
Shooting Star



5 Years
10-15-2015, 07:52 PM

Astrea moved with purpose, her pale eyes scanning everything around her. It had been almost two seasons since she had placed her paws on this beach and she had missed it. That made the woman smile, it was ironic. That first day she ever set paws in this place she did not want to be here, she had hated leaving the volcano and now all she wanted to do was come back to her family. She had never been away form her family for so long, and as her paws sank into the sand again after so long she felt like she never wanted to be without them again.

Astrea smiled her eyes watching the shifting waves on the threshold of the beach. She wondered how her family would react to her coming back. She did leave without a word, just showing up to the birthday party and then... Gone the next day, without a word or explanation. Astrea gave the beach a sad smile, she knew her family would not cast her out, she was family and they never turned family away but she was defensively going to get an earful.

Zori swooped in and landed on her head, chirping happily. Astrea could tell that her friend was excited to be home, even though Astrea herself was hesitant. The bird seeming to since her hesitation quieted her happy chirping and looked down at the wolf. "Family will not be too mad, Volt will understand." With that Zori took to the air again and zoomed around Astrea's head once and then made for the clifftop that was their home.

Astrea's smile went from sad to bright in that single moment. Yes Zori was right, her siblings would understand, but only after they got their worry off of their chest. Irony stuck the Star Dreamer again, it was just funny that the bird was a guide to her just like she intends to be a guide to her family. Well no time like the present to call to her family.

Astrea moved forward, crossing the boundary that marked her clans line and tilted her head and gave off a song to summon those closest to her.

A sight Astrea must present to any passing wolven. She was a normally striking wolf with just her star speckled pelt but add the view of her opal and now the newly added feathers she created quite an impression. Or so the Shamaness told her. Wind blew her voice away, caring her song to those she wanted to see most, hopefully they where not to mad at her, and understood that she needed her time away, needed to find that center and confidence to be the guide that they needed her to be...




6 Years
Extra large
10-15-2015, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2015, 08:31 PM by Glacier.)
When the Titan heard the song at his border, he was astounded. He tilted his head, listening to its sweet melody as it faded out of existence and already he was turning, running, powerful legs pushing him onward as he made his way to the beach's border. He wouldn't believe his ears until sight and touch could confirm to him the wonder. His long stride lessened when she did come into view, slowing his huge form down so he wouldn't crash into her as he pulled himself to a stop in front of his sister. He raised an eye at her, his expression cool. “Now I understand why you've been gone so long, it must have taken that long to find your.. adornments “ he mused, looking her up and down. He realized what they where immediately, through their bright colors distracting. But in her coat was the tone of each and every Elementas sibling. He could see the icy blue of his own side by side with the representation of Voltage tucked behind her ear.

The giant laughed then, and lurched forward, enveloping his sister in a tight hug, his larger frame suppressed to envelope her front, resting his head gently on her own head. “Are you back now, Little Star?” he asked softly




1 Year
10-15-2015, 08:45 PM

Illie was bored. Bored bored bored bored bored. She wanted something to do and this place was boring. She could count ever speck of sand! Each had a name. Oh look, there was fred sitting beside wilma again. The crabs were getting annoying too. There's only so many times you could get pinched before you finally decided to quit. She wasn't allowed in the water without supervision, wasn't allowed on the cliffs, wasn't allowed in the prarie, wasn't allowed to leave. What in the world was she allowed to do?! Count the sand? So when she heard the call not to far away, she couldn't resist the temptation. A grin would spread across her face as she bounded across the sand at the unfamiliare call, blinking when she saw Glacier already there. Man could he move. Tilting her head, she'd peer around the mountain and look at the strangely decorated wolf. Oh! She wanted feathers. With a curious smile she'd trot forward. "Hey!" She barked loudly. "Who're you, huh?! What'cha doin' on our beach. No one's allowed to leave or come, that's tha rules...I think." She mumbled the last bit, looking away. It certainly seemed to be the rule for her.


Art by Evelyn



5 Years
10-15-2015, 09:29 PM

Astrea Elementas

Her over protective brother did not let her down it seemed. For not to long after Astrea gave the call did he come a running. And boy did Glacier run! Astrea did not think she ever saw this mammoth of a wolf ever move so fast. And more shocking still he stopped just in time before he hit her. She had to smile at his attempt at being cool, for it was dashed at his first comment. You know instead of telling her that he was happy she was back or that he was mad that she left, nope. He went right to her feathers... Yeah she was a sight seeming to drown in the flight feathers of numerous birds but it had been worth the effort and the looks. They where her link to her siblings! Something to always remind her of her connections on this earth, they kept her grounded even when she was alone. Each had a meaning in the placement, and each held that place with honor, never shall she remove her family from her life and pelt.

Astrea hummed at him, her eyes showing her joy at his antics. "Yes, they do have quite the impression, dear elder brother. They do more, though, then look imposing. I hold my siblings close, for all time." Then her eyes became a little sad as he moved on to her attendance to the pack. "Aye, Glacier, I am back. I have found what I was looking for."

Her expression then brightened and took on a more teasing tone. "Besides what would you all do if I was gone for good? Who would watch the stars and make sure none fell on your head?"

She was going to make more teasing comments when out from behind Glacier came a white and blue pup. Astrea blinked, looking from the girl to Glacier. The child came up to her then and demanded who she was, and frankly Astrea felt like doing the same, she had not been gone that long? Had she?

The Star Dreamer knew just from the looks of the girl that she was an Elementas, what else could she be with all that blue? But whos child? The obvious being Glacier, but Voltage also had found a lady. Astrea shook her head then, the only sure way was to ask.

Astrea hummed at the child, her pale eyes taking the girl in. "I am Astrea Elementas, the youngest out of the siblings, I am assuming your Aunt. Who are you young one?"

But Astrea's question seemed to be drowned out by the banter of the little one, who was saying some strange thing. No one can leave or come? Who in the stars told the child that? Astrea looked to Glacier and silently asked him, hoping to get some sort of coherent answer. "Your beach eh? Okay then, you can have the beach. I'll just go up on the cliffs, it is where I normally spend all my time anyway." She gave Glacier a amused smile as she looked down at the pup.

It was at that time that Zori come from the cliffs chirping about the mess. The bird landed on Astrea's head and just kept going. "Nest torn apart, your nest spewed all over the place, nothing left as it was!" Astrea looked at the pup knowing full well what or more importantly who had been up on the cliffs while she was away. Not that Astrea expected her to return to her perch and everything left as it was but she had not been counting on little pups romping in her domain.

Astrea tilted her head at the girl, knowing how her family worked the girl must be pulled up there, much akin to how she was pulled up onto the cliffs. "Like the cliffs little one? Are you pulled to them even when you should not be?" Did her father tell this little girl about their natures? Does this little girl know why she was drawn to some things and repulsed by others? Has anyone told her just what it was to be an Elementas? She would help this child and any future children to understand the urges that come with the family, that was her purpose in life; both as a guide and as family.



6 Years
Extra large
10-15-2015, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2015, 10:07 PM by Glacier.)
Glacier's conclusion would be proven correct when his sister spoke, confirming what the feathers stood for. He sighed softly, listening to her voice, she was real, and she was home. A piece of the puzzle of his heart settled back into place, and Glacier came further to life, now that there where only two parts of his soul missing. “Your right, falling stars was a pretty big problem well you where gone. Your gonna have your work cut out for you putting them back in their place” he teased her lovingly, before Illume materialized. He was surprised to see the child of the man but not the man himself, and wondered what was keeping Voltage. Honestly, he was surprised he didn't have to race him here and fight him for the first hug and cheek kiss of his sister. Which of course, reminded Glacier to lean forward and caress Astrea's cheek with his lips. “I'm glad your home, sister mine” he said warmly.

Astrea sent him a questioning look at Illume words, and Glacier returned the gesture. “Your too young to leave without supervision Illume, that's for your safety, once your an adult you can come and go as you please. Its only wolves that don't belong to the pack that can't leave” he gently explained to her. Astrea's bird would speak of the cliffs a moment later and Glacier winced, Voltage had a rule for his daughters that didn't allow them on the cliff unsupervised. He could understand the worry their safety and helped his brother enforce – namely by making himself available to supervise them there when he could. When Astrea asked Illume if she was pulled to the cliff, Glacier would laugh. “Like a moth to a flame, Little Star” he confirmed for her.




1 Year
10-15-2015, 10:21 PM

Illume would stare at the girl, huffing lightly when the strange spoke to her. Blue eyes would narrow a tad as she did, trying to figure out who on earth this woman was! Didn't she had enough aunts and uncles? At the mention of the cliffs, a vile jealousy rose inside of her. Why did this stranger get to go to the cliffs and she didnt! Then some...bird came and spoke and that was weird. Nest? Oh this was a confusing meeting. Why wasn't anyone answering her question! Who was this girl! Not seeming to get any answer from this stranger, just more...crytic responses, she'd turn her attention to Uncle Glace and stomped her feet slightly, huffing when he said the rule was just for her "I am big enough to leave, I swear it!" She said loudly then, pouting. "I can't do nothin, Uncle Glace. Dad wont let me go to the cliffs, or the grassy place or the water. It's so boring!" She whined. But there was...something interesting here now, right?

Turning big blue eyes back to the strange girl, she'd huff again. "I am Illume Skye Elementas." She said then, politely like her father had told her. It was rude if you didn't introduce yourself to a stranger. Which meant this stranger was pretty darn rude not introducing herself to Illie. "Illie Skye is better tho." She said softly, looking at her paws as she pressed at the sand, humming slightly before looking up at Uncle Glace again as he confirmed her like for the cliffs. "It's not the cliffs, Uncle Glace.." She said quickly before looking at the woman. She seemed to know a bit about this. "Somethin' about the sky, y'know? When its all big and blue, like ya could just...spread wings and fly in it. Like your birdy thing there. That'd be neat." She'd laugh then, sighing whistfully. "Y'know, bein free and doin' fun there's no end, and no rules." She really wasn't too keen on her father's overprotectiveness, not one bit.


Art by Evelyn

*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.



5 Years
10-15-2015, 11:24 PM

Astrea would chuckle at Glacier's joke. "I am glade I am home too. I miss you all." Then she zeroed in on the child, Illume Skye? Ah, none other than Voltage's child, no way Glaciers' line was going to go by the name of Skye anything. Snowball yeah... Wait! Snowball? Yeah she was going to keep that to herself. No way was she going to tell Glac she even thought that! She shock her head at that and focused on the little one again, boy did she have a chip on her shoulder. Astrea could tell this little one was a handful even for her family.

She was about to ask Glacier where volt was when Illume said the impossible. Her head snapped to the child, barely catching her jaw from dropping. She what? Well that brought her back to those good old days on the volcano. She had once made a comment to Voltage about growing wings and flying off to the stars. She smiled then, knowing exactly where this girl was coming from. But as the girl continued on she lost her link to Astrea, she wanted freedom... Like a bird in the sky...

"You should listen to my brother, little one. It is not safe for you without someone with you. But... now that I am back, I see no reason why you could not come to the cliffs with me." She looked at Glacier then hoping she was not stepping on any toes in the offer... Ah hell, she could tell it did not matter what Volt or Glac said to the little thing, she was going to do what she wanted.

Zori chirped her support even though Astrea did not think the bird was too keen on the pup coming to their domain. As the bird moved about between her ears she remembered her manners. "Oh, I am sorry. This is Zori, my companion and as I said before I am Astrea Elementas, your Aunt."

She smiled at her little niece. "We should speak more, little Illume." She chuckled at her new mental image. If she would hold still long enough.



6 Years
Extra large
10-15-2015, 11:31 PM
Glacier's sigh was soft as he looked at the little one. It seemed the dream of every child was to be an adult, to have that freedom, a shame, it wasn't until they got there that they realized the responsibility that came with. “I know Little Light, I do” he said apologetically, knowing the worst thing for a child like Illume was boredom. When Illume fully introduced herself Glacier grinned. “To me, your Little Light” he pointed out to the little one. She was a little ray of sunshine, in the hot and energetic view, through there definitely a brightness in her as well.

Astrea's words where a comfort to Glacier and he winked at his sister out of view from the little one. “I have an idea, I bet Astrea is really keen to see her favorite spot. Also, I think your two weeks are just about up, promise you wont get yourself in too much trouble today and i'll give you a piggy back up to the cliffs with Astrea and leave you two to get to know the stars again, together” he offered lovingly.