


10-08-2015, 11:44 PM
Sorry for lack of table - I'm working on it xD --- Nonesense - Madeon 828 words

"Don't ever cry my children, for together we are strong. And the strength of our hearts will always be able to crush the enemy before us."

How curious this place was - he hadn't been in a desert quiet like this. The male was just lucky that the autumn air had stopped the heat from burning him up. Pandemonium was cursed with a dark pelt so in his case, he could burn up rather easily from the sun bearing down on his pelt. Heavens knew his wife would scold him if he returned home from this exhibition all hot and passed out from it. As the male's paws sunk into the sand, his blue eyes that sat out in his body would make his position known. Not that he cared much for hiding at the moment, his expression sat at neutral. Though as soon as he saw a bird in the sky his mouth opened wide in a rather happy expression. His tongue almost coming to loll out of his mouth as he darted forward to the crow. Happily jumping near it, even if the creature flew higher out of his grasp. Pandemonium stopped in his tracks, building up a tiny pile of sand at the end of his paws as he turned to his side to watch the crow fly away. This place, it was fascinating! He couldn't wait to see what other creatures were here, not that he hadn't seen a crow before. No - it was the excitement of these new lands. It was the pure rush - the pure enjoyment. Ecstasy from the knowledge he would be getting for his children back home. So, who would he be meeting in these lands next?

Pan would turn back towards the rest of the lands, as he walked further and let his nose hang low to get a better scent of the area. Oh crap! He certainly hoped he wouldn't get lost that was for sure. This was supposed to be spent a week away from home, and if he died in a desert that wouldn't be good at all. Some sense of dread over came him - like a storm cloud was hanging over his head as he flopped down into the sand with his chest feeling the cool desert terrain. He was quick to stand again though, sighing as he shook the feeling off as well as the sand that had happened to stick to him. Pan would certainly die if he stayed still and gave up. Giving up, that wasn't entirely in his vocabulary that was a fact. Anyhow, he had his fun for now. Acting like a child while he was alone was something that happened on a rarity. At least in the back of his head it was like that. On the outside the composed almost scary looking male continued on. This mission was to gather information and have some fun. They lived their life like no other - and they would continue to do so. As a leader, he couldn't be falling short of his own value's where they were due.

He had to remember his goal here again, if he didn't know where he was going how would he know how to get back. There was always a chance to take a step forward rather then a step back. Despite this place being so simple and barren, there were secrets to be told within these dunes. That made Pan stop when he noticed a small lizard near his paws. His blue eyes widened for a moment in surprise as he watched the creature. It didn't seem afraid at all, as he stood still it crawled across the sand. Moving onto one paw before darting off into the sand. It was almost hard to see since it was the same color as the sand itself. Probably to avoid being eaten by predators. Pandemonium couldn't help but to think that he admired the little thing. It must have had a family too - wife and children to take care of. It might have been a silly thought for a wolf like him to think of, but there was not a single growl coming from his stomach. There would be no point in eating it now. So maybe one day when he ran across one of it's adult children the way of life would take hold and it would help him sustain another part of his life.

Pan finally stopped walking, as his ears pulled forward and his nose twitched. He could smell someone in the wind, now that his body was on full alert. It was clear how he stood who he was, either that or some wolves could just assume him ignorant. Tall, his tail was sitting up slightly from the slight heat. As his head hung proudly above his shoulders, he didn't give any sort of gesture for weakness. Toes spreading out into the sand, his curiosity was killing him to meet these mainland wolves. He knew english as well as his native language, so it shouldn't have been too hard to communicate with them.