
Sister, sister



9 Years
Athena I
10-18-2015, 01:03 PM

With Play's request and his own news on his mind, Leo padded toward the den that Amalia shared with Athena. He had been meaning to have some one on one time with his one remaining sibling and he was glad that he was finally taking the time to do that. "Amalia!" he called when he got closer in a happy, sing-song voice. He smiled and his tail waved slowly behind him while he peered at the den and the surrounding area to see if she was around. He really hoped she was. He had a lot to talk about and a lot to ask about! Even more than that, he just wanted to see his sister and spend time with her. He settled on his haunches a few feet from her den with his mismatched ears perked, listening for any sign of Ama.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
10-18-2015, 04:22 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2015, 09:52 PM by Evelyn.)

Well, she had been sleeping. Mud coated her paws and legs, much like she had a few nights ago with Athena. With the cold bite of winter already in the air, she wanted to make sure that she had enough herbs in her stocks. Winter was a healers worst nightmare, while some herbs flourished in the colder weather, most withered and died, l eating healers like herself to count on the dried leaves and berries that had been collected earlier in the year. The threat of the cold was already on her, making Amalia scramble to gather all she could. So when Leo called for her she slowly peeled her eyes open, blinking harshly as she blinked at the dim light. "Better be good brother, or I will chew on your white ear so you can match Mother." she answered, her sweet, sleepy voice making her words sound far too cute to be threatening. Rising to her dirty paws she stretched out her tiny form, making her way out of the den to push her nose into Leo's fur, rumbling a soft greeting.



9 Years
Athena I
10-18-2015, 06:08 PM

His sister's sassy retort only made him grin and chuckle from the natural sweetness of her voice. Her sleepy form appeared out of the den and he stood to meet her half way. "I'm happy to see you too, sister." He smiled and nuzzled her scruff when she pressed nose into his fur. That's when he noticed all the mud on her. "I see you've been busy," he commented with a laugh. "I'm glad you're here, Amalia. Without you we'd all be unprepared for the cold."

He settled down onto his haunches again with a little smile on his lips. "Sorry for waking you up, sister. I have a bunch of stuff to talk to you about though! First of which is a request from our last remaining medic for some training. Plaetic told me she was concerned that she didn't really know anything so I told her I'd say something about it to you. I think some healing training for the whole pack would be great though! I know that my knowledge is severely lacking too." He paused so she could say anything she needed to about it before going on, "Fill me in on what's been going on in your life, Ama! I feel like I never get to talk to you any more."

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
10-18-2015, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2015, 09:54 PM by Evelyn.)

She hummed softly at his touch, and couldn't help but let out an airy giggle as he noticed her paws. "I don't even notice the dirt anymore, but I am sure that Athena would have something to say about me dragging mud into the den." She said lovingly, there was always a touch of adoration when she spoke of her mate. "But I am trying my best Leo, you know how much I hate being unprepared for the seasons." Amalia said softly. Leo didn't take long to get down to business either, speaking of their newest healer wishing additional training. Her ears stood fully erect at the mention of a pack wide training as well. Excitement filled the tiny woman and she nodded her head eagerly. "Yes of course! I will speak to Play when I can, and start a healing training before the chill of winter. It is worrying me how quickly the cold seems to be coming, herbs are dying faster this year."

As her brother asked how she was doing her enthusiasm left her, ears pulling back towards her coloured head. "Well..." she started, shuffling on her paws as she shifted closer to her sibling. "I have been trying to lose myself in my work again, and I am pretty sure that Athena feels that. But... it's better that than to think that all our boys are gone. Tib is only here from time to time and spends it all with his lady friend, and the rest of them have just vanished. Oh Leo, I feel like I have lost them all." she whined. But quickly she shook her head, deep blue eyes meeting his similar coloured gaze. A smile was back on her maw, although the sadness lingered in her gaze. "But enough of that, how are you mister big alpha man?"



9 Years
Athena I
10-26-2015, 07:52 PM

Leo couldn't help but smile when he heard Amalia speak about Athena. It was so heart warming to hear the love in her voice. Their situation was anything but ordinary, but they seemed to make it work and he was happy for them. He nodded in understanding and commented, "Of course, I always know that you're trying so hard if nothing else." He grinned happily when she agreed to the training and seemed quite excited about it too! "Great! I'm excited for it. I really want the pack to be more active and start learning and training more."

Leo's smile dimmed a bit, a thoughtful concerned look touching his expression as Amalia's ears folded back. He frowned, but nodded in understanding. It was similar to how he felt when all of their family had suddenly dispersed, although he was sure it was ten times worse to have your children disappear. It made him wonder how their mother had felt. He blinked and smiled a little when suddenly she was smiling again even though the sadness in her gaze didn't go unnoticed.

He hoped maybe his news would cheer her up. "I've been pretty good for the most part actually. All of these alpha duties have been keeping me on my toes. I feel like I've barely had a second to breathe lately! But, I did manage to find time for one thing." He grinned a little wider and his tail wagged as he spoke, "I asked Svetlana to marry me."

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
10-30-2015, 09:44 PM

Amalia smiled at her brother, snuggling into his chest for a moment. The sound of his beating heart echoed in her ear and she let out a happy sigh. "Or maybe I am trying to make all my paws match." she teased in regards to her dirty paws. Her coloured head nodded against his plush fur as he spoke about wanting to get the pack more active. Amalia agreed, but she had not been very proactive in helping. She had been a bit selfish, focusing on herbs and studying with herself as a distraction. But it would be good to teach everyone the basics, to make sure that they at lease knew how to heal the most common injuries in case she was busy or even away. She would hate to hear that someone was dying because they didn't know how to stop bleeding or an infection. Minor things like that only took one or two herbs, something that they could handle on their own if she wasn't right there.

Amalia was thankful that Leo did not comment on her children, as she took comfort in his fur. She just wanted to curl up with him like they used to when they were younger, to forget about all this adult stuff and just be able to be... them. But when he mentioned Svetlana, her ears sprung forward and she pulled back, her tiny tail and rump wiggling on the earth. "Oh Leo that is amazing! You must send her to me at once so I can talk to her. She's got a sister that she needs to deal with first!" Ama yipped, stretching up to place a tender kiss on her brothers cheek. Oh that was wonderful news indeed. Although, Amalia would be lying if she said that her heart did not twinge a bit. They were a normal couple, a male and a female. They would be able to have pups with no issues at all, and she was a bit jealous about that. She longed to be able to give Athena children, but they just couldn't procreate, not with the two of them. Which reminded her. They had talked about Amalia giving birth this time, but the family member that Athena had found had ties that were a little to close to her own, something she knew that her mother would not approve of.

Her blue eyes roamed over Leo and she took a deep breath, quivering slightly. "While we are kind of on the topic Leo, I have something to ask you. I know its awkward and... well embarrassing, but would you ever consider helping out me and Athena? We share a father, so there is a better chance that some of the pups could look a bit like me..." Her already dirty paws drew circles in the dirt, a blush flushing her cheeks. She hadn't brought it up with Athena yet, but she figured that it would be best to ask Leo now that she had his attention for awhile.



9 Years
Athena I
10-31-2015, 11:12 PM

Leo could only laugh and nod in approval when Amalia demanded for Svetlana to come talk with her. "You got it, sis. If I had to answer to her companion Korrin then I guess she's got to get your approval first too!" They both had quite the interesting family to deal with, but he would change anything, even if he could. He loved every member of his family and he was proud to be adding Svetlana to their family. It made him wonder if he would be able to meet more of Svet's family eventually as well.

His train of thought was interrupted when Amalia spoke again, obviously becoming more and more embarrassed as she spoke and asked him about helping her and Athena. His head tipped to the side with curiosity and his brows pulled together thoughtfully. "Well you know I'd do anything for you, Amalia, but I don't know if I really understand what you're asking. What do you and Athena need from me? Why does it..." Suddenly he mentally made the connection between him and her statement of the "pups could look a bit like her". His eyes went wide with surprise and he sputtered for a second while he searched for words. "Oh! Oh. Uh, I, um..."

Leo chuckled awkwardly and cleared his throat. It wasn't every day your sister asked you to father her children. He was hesitant only because he knew his sister and sister-in-law so closely. Because he knew them both so well it made it strange for him to even consider doing that with Athena... but at the same time he knew just how important children were to the both of them. He had seen how they acted around their sons. It had never really occurred to him that they would never be able to have more children on their own even though it was completely obvious it was the truth. He hesitated for a moment more, but he knew that he could never crush his sister's hopes like that. "Well...Um... I'll do it. For you," he finally answered. He was still a little uncertain with the whole idea and it wasn't till after he answered that he thought of Svetlana. "I should probably run it by Svetlana, huh? I'd hate for her to hate me forever before we're even married." He smiled a little and added, "But I want to help you, sis. You deserve to be happy too."

"Talk" "You" Think