
Dinner For Ten? [Inner Circle Hunt]



7 Years
10-10-2015, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2015, 06:49 PM by Surreal.)
[This hunt thread is mandatory to those listed, though as said in the subtitle, the rest of the inner family can join (i.e. Kavdaya, Baine, Newol, Falk.) and those who are possible followers or have been staying with Surreal and her family: Creed, and Obito for instance. First round ends: 10/15/15. Any wishing to help out have until then to get their tails in here :P This is practice for the real thing! Thank you <3]

Surreal Adravendi

It was time. The sea creatures had gotten so used to her presence that they now lounged on the shore, and she could pass within a few yards. Close enough for a fast lunge. With war looming just over the horizon, food would be a much needed commodity. She had already called for the others, and now waited patiently within the trees, watching the lumpy, sleek furred forms snoozing on the beach. Such strange looking beasts. But she could smell them, now that they were out of the water. They smelled.. rich, and fatty; something that would do well for the family with winter on its way, even if they still had an entire season to go before the coldest of seasons truly set in.

She’d chosen Regulus, Zuriel, and Tornach for this hunt in particular, though the rest could join in if they wished. With how ungainly these beasts were on land, she didn’t think the hunt would be unsuccessful, but it was good to have extra paws on board to ensure the hunt went off without a hitch. There were two on the beach now, snoozing contentedly. Surreal scanned the distance between the animals and the sea, making a mental plan in her head. Someone would need to get between the beasts and the sea to cut off the escape route. If they could get both, that would be good. They could cache the excess meat for later, especially with the possibility of Abaven perhaps using this land as a wounded camp. Warriors needed food.

Of course, she was unaware that in a short amount of time, Abaven's healers would indeed be in the Estuary, setting up that very wounded camp. Little did she know that right this moment, Bass was holding the meeting that was the start to a siege. Either way, this food was to be a boon to her family at the very least.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



12 Years
Extra large
10-10-2015, 06:59 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

To be honest, Regulus was a bit excited. He’d been hunting before, but he’d never tried one of these things. He’d never thought of them as food before. So when his mother’s voice had soothed through the Estuary, he’d taken off at a lope. It didn’t take the vibrant Adravendi long to arrive at his mother’s side, and as he slowed to a halt, he gave her shoulder the customary, habitual nuzzle before lowering his haunches to the ground and flicking his thickly furred tail to wrap around his haunches. As he followed her mismatched gaze to the two lumps of sleek seal brown fur and skin, with their strange bodies and odd back ends, he too looked around at the playing field.

He guessed there would be someone needed to go between the beasts and the sea, but he was willing to wait on his mother’s plans for the hunt. She was the leader, and the one who had called for the hunt in the first place. And he figured she would lay out the plan when everyone else had arrived to hear it. So he sat quietly, practicing that inner peace thing his elders had always been hammering into his head. Stay calm, conserve your energy for the real action.



5 Years
10-15-2015, 09:25 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2015, 09:26 PM by Newol.)
Nightcore - The Radio

It was difficult to put into words, but the brute was excited about life again in a way that he hadn't been before. That he hadn't been in a while. Newol was at long last a father to be, and that notion filled him with brimming amounts of life that he'd lost in the string of past events. Slowly, the wolf was regaining himself, better and stronger and more determined than ever. Like a defiant bellow into the sky, it would seem that he wasn't done just quite yet. His feet hammered the earth underfoot as he propelled himself forward questing to find his sister, Surreal. She'd had a hunting party planed for today that he recalled her mentioning. He hadn't said anything about it to Avalon because he hadn't originally expected to be in attendance. However, the morning had favored him. His mate was safe in Sonticus, his children growing inside her. She would not need him at her side today, and he'd pulled her away from her pack life enough for the time being. It would be some time before their children where born so he had time still to make sure that all the things needed for them to be able to be together without any complications where taken care of. But for now, she had her pack life to see to, and he had his sister to see to. He preferred it this way under the circumstances though. He wanted her safe, and nothing about his long running loner lifestyle was particularly certain. Sonticus was the best place for her right now. He could count on his cousin to look after his mate.

So he dug his paws against the earth's surface. Something about the sensation, he loved it. He loved to be running warm. To feel the strain against his body. A different kind of strong. Work strong. To be able to go for hours on end. There was still a lot of day left to go. Hell, he was just getting warmed up. It would be nice to step back from all of the care free running about and swooning in love and get back to being of some use again. He knew his sister loved him and accepted him. But he expected her to expect of him. So attending this hunt would be a good way to earn some of her favor and good graces. Slowing to a trout when he spotted the too, it wasn't to hard with that red fur, he would work his way down to a walk as he met them. His eyes would settle on Surreal, a pleasant, if a bit blank, expression on his face. Maw parted slightly as he allowed his breathing rate to settle back down after his good jog, he still hadn't quite worked his voice back up to it's full operation just yet. It was okay though as Surreal was aware of this, so he simply pressed his nose gently to his sister's shoulder in a sign of respect. Head low, ears back as he did so. Raising back up to his full height, he would turn and offer his nephew a nod of his scared maw. It still baffled him to behold the boy some. That... Thing standing in front of him had once been a small pup that he could beckon to him with a single paw.

Taking a seat still bearing his warmed up and ready expression, a refreshing abundance of life and fire in his eyes, he would wait for whatever orders the woman had for him.



7 Years
10-18-2015, 07:15 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal was patient, though she had no need to be so with her eldest; Regulus arrived within minutes, and she returned the nuzzle to her shoulder with interest, showing her pride and affection for his quick attendance to an important hunt. She watched as he surveyed the playing field as well, and she could see the ideas springing in his head, though he stayed silent, settling to wait for the others. Surreal waited as well, but unexpectedly, the other two that she had called for, Zuriel and Tornach, did not come. Instead, her brother arrived. She dipped her head, returning the greeting touch to her shoulder as she had with Regulus, making her appreciation clear.

She waited several more minutes before biting back a sigh and straightening. It seemed Tornach and Zuriel would be sitting this hunt out; something she would be having a word about with both of them. So she looked between the two who had arrived and set a smile on her face; genuine if a little strained. “Alright,” She began, speaking in the common tongue for Newol’s benefit, though she would be working on teaching him the Old Tongue, since he was one of Erani’s children, even if it wasn’t by blood. “We’ll be short pawed on this one, I suppose. The plan is to take at least one of those creatures on the shore. I’ve been hanging out here, letting them get used to wolves. The main objective is to make sure they can’t get back in the sea; if they do, we’ll never catch them, and they won’t be back to risk it again.”

She took a quick look into their eyes, rich sapphire and bright green, before continuing. “Regulus, I want you to take the escape route. Block them from their water in any way you can. Newol, you’ll be taking the left. I will be taking the right. We’ll be focusing on the larger beast.” She finished her layout of the plan and looked between the two once more. “Do you understand and agree?”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



2 Years
10-18-2015, 11:50 AM
Escape The Fate - One For The Money


"Only one, Malkia?"

The words would breach their ears in something of a cocky and overconfident tone as the massive brute appeared seemingly from smoke and shadows as he often did. His head held high and ears upright. He held respect for Surreal, but he also held no reason to bow to her just yet. Which was the primary reason for his attendance here today. As he walked forward on his large paws, once again he did not turn his gaze to meet that of the red brute how's scent so closely matched her own, a spawn of her's perhaps, or the strange male with the scared maw who bore her scent as well, but no physical resemblance of any kind. The grey clad brute would fix his gaze souly on Surreal once again. His old traditions demanded blood for loyalty. And so she would have her chance her today. She wouldn't be as short pawed as she thought as he approached with his commanding presence.

Two prey, four wolves. All appearing to be very capable. It wouldn't be impossible to slay both these clumsy creatures. Obito would do everything within his power to make sure that his target could not escape, but the kill her today was for Surreal to take. Once he was upon the small hunting party, he would not sit but remain at his full height. The black wing on his thigh, his strange scent, Obito the Folami. He could not resist the call for blood, and so his soon to be Queen would not be as short pawed as she thought. His voice would breach the air again, this time with a much more subtle and calm nature. "You know what you must to, Malkia." It was his only words as he awaited her order to begin.



5 Years
10-22-2015, 12:26 AM
Trance - Jump

The brute would give his sister a firm nod in agreement with what she had said. Already his pulse was starting to pick back up just a tad as he anticipated what was going to follow. It'd been awhile sense he got good and bloody. He could do with a good hunt, especially with his sister. It was kinda funny actually, and a smile would spread his maw as he would nose her shoulder one more time. She didn't need to know what he was thinking, but all the same it brought a little more joy to his heart. He'd come a long way, and yet still had so far to go. He couldn't wait to see the look on his sister's face when he told her about Defiance and the dream he'd have all those years ago deep in the underbelly of the Eastern Mountains.

Then the same brute from before appeared, as if made of smoke and shadows. His attitude did admittedly offer Newol a moment's pause, but he had to admit that he found himself in agreement. They needed ever scrap they could spare and now they just might have enough power to pull it off. Something about the brute just rubbed him all the wrong way and he found himself wondering why Surreal kept such a thing around. His scent was so foreign too. Something about him just didn't smell right. Something about him just smelt... Bizarre. But one thing was for certain. There was life in his eyes. And that, Newol did like.



12 Years
Extra large
10-22-2015, 12:27 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus sat patiently with his mother, waiting for his siblings to arrive, but they never did. A frown pulled his browpoints together, but he didn’t voice his disappointment. This wasn’t like them. However, his uncle Newol did arrive. His mother laid out the plan, and Regulus nodded eagerly, toes pressing into the ground. However, it seemed they wouldn’t be quite as short pawed as it had seemed. The large grey male who’d been at the family meeting, though not Creed, materialized among them. Regulus eyed the male quietly. Just what was his mother supposed to do?

However, he would leave it to his mother to decide what to say or answer this male. He was large, after all; good weight to subdue the prey. So Regulus sat tall, eyes on his mother, waiting to see her final layout of the plan adding the new face to the mix.



7 Years
10-22-2015, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2015, 04:15 PM by Surreal.)
[OoC: Posting order will be set in place from here on out: Surreal, Newol, Regulus, Obito.]

Surreal Adravendi

The hunting strategy was laid out, and her son and Newol agreed, but it seemed Obito would be showing up for the hunt as well. Mismatched blue and gold eyes locked onto the male calmly. “Yes. With how many we have right now, one will be the most feasible, and unless anyone else shows up like they were sup;posed to, one is the most likely that we will get. Unless you wish to run interference with the other beast to keep it ashore until we can get to it…” Her words trailed off at the suggestion, brow points lifting significantly. “If not, you will join Regulus in blocking the escape of the main target.” She waited a moment longer before rising to her fours and turning. Whichever choice Obito took, the other two still had their orders.

She paused at the grey clad male’s words, before nodding. Yes, she knew. But first the prey needed to be taken down. Letting the others get to their positions, she waited before charging in at the larger of the beasts, head and tail level with her spine, claws sinking into the sand and she sought to come up along the right side of the creature. Hopefully Newol would reach the other side in time to cut off the animal’s escape from the left. She had faith in Regulus that he would do what he could to stop escape from behind.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
10-26-2015, 11:26 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2015, 11:30 PM by Newol.)
Volbeat - Guitar Gangsters and Cadillac Blood

Bobbing on his feet for a moment, waiting for the signal, Newol was ready. It had been too long. It had been too long sense his blood had boiled, the little spikes of adrenaline running down his legs. Been too long sense his heart raced and his soul ran hot. And for once, he had a reason to do it in high spirits. He was ready. Nothing else mattered. There was only this moment, this hunt. This kill. And if Obito was game to run for the other one, then he was game to make it quick and bloody. To run for that other kill. He was ready to be alive and amplified once again, like he'd been oh so long ago back in the pages of time.

So at her signal, he shot off like a good, pelting beside her, grin on his face as he matched her pace. Surreal wouldn't out do him in this aspect, she might be a warrior queen, but he was a working man. And he was very endeared to that title. To be able to rise empires on his shoulders. Such was a working man's place in the world. A builder, forger, laborer. Some people didn't have a taste for it, He lived for the shit.

When she broke right, he fell back a step and sweeped behind her, breaking left while still matching her stride. Charging up heavy on the beast's left side, a joyous and energetic grin spread his maw. Finally, it was Newol's time to run with the pack, in formation with those he loved blindly and loyally and fiercely. To Surreal, this was just a hunt. To him it was much more than a hunt. To him it was turning of the page. All things really come to he who waits, and the bastard waited long enough.