
You're My Shining Star


10-08-2015, 10:53 PM

Shrike felt angry. The hurt look that he saw on Starling's face had wounded him deeply, even without directly knowing the cause. He would breathe in, letting out a sharp huff. He'd been running around, looking for his brother, ever since the meeting had ended. The one place he didn't think to look of course was Star's den, being the fact that it would be the obvious choice to find him and he didn't think that his brother wanted to be found. It wasn't that he didn't trust Starling, but he couldn't help but feel wary about marching off to war right this second. He wanted to know more about their enemy first... and perhaps that was what Allen had felt too. Either way... there was something odd about the man leaving. It didn't sit right with him.

Shrike would rumble through the lands, running full speed as he sought his brother. Where was he? He was breathing hard, but Shrike was tirelessly searching. If there was one thing the brute had, it was the energy to run. He'd breathe in, scenting the air every so often. Starling had to be around here somewhere! The boy would give a frustrated huff, skidding to a rather shaky halt.

'Dammit!' He'd think to himself in frustration. Had it been Harmony's words that triggered his brother? The comment that he was so young? He felt his blood boiling. That wasn't even the issue! He'd search the plains for his brother's form desperately, needing to talk to him.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'



5 Years
10-09-2015, 04:53 PM
Starling had been busy after the meeting. He had talked to Shaye, travelled alone to the Estiuary and met up with Cathaoir. And now...he was returning home with a smile on his face. No matter how it ended with Cath, it always made him happy, giddy. Even if "always" was only technically twice. He wanted more, everything. He wanted Cathaoir there when he spoke up, when he was sad, when his family fell to bickering wolves and his intelligence was insulted. He felt...needed around the boy, not that he wasn't needed here. But something was different, and he was quickly growing addicted to it. So with a sigh he'd cross over the border, his paws muddy from the swampy lands, as he made his way towards his den to get another load. He had resolved to do the move himself, even if it meant he couldn't sleep or eat or rest....or see Cathaoir again untill the seige was over. That was, if he took up Starling's request. The only one he wanted helping him, right now, was his galliant warrior. Well, perhaps Starling was a little stubborn after all. Or a lot stubborn.

With a sigh he'd trot on towards his den, expecting it to be empty and alone. What he didn't expect, however was to see his brother looking around near his den. He would blink before sighing, agian, and moved towards him. "W-what's up, buttercup?" He asked softly, a frown on his face now as he trotted up towards his den and his brother. Oh, he really missed Cathaoir right now, already.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"


10-14-2015, 06:04 PM

Shrike would look up, seeing Starling at long last. He would breathe a sigh of relief, though he was still worried when he saw the look upon Star’s face. Oh how he worried for the other... The meeting, as well as the hunt, had not gone so well for Starling, and frankly Shrike was worried about him. He had been gone for what felt like far too long, and he’d breathe in, speaking in a soft tone. “I wanted to check in on you... I... I don’t like how things have been going recently.”

Shrike would furrow his brow in frustration, letting his gaze linger upon his brother. He couldn’t imagine how Starling had felt, and he certainly didn’t know about the trips out of pack lands that he’d been taking. That was something that Shrike had not done himself. He was sticking around home for the sake of trying to be a better pack member, though, as Lark pointed out, it was possible he was trying too hard to be something that he might not be.

“How are you feeling, brother?”

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'