
My mind is a blank



4 Years
10-15-2015, 12:00 AM

ooc: Yeah I know I'm on absence, but this really helps me. I will be really slow with replies, but anyone is free to post. This is set ACROSS the border just beyond Sonticus so it is all welcome.

Tonight the rain wouldn't stop falling, she didn't know how much time she had spent tending to her wound. The tendon had been torn, just like her back leg, and she had failed to defend herself against Sin. She didn't want to see anyone, she didn't want to talk to anyone. Arian had a hard enough time limping home to her den, maybe speak with her children, but for now the pain was too great. Emotionally and physically. Arian growled to herself, how could she have let this happen. To herself, and somehow deep down she felt like she had let someone down.
The woman shivered, curling her tail around her haunches. The tears wouldn't stop falling, and her sobbing was trying to be quiet as possible. Her left shoulder was covered in a paste to protect it and heal it as she sat underneath a tree. Maybe she did want company, but with her absence who knew what they would think of her. Arian sighed, lowering her snout again. Rain and thunder was just befiting to the mood today. The day wasn't even half over either.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
10-17-2015, 02:48 PM
Johnny Cash - Hurt

The rain would run down the brutes form with something of a majestic wonder. His shorter fur meant that it simply plastered to his sides rather than growing soggy and hanging from him. It would roll down his scared snout and drip from his chin. As he walked through the elements, seemingly unphased by them, his head was low, eyes scanning the world around him. He ran soaked pelt laid flat against him helped to highlight the lean, toned muscles that ran down his legs and his broad shoulders. His lean abdomen, hardly any fat ever found on the man. His ears where standing on end as he approached Sonticus. His mate's pack. He wanted to visit Avalon today, free of the chores laid down by his sister. The recent events had put Newol in a very low key. His smile had gone on absences for several days now, so focused on his duties and goals.

It was a wicked dance that they all where apart of. He knew better than most. It was this very chaos that had caused him to become what he was. It was why he wanted to create a pack of his own before his time ended. To wedge a wall between his family and the rest of the world. Alacritis took just as much as it gave. Sometimes more. But for right now the dust the only storm was the one overhead. As he grew closer to the boarder, though, he would catch a hint of his cousin's scent. At once, without hesitation, he would alter his course, curious as to why she would be beyond Sonticus borders. He'd only seen her once or twice and those had been occasions from long ago, but he was at least comfortable that she would recognize his scent at this point. His pace through the trees would quicken as he drew himself closer to her.

He's only concern was talking to her. The year he'd spent in the wilderness without uttering a single word had taken it's toll as his speech wasn't yet quite what it used to be. That concern would fad once he found her though. She was a site to behold, all tore up and sobbing at the ground. A pang would bite at Newol's soft soul. To him all that mattered was that she was family, and she was hurting. He didn't care about any outcomes or results. He only cared that everyone was still alive come the morning. She had a place at his side regardless of what rank or title she carried. Issuing a low bark to proclaim his presence, he would give her a moment. To grieve, to hurt, to be at pain. Then he would step forward with a single wave of his tail. A very somber expression on his face. The corners of his maw turned down. His displeasure was not with her in the slightest. His motions where soft and gentle. "Arian. Your not done yet." He would take a set before her, no fear in him. He would not fear her, not with their relation. She didn't need fear right now either. Nor anger. Or pitty for that matter. All the girl needed was comfort, he could see that. And comforting those who where down was pretty much the brute's job. They where all his siblings in the end.



4 Years
10-20-2015, 01:18 AM

You know you like it - nightcore

If anything in this state, she would be praying to her gods in the back of her mind. Her time spent alone, or time spent with family was never the same. How did she feel so relieved, but feel so damaged at the same time. Her twitching muscles confused her emotions greatly. Was she sad, was she mad, was she going to die? What kind of fear controlled her in anyway possible. The bark made her jump, her heart starting to beat against her chest. She didn't know this voice, but why she had set herself just beyond the borders in this condition she would never be able to tell.

The male who spoke to her knew her name, and she couldn't smell anything in this rain from her crying. He said she wasn't done yet. Wait.... he wasn't. Her eyes widened and she froze. He wasn't going to hurt her was he? He wasn't going to.... do things to her?! He couldn't have possibly been one of the slave traders that caught her and Vereux. Her head was fuzzy, he didn't look like one of them but she had slept with so many she couldn't tell. She shoved the thought down her throat, swallowing as she tried to muster up words.

"W-who.... the fuck are you?" She blinked at him. Her voice wasn't threatening, but it was shaking. She dug her left paw into the soggy dirt. Who was this man and why did he know here name?

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
10-22-2015, 12:07 AM
Nightcore - MonsterDotEXE
Her reaction, honestly, wasn't that surprising. It wasn't what he'd expected, but in her state, he couldn't say he blamed her for what had come out. She was not as familiar with him as he had assumed. Either that or her mind was in too much of a fog. But he did not allow himself to falter. Holding his expression, he would take a deep breath and lower himself to his rump in a sitting position. She was injured and distressed, this much was clear. And the brute wanted to help, but he wasn't just quite sure how to go about doing so. Exhaling slowly, he held her gaze with his green eyes. Something of determination in them. His voice would come from his maw once again. Firm and easy. "Newol Zixx Adravendi. Erani's son, Avalon's mate." This was one of those moments where the brute always found a way to shine. Helping people was his nature, his job almost.

Doing his best not to appear as a threat to her, he would slowly look around his surroundings before returning his gaze to her. The rain was holding steady and it was already cold outside. In other words, it was a pretty shitty day just in general. He wanted to encourage her to find some nicer environment in light of her condition, but, he knew when to hold his tongue. Now wasn't the time to say such a thing, but rather, let the woman come to terms herself before trying to reason with her. Another single wave of his tail behind him as he waited for her response. The three scars across his nose, the icon of his identity, still visible even now with his wet belt.



4 Years
10-22-2015, 12:20 AM

Papercut - Troye Sivan

A snort left her mouth, she had never met him before in her life. He shouldn't have been such a smart ass to believe that she would know him so easily. Her fur bristled on end, she couldn't fight but she sure as hell didn't trust him. No last name or family position was going to save the male from that. "Take a step away Newol." she hissed out at the man. Avalon's mate or not, the feircness behind her voice was the single mistake he made by approaching her non nonchalantly like he knew her. Because, she had so many enemies now.

"So.... Avalon's sperm donor then." Arian would say quietly. No she wouldn't be very nice, in her condition her emotions were all over the place anyway. Didn't help with the tears stinging to her eyes, something she didn't wish to cater to at the moment. Her tail flicked against the mud, she had no intention of moving. She couldn't move much and definitely wouldn't be letting him touch her any time soon. "If you want to visit her go ahead, but leave me alone. Allen's the alpha of this pack, you speak to him. But if I find out you've harmed avalon in anyway I will find a way to hurt you. Besides.... Sonticus law states, Newol even if you aren't part of Sonticus those pups are STAYING right here." she warned him.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
10-22-2015, 12:53 AM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2015, 12:56 AM by Newol.)
NightCore - Paxi Fixi
Her words where cruel. They were mean and cruel and hateful. But they betrayed a faint glimmer of life and energy in them. A dead woman couldn't hate. And they would not phase him. He would stay where he was. Rooted in his position. His eyes would squint once for only a moment in intrigue. Perhaps that hate would be the opening he needed. Yes, they where unfamiliar with one another, but Newol wouldn't abandon her. That was certainly not his nature. So he would remain exactly where he was. Calm, collected. It was where he felt he needed to be. The last thing he wanted was bad blood between the two of them, especially as close as she was to Avalon. And because once upon a time, his family had been very well held together by very deep connections and bounds. And that's what he wanted to see again one day.

With the same calm, firm voice he'd used before he addressed her once again. She wouldn't trust his words, this he knew. But that didn't change the fact that he meant them whole heartedly. "I would never hurt her. And I will not leave you here like this." Her closing words had been meant to hurt. They had been meant to cut deep into him. He was sure of this. And yes, they'd made his blood boil just a tad, but more on principle than anything else. The fact that she hated him so much already that she felt such words where necessary. But he buried it. He didn't allow it to breach his demeanor. Instead he turned her words against her. Not in an attempt to hurt her. Not at all. But rather to give her a moment's pause perhaps. Make her stop and think for a moment, which might help bring her mind back to a state of clarity, calm her down some.

"And you do realize I would have it no other way. In Sonticus, they are safe. Under you and this Allen, they are safe. I am a Rouge right now. Nothing in my world is certain, and I would never want to bring a child up in it. In that aspect, I am actually grateful to you." Wow, what a mouthful. He was surprised at himself that he'd been able to muster all of that out. The long year in the wilderness without talking had done it's damage. That was probably the most words he'd said in one go in a very long time. But they where the truth still. He'd already made his mind up that he was not to falter. Not here. Not to her. And if she just wanted to be mean, if that was her way of coping. Then fine.



4 Years
10-23-2015, 12:25 PM

Papercut - Troye Sivan

A crow could easily see through things, if only she could fly - maybe things would be better then. The rain only added to her hurt emotions, her eyes strained staring at Newol. What the hell was she even doing? When had in her time had it come to this, her paws shivered, sighing she placed her snout into the mud. It was almost like she was begging the gods to come take her. Cursed blood running through her veins, she was an omen to the adravendi family. Maybe the mix of walker and adravendi heritage is what made her such a mess. Like she was washed up on an island, and while she was reaching out there wasn't anyway to escape. Lifting her nose, she still however wouldn't give in.

"Then you wouldn't leave her alone." Arian's eyes narrowed for a moment. "She waited broken for years for you Newol.... and here she was finally starting to settle her life only for you to dive bomb back into it. Wolves change over time..... there's no telling how different your mind sets may be." Her tail flicked around her haunches. She let in a deep breath, and let her body relax. Sore muscles done from trying to be a complete and total bitch, even with how much she disliked newol. "She's my sister. So I'll ask you not to take her away." she also feared.... those pups were no safer here then they would be out in the wild. Not with how they were a walking target for things.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
10-24-2015, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2015, 03:54 PM by Newol.)
Nightcore-Willst du mit mir Drogen Nehmen

BIC:: Some calm seemed to return to her form. That brought some relief to the brute. Arian could hate him and distrust him to her heart's content. But she was of a good heart and a good nature. So, he didn't want to see her hurting any more than he did Avalon or Surreal. It was a notion that not many seemed able to understand. But it was something singularly characteristic about Newol. Just as much an Icon of his image as the scars across his face. He had the ability to love unconditionally. He had the capacity. Some days it was easier than others. But regardless of what anyone believed, he cared. He could extend a open paw to who ever the fuck he pleased. That was one of the few things that WHERE within his abilities. He didn't need a reason. He didn't need a reward. Seeing someone smile again was all the reward he wanted. Making someone's day better. That was his reward. So Arian could believe what she wanted. And she could hate him all she wanted. And if she needed him tomorrow, all she'd have to do is call his name.

But she did have her story mixed up. That was the only issue he had. His words would not meet her with harshness. He would not be mean to her. He had made up his mind. She didn't need it. With a single wag of his tail, he would speak again. "Táim i ngrá léi." His accent was terribly misplaced. The Old Tongue was an insistence of his sister's. And it was a pain. But again we fall back on how important it all was to him. He didn't know very much yet, so he would stick to his own tongue. His mildly southern english. "I didn't leave her alone, Arian. She left me alone. When we met I was ready to be with her. But before I could blink, she was gone again. And for awhile, I hurt." Her? Her of all people would somehow unlock his voice again? His sister's lessons had helped, but it would seem Arian would hear him speak more than anyone else had yet so far. He took a moment's pause to allow her to think. "She'd been nothing more than a Riddle in the dark. A ghost haunting my memories. Her. My family. My home. My mother. In that moment of my life, I had lost everything and anything that had had any meaning to me." There was no anger in his voice nor his eyes, but he did still fix her with a stern gaze. He wondered if any of these words would have any meaning to her at all. The past experiences told him not likely. And yet still he spoke them.

"The Red Woman took away who I was, and I'd stayed as long as I could after all of it, but being alone wears at you. So I left to go find myself again. And I came back. And I'm starting to pick the pieces back up." A single tear would fall from his eye. He was confused about where it came from. Why he suddenly felt so strongly about this next matter that he was about to say. He would raise to his paws and risk a single step towards her. Not too close, just, a little closer than he had been. "And I'm not trying to take her away from you. Now that I have a family again, I want every Damn piece of it I can get. And I mean everyone." He had been referring to her in that last part. But in her mood, the apparent distrust of him. He still wondered how much of all of this was just wasted effort. Pointless trying. Something has to be said for persistence though. If she wanted someone to give up on her, she'd have to find someone other than a big idiot like Newol.



4 Years
10-25-2015, 01:06 PM

Papercut - Troye Sivan

Arian was tired of his trying to be strong crap. Maybe because she was the same way at one point. His sob story went straight over her head and where he had been making progress it had forced him to get back down again. Her crystal blue pools stared back at the man, only half listening half caring to his oh so scary story of hurt of losing everything. Arian wanted to make something perfectly clear to him. He was not her family, not now and even if he could shred himself into becoming part of her life then maybe she would consider it. "Don't talk to me about losing everything, you haven't realized you've lost anything until you're enslaved like me and Avalon have been. Your little story on how you've been hurting.... think about how she's been hurting. If you're such a do gooder, don't explain to me how much pain your in." she sighed and struggled to get up. Her paws almost buckling underneath her but she managed to stand. Leaning off to the right side.

"I might be family to you Newol, but you aren't to me. I only just met you today and first impression wasn't very... impressing. Maybe you can worm your way into my life, but actions speak louder than words." she pulled back her lips, she wasn't going to be hostile towards him. She just was done hearing his empty words as if his mate was worth nothing. "I may be an adravendi, but I am also a walker. And our blood is cursed, less you get involved with me I warn of misfortune far worse than you've already had. Because trust me... I've had worse misfortune." it wasn't a party of who had a worse passed. But to her, Newol's life was a walk in the park.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.