was off, taking a steady lead.

"enola speech" "pluto speech"
Awesome image by Luisiana <3