
Natures Toys{M}



5 Years
10-23-2015, 06:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2015, 03:00 AM by Fiamette.)
"You aren't going anywhere...!" The carmine beauty grumbles to a small and terrified figure that's shaking beneath her right paw. A devilish smirk engulfs her lips as she pushes down on the small red fox, and of course it squirms and scrambles to its paws to run away from her. It covers a few feet of ground before it skids to a dead stop and squeaks in an attempt to plead for mercy. Marco is now standing in front of the fox, drool dripping eerily from his yellow fangs, the fur along his neck and back standing straight up. "Boo!" He screeches with a snarl, and again the fox turns to run away from the duo, but does not get very far. An amused laugh bubbles within the woman's chest as she and Marco chase the fox back-and-forth, making a fun game out of scaring the thing half death. I mean, what else is there to do for fun on a lazy afternoon?

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
10-23-2015, 07:17 PM
Navigation: Whistling Willows

So he was back, with some bumps in the road along the way. The bumps had been pretty bad (really, just that one with Valentine), but he was fairly certain that eventually it could settle back to normal. He just needed time. Time and some decent meditation in peaceful places, just to get the bad feelings out of his skin. Then he could better get back into living in Imperium, with no negative thoughts.

He was mildly worried that Valentine would be suspicious of his exiting Imperium territory so soon, but he figured that if the other male did have any bad expectations, they would be dispelled and his faith built up when Nagendra did return. For now, he wanted to continue about as normally as he could. It would help him mend faster. He went as far as the West, wandering to a place he remembered with much adoration. The Willows. He was pleasantly surprised to find them again (not all too confident in his navigating abilities), and took a moment as usual to stand in simple awe under the bowing branches. They were so gorgeous, and in such a gentle and subtle manner. This was a place he would have to visit again and again to spend time to himself.

He could not remain in his peaceful world of thought and admiration for long before he heard a dreadful squeal. Something was distressed. The slender man’s ears perked, and he glanced in the direction of the noise. Should he investigate? He wasn’t much of a hero, if it turned out that anyone was, in fact, needing of assistance. And he might also get himself hurt, and he didn’t much like pain. But… he was a very curious creature, and so it was hard to resist.

With a fairly indifferent manner (indifferent to his own warnings, at least), he stalked off into the forest. Before he could see what was being terrorized, he saw red. It was immediately familiar – he’d seen that before. Not like there were that many red wolves around here (or maybe there were?). He tilted his head slightly as he slipped out of the underbrush, stopping and gazing upon the scene with a blank jade stare. There was some sort of animal that appeared to be in cahoots with the wolf, helping her to trap a horrified fox. He felt a bit bad for it. ”Long time no see,” he said, a small smirk snaking its way across his face as he looked to the red girl.



5 Years
10-23-2015, 07:45 PM
The sound of rustling underbrush instantly draws her attention away from her little game. As she turns her head her volcanic accented eyes meet the acidic gaze of a very familiar face. It was the first man she had ever slept with. It was just a one night stand, so she had no real feelings for this dude. It was just really surprising to see him again, especially out here.

While Fia is turning to meet the stranger Marco bolts toward the fox and tackles it to the ground. After a few seconds of rolling and fighting he pins it to the ground, and stands possessively over it. His tongue hangs lazily out of his mouth because of his heavy panting. His pitch black gaze locks on his master as he anxiously waits for a command.

'Long time no see,' The chocolate furred man says, and an amused smile curls the corners of her ebony lips. "Hello again, big boy." She replies in a flirtatious manner. She then looks toward Marco, sees he has the fox pinned, and waves her paw toward him, signaling to release it. He does, and rushes over to sit by her side protectively. The fox takes off into the underbrush, never to be seen again. "Where did you disappear to, honey? It's been pretty lonely around here without ya." Her long tail flicks lazily behind her, and her right brow lifts to emphasize her curiosity. Why did he vanish into thin air anyways? Did he find a mate or something after their little encounter?

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
11-03-2015, 05:32 PM

He briefly watched as the smaller furry beast tackled the fox to the ground. The lady (whose name he just realized he did not know), replied with sultry syllables dripping from her lips. Nagendra’s smile widened to a deviously pleased grin. The red woman waved her paw, and the creature that had been antagonizing the fox ran to sit beside her. The green-eyed man looked at it again with mild curiosity before returning his stare to his company. She asked him where he’d gone off to, and he rolled his shoulders, taking a step forward. ”Exploring,” he said. ”I like to try out lots of different things… Although, I think I’ll be here for a while now, so you won't need to be lonely.” He smelled, although not too much yet, of Imperium once more. He was here to stay.

She, on the other hand, was still apparently a loner. That was good, in some ways. He wondered if she was against joining a pack, like he had been and Aki was. ”And what have you been up to? Terrorizing the locals?” he asked with a smirk. Perhaps he could find out whether or not she cared for a pack. Perhaps he could find out whether she’d care to hang around him some more; their first encounter had been quite fun, and she seemed like a rather exciting someone.



5 Years
11-14-2015, 11:13 AM
Her crimson stare remains locked on his acidic gaze as he answers her questions, her interest in him mildly present in her flawless facial features. When he says he is going to stick around this time, her cordial smirk widens. He smells a bit differently now than he had before, and she silently wonders why. The faint scent was oddly familiar, like she's come across it before in her past. Although she couldn't confirm her hunch, she had a feeling she would get an answer about it soon.

When he asks her what she has been up to, her eyes turn away from him and toward the forest to peer out into the abyss behind thick, black eye lashes. "Terrorizing is what I do best," She snickers, and her gaze moves back to meet his again. She bats her eye lashes suggestively at him, and she attempts to step toward him to close the distance that separates them. If he chose to deny her his personal space then she would stop. "If you don't mind me asking... Where have your adventures taken you? You smell... Peculiar." She would attempt to press her nose gently into his right cheek should she gain access to his close proximity, her lips curling into a wide smile that would reveal her fangs. She craved his touch, even if a kiss on the cheek wouldn't lead to the last base. Ever since her first experience with him she has been craving more from him. Something about him greatly intrigued her.  

Marco understood that this might get a little too personal for him, so the wolverine would trot off into the forest to find something fun to consume his time.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
11-18-2015, 02:38 PM

Like the delicate, affectionate trailing of fingers along flesh his gaze traces her figure, drinking in her feminine contours and the luxurious shades of crimson that folded across her frame. A faint grin was lit upon his lips, intriguing and a tad impish. Coming full circle from its journey, his stare returned to meet hers. Vivid green reflected upon sublime red with eagerness, his small grin unmoving. The red lady fluttered her eyelashes and stepped closer, her sultry voice spilling free with a question. His grin broadened, revealing the pearly tips of his teeth, as she sank her nose against his cheek. ”A pack, at the moment – Imperium,” he said, turning his muzzle to try and bury his nose into her neck and inhale her sweet scent. ”There’s a man there who’s quite up for a bit of fun,” he explained with a smirk.

Blinking, he would create a brief tangent to the beginning of their amorous tango. ”Hm, say, I never did get your name,” he said with the realization. Perhaps there was something alluring about getting involved with a mysterious stranger, but after the first time, he had the itch to know. It felt like a lack of traction, a lack of grip. Names were important, he felt, and for more than just getting someone's attention. ”I crave the chance to sculpt this unknown with my own lips.” He eyed her, his gaze steady and his faint grin gingerly accenting his slender features.



5 Years
11-18-2015, 05:42 PM
Her petite form gracefully closes the distance between them, and her attempt at pressing her nose against his cheek is successful. She inhales his musky scent, her senses drinking in his intoxicating masculinity. 'A pack, at the moment- Imperium.' The name was oddly familiar, along with the scent, which brought more questions to her mind. But she would deal with them later. He presses his nose into the plush crimson fur on her neck, and inhales her perfume. 'There's a man there who's quite up for a bit of fun,'

"Oh?" She replies softly. "Maybe you could take me home sometime, show me just how fun he truly is..." She's always entertained the idea of a threesome, but the opportunity has never presented itself. She assumes the fun he is talking about is sexually related? He seemed like a very sexual being, just like herself. If so, she wouldn't mind coming home with him a time or two, if he thought it would satisfy his alpha.

'Hmmm, say, I never did get your name,' She aims to slowly pull her head backwards, so that their venereal gazes could meet again. "Fiamette Sovari." She murmurs, the flirtatious grin on her lips widening. Leaning back toward him she attempts to place a gentle kiss upon his lips, her left shoulder aiming to press against his chest as she takes a step into his large form. Her muzzle tips toward his neck as she aims to leave a trail of soft nips/kisses there. She wants him badly, and it was obvious by her lascivious actions. With passion burning within her eyes, she looks up at him, her right brow cocking promiscuously. "And what should I call you, baby?"

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
11-29-2015, 04:07 PM

He paused, lifting a brow and smirking at her comment. Something inside him felt a bit threatened by the idea though. Valentine had already claimed Rhythm. Who else would he take? What would stop him from taking anyone Nagendra liked, under the protection of his leader status. Or would he grant a mirrored respect for the brown wolf’s exploits? Maintaining his smirk despite the brief, inner worry, he would murmur back, ”Hm, perhaps. Although someone as irresistible as you… I’m afraid he might try to keep you all for himself.” It would be nice to have her around more though, maybe get to know her a little better.

She spoke her name, and it was every bit as luxurious and exotic as he’d hoped. ”Fiamette,” he handled it gingerly on his own tongue, precisely enunciating the sharper note at the end as though he were kissing it goodbye. He tilted his head and studied her plainly, his expression falling somewhat blank. ”Beautiful.” His slender face lit again with a serpentine grin. Her muzzle touched to his, and then made its way down, teeth gently grasping at fur and wandering along his neck. He closed his eyes briefly, enjoying the sensation of being touched. She’d then stop to look at him and return the question. ”Nagendra Bahri,” he replied, his stare fixed to hers.

For a moment he did nothing, motionless and smirking faintly, wanting to tease with tension. And then he would try to lean forward and lick at her ear, and rub the side of his face into her neck. A smooth transition towards her rear, just as before. He’d had this the first time, and there was no doubt he wanted it again as much as she did.




5 Years
12-04-2015, 02:58 AM
Her heart hammers within her chest, her quiet breaths short and steady while they gaze into each other's eyes. The tension between them is almost unbearable, the seconds seeming like hours as she waits for his next move. Her mind is buzzing with wonders, a million scenarios of how this would end flooding her thoughts. Would he vanish again after this? Would he stay? If so, would they start a conversation? If they did, what would it be about? Would they ever be more than... This? Whatever this was? She was all for playing it slow, but so far he was just a fuck buddy who she occasionally ran into. Would it ever change?

When his tongue sensually wraps around her ear her mind goes blank. A warm sensation blooms within her chest, her eyes closing briefly as it spreads down to her stomach. He then snakes his way on top of her petite form, and she slightly arches her back to accommodate his large body. Her head twists to face his, her crimson eyes aiming to lock with his as he begins their communion, a sly smile creeping across her lips. "Don't be easy with me, baby"


Breathing heavily, the nymph struggles to stay on her feet. Her legs quiver and feel like jello beneath her. He is very big in size compared to her, and holding him up for that long had really tired her out. Along with the awesome thrusting of course. Her agile limbs buckle beneath her and she rolls onto her back. She hopes to stay beneath him, her little paws folding across her chest as she curiously looks up at him. There is so much she wants to say to him, but she remains quiet for the time being. She would wait for his next move. If he wanted to leave she wouldn't protest- but she couldn't deny that she would enjoy his company if he stayed. She doubts Marco will be coming back anytime soon. He had probably heard them earlier and knew what was going on.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
12-07-2015, 07:05 PM

What a lovely welcome back to Alacritis this was.

They broke apart, and she rolled to the ground beneath him, folding her forepaws and staring upwards. He stood over her, his lips curved in the slightest, intriguing grin as he peered down. He remained standing perfectly still and perfectly silent for another hanging moment – his encrypted but contented expression hinting at nothing beyond the fact that there were curious musings going on within his head. His emerald stare lingered upon her face. ”A pleasure to see you again,” he finally said, his lilting voice touched with mirth and  mischief.

Then he stepped to the side and sank softly to the ground beside her, attempting to be just close enough that their sides might press gently against one another. ”So…” he started, pulling his head to the side to hover over Fiamette and eye her with a faint smile, ”have you been out here all on your own – save for that little… er, creature – all this time?” He was curious. And since she hadn’t left yet, he figured she wouldn’t mind a bit of talking. He was interested in getting some more back and forth between the two of them, since the first time had been a bit more spontaneous with less interaction. Second times didn't always happen after something like that, and he knew he'd certainly enjoy making something more out of this.



5 Years
12-08-2015, 07:06 PM
Time seems to stop as he stands over her, their gazes intertwined as they both muse quietly in their minds. She wonders what he was thinking about, and if it was anything similar to the thoughts she was having. She's finally caught her breath, but her heart still hammers within her chest. A million emotions simmer beneath her flesh. She hasn't felt this good since, well... Since she had been with Artemis. Something drew her to this man, maybe it was the electricity she felt between them when they intertwined bodies. Whatever it was, it made her feel all warm and gooey inside. It felt nice.

"The pleasure is all mine, Nagendra." She muses aloud, a soft chuckle following her words. Her eyes follow his form as he plops down beside her, a shock of pleasure rushing up her spine when  his flesh brushes against hers. 'So...' He starts, and her right brown furrows curiously. Did he actually want to stay and talk to her?

He asks a personal question, and she can't help the soft smile that curls her lips. "Sorta. I have another companion, a large snake named Apollyon- but he doesn't always travel with us. The bear looking creature you saw is a wolverine. An old pack member gave him to me..." She states, her gaze trailing from his to look up toward the sky. "What made you join... Imperium? I think that's what you called it." She might as well carry on the conversation by asking him some questions, plus she was curious. The first time they met he hadn't been part of a pack.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
12-10-2015, 07:21 PM

She smiled and explained that she had another companion. How curious, he thought, that a wolf could forge such relationships with other species. He wondered if he could find himself such interesting friends. Surely, being able to bridge the gap between different breeds was the highest indication of social skill and charm. He allowed himself only a moment to yearn for the honor, and then turned his attention back to Fiamette.

His impish grin broadened as she asked him why he joined. He briefly mused over the actual reasons of the decision, and then tilted his head a little, still grinning while his gaze remained fixed to hers. ”The alpha, Valentine – the man I mentioned earlier,” he said. ”Not that we are… committed… to one another, or anything,” he said, his brow furrowing gently for a second with thought. ”He managed to snare me is all,” he glanced back to Fiamette with a humorous smirk before his expression became thoughtful again. ”And beyond that… well, I suppose I got lonely. Although I could always find someone new to meet, it never became more than that – just a stranger to have a pleasant conversation with. I could talk with someone new every day and I was still alone.” It was the first time he’d really spelled the fact out to himself too. It felt good to get it straight. Certainly, he had traded in quite a bit of his precious, precious freedom, but the isolation was too much to bear.

He focused on Fiamette again, his smile returning, delicate and gentle. ”Within every single being is contained such an infinite universe… their hopes, beliefs, experiences… The mind is so limitless. Everyone I meet presides over a different infinity, and to explore each would be worthwhile. But it is difficult to make such voyages with strangers.” He was partially thinking aloud now, trying to put into memory a precise organization of his own ideals. The things he said were things he felt true, although, at the same time, after they had left his mouth, they sounded a bit more important than he really thought they were. He wasn’t on a mission to be everyone’s psychiatrist or anything… It was just… nice to get a bit of substance from someone every now and then – from their endless world of the mind. ”Of course, I yearn for that less so than I do the physical matter of things,” he smirked again, flashing the tips of pearly teeth.



5 Years
12-10-2015, 08:50 PM
Her attention does not stray from him, her ears perked and fixed toward him, her crimson  gaze unwavering. She didn't want to miss a single thing, she was really enjoying their little encounter. He explains his situation with his alpha, and she nods her head in acknowledgment. It seemed like he had an odd relationship with that man, but perhaps it was similar to what she used to have with Artemis. It excited her to know that he was still technically on the market for other lovers. It seems like they are alike in that aspect, so if anything did bloom between them other partners wouldn't be an issue for either of them.  

When he starts on being lonely, one of her red ears flicks back to lay flat on her skull. What he said really touches home with her. She could directly relate to him on this. She did the same thing with her time as a loner, her encounters never leading to anything more than a new face to store in her memories. He's the only being who's made her admit it to herself. She hadn't really thought much of it until now. "I... I've never admitted this, not to anyone, including myself- but I'm lonely." Her gaze shys away from his, her other ear falling flat against her skull. "All my life I've been taught to be self efficient, to never depend on anyone but myself, physically and mentally. I was taught that loneliness was not an option, because I would always have myself... But I don't think it's enough anymore. I'm tired of being without a true companion. Yeah, my animal companions are fun... But they don't understand me like another wolf would. I'm not pack material either, I don't usually play nice with others." Her paws fidget on her chest, discomfort apparent in her slim facial features. It was hard to admit her feelings, especially to someone she barley knew.

Her gaze turns back to his when he speaks again, only this time he spoke in a way that only a highly intelligent being could. What he said made perfect sense to her, her head nodding in a silent agreement. Not even her mother had explained such a thing to her. The more time she spent with this man the more she treasured his company. He was intelligent, charming, sexy, and he knew how to make her squirm intimately. He made her feel happy.

A smirk curls her ebony lips when he mentions the physical matter of meetings, and she leans toward him to affectionately nip at the bottom of his chin. "As do I." She states with an impish giggle. She attempts to press further into him, her intentions are to cuddle a bit with him. In all truth she didn't want him to go, but the sun was sinking quickly beneath the horizon. She wanted this moment to last forever. "I hope we meet again after tonight, Nagendra." And I hope you feel the same... She muses silently, waiting for his response.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
12-16-2015, 07:56 PM
I hope it's okay to assume they snugged for a little while? c: We can just say there was I guess, uh, a passage of time? o3o Then they can exit. I can change it though if you're not alright with that :]

She listened intently, and when the time came, opened up to him like the flower that blooms but only once in a lifetime. He could tell she was the private type – the type to tuck and hoard the precious cargo of emotions deep away. He appreciated being granted insight into the lady’s mind. As her expression sank with her confession, Nagendra’s eyes shone with sympathy. ”Independence…” he mused, ”it’s something so desirable yet taxing.” He wondered, how important was independence to him? Or was it not so much independence as it was the simple ability to give in to flights of fancy – an indulgence in a lack of responsibility. A love for having no one dependent on him. It wasn’t quite the same as independence, but related. ”Perhaps you will find a happy medium,” he smiled softly. ”Total reliance is certainly dangerous, but the benefits of basking in the company of a friend are undeniable. You give a little, and you get a little…” And as long as you made sure that no one person’s absence would put a halt to your own life, it was good.

He was silent for another second, pondering. And then he pulled back from viscous thoughts and glanced again to Fiamette with a gentle smile. ”If you ever do want to try out being in a pack, I’m sure Valentine would welcome you. It’s… well, everyone isn’t necessarily very close. You can get by pretty well in there knowing barely anyone. Not that that’s much fun,” he explained. Even if she said she wouldn’t be good in a pack, he figured he’d offer the chance.

She nipped at his chin and giggled, causing a grin to dance across the man’s face. She nuzzled into him, and he was receptive, leaning into her touch and attempting to curl a little around her. Fiamette would speak again, and he would turn his head a little to look at her. A small smirk adorned his slender features. ”We will,” he said with smooth confidence and a hint of authority.

-snug time-