
Tainted with rage



7 Years

10-17-2015, 12:34 AM
Ehrgeiz would waltz aimlessly through the cove, every few pawsteps causing a creepy critter to scuttle away. Now and then, a larger, more gutsy spider would perch itself upon a rock, its forelegs raised in challenge, fangs glistening. The wolf would raise a brow, scoffing at the eight-legged creature that dared threaten him. With paw he would cuff the sand and send it spraying over the creature, causing it to recoil and curl its legs in. Ehrgeiz took advantage of its stunned state and slammed his paw down on its body, crushing it. Several spiders skittered away from the rock, their hiding place disturbed. He feared not the venom of a dangerous spider - if death took him today, then so be it, but he wouldn't waste his time alive responding to fear. He wouldn't let a tiny arachnid tell him off.

Bored with his surroundings, he sighed, glancing around with a singular blue eye. Spotting a boulder at the edge of the cove, he headed toward it lazily. He sprung to the top in a powerful leap, his claws scraping the rock as he clamped to the flat top surface. Content for now with his choice of resting place, he curled up to get comfortable, feeling a ray of sun warming his back. As he lay his head across his paws, he felt the tickle of multiple legs touching his pelt, climbing over him. He remained still, undisturbed by the spiders that crawled through his fur, so long as they didn't threaten him with their fangs.



4 Years
Dire wolf
12-07-2015, 06:34 PM

He wasn't really sure why he had even bothered coming to this part of the land, it was obvious from the moment the giant stepped in that this was no place for a pack. There were so many spiders around that he felt like they were crawling around his skin, and the brute shook himself. He was without his garland of roses around his shoulders, having left them behind to do some more exploring. His dual-toned eyes narrowed at the creatures that scattered with each slam of his massive paw, and he snorted in their direction. He knew to be careful though, back home there were spiders that held enough venom to kill a wolf -- even one as large as himself. So he looked out for the more brightly coloured ones, knowing that they were usually the ones that held a bite with more sting behind it. He was tempted to just turn and head to another part, but he was truly curious. With this many dangers around, there was usually a treasure hidden within it. One of the spiders eyed him before skittering towards him, a bight red spot on its belly. With a hiss, Gwen rose a paw and easily stepped on the bug, crushing it under his weight before it could bite him. Damned bugs, maybe he should have turned back when he could...

As he made a move to turn away, another being caught his gaze. He let his eyes cast around the other male, picking up his coat of mostly white. His breath hissed between his teeth, even though there was black on this being he was mostly white. Abomination! He was older too, well over a year old. Growling, Gwenaël stalked forward, his massive brown shoulders rolled forward. "A cursed being like you should have been killed at birth, how the hell are you still alive?" he grumbled in his deep baritone, standing much taller than him. He looked down at the other male, lips pulling back into a snarl. Maybe not a treasure, but a good wolf to sacrifice to his gods. How a white wolf lived this long was a mystery to him, and he needed to rectify it.

"talk" 'think' "you"



7 Years

12-12-2015, 09:44 PM
He'd been dozing quite comfortably when his peaceful rest was disturbed by a nasty growl. He lazily opened his singular blue eye. Who was this terribly grouchy brute? Ehrgeiz could practically feel the spray as the male snarled at him, for what reason, the ivory-coated male could not decipher. All he knew was that this dire-sized maniac was getting on his nerves, and he'd only made an appearance seconds ago. The male was staring down at him with a murderous glint in his eyes. The spiders skittered away as Ehrgeiz rose to his paws with a furious growl rumbling deep in his chest. Even atop the boulder, he was hardly taller than the other man. That fact pissed him off even more, and he felt all of his muscles tense eagerly. Why did this bear of a wolf have to target him? He'd love to rip the man's eyes out, but he didn't feel advantageous here in the least.

Hmph, I should have been killed at birth, he thought irritably, his teeth clenching together and black muzzle wrinkling up in pure annoyance. "My bitch of a mother thought it would be more fun to torture me instead, then abandon me when she was bored of using me as a ragdoll," he retorted dryly, eyeing the male hatefully, "But what's your problem? Are you some sort of psycho as well? Or did a spider just crawl up your ass?" He couldn't help but to snark back in return to this gigantic brute. He figured the dire wolf would probably try to kill him anyways, so he might as well talk smack. The hackles along his shoulders and spine began to spike, his tail giving lashing once like the gesture of an angry cat. He could feel the tension rising... it would only be a matter of time before the sandy cove became soaked in blood.



4 Years
Dire wolf
02-04-2016, 02:52 PM

When the cursed male spoke, his brows knitted together. His mother had tortured him? It didn't seem out of the question, since white pups were a sign of their parents failure to please the gods. While he had never heard of mothers torturing their children, he saw a reason for it. "Well, you're a sign of your parents displeasing the gods, so I can see why she would do that. She should have just had the mercy to kill you though, not drag it out. But the fact that you are still here, its unheard of." Well, at least for him back home. Here it may be different, perhaps the gods touch didn't reach this far. He pondered over this fact, staying standing as he was looming over the other male. But when the brute spoke again, a loud snarl ripped from his mouth, hackles standing on end. "How dare you insult me, you cursed lowlife!" He growled, taking two more steps towards the pale stranger. He was asking for it, and Gwen didn't have an issue showing him his strength. "I have no issue doing what your parents failed to do so long ago, you bastard." The large brown male easily fell into a fighters stance, it was like second nature to him. His two-toned eyes narrowed at the male, seeing what his reaction would be. "My name is Gwenaël, and I pray to Feridun that he may take your soul, even after all these years. May I know your name, cursed one, so that I can see to it that he accepts your damned soul?"

"talk" 'think' "you"



7 Years

02-15-2016, 01:40 AM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2016, 01:03 AM by Ehrgeiz. Edit Reason: editing type of maim )
Gods? His mother should have had the mercy to kill him? He was a sign of his parents displeasing the gods? Ehrgeiz was beginning to realize they really weren't on the same page here. He had no idea what this behemoth was talking about. He couldn't even determine what exactly about his own existence disturbed this man so much. Was it his appearance? His size? And what role did his parents play in all of this? His hated his mother, and he'd never even known his father. "Well, my mother was a godless whore," he retorted, black-tipped tail lashing, "And I'm basically a mirror image of her, so yea, I guess the gods are displeased, or whatever." He had to roll his eyes as he finished speaking - this was ridiculous. He wasn't sure he'd be able to keep a straight face if they kept talking about gods.

The single sky-blue eye narrowed as the giant wolf got offended. You think you've got it bad? he thought irritably, I was just napping 'til you came along. Ah, and then the dire wolf would toss more insults in his direction, for reasons unknown. "How'd you know I was a bastard?" he rumbled, unamused. As the man threatened to destroy him, to apparently do what his parents should have done long ago, he spit in reply, "You can go ahead and try!" The hackles rose on his shoulders, growing more and more irritated. Who the hell did this guy think he was? Then, strangely enough, the beast would introduce himself, and ask for his name. So, it seemed this guy was determined to 'offer his soul' to these so-called gods of his.

Sighing, unable to comprehend this madness, he'd resign himself to it. Didn't look like there was any way out of it, and he wasn't sure he wanted to try to run. "It's Ehrgeiz," he replied, eyeing the great brute. He wasn't gonna let this guy get a headstart on him. He slowly lowered into a ready stance, bending his limbs and splaying his toes, claws tensed to offer himself extra grip. His head lowered, chin tucking to protect his vitals, and shoulders rolled forward, bunching up the loose skin into protective folds of skin around his neck. Lips curled back into a fierce snarl, eye narrowed and ears folded back. All of his hackles rose, spiking up along the back of his neck, shoulders and spine. His tail lashed once more before flicking protectively between his legs. Looking the other man in the eye, he offered a hateful glare. "Hope your gods like piss and vinegar!" he spat viciously, right before he lunged.

He sprung forward, taking a flying leap forward off of the boulder he'd been resting on, his jaws wide open and forepaws tucked into his chest. He was throwing himself full on at his opponent, hoping to collide violently with him. His teeth were aiming straight for the beast's face - tilting his neck to his right, he would attempt to snap his teeth onto the left side of Gwen's face. His upper jaw reached for the man's left eye, hoping to hook a fang into the socket and pluck the eye right out. The lower jaw would try to close on Gwen's left cheek, hoping to leave moderate punctures and gain a solid grip that he could worsen later. Simultaneously his forelegs would uncurl. His left forepaw struck out toward the other guy's windpipe, several inches under the chin, hoping to strike with the back of his forepaw. He intended to leave moderate bruising and possibly choke him. His right forepaw uncurled and aimed for the front, uppermost part of Gwen's left shoulder blade, trying to leave moderate bruising and dig his nails in a little, hoping to leave some mild scratches.

Lastly, he'd twist his body to his right to try to swing his right hip with the force of his body weight flying through the air, toward the inner part of Gwen's left elbow. If he was accurate, he hoped to leave bruising and cause the joint to bend and hopefully send the man off balance. His intention with this entire movement was to end up hanging off of the massive brute's face. If he missed, well, he might just find himself sprawled on the ground in a rather dire predicament.

Ehrgeiz vs Gwenaël || Maim [left ear] || 1/3?

Given permission by Evelyn to edit the type of fight (adding what kind of maim)



4 Years
Dire wolf
02-27-2016, 12:50 PM

A name was given to him, and Gwen committed it to memory. Once the male was dead, he would be sure to offer his soul to Feridun. Ehrgeiz would not go down without a fight it would seem, and the male jumped off the rock that he had been resting on. The larger male did not move, allowing him to leap towards him. It was then that he launched his counter attack, his weight shifting so that he could lift his right front leg. Gwen attempted to strike the bottom of his right front paw against the center of Ehrgeiz's chest, trying to stop him from getting close to his larger form. He knew that his own limb would be jarred at the contact, but he didn't want him to get close. At the same time his jaws opened, his neck stretching forward as he attempted to lock his jaws around the pale man's muzzle. His upper jaw was aimed for the bridge of his nose, lower jaw aimed to hook under the males lower jaw, in the very center of the soft bottom. His was hoping that his grip would maintain a hold, as well as being able to keep Ehrgeiz's jaws on the inside of his mouth, hopefully blocking his breathing as well. Gwenaël was hoping to counter all of the smaller males attacks, keeping him away from his own form. Gwen was also hoping to gain a grip on Ehrgeiz's mouth to stop any further attacks. The brown male was aiming to stop all of the smaller man's attacks on himself. He didn't mind taking a bit of damage, but he wanted to swiftly kill him. There was no need to drag this on, he didn't want to cause that much pain to the other.

Gwen quickly set his defenses as he attacked, keeping his weight shifted to his right to keep as balanced as possible. His ears folded tightly against his skull, green and yellow eyes narrowed. His grounded limbs bent slightly, toes spreading as his claws bit into the sand. Legs were set an equal distance apart, his shoulders rolling forward as his chin tried to tuck as close to his chest as possible. He also tried to keep his head as aligned with his spine, lips curling upwards to further bunch his loose skin around his eyes.

Gwenaël vs Ehrgeiz for maim (facial scarring)
Round 1 of 3

"talk" 'think' "you"



7 Years

03-06-2016, 10:02 PM
Ehrgeiz snarled in outrage as the other male's right forepaw came up and struck him in the chest. His efforts were thwarted and he was sent crashing to the ground. He landed with most of his weight on his right side, bending his knees and elbows to catch himself without completely falling over. As the bigger man's jaws came toward him, the smaller ducked down, lowering his center of gravity and shuffling his paws to pivot himself further to his right, trying to avoid his enemy's teeth and get closer to the man's left side. Gwen's teeth would snap shut on open air just inches from his target's muzzle.

Before he lunged again, Ehrgeiz quickly made sure his defenses were intact - ears remained pinned against his head, his right eye narrowed protectively and his muzzle stayed wrinkled up in a snarl, the skin bunching up around his face. His head was low, aligned with his spine, chin tucked to protect his throat. His knees and elbows were already bent, so he'd make sure his stance widened for balance, toes splayed and claws digging into the ground for traction. His great, black-tipped tail would tuck beneath him now, and his hackles were raised defensively.

Now he would try again to launch himself at his opponent. He had tried to line himself up into a T shape, trying to face himself as accurately as possible with the left side of Gwen's face/neck. Coiling the muscles in his hind legs, he lunged forward, trying to close any distance between himself and his opponent. His right shoulder would come forward, his shoulder blade trying to connect with the outer portion of Gwen's left shoulder. Keeping his weight grounded on his hind legs, Ehrgeiz would lift his forelegs up toward his chest, rearing up with jaws parted. His head would snake forward, just slightly to his own left, as he tried to clamp his jaws onto Gwen's left ear. His upper canines hoped to dig in to the base of the ear where it met with the forehead, his lower canines trying to dig in to the base of the ear where it met with the jaw line. His intention was to clamp down on the ear viciously, hoping for a solid grip. He knew that ears bled heavily, and he couldn't wait to see the blood pulse from the stranger that was trying to kill him.

Ehrgeiz vs Gwenaël || Maim [left ear] || 2/3