
I know you



4 Years
10-10-2015, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2015, 04:51 PM by Arian.)

Arian was sore, her whole entire body hurt that was for sure. She hadn't been seen much around Sonticus, because she had been thinking by herself. Even if she hadn't spoken to Cypress either, the most easy thing now was she was literally right next to Fiori. It didn't matter much to her how long it took, however she was still in her lands just near the borderline she was thanking the gods secretly that she had chosen to be so close to home. The tall grass plains was a wonderful place after all. What she really wanted to do was speak with her mother for a but. Raising her head she would call for Pip.

Now that she was no longer the alpha, it didn't feel so hard to be here. Then again, with her wounds no doubt it would raise questions. Her crystal eyes looking around as she sat down. The Rain was curious, she wasn't lost she was just. She wasn't quiet sure how she felt. Speaking with Allen shed a little bit of light on the situation. Now though she felt bad Allen had to compensate for her mistakes. Imperium was their main enemy as Yfir they hadn't heard from in some time. Was she taking advantage of Fiori this way? She shook the thought away.

What would her mother think when she saw her? Her back was scarred, her left front leg hardly supported her weight anymore. So the blood and scabbed wounds covered her body as if someone had severely ripped into her. Arian had only hoped she had left some sort of mark on him. Arian snorted slightly, she was no longer an alpha but at the moment she only needed to concentrate on getting better. Hopefully.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-23-2015, 11:31 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2015, 11:31 PM by Epiphron.)
It was always refreshing to hear the call of one of her children, coming to visit her.. especially Arian. After all she had been through, and her decision to try to run a pack once again, Epiphron couldn't help but worry about her. Though Arian was far stronger than she realized, she was not invincible - and what mother was able to stop worrying about her children? It was certainly not something she had ever mastered.

Her pace would quicken as she directed her movement to Arian's call, feeling a pit of worry, mingled with relief, weighing down in her chest. The feeling only intensified when she finally spotted her daughter, looking worse than when she'd seen her last; she did not reek of blood as though she'd been injured today, but her wounds were not old. Epiphron's brows would furrow as she moved even quicker, coming to face Arian as quickly as her aging paws would carry her. Immediately, tenderly, she would lean forward to touch her nose to Arian's cheek. "Who did this?" she would inquire firmly, more of a demand rather than a question.. it was difficult to imagine anyone doing such damage to Arian, and she felt a welling of displeasure inside her as she gazed at her daughter with concern and relief alike.



4 Years
10-30-2015, 12:19 PM

Of course with her mother's touch, she winced just expecting pain from her already sore body. Her life was already doomed as it was. Arian didn't want to send Hellstrom any trouble. She wasn't aware they were gone just yet. Her tail twisted underneath her, and she felt like breathing down right in front of her mother. She wrapped her head around her mother then, furrowing her brows in frustration. "Sin Hellstrom, previously armada." Arian whispered. Maybe only between them, she would be in huge trouble from here on out. While retired as an alpha, she was a huge target. "He took one of my good legs. And so I retired as alpha and decided to simply stay as a healer." she sat down. Her limbs tired from holding her.

"I'm an idiot mother, down to my core." she shook her head. It didn't matter what anyone else told her. How brave she was.... how smart. It was none of that. The point was she was placing herself in the lead as an alpha when she shouldn't have. Basically placing every single one of her members in harms way. She could see why she was the target for many things.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-02-2015, 10:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2015, 10:11 PM by Epiphron.)
Epiphron's touch was gentle as she embraced Arian lightly. Though she didn't know the full extend of her injuries, they were visibly obvious, and she knew something more than a simple accident had occurred. She'd heard of the made Arian spoke of.. had he done this to her? Surreal had mentioned that he'd claimed the plains, that he was dangerous.. but she felt her stomach churn as he pulled away and eyed Arian's wounds.

"He did this to you?" she would ask, a rhetorical question, as she'd already expressed that it had been him. Epiphron's brows pulled together in anger and frustration. "I could kill him." Her words were deadly seriously - how could someone do this to her? Epiphron would have no qualms with destroying this man, but in reality she simply felt a sudden flash of red-hot anger and she wasn't seriously considering such a thing. Not yet, at least.

"You're not an idiot," she assured her quickly, her jaws clenching together tightly. Was Cypress not protecting her, as he had sworn he would? Perhaps it was he that needed a talking to.. "Has Cypress been around? Either way, you should stay here awhile. Have Amalia tend to your wounds, and spend some time among family to recover." She had been happy when Arian had announced that she wanted to run a pack again, but the relief she felt at knowing she was no longer in a position of power was far greater. The last thing she needed was to see her children in trouble, or being hurt.



4 Years
11-09-2015, 01:44 AM


Arian's body tensed a little, she was spewing out this information. Yet that wasn't everything behind the story. The countless barters between the two. She had tried, tried so hard to convince Sin they could be friends. His own sick mind controlling him, it was like an endless merri-go-round and she kept pushing and pushing until he finally snapped. The corner of her heart wanted him dead, the other, wanted him to kill her. She swallowed mildly, "There's plenty who want him dead besides you mother. He has a very infamous reputation, even in Abaven - and with Surreal." Arian shut her eyes. Again a strike to her heart when her mother mentioned Cypress. Her eyes widened, Cypress was not to blame for this. She growled mildly, but it wasn't directed at her mother, more herself.

"I've already spoken with Amalia... and Leo. Cypress is - he's supporting us the most. He took the pack where no one else could. My uncle Allen was going to stay in my place but his emotions are just as bad as mine. Mother - it is my own fault this happened. I dug a hole and decided to lay in it. Just like before with Neo, I think this is something I asked for when I starting poking words at Sin." Her eyes darted off to the side. It was now she was telling the truth instead of dodging it. "Me and Sin... have a history." Arian sighed mildly. Settled herself down hurting from standing up for so long. "But besides the point... I am here now."

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-15-2015, 09:58 AM
There was no doubt that Epiphron would kill to defend her family. But to seek revenge? That was probably something best suited for her younger self. And despite the sudden rage that welled inside her at the knowledge that someone had purposefully done this to her daughter, it was quenched by the worry that took over.   "I've heard," she told her, a slight snarl evident on her lips - very clearly not directed toward Arian.   "Surreal has told me about him." Her blind hate for the Armadas seemed to well up again - and it took everything in her to remember that Athena was not the same as this man.

She'd already talked to Amalia and Leo. good. Still, she seemed keen on blaming herself for this.    "It doesn't matter whose fault it is," she said, wanting to sweep away the guilt as best she could. There was no reason for anyone to hurt Arian, period, not in her mind.   "Thought if I was younger, I would have no issue in finding him and giving him the same injuries he's given you."  Or worse, she thought bitterly, but there was no use for those thoughts. Epiphron grimaced as she considered it, though shook her head, as though the motion might send those thoughts toppling into nothingness. "You should rest in my den," she offered with a nod. "I'll stay with you, too." She didn't know the specifics of what had happened, but if Sin thought he was coming back to do more harm.. he was sorely mistaken.



4 Years
11-24-2015, 10:59 AM

She wished she could tell her mother one day, everything was going to be okay. Maybe what hurt the most is that they were honestly waisting their time on her. Arian could have been out doing better things, but she decided on otherwise. The sound of her mother telling her to rest, it was kind of funny. She had just laid down. She laughed before attempting to stand up, her paws shaky on her rise as she still tried to distribute her weight to where it hurt less. Arian moved forward and decided it would be best if she leaned up against her mother rather then trying to support herself.

"I guess I'll take you up on that offer." She whispered a little quietly. She made sure most of her weight was against her mother. Highly considering her two good legs were those supporting her. Her tail tilted off to the side as she let out a soft sigh. She should have just never left home, maybe then things would have turned out differently.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-06-2015, 10:10 PM
Oh, if only Arian understood half of what she was worth. Her potential was obvious to Epiphron, but clearly her daughter didn't share the same perspective. Perhaps someday she might realize. A gentle sigh left her lips as felt Arian relax against her touch - once she would have flinched away from it, but it seemed she was far too weary to even resist now, even if she wanted to. How badly she longed to cradle her as she had done as a child, to let Arian forget all the pain she had ever felt - to take it and carry the painful weight on her own. She would too, if she could, a thousand times over.

"Good," she said softly, smiling a bit as she leaned to press her nose to Arian's cheek. Carefully she would begin to walk with Arian's weight leaning against her, cautious with each step as to how quickly her daughter could move, hoping to minimize the pain as best as she could. Luckily the walk wasn't far, and after some time they made it to her den. She would duck as she led her daughter into the confines of the den, hoping she could find it in her to rest. "Let's get you comfortable," she said, moving slightly away from her and allowing Arian to find a comfortable spot to rest in.