



4 Years
10-17-2015, 10:41 AM

Getting here was painful, quiet frankly she probably should have remained home. While any normal wolf would only take maybe a days trip it had taken her two days to get here. Refusing to let anyone else help her healing process. Every step was slow, shaky, her front left leg not touching the ground. Her chest heaving in air as her left back leg shook because of the force she placed on it. Once her right leg was healed, mobility would be easier, but she still wouldn't be able to move very far. So after this trip and returning home, she highly doubted she would be leaving her family any time soon.

Arian was here to look for Surreal, if anything she was pissed and hurt at the events that had transpired. Maybe Arian sought comfort, well she would be happy to tell her that Sonticus was in better paws. The woman winced, her body ached as she finally managed to settle herself down. Curling her left front leg up the paste used to heal the wounds and mildly take away the pain were stuck to her fur. Where as the rest of her covered in cuts and bruises, her tail curled around her haunches as she caught her breath. Hoping that Surreal would be nearby so she wouldn't have to raise her voice. Just in case.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
10-18-2015, 08:06 PM

Her jaws snapped shut over a goose, cutting off the honking screams with a sharp shake of her head that snapped the head around to crack against a boulder, stunning it long enough for her to give it the killing blow. While they had enough food, she never lost a chance to add to the cache. This goose had been too cocky for its own good, hissing and snaking at her instead of flying away. She dropped the goose, looking around at her surroundings, ears alert, eyes searching, before she grabbed it up again and started toward the cache.

She hadn’t been expecting to run across a battered form today. Much less for that battered for to be her niece.But as she saw Arian, the goose dropped from her jaws as she picked up her pace to close the distance, sending up a howl for Kavdaya. She didn’t speak immediately, instead looking her niece over closely, cold fury crystallizing into icy rage with each wound she found. “Who did this, Arian? Do not evade the question.” Her voice was calm, controlled, malevolent. Someone had harmed her niece. Again. That someone would regret it to the very moment they died.

Her feral, cold, mismatched eyes pinned her niece as she waited to hear who would be dying in the future. The ravens would be eating well on that day.



4 Years
10-18-2015, 10:55 PM

It was obvious Surreal was mad, but Arian wasn't going to waist her time beating around the bush anyway. She had settled herself and had no intentions of moving for the time being less risk her herbs falling off her body. This wasn't like the last time, she had left marks on Sin even if he had won this fight. The fact that she had tried to defend herself, and failed, only pissed herself off even more. "The same man who took your home. Sin Hellstrom." her brows pulled forward, pained as a growl ripped through her throat. "I should've aimed for his eyes, instead I just took a damn ear." Arian shook her head as she looked at Surreal.

"I can barely walk Surreal, I lost a leg on the same exact side. I want his jaw torn off, his body ripped to shreds. I'm done with his shit and now not even I can do anything about it. I HATE to be asking for help but.... if anything. I want someone to HURT him." her voice was cool and calm. Deathly serious at that. If someone could show her his head, his tail, his limb. It would bring her some sort of satisfaction. She didn't care if she had saved his wife and children. He had made a mortal enemy out of her.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
10-24-2015, 12:18 AM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2015, 12:20 AM by Surreal.)

Arian didn’t try to avoid saying who had hurt her, and the answer sent another surge of fury through Surreal. So he would stoop to attacking a crippled wolf? It did bring a slightly cruel smile to her lips to hear that Arian had fought back. She listened as Arian let out some of the frustration. Oh Arian didn’t have to ask for help on this. When you messed with one Adravendi, you got the entire family up in arms, if they were aware; particularly this branch. Did Epiphron know of this?

Surreal had already wanted to take the eyes of the ass who had invaded her home and shattered Threar’s world. Now she wanted to see what the ground would look like painted in his blood. Like Arian, wishing for this kind of violence wasn’t usual for Surreal. Her haunches lowered to the ground as, in a voice of crooning ice, she stated in the Old Tongue, "Beidh a corp beatha na préacháin." And whether it was her own teeth that brought him down, or another Adravendi, the result would be the same; Sin Armada Hellstrom would rue the day he touched Arian. His actions would not only bring death to himself, but Surreal would take every measure to harm him that she could. His pups would not be harmed. But that didn’t excuse his grown children if he had any.

Her chilled eyes swept Arian’s face as she asked nonchalantly, “Has he any grown children? Can you name them to me, if so?” Things would begin to fall into place once Celestial was raised. Prisoners would be taken, and if it meant dealing with packs that took such things as slaves, she would do it. She'd heard Imperium took slaves. Perhaps that could be a way to secure an agreement of some sort with them. There were things to gain out of the thoughts going through her mind.



4 Years
10-26-2015, 12:53 AM

Arian needed to conceal herself, if she let her temper go things could end up badly. All that ran through her mind right now was the pain. However the immediate danger she felt made her shiver. There was no way she could use anyone to protect herself. It was utterly disgusting that the thought had even crossed her mind. Arian tried hard to listen to surreal, something about feeding crows. So she could only guess a number of things that she had said. Then the question came, and scrambling through her head she tried to remember.... who had she seen in Sonticus. That's when it hit her.... Sin's kids.... were like ghosts.

"I...- I'm not sure.... they don't stick around. There could have been three, four.... five for all I know. There was one.... at the meeting. I don't know his name nor face that also being said they don't carry Sin or their packs scent because of how much of a loner game they play. I know he has adult children, and I helped with the birth of his recent two litters but that's it." Now Arian was just flat out afraid. Her muscles shivered, as she growled and pressed her nose into the dirt. Damnit, the undeniable feeling that she wanted to just go away. She was in a rock and hard place wasn't she.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.