
Lonely Road



4 Years
10-18-2015, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2015, 03:59 PM by Hiraeth.)

His nose brushed at a few wilting wildflowers; autumn was coming and it was trading the pastel colors of spring for a few fiery colors of its own. Hiraeth never used to like autumn, because it seemed like nature was slowly dying. It seemed melancholy at the time, but nowadays, it rather suited him. Hiraeth sighed and pulled away from the dull flowers, settling on his haunches and looked out from the cliff he was seated upon. This new land really was beautiful, but it still held nothing personal for him. He didn't have family here. He hardly had friends. He was like a ghost, drifting through and touching nothing. It was no way to live, and something would need to change soon, or else he would wilt like the flowers at his feet.

The man had always believed his purpose to be the protection of those he loved. He had not failed, per se, but the ones he had loved were no longer with him. In order for his purpose to be restored, in theory, Hiraeth would need to find someone new to love. And he wasn't exactly in a loving mood. It was a little dangerous, what he was doing. Becoming accustomed to the lonely road he was on. Something needed to happen, some alternate path needed to make itself known. But until then, he would continue to wander.



9 Years
10-25-2015, 09:44 PM

This was the longest time Creed had ever felt a sense of normalcy in a long time. Ever since he'd run into Surreal again she'd tamed his wanderlust and given him a purpose. Sure Celestial wasn't up and running yet but he felt almost like family to her and with that came the same feeling towards the rest of them. Sure he didn't know all of them but Surreal loved them and therefore it was, without question, assured that he'd serve them and even die for them if necessary. That being said he certainly couldn't wait for the re-creation of Valhalla. It wasn't Glaciem but it would be a place he could call home and he was excited for it.

Granted Celestial had ran into a bit of a bump in the road with Hellstrom having moved right into the Vericona Plains. Though if what Surreal said was true then they wouldn't have to worry about it. If she could get the help of Imperium and Abaven then Hellstrom would most certainly be crushed under the weight of two packs. If they somehow did fail... well his next suggestion would be to just challenge Sin directly and take his pack that way. Either way it'd be beneficial to her though he didn't like the idea of harm coming to her.

He'd been trying to take her suggestion of what he could do to help and make something of it. She wanted members to help fill the ranks once the pack was up and running so he could only try his best at being a recruiter. He wasn't much for sugar coating things and enticing others to join a cause but he could make friends and if they chose to follow them then he couldn't complain.

Today his travels brought him east toward the mountains. At first the climb had been almost daunting be he relished the challenge of exploring a new place. What better place to explore than the Moontouched Cliffs? He wasn't aware of what was at the top but it certainly had been a more than pleasant surprise when he'd gotten there. What lay before him was a giant field of flowers with an assortment of colors that could rival a rainbow. To put it short... it was gorgeous.

Of course his attention didn't remain on the flowers for long. Instead the hint of a creamy color caught his attention and teal eyes swiftly fixated on the new figure. The wolf was obviously male and Creed was immediately consumed with curiosity. He was aware the world wasn't as friendly as himself though and instead he let out a soft bark to get the wolf's attention and then waited to see how the other reacted. If they were hostile... well he'd figure that out from there.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



4 Years
10-27-2015, 08:47 AM

Hiraeth was very much lost in his thoughts, his eyes watching the lazy ebb and flow of the water below, his nose taking in the smell of autumn grass. Whenever he sat still for too long, thoughts of his home and family caught up with him. He thought of his poor mother, of the life she had lived. Always paranoid and distrustful. It was amazing that he had turned out the way he did. Hiraeth trusted everyone, perhaps to a fault. He did not know the wolves here. But he planned to see the best in them until their actions made him think otherwise.

As he thought, he continued to watch the water and breathe in the smells around him. This is how he caught the scent of another wolf on the wind, a few seconds before the soft bark met his ears and he smiled a bit. Company was what he needed right now. This was nothing short of a blessing. His green eyes lightened as he left his burdensome thoughts behind him and turned to look at the other male. His coloring was dark, but his eyes were bright and friendly. Hiraeth gave a gentle wag of his tail "Good afternoon," he called out, a companionable smile on his features.



9 Years
10-29-2015, 07:27 PM

In the brief second that he waited for the other male to turn around Creed had already begun intently studying the other. He was a handsome wolf and his colors almost reminded him of his mother, even if the markings weren't the same. He was simplistic to look at yet overall pleasing. He noted the muscle that lay underneath his fur and he took note of the various scars the dotted along his body. Curious by nature, Creed couldn't help but wonder how he'd managed to get them. If one were to look at his own body they'd have to shave him first to see any scars. Creed wasn't much for battles by nature though so he highly doubted he had any noticeable scars to speak of.

The other turned towards him and Creed's face brightened considerably when he saw the friendly smile and the tail wag that accompanied it. The male spoke and Creed dipped his head in greeting and the smile didn't waver for a second. "Good efternoon ta ye as well. Th' name's Creed." He spoke softly, introducing himself immediately as was only proper in his mind.

Feeling quite comfortable with the wolf already Creed decided to move closer and sit by the water source. He glanced into it for a moment, distracted, to see if he could find any fish but his gaze didn't linger. Instead he focused on the possibility of a new friend. It wasn't often than Creed got to meet new faces, much less male ones, and he wasn't going to take it for granted. He felt surrounded by females as of late and earning himself a new male friend wasn't a bad way to go.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



4 Years
10-29-2015, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2015, 10:07 PM by Hiraeth.)

The man came closer and introduced himself, his easy sense of familiarity making Hiraeth feel relaxed as well. Hiraeth was nothing if not trusting, and though that could occasionally put him in dangerous situations, he still believed it was for the better. He was never one to harden his heart. "Well Creed, it's my pleasure," he said as a grin began to settle on his lips. It seemed that he had met only females in this land so far, and meeting this other male was a refreshing change of pace. "My name is Hiraeth," he said with a respectful little nod. His accent always seemed to be the most noticeable when he said his own name. But on the topic of accents, this man seemed to have one as well, and his interest was piqued.

"May I ask where you picked up such an accent, fy ffrind?" he sat on his haunches and let his tail flick casually behind him as he looked at Creed with his eyes bright and curious. It was an accent that sounded vaguely like his own, but not close enough to be considered the same. Perhaps a similar region? "Are you not originally from this land?"



9 Years
11-12-2015, 09:19 PM

The lure of wandering hadn't faded in all six years of Creed's life. One could say he could blame it on his family. Ever since Glaciem had been ripped from them and the whole pack had moved, they had done nothing but move. Then he and his family had taken that trip away from Alacritis to avoid all the drama so his parents could age in peace. Even now that he was older and wanted to settle down a bit and find a place to belong, he still felt the itch the explore. He supposed his child-like wonder for seeing new places would never fade. At least he had a place to return to now.

Not that wandering was a bad thing though. So far it was allowing him to meet many new faces which, in the long run, was a very good thing. Surreal was still working on building Celestial and forming good bonds with others was definitely very important. Hiraeth, as he'd so kindly introduced himself as, may not have been a pack wolf but it was still nice to make friends for the future.

Ears flicked and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips as the earth-toned male asked him about his accent. It never ceased to amaze others and it was a constant question that he was used to. Seemed he was more of a rarity than he'd expected, though he hadn't failed to notice Hiraeth's accent either. It was quite similar to his and yet different at the same time.

"Aye. Ah'm from this land, but mah folk an Ah moved elsewhere for a while. Th' accent came from there. Wha' about ye?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]