
Fen's Kitchen


08-24-2014, 11:52 PM


Although tragically deformed Prospero is nothing if not kind and docile. He is scared both mentally and physically by the loss of his first mate but time has only made him gentler and calmer. His old age beguiles a history of pain and suffering the likes of which he hopes few wolves must endure. Because of this he often flashes back to painful times and must wait a moment before carrying on properly. He is what you might call the strong silent type as he barely speaks more than three words a day in polite company. Although when he does speak he tends to carry a southern drawl.
Reserved about his history few wolves have ever heard the tale of how he came to be so deformed, something he reserves for only the closest to him. He passes silent judgement on almost everyone but rarely speaks his mind. He is in all regards a follower.


Cold and hard as the steel color of his fur, Feanor is fiercely protective, ruthless when challenged and impossible to deter. Once he has set his mind to something he either takes it by force or abandons it entirely, unless he finds the object of his desires worth his time, in which case he becomes relentless. He is fiercely protective of what he considers his and will defend whatever belongs to him until his dying day. Underneath his rough exterior though is a loving, compassionate wolf who would do anything to please the ones he loves, he is drawn to both sexes, though he prefers females to males. He longs for a simple life in a pack, under a high rank, with a family to care for, sadly his cold, hard nature has made that all but impossible. He does terribly under authority figures and respects no one that hasn't earned his respect.


Cold, distant, and easily aggravated, Dodge is the ultimate tomboy. She has a universal hatred for everyone except her sister Racket, and wears it proudly. She's not one to show her emotions, but if she should take it as a sign of inseparable trust. A fighter at heart, Dodge will never turn away from a challenge and hopes to one day be alpha of a pack. All Dodge seems to know or seems to care about is the fight and blood. Sometimes, although very rarely she will bow to her opponents and thank them for their battle. Dodge opperates on a strict system of honor and prestige, she has never failed her alpha, unless they should fail her. Her moral code is based around loyalty and strength. More than anything she respects Alphas and her superiors because for her, failure to do so should he punishable by death


Micha can be described in three words; bitter, paranoid and begrudging. She forgives no one for anything no matter how slight the infraction and will fight for the stupidest reasons. She is incredibly defensive about her appearance and is overall shy around males. She is plagued by several nervous ticks, including licking her paws and nipping at her hindquarters, all in all making her fairly undesirable. She is a poor hunter when it comes to feeding the pack as her talents mostly lie in hunting birds and snakes rather than deer and bison like her larger cousins. She believes all of this on top of her motley appearance doom her to a life of loneliness. Under her aggressive demeanor beats the heart of a lonely soul searching for comfort. She has no real beauty to speak of as she's ugly inside and out. It's a wonder that anyone would court her, although strangely not unheard of.


An optimist in Nature, Finfin is playful and lighthearted as the wind and as bright and sunny as his coat.He loves racing and hunting through grass, and feeling warm dirt under his paws. While he wouldn't mind a forest, he is far more suited to plains and deserts. He is simple minded and it shows. He tends to take things at face value and expects the best from everyone. In the past this has caused him a lot of pain, but he simply moves on from it and refuses to let it spoil his high spirits. The only thing that can put him in a dower mood is rain, as it reminds him of his twin brother and how far from grace he?s fallen. In addition to that he is cautious around snow as his coat hardly blends into the white mess of flakes. In total Finarfin is a happy wolf with a naive sense of self.



2 Years
08-25-2014, 08:03 PM
Feanor and Rohini could meet. Maybe he can break her out of her depression. Plus she needs to socialize lol