
Sharpen your blades, the war drums call

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-08-2015, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2015, 10:40 PM by Shaye I.)

Having fled the meeting she would attempt to catch up to Starling, she assumed he would head towards his den and begin sorting through his herbs and would try to find him there. She felt a stab of guilt that she had not spent more time with Star – clearly he was dead set on becoming a healer as she was and they could have been swapping ideas from the start if Shaye hadn't been wondering off all the time. She knew it was a bit late now, with a war ahead of them but she could only hope he would be interested in her help and ideas as he prepared for what was to come. She reached his den quickly and popped her head inside, calling out for him as she searched to see if he was there.

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



5 Years
10-09-2015, 10:42 AM
Starling knew he was being followed, ever since he had left the meeting he had felt her at his ankles. Frankly, he just wanted to be alone. He needed to be alone. The tightness in his chest was almost overwhelming. He just wanted to lay down, to breathe in the scents of his plants and relax alone in his den. But no, he had invited Shaye to come see him after the meeting, so they could compare stock and he could direct her. Only...he suddenly felt like he shouldn't. Why did Bass give this authority to him? Why in the world would he trust him to do something like this? Starling was nothing but a child. Lungs would tighten, and his eyes stung as he found it incredibly hard to breathe. He'd stutter in his steps just slightly before he finally managed to overcome the lump in his throat. This was supposed to be incredible. They were supposed to unite, Starling was supposed to show them all he could do it...but instead, it all fell apart. He wasn't smart enough, he didn't have enough experiance. He was practically useless! Why didn't Bass give this to Harmony, someone far superior and...experianced. He would whine then, a soft sound as he trotted to his den, not looking back at his cousin.

This was awful and now...his best friend probably hated him. He'd drive them all away, he should be alone.... Every thought whirled through his head, slicing through any clarity he might have had and filling his skull with shadows. He would never be enough, he would never say the right thing, he would never do the right thing. So why bother? He worked so hard, all the time, and he still wasn't enough. How absolutely awful. He just...wasn't enough, through and through. It was becoming clearer the older he got. But he had someone following him, someone he had to direct, to talk too. He had to shake this off. Blinking over large, wet eyes a few times he'd turn his head to look at her, unable to put a smile on his face. "I-it's umh...j-just over h-here.." He whispered softly, the confidence he had felt was gone, the excitement he had had has now vanished. All he wanted to do was curl up and forget he had had any dreams, any wishes, any aspirations....

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-09-2015, 12:31 PM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2015, 12:32 PM by Shaye I.)

Shaye would be close enough as she followed to Star to witness his misstep, and that captured her attention. She watched him closely from them as she continued to pace behind him, not running to catch up but giving him some time to gather himself and know he was being followed. When she called out to him and he turned, displaying large blue eyes and unshod tears her heart did a little breaking. “Oh Star” she whispered, hopefully not loud enough for him to hear – hearing pity wasn't going to help him just then. The strange thing was, she was looking at him with her healer eyes, and she knew, she just knew what was wrong with him. Rhythm had covered, if briefly, mental healing as well as physical. Starling was having... a panic attack, and the knowledge of it surprised her. She had never seen anyone with it before, but everything Rhythm said fell into place – the shortness of breath, the stress and worry, the pain in his eyes, and hell, maybe even his stuttering had something to do with it, maybe he had mini panic attacks all the time – she didn't know very much about panic attacks or how big or small or often they could be. Anxiety was a symptom, and Star had a lot of that.

She took a breath, and moved over to her cousin, sitting at his side if he wanted her to or not. “Have you ever heard of a panic attack, Star? Its an actual problem, just like a broken bone, and if you don't deal with it, it can fester, just like any other wound. From what I understand, its an imbalance of emotion and can display itself in shortness of breath, and, well, panic. I was curious if you've heard of it before. Did you know there are herbs and mental exercises that can help?” okay, that she was partly making up, but there where herbs for anxiety, surely that meant they could be used in situations like this? She struggled to remember anything Rhythm had said that was intended to help someone having a panic attack. Something about walking in circles and deep breaths, concentrating only on breathing, but she suddenly couldn't remember if that was someone having an asthma attack or someone having an anxiety attack. Aw hell, why hadn't she taken more time to learn about these kinda of conditions? Just because they weren't physical didn't mean they weren't real. She busied herself listing of herbs, so if Shaye didn't want to talk to her about panic attacks he could slip into another conversation just as easily. “I was thinking, we are going to need a lot of Trillium, so none of the potential bites can fester, but my only supply is really small. How much do you have?” she asked.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.