
Goodbye Graceful



6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-08-2015, 01:42 AM

It had been sometime since he'd stepped in the battlefield, to be more precise, since he had challenged Threar for their crown. That fight had been rather disappointing, so he wanted to make up for it by finding someone more...challenging. Seifer stalked alongside him, the lynxes sharp crimson eyes scanning the terra as they sought out an opponent. They matched stride for stride, both with heads held high and stalking without fear. They were a formidable duo, the pair knowing what the other thought as if they shared the same soul. Of course, it went without saying that they both desired the same things...

"It's quiet here...but the air of battle is thick in the air." Seifer would muse almost quietly to himself, Sin's ears however, would pick up the words. "The calm before the storm." The pair would both laugh, pressing on until they found a suitable place near a small pool of water, one of many he was sure dotted the fields. Without waiting another second, Sin would call for someone to come. He wanted a good fight, and he hoped that whomever it was would not disappoint. Seifer would sit by the pool, casually grooming himself to look presentable for whoever decided to show.


Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
10-08-2015, 07:14 AM

It was the scent of another feline that lured Skælingr to this area of the battlefield. The great cat had come seeking… well to be perfectly honest he really didn't know what he was looking for. He simply seemed to walk in circles these days. Pawing around Alacritis in some hope that whatever he was looking for might slap him in the face. His wounds had healed but the gruesome scar over his right eye remained and pain still stung the area. He'd learned the hard way that just because his kind were few did not mean they would not hesitate to kill one another over what little land seemed to be left in the north. So it made sense to stay in Alacritis… this land belonging to wolves that was mostly unclaimed by the large cats. However, conversely it was lonely. Skælingr did not connect with canines the way he did with felines.

However, it would seem not all felines had this problem. Skælingr would gaze at the lynx by the side of a blood-stained wolf. "You two are a curious pair. It is not often I see a feline traveling with a canine." His voice would rumbled slowly, almost lazily from his throat. "Do you seek the distractions of battle? I would be happy to be your opponent if you feel up to a challenge." Skæ grinned as he gazed down at the wolf. Curious if the other would chance taking on such a large opponent.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-19-2015, 01:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2015, 04:57 PM by Sin.)

It was not long when a rather curious creature stepped into his line of sight. His lip curled in a smile at the cats words, though he'd never seen a tiger before, Seifer would rumble a purr of amusement as Sin grew curious about the creature. "A majestic creature, tiger's are curious but deadly things." He whispered for Sin's ears. Shifting his gaze back to the cat, Sin's tail twitched. "It's an even more curious sight to see a tiger in these lands, I've come across a jaguar and a lion before, but not one of your kind." He would stand tall, curiosity brimming in his gaze.

The feline would ask about his seeking a fight, a nod falling from him as his fur began to rise. "Aye, this should be quite interesting. I've had my fair share of battles with large cats, so far I've bested both a jaguar and a lion...I do wonder who is the better fighter. Perhaps a tiger, will actually give me a real challenge." Swiftly, Sin would set his defenses. He knew these kinds of creatures could be quick, and as he set himself, Seifer would quietly rise and move away from the wolf to give him some leg room, crimson eyes never leaving the tiger as he stared without expression at the striped cat. "Your move."

Sin VS Skaelingr for spar

Round 0/?

talk, think

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
10-24-2015, 09:52 AM

Oh?  Well, how interesting.  So this canine had managed to best a jaguar and a lion.  Skælingr was almost embarrassed for his kindred but he was a tiger, an entirely different beast, in his own opinion and he would not fall easily.  In fact he didn't plan to fall at all. "You must be quite the fighter, wolf.  I look forward to this."  Fur and hackles stood on end as the beasts striped head and tail moved to align with his spine.  His eyes narrowed, ears pinning tight to his head as he tucked his chin just slightly.  Massive shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back to push his thick siberian pelt and folds of skin and fat over his vitals.  Skælingr widened his stance, evenly spreading his weight, limbs coiling to lower his center of gravity.  Toes spread, claws unsheathed in preparation for attack.  His back rounded slightly as he prepared to spring.  A moment of silence fell between them, the rush of wind rattling the autumn leaves.

Suddenly Skælingr would launch himself forward as he attempted to close the distance between himself and the pale man.  The tiger attempted to approach the wolf directly head on, aiming to lift his upper body slightly and re-distribute his weight evenly to his hind legs as he attempted to throw the exact center of his chest into the exact center of the underside of the wolf's neck, halfway between the jaw and the sternum, hoping to slam his massive weight into the wolf with enough force to knock the breath from him and cause heavy bruising.  At the same time as he tried to throw his chest forward Skælingr would also seek to raise both forelimbs.  He sought for his left foreleg to wrap around the right side of the base of Sin's neck so that he could sink his left fore-claws deeply in between the mans shoulder blades, seeking to get a grip on the wolf and pull the other into his chest slam in one fluid motion.  His right forepaw, with claws fully unsheathed, would seek to slice into the flesh above the spine, about five inches behind the shoulder blades in an attempted swipe to drag his claws all the way down the mans left side and back to the ground in a bid to leave the canine with brutal lacerations and fresh new scars.

Simultaneously, Skælingr's neck would shift to his own right, head twisting in to his own left as he attempted to bite the wolf's upper left-sided neck, just behind the jawline.  Upper fangs seeking a grip over the canines left ear, lower fangs seeking to pierce the flesh at the corner of the canines left-sided jaw.  Skælinger sought a vice-like grip from which he could quickly subdue his opponent.  The wolf might be smaller but Skælingr did not wish to underestimate this opponent, particularly if his words were true and he had managed to best a lion and a jaguar in battle.  The canine and his companion were probably full of all sorts of crafty little tricks.

Skælingr vs Sin for SPAR
Rd. 1/?



6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-13-2015, 10:52 PM

With great care, Sin watched silently as his opponent responded and began to set his defenses. Likewise, Sin would set his own as well. Hackles lifted to make him appear larger, tail flagged out for balance behind him as it fell in alignment with his spine, his head lowered slightly to bring it to perfect alignment, chin tucking to protect his throat. His ears flattened to his skull, shoulders rolling forward to protect the sides of his neck while his head pulled back just slightly to roll the fat bunches around his scruff for added protection. Toes would splay, claws biting into the earth to give him traction for when he moved. Bending his knees, he set his legs equidistant apart, weight evenly distributed to give him better maneuverability. Lastly, his eyes narrowed into amber slits as his teeth bared, stained and ready to protect his face with a good bite of his own if need be.

Seifer would linger a yard or two to his (Sin's left), ready for his moment when the time came. The obsidian and blood colored male watched with great interest, crimson eyes glued to the tiger as the beast made its charge. He would be ready on his toes at a single moments notice, watching and waiting to see what would happen. Bobbed tail twitched, ears perked with interest as he watched the big cats maneuvers and prowess. He wondered if Sin would manage to hold his own against this beast, unknown to the capabilities of wolves against some creatures. Naturally, a feline such as this Skaelingr should be able to easily overpower a canine, but the two species had different tactics, and he was sure that it also depended on one's abilities as well.

Silence fell around them as Sin quietly watched the tiger. Just as he'd done with the jaguar, he would watch carefully for the slightest muscle movement, waiting for the moment the big cat sprang. Suddenly, Skaelingr made his move, charging at Sin head on as the feline sought to close the distance, and Sin was ready. He too would seek to close the distance, however, he would side step three times to his own left as he charged forward. Sin would attempt to line up his left side to Skaelingr's left side (attempting to get his left shoulder to Skaelingr's left hip), seeking to bring them parallel to each other. His tail tucked immediately as he moved, protecting the softer underside of his body. As a result of his movement, Skaelingr's chest slam would miss.

Skaelingr's left paw, however, would not miss entirely. As Sin sought to line them up, Skaelingr's claws would cut down the side of right left shoulder instead, leaving in their wake a triad of moderate lacerations as they hit the bony part of his shoulder. Skaelingr's right paw would catch him on the middle of his back, cutting down the length of his side before Sin tore himself away with an attempt to swing his hind end to his own left to bring them to an uneven T. Deep lacerations would be made as the tiger's claws sliced down his ribs, a snarl ripping free from him as blood oozed. It would certainly be painful once the adrenaline wore off, sure to leave scars when they were healed. Next, he would feel the tiger's fangs slice down Sin's rump, a couple inches before the base of his tail as top fangs sliced down his thigh and left moderate cuts thanks to his moving away. If he had remained where he was, it could have been much worse.

With his new position, Sin would quickly make his move. Hind legs would kick at the ground, the man attempting to send dirt flying up to potentially and momentarily blind or distract the tiger's sight. He would quickly replant his feet, weight redistributing as he then sought to reach forward with his left foreleg, an attempt to slide it beneath Skaelingr towards the inside of the tiger's left hind foot, and hook his paw around it. His goal was to unbalance the creature, hopefully compromising the felines balance. Next, he would tilt his crown to his right, jaws gaping as a snarl ripped from his throat as jaws lunged to his left in an attempt to bite at Skaelingr's left side, an inch behind the ribcage. He wanted to slice the skin with top fangs, bottom fangs seeking to dig in and achieve a grip in the softer parts that the ribs could not protect. This was a dangerous game he was playing, but play it he would.

Sin VS Skaelingr

Round 1/2

OOC// so very sorry for taking so long D;


Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
11-15-2015, 10:11 AM
ooc:  clarified with Dragon that sin is moving to his right to bring their left sides parallel and that Skae's left claws can land on my choice of shoulder

Skælingr would maintain his focus as the wolf would step out of line of the tiger's attacks bringing their left sides into parallel alignment causing Skæ's chest slam to miss entirely.  His left foreclaws would fail to wrap around the wolf's neck and instead would slice down the side of the brutes right shoulder leaving moderate lacerations and falling to the ground as the wolf skittered to Skælingr's left.  Skæ's right foreclaws would deal much more satisfying damage the lengthly talons tearing deeply  into the middle of Sin's back, slicing down the length of the wolf's side before returning back to the ground.  His jaws would be displaced and would instead rip moderate punctures into Sin's upper left thigh a few inches before the base of his tail.  

The tigers defenses would quickly reset the second his paws hit the ground.  Hackles remained raised, his head and tail shifting to align with his spine, his jade green eyes remained narrowed, ears stayed pinned tight to his head as his chin tucked.  Shoulders rolled swiftly forward his neck scrunching back as he widened his stance, evenly spreading his weight over coiled limbs that bent to lower his center of gravity.  Toes spread, claws remained unsheathed as his upper body would arc sharply to his own left as he sought to follow Sin's rotating hind end.  Skælingr hoped to bring them back into parallel alignment with his left side a few inches from Sin's left side.  As he would turn a snarl of pain would slip from his jaws as he felt the canine's fangs tore into the center of his side a few inches behind the ribcage leaving moderate lacerations.  Narrowed eyes and a snort of air would help prevent the kicked up dust from becoming to much of a problem.  He felt the canine's left foreleg sweep behind his right hind leg but the cats thick limbs, massive weight and rotation would fail to give the wolf enough leverage to topple him.

Skælings jaws parted wide as his fangs sought to shred into Sin's left thigh once more, upper fangs attempting to dig into the top of Sin's spine a few inches away from the base of his tail, lower fangs seeking to dig into the wolf's upper left thigh where he'd left previous lacerations with the goal of worsening the damage and leaving his opponent in crippling pain for the remainder of the fight.  In addition his weight would shift evenly to his hind legs once more as he sought to throw his left foreclaws into the middle of Sin's back above where the ribcage ended with the intent of not only leaving severe puncture wounds but of also throwing his weight onto the wolf's back and slowing the other's motion.  His right foreclaws would seek to wrap around the inside of Sin's left thigh just above the knee with the intent of digging deeply into the flesh and pulling the limb back towards the tiger with the goal of throwing the wolf off balance and pinning him beneath the tigers superior weight.

Skælingr vs Sin for Spar Rd. 2/2  



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-04-2015, 09:46 PM

The creature would snarl in rage, adrenaline keeping the pain at bay for the duration of the fight. He mentally cursed, forgetting for a moment that this cat wasn't the average opponent. He immediately grounded his paw again when he realized he couldn't unbalance the feline. He would recheck his defenses: ears remained pinned, amber eyes narrowed, zeroing in on his opponents movements. Hackles bristling, his tail tucking this time to protect his underside while his abdominal muscles tensed. His knees bent, toes splayed as his nails bit the earth for traction, weight evenly distributed. Shoulders rolled forward to protect his vitals, head lowered to protect his throat and his scruff bunched to add protection to the back of his neck. This tiger was giving him a good run for his money, an actual challenge compared to the jaguar and the lion. His teeth bared, muzzle wrinkling to further protect his face.

This cat was quick!  And it didn't surprise him when the feline sought to keep them parallel to one another. Off to the right, Seifer was circling as he drew nearer, readying to pounce. As Sin sought to keep his body away from the teeth of his opponent, it would be a slight fail considering his left thigh was lacerated and bleeding. He stumbled for a moment, and that was all it took to feel teeth biting into his thigh again, causing him to snarl as the damage worsened. He felt blood seeping down his leg, warm and sticky. He would surely attain new scars and a limp for some time, but he would not give up just yet. His own teeth had made contact, and Sin would release and make a swift retreat as best as he could.

As Skaelingr's left paw came at him, Sin would quickly rotate his hind end away, the massive paw shoving his back end to the ground with bruising and moderate lacerations to his back. He would let his hind end fall into the dirt, using the momentum to twist his upper body towards Skaelingr (with sin practically lying on his right side), jaws gaping as he sought to bite the same spot he had previously bitten, attempting to worsen the damage behind the lower rib cage. Due to his falling motion, Skaelingr's right paw would graze the outside of his thigh with lighter scratches, though the pain stung and made him wince.

At that moment that Sin touched the ground, Seifer would shoot forward, coming in from behind Skaelingr's right at a slight angle. Crimson eyes zeroed in on his target, claws unsheathed as the smaller feline skidded to a sudden halt right behind Skaelingr, his left foreclaws attempting to reach between Skaelingr's hind legs and rake them beneath the tiger starting from the soft belly, and dragging his claws back towards them, also potentially catching the felines balls between his own claws. When it came to fighting, Seifer didn't care what he did, as long as he could apply some sort of damage and pain, and the softer underbelly was definitely a sensitive spot. However, he wouldn't mind a double prize if he managed to neuter the creature, though that wasn't entirely what he was going for anyway.

Sin VS Skaelingr for spar

Round 2/2

OOC// SUPER late but there's Skaelingr's first judged spar xD

The Judge


12-30-2015, 08:07 PM



10 for clarity:

  • All clear!
10 for powerplaying.
  • None seen!
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
10 (actually 14) for attack.
  • +2 chest bump
  • +3 clawed swipe (left forepaw)
    +1 for grip
  • +3 clawed swipe (right forepaw)
    +1 for severity
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Skaelingr's round one total: 50/50

0 for clarity:

  • -1 “Seifer would linger a yard or two to his...” That's a fairly large distance to be iffy on.
  • -1 “...he would side step three times to his own left as he charged forward.” Moving to his left would put their right sides together
  • 0 “(attempting to get his left shoulder to Skaelingr's left hip) Be careful when using parenthesis in fights. There's some debate as to whether or not they should be treated as ooc notes for the player. If that is the case whatever is in them probably can't or shouldn't be used in the judging.
  • -1 ”Skaelingr's claws would cut down the side of right left shoulder instead...” Which shoulder?
  • -1 “...cutting down the length of his side...” Which side?
  • -1 “Sin tore himself away with an attempt to swing his hind end to his own left to bring them to an uneven T.” More info is needed here. How he he hoping to line them up? Chest to ribs? Chest to hip?
  • -1 “Sin tore himself away with an attempt to swing his hind end to his own left to bring them to an uneven T.” By doing this he would be swinging his bum towards Skae, and with only three paces separating them (which you say is a space small enough for Skae's attacks to still land) I can't see Sin being able to move like this, unless he intends to brush his bum across Skae's side.
  • -1 “ fangs sliced down his thigh...” Which thigh?
  • -1 ” he then sought to reach forward with his left foreleg...” How does this work if he's facing away from Skae?
  • -1 “...towards the inside of the tiger's left hind foot, and hook his paw around it...” Is he just hooking it? If so, how will than unbalance his opponent?
  • -1 “...jaws lunged to his left in an attempt to bite at Skaelingr's left side, an inch behind the ribcage.” Where behind the ribcage vertically? He's up against a tiger; that's a really big area.
10 for powerplaying.
  • None seen!
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
3 for attack.
  • 0 for dirt slinging (ineffective attack)
  • +1 for paw hook
    -1 for lack of realism related to positioning
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
    -1 for lack of realism related to positioning
10 for injuries.
  • Moderate lacerations to shoulder
  • Moderate lacerations to side (damage assigned by judge)
  • Moderate lacerations to thigh

Sin's round one total: 33/50


9 for clarity:

  • -1 “...his upper body would arc sharply to his own left as he sought to follow Sin's rotating hind end. Skælingr hoped to bring them back into parallel alignment with his left side a few inches from Sin's left side.” If Sin is facing away from Skae and Skae moved to his (Skae's) left then the placement would be Skae's left side to Sin's right side. To move along Sin's left side also wouldn't put them left to left with their current positioning. This isn't your fault, it's easy to see that a directional mistake was made in Sin's previous post, but without an ooc note confirming this from your opponent I have to use what it written to make my deductions not what is understood.
9 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “He felt the canine's left foreleg sweep behind his right hind leg...” Sin was reaching for Skaelingr's left hind foot, not his right
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
10 (actually 11) for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for worsening damage
  • +3 for clawed swipe (left forepaw)
    +1 for severity
  • +3 for clawed swipe (right forepaw)
    +1 for severity
8 for injuries.
  • -2 Moderate lacerations to left side
Skaelingr's round two total: 46/50

3 for clarity:  
  • -1 “Off to the right, Seifer was circling as he drew nearer, readying to pounce.” These movements should have been attempted
  • -1“Off to the right, Seifer was circling as he drew nearer, readying to pounce.” What/who is he circling?
  • -1 “...the massive paw shoving his back end to the ground with bruising...” What's the severity of that bruising?
  • -2 “...jaws gaping as he sought to bite the same spot he had previously bitten, attempting to worsen the damage behind the lower rib cage. ...” This should have been restated in its entirety
  • -1 “...beneath the tiger starting from the soft belly...” Where on his soft underbelly?
  • -1 “...and dragging his claws back towards them...” What is “them”?
8 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “Seifer would shoot forward, coming in from behind Skaelingr's right at a slight angle.” This should have been attempted.
  • -1 “ the smaller feline skidded to a sudden halt right behind Skaelingr...” This should have been attempted.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
6 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
  • +1 for worsening
  • +2 for companion's attack – flipping his paw over and pulling towards himself has a lot less power than hooking his claws in and pushing
3 for injuries.
  • -3 for severe bite wound to left thigh
  • -1 for moderate bruising to back (damage assigned by judge)
  • -2 for moderate lacerations to back
  • -1 for light scratches
Sin's round two total: 30/50


Skaelingr: 96/100
Sin: 63/100

And the winner is...

SKAELINGR! Sin must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


  • His moderate lacerations will take 2 OOC weeks to heal
  • His severe bite wound will take 3 OOC weeks to heal
  • His moderate lacerations will take 2 OOC weeks to heal
  • All bruising will take 3 OOC days to heal

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For Lunar: You are absolutely terrifying with a tiger. 14 attack points in one round? Hot damn xD

For Dragon: You definitely lost the most points in clarity and most of that had to do with positioning. With so much happening it's easy to get confused. My advice to you would be to keep your character's movements as simple as possible...and use hand puppets – that's what I do! XD That might sound silly, but I swear it helps! Better luck next time!

- By [Lazuli]