
Spreading Your Love From The Tip Of A Sword



5 Years
10-22-2015, 08:48 PM
Navigation - Marble Wash

But the devil always won...

Snow began to fall lightly, drifting and floating lazily through the air.  Hárekr's tongue shot out as he bounced and chased after a few flakes before coming to a stop as the sun peeked from behind the clouds just long enough to send the veins of gold marble glittering along the dried up river bed.  Ooooo  pretty!   His forepaws darted forward as if he might catch the light and somehow save it from the dark but the clouds shifted again and the light was gone. Only the dull gray of the north's early winter remained.  Oh, he knew it was fall but up this far?  Fall was shorter than an exhale.  At least in the valley there was some shelter from the harsher snowstorms that were already beginning to creep in around them.  He knew hunting would pick up pace for Yfir which was a shame as Hárekr really wasn't the best hunter.  No, he was more of an opportunist and a scavenger.

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."



9 Years
10-25-2015, 04:38 PM
Arcus wasn't so sure as to why he was here, but he had grown restless. Travelling with astrea, while sweet, only reminded him of the things he had left behind. There was no guilt, no regret, only anger. He felt it constantly coursing through his chest, through his viens. Every day he was alone aside from this stupid bird that refused to leave him. Pest was the worst, but he couldn't imagine life without the bugger. Even now the twittering at his ears drove him mad and yet…it was nice. Nice to know he wasn't so alone. Even if the company was the most annoying bird in existance. Well, according to him. He moved, unhappily, through the snow, glaring intently at the white flecks that fluttered from above. Slate blue eyes were narrowed, his storms shining in their depths. And then something caught his gaze. Blinking, he'd stare at the strange man in the snow, ears pulling back. Fantastic…. Sighing softly he'd turn to walk in another direction, away from the stranger when, naturally, Pest decided to follow his name. He'd rumble in his throat, watching as the blue bird flew towards the stranger with a twittering greeting. Unlike Arcus, Tempest actually liked company and new wolves.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
10-25-2015, 05:38 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2015, 05:39 PM by Hárekr.)

But the devil always won...

Trotting along the river bed Hárekr was sticking his head in every nook and cranny he could find.  The faint scent of pack still lingered in this place but it was old enough that clearly no one had lived in this valley for quite some time.  Ears flicked forward at the chirping sound of a little bird that was flying right toward him.  Hárekr grinned, his fangs glinting as the sun peeked from behind the clouds. "Awww… aren't you cute, hello there little fellow!"  His limbs coiled tightly like springs as his voice dripped honey.  "Such a pretty little bird, I could just eat you up!" On the last word he sprang fangs snapping shut as he tried to grab himself a quick little snack.  With winter around the corner he wouldn't hesitate to down anything that might potential be categorized as food and birds, while mostly fluff, fell into the food category.  It hadn't even crossed his mind that the bird might belong to someone.

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."



9 Years
10-25-2015, 06:13 PM
Okay! So maybe....maybe it was really stupid of the stupid bird to go greet this particular wolf. But hindsight was 20/20 right? That is...if one could still....exist long enough to have some hindsight. When this stranger spoke to him, his honey sweet voice should have tipped little Tempest off, but no. No, the bird was dumb. It was proven now. Arcus watched with sharp eyes as the man readied his attack before lunging for the blue feathered bird, who squaked loudly and swooped out of the way in just the nick of time. Well, he did lose a few tail feathers in the process. A savage snarl would burst from the storm wolf, his eyes narrowed drastically at the white and black male. "What in the hell do you think you are doing!?" He barked, practically roared as he stomped towards the man. His fur would stand on end, his normally wind blown fur seeming even more wild. He moved steadily towards the stranger. "HE was just being nice and you go and try to eat him?!" Oh what was Arcus even thinking. It was a stupid bird, but it was also one of the only links between him and Shaye. That bird mattered, even if it was annoying to bits. His lips curled back over his teeth, eyes narrowing as Pest settled on his shoulder again. Stupid bird.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
10-25-2015, 06:51 PM

But the devil always won...

Hárekr's jaws would close shut with a snap but he would fail to catch the tasty morsel, instead only grabbing a few feathers from the birds tail. Ah, well, it was a bit of a long-shot anyway. He'd watch for a moment as the bird would fly over and land on the sound of a very angry looking gray male. Háre would turn swiftly to face the man as the other yelled at him, Háre's defenses swiftly raising and his tail tucking between his legs as he grinned his shit-eating grin. "Oh… I'm terribly sorry. I didn't realize that snack- er bird, happened to belong to you. Where I come from birds are food but perhaps you are saving him for later, eh?" Hárekr chuckled at his own joke, uncertain if the other male would find the situation quite as humorous as he did. "Now, now calm down. You shouldn't furrow your brow like that so much, it could get stuck that way." He shot the other man a wink.

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."



9 Years
11-07-2015, 04:12 PM
Arcus could feel his storms rage, feel the fire in his chest burst into something of a full inferno. The very feeling he was always so scared of he felt... elated, in a way. He felt strong, powerful, even as he narrowed his gaze at this man. He couldn't help but scoff at his comment, staring at him. "Where I come from we aren't stupid enough to waste energy of such small game." Well maybe that was a lie. Donostrea basically survived off fish when he was there. Not that Arcus did any of the hunting. Pathetic, really. But reguardless! He wanted to hold onto this anger just a little longer. "I'll glare all I want, and I'll still look better than you." Pathetic, really. Just...pathetic. He was like a child! This is worse than when he was a kid. But what could you do, when you were angry it all came out without a thought. Oh..he'd have to work on that, better insults...better tactics, right? Instead he just huffed, baring his teeth slightly before baring a glance back at his bird who was nervously pruning at his wings. "You should apologize to the pest. The only one that can treat him that was is me." He would growl then, looking back at the man with command in his eyes. "Say you're sorry to the bird.."

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
11-08-2015, 03:19 PM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2015, 03:50 PM by Hárekr.)

But the devil always won...

"Ohhh… very original insults."  Hárekr's voice dripped with sarcasm the grin still plastered on his face as his voice shifted low, dangerous and taunting.  "Boy, where I come from we eat little birds for fun, delicately… sloooowly.  We like to watch them hop around awhile and take bets how long they can live once their wings are chewed off!" His bi-colored eyes glittered with malice, wondering if his hint was getting through to the other man.  He ate little birds and tiny creatures for his own personal enjoyment than out of any need for survival.  What could he say?  He enjoyed the delightful crunch they made when their tiny lives were snuffed out in one swift snap of his jaws.  They also made rather excellent toys for little games once the wings were snipped.  Bird ball anyone?

"Say you're sorry to the bird.." the stranger commanded.

Him?  Hárekr?  Proud Karl of Yfir apologize to a lesser creature?  The teasing aire around Hárekr completely vanished.  Snuffed out in the blink of an eye and replaced with something calmer, colder and much more cruel.  Lazy gaze flicked to the man, betraying the coiling muscles and heightened alertness as he spoke his challenge. "Make me."

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."



9 Years
11-10-2015, 09:25 PM
His sharp blue eyes would stare straight at the man, watching him intently. His gaze was narrowed, his nose wrinkled, and it felt like fire licked at his belly. And then that word. He felt something snap, probably his last strand of clear, proper thinking. "Boy?!" He spat. They were about the same age! He raised his lips slowly, staring at this strange and annoying man. He stared at his mismatched eyes, at his markings, at his body shape before returning back to his eyes. Arcus decided then and there that he desperatedly hated this man. Whatever his name was. Stupid Pest, getting him into this mess. Not another word would fall from his lips as he glared at the man, feeling the cool autumn air comb through his thick unruly fur. His stare was so intent, holding himself in the most dominant that he could, that he wouldn't even notice if Pest suddenly combusted on his shoulder. And then.

He'd snort then, one brow raising slowly. He felt so confident, so enraged, that he didn't even stop to thing. Make him? Oh...he would. He would make him, and take that pretty gold eye with him. He'd shift his gaze to the side, staring at his bird in his peripheral before gently shrugging him off. He'd look back at the male then, shifting slightly on his paws before, like a coil, he would push all his weight onto his hind legs and leap the 5 feet between them. In this motion his body would fluidly take on his stance. Chin would tuck to protect his throat as jaws parted wide, aiming for a solid and severe grip on the male. He aimed to latch his jaws onto the left of Hare's face, aiming to shove his upper jaw in and around the bright gold eye of the man, while his bottom jaw sought to grasp under Hare's jawbone. At the same moment he sought to slam his chest into the males, his right forward rolling forward in a lance to strike into Hare's left, where the shoulder bone met the rest of his chest. He wanted to bruise, to jolt the tendons or ligaments in the shoulder and render the limb near useless for the duration of the fight. His eyes would narrow at this, ears pulling back quite quickly and his paws finding purchase in the earth, toes and claws biting into the earth for purchase. He'd hold them at shoulder width apart, his hind legs at a hip width with his knees bent and loose. His left shoulder that wasn't put forward in the attack would roll to protect his neck, fur along his back piloerecting. Hackles would stand on end, to try and protect the rest of his body, while his tail tucked beneath him...just in case. At the last second he would shift his balance, redistributing his weight among his three limbs as he raised his left forepaw, swiping it forward in an attempt to wrap around and hopefully tug the man's own right leg out from under him, to try and pull him into the shoulder thrust.

Arcus vs Hare
Rnd 1 of 2
For maim (half blinding in left eye)



5 Years
11-21-2015, 08:07 PM
*confirmed with Arin that Arcus' right shoulder is the body part that is rolling forward.

Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger...

Hárekr watched with amusement at the fury burning within the other male.  His lips would curl up revealing his fangs in a toothy grin at rage-filled word that Arcus repeated.  Oh my, oh my… had Háre found what got under the other's skin?  With a snarl Hárekr's own defenses would fly up as if urging the other man to go ahead and attack.  He was all to happy to teach this fool a lesson.  Bi-colored eyes narrowed as his ears pinned tight to his head.  Hackles laced down his back as his head and tail shifted to align with his spine.  Háre's chin tucked as his shoulders rolled forward and his neck scrunched back.  The warrior widened his stance just slightly, spreading the limbs equidistant apart as he spread his weight evenly among them, toes splayed as his claws dug into the earth.

Keen eyes watched Arcus throw his weight into his hind legs and Hárekr would quickly step a few inches to his own right as the other man leapt, Háre's hind end pivoting to his right to bring him facing in towards Arcus' left shoulder at a 30º angle. Háre's sudden movement would displace his foes attacks.  The man's jaws would fail to pierce his left eye, instead tearing moderate lacerations into his left cheek but failing to gain hold.  Háre's own hind legs coiled sharply as the man's chest slam and right shoulder throw would miss their intended targets, Arcus' left forepaw sailing between his front legs rather than snagging Háre's right wrist.

Powerful hinds would uncoil as Hárekr launched himself forward, his own jaws thirsting for blood as his maw parted, fangs launching for the left side of Arcus' face, seeking to match the man blow for blow.  What could he say?  He was all about the golden rule!  Hárekr's upper fangs sought to pierce Arcus' left eye and blind it.  His lower fangs sought to tear into the lower portion of Arcus' left cheek.  Hárekr's goal was to snap his jaws nearly together in a powerful hold so that his lower fangs could shred through the large muscle (masseter*) that was crucial to opening the lower jaw.  He wanted to cripple Arcus' ability to open his mouth.  Maybe if speaking caused him pain the boy would be less likely to go running his mouth off to his superiors.

Simultaneously, Hárekr's weight would shift evenly to his right foreleg and hind legs as he sought to thrust the front of his right shoulder forward into the outside of Arcus' left shoulder, seeking to slam the bony spur of his shoulder into Arcus' deltoid muscle, where the bottom of Arc's scapula connected with his upper arm.  Hárekr intended to strike the muscle with enough force to cause not only bruising but to cause the muscle to seize and hinder the Donostrean's movements.  At the same time Hárekr would attempt to thrust the center of his chest forward with the goal of slamming the center right portion of his chest into the front of Arcus' left shoulder, again with the goal of causing bruising but this chest attack was in conjunction with not only his right shoulder but his left forepaw as well.  With Hárekr's weight evenly shifting to his right foreleg and hind legs his left forepaw would lift and lash out at Arcus' left foreleg, just below the elbow with the goal of both preventing Arcus' left forepaw returning to the ground and also pulling the limb back towards Hárekr as the black and white man threw his chest and shoulder forward.  Hárekr hoped the combined attacks would be enough to cause Arcus to loose his balance and stumble or even fall onto his stormy-colored right side.

Hárekr vs Arcus for Maim (blinding of left eye) Rd. 1 of 2


"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."



9 Years
12-20-2015, 01:32 PM
Goddamnit!! He hissed, he swore, he shouted in his mind as the slippery snake slithered away from his attacks and everything missed. Useless, how incredibly stupid of him! A snarl tore through his throat as he ducked his head to protect his throat, narrow eyes sliding to the side to watch the strange man. Anger prickled along his skin, under his raised fur and hackles as he adjusted his stance. Legs remained at shoulder and hip length apart, the paw he had used in an attempt to trip the man returned to the earth, and his shoulders rolled up and back to protect his throat. It was instant, but it might have saved his jaw. He hadn't thought to move, why would he! He was standing up for his stupid little bird, but maybe he really wasn't very fight savvy after all. Instead, he got teeth puncturing moderately through the tender flesh just under his left eye, and the top fangs of his opponent clenched onto the top of his skull, leaving moderate lacerations, just before his ear before suddenly, the most pain he had ever felt errupted through his whole body, through his soul, through his storms as his opponent clenched his jaws. He suddenly roared, the scent of blood filling his senses as he would attempt to yank his head from the mans jaws just as the pressure began, hoping to save his eye and whatever else may be effected by the bite. He was blinded, hopefully by blood, his left eye closed tightly to try and protect it.

At the same time, a force thrust into his side, and he felt it vibrate through his shoulder, through his side, pain errupting through his side. A moderate bruise would form in the place the shoulder and chest hit, and his body was pushed to the side. Due to his leg returning to the earth in the time it took for Hare to move, his paw swipe did nothing more than scratch the outside of his left foreleg, leaving little pink lines but nothing more. He stumbled several steps to his right, trying to recover the balance and get away from those hungry jaws of the man. He would shake his head, trying to get the blood out of his eye to see. When his paws found purchase he would quickly pivot to his right, back paws shuffling to face the man head on again, so he could see him. Rage, anger, rose in him like a typhoon and he was blinded by red. Right eye narrowed, left remained closed, jaws wrinkled as his head ducked to protect his throat, ears pressing back. His shoulders remained rolled forward to protect the back of his throat, and his hackles remained raised, fur standing on end. Tail lashed out behind him as he massaged his toes and claws against the earth. He snarled deeply before he recoiled on his hind limbs and shot forward. He hoped the man wouldn't move again, but right now all he cared about was getting some flesh. Some blood. He attempted to side step to the left just before he hoped to make impact, keeping his injured eye on the outside of the attack. He aimed to roll his right shoulder forward, again, to thrust into the dead center of the man's chest, his own chest aiming to follow suite to try and use his forward momentum to push the man forward, and hopefully compromise his balance. His jaws swung wide, aiming to left, trying to grab a grip onto the soft flesh where jaw met neck. His lower fangs sought a grip just beneath Hare's right jaw bone, his upper fangs sought to pierce through the back of his neck, and he would aim to clench his jaw, to try and cause as much pain as possible. He was still in pain, it vibrated through him and he could feel his bloodied eye water in pain and that just made it worse. There was an extreme fear that it might just be blinded, and dear god if it was this man would pay. The rage whirled through his chest, threatening to suffocate him as he tried to give this man as much pain as he possibly could.

Arcus vs Hare
Rnd 2 of 2
For maim (half blinding in left eye)



5 Years
12-23-2015, 07:19 PM
ooc:  confirmed with Arin that Háre's shoulder and chest attacks hit their mark

Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger...

Hárekr could practically feel the rage roiling off his opponent and it filled the trickster will glee as his lower fangs pierced the flesh under Arcus' left eye, his upper fangs tearing moderate lacerations in the top of the man's head just before his ear.  Suddenly his prize was torn from him as Arcus yanked his head violently out of Hárekr's grip.  Boooo!  He wasn't done rearranging the other males face yet!  Moderate bruising would mark the front and outside of Arcus' left shoulder from where Hárekr's chest and right shoulder slam collided with their targets.  In turn Háre would receive mild bruising on the front of his right shoulder and the center of his chest but it was well worth it to make his opponent hurt just a bit more.  His paw swipe would miss and the limb would quickly return to the ground as his opponent stumbled to Háre's left shaking his stormy head.

Hackles remained raised, ears flat against his skull, eyes narrowed and the flesh of his face bunching in a challenging snarl. Come on, boy that can't be it!  His legs spread equidistant apart, limbs coiling just slightly in a loose crouch to lower his center of gravity and to keep himself limber.  Snowy toes spread wide, the claws biting into the snow-laden ground as his head and tail realigned with his spine.  His shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back as his chin tucked.  He glared out challengingly at the other male, the left corner of his lips twisting up in a smirk.  The boy was a decent fighter, he'd give him that but sooner or later the others anger was going to get him into trouble.  

Hárekr had little intention of standing around while Arcus tried to shake the blood off his face.  Back legs kicked out as he charged, seeking to close the distance between them just as Arcus shifted to bring them head on and charged as well. Arcus stepped to Háre's right as Hárekr shifted a few inches to his own right in an an effort to line his right shoulder with the groove between Arcus' left shoulder and chest. Hárekr's legs would coil just a bit more as Háre attempted to duck under Arcus' fangs his head rotating to his own left, jaws opened wide in an effort to seize hold of Arcus throat.  His upper fangs seeking to fall directly under the right corner of Arcus' jaw, his lower fangs under the left corner of the angry mans jaw.  Háre wanted to gain a crushing grip on the man's windpipe that would suffocate, maybe even kill, the other.  The viking man wasn't keen on pulling his attacks for one who would slander him so.  Hárekr hoped the other mans momentum would bring him right into Háre's waiting jaws.  Hárekr's sudden duck down would spare him from Arcus' own fangs the stormy mans upper fangs sailing over his head, the lower fangs just nicking mild lacerations along the upper portion of his right cheek, a few inches below his right eye.  My, my he was going to look like he had whiskers!  He couldn't wait to show Kat-ja  ahahahahahahahaa….

This time Háre wasn't intent on evasion and dancing around he wanted to meet this  other man flesh to flesh, sweat to sweat and blood to blood.  Simultaneous with his jaw attack Háre sought to slam the front of his right shoulder violently forward into the groove between Arcus left shoulder and chest hoping to severely bruise the area and perhaps strain the stormy man's shoulder.  In addition Háre thrust his chest forward seeking to counter Arcus chest and right shoulder by throwing the upper left side of his chest forward with the goal of colliding it into the front of Arcus right shoulder.  Háre wanted to cause significant bruising and hoped the broader bulk of his chest would absorb more of his opponents blow though he knew he was bound to receive return damage.  Likewise he hoped to collide the right side of his chest with the center of Arcus' chest.  He wasn't going to  be pushed around so easily.  

With his weight shifting evenly to his right foreleg and hindlegs for his shoulder throw Hárekr would lift his left forepaw and attempt to slam it down on the toes of Arcus' right forepaw with the intent of severely bruising and straining the toes.

Hárekr vs Arcus for Maim (blinding of left eye)  Rd. 2/2

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."

The Judge


12-31-2015, 11:18 AM



6 for clarity:

  • -1 “...he would push all his weight onto his hind legs and leap the 5 feet between them.” How is he hoping to approach his opponent? Head on? From the side?
  • -1 “...his right forward rolling forward in a lance to strike into Hare's left, where the shoulder bone met the rest of his chest.” What's he using and what is he aiming at? This sentence feels fragmented; I think I would have said something like “into the left of Hare's chest...” to avoid the possibility of confusion.
  • -1 “At the same moment he sought to slam his chest into the males...” What part of his chest is he using and what part of his opponent's chest is he hoping to strike? If he's wanting to strike the whole of Hare's chest it should be stated same is if he intended to only hit the left side.
  • -1 “...the man's own right leg...” Front or back?
8 for powerplaying.
  • -2 “...he would push all his weight onto his hind legs and leap the 5 feet between them.” Not only should this have been attempted, but assuming the distance between the two without getting permission from the other player or having it previously stated is considered powerplaying. So -1 for the leap and -1 for the distance.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
9 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
    +1 for severity
  • +2 for chest/shoulder throw
    +1 for severity
  • +1 for paw swipe
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Arcus' round one total: 43/50

10 for clarity:

  • All clear!
9 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “...and lash out at Arcus' left foreleg...” The wording tripped you up here; this should have been attempted.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
10 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for maim
    +1 for grip
  • +2 for shoulder throw
  • +2 for chest slam
  • +1 paw swipe
10 for injuries.
  • Moderate lacerations to left cheek

Harekr's round one total: 49/50


6 for clarity:

  • -1 “He attempted to side step to the left...” Who's left?
  • -1 “...his own chest aiming to follow suite to try and use his forward momentum...” What is he hoping to strike with his chest?
  • -1 “His jaws swung wide, aiming to left...” Who's left?
  • -1 “...his upper fangs sought to pierce through the back of his neck...” Where on the back of his neck?
9 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “He attempted to side step to the left just before he hoped to make impact...” It's been decided that this is powerplaying since it's assuming you're able to close the distance in the first place
5 for defenses.
  • +1 eye narrowed
  • +1 head ducked
  • +1 ears flat
  • +1 shoulders rolled
  • +1  hackles raised
  • 0 jaws wrinkled
  • 0 tail lashed out
  • 0 he massaged his toes and claws against the earth
8 for attack.
  • +2 for shoulder throw
  • +2 for chest slam
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
5 for injuries.
  • -2 for moderate lacerations to left side of face
  • -2 for moderate bruising to left shoulder (-1 for each blow)
  • -1 for scratches
Arcus' round two total: 33/50

10 for clarity:  
  • All clear!
10 for powerplaying.
  • None seen!
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
10 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
    +1 for severity
  • +2 for shoulder throw
  • +2 for chest slam
  • +1 for toe stomp
6 for injuries.
  • -1 for mild bruising to right shoulder/chest
  • -1 for moderate bruising to right shoulder (middling damage assigned for counter)
  • -1 for moderate bruising to left side of chest (middling damage assigned for counter)
  • -1 for mild lacerations to right cheek

Harekr's round two total: 46/50


ARCUS: 76/100
HAREKR: 95/100

And the winner is...

HAREKR! Arcus must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out, Harekr was successful in blinding Arcus' left eye.


  • All bruising will take 3 OOC days to heal.
  • His moderate lacerations will take 2 OOC weeks to heal.
  • His light scratches will take 2 OOC days to heal.
  • His left eye will take about 3 OOC weeks to heal
  • All bruising will take 3 OOC days to heal.
  • His moderate lacerations will take 2 OOC weeks to heal.
  • His mild lacerations will take 1 OOC week to heal.

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For Lunar: Nothing to note!

For Arin: The little things were your downfall and every deduction I made was was something I would consider a small, easy mistake. Unfortunately they built up and that was what got you here. My suggestion for you is to watch your wording. At times I found some of what you were saying kind of hard to follow; it felt like you got excited or ahead of yourself and your sentences got a little jumbled up, and things were either repeated or omitted.

For both: Good fight guys!

- By [Lazuli]



5 Years
01-22-2016, 09:51 PM

But the devil always won...

Bloody grin spread across Hárekr's maw as his opponent fell. "Ehhahahaha…. victory is mine mr. grumpkins." His tail flicked as he gazed down amusedly at the bleeding socket where Hárekr's fangs had punctured the man's left eye, blinding him permanently. It would serve as a reminder that the stormy man ought to watch his mouth. "Maybe now that you're out of the way I can eat your bird in peace, yes?" He let out another launch, shrill and cruel. It echoed weirdly off the walls of the wash before dying into silence as Hárekr felt quiet and serious. "I jest…" he said grimly. "Not worth the effort. Remember this day, get in my way again and I will tear you down piece by piece."

Hárekr turned and continued his exploration of the wash, leaving the other man to his wounds. A farther ways down and he began to hum to himself, his good mood switftly returning as he licked the blood from his fangs.


"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."