
The Eagle And The Dove



12 Years
Extra large
10-24-2015, 08:42 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He lay spread out on the eastern shore of the Estuary, vibrant red pelt a beacon of color against the pale sand. However, from aerial creatures and the sea, he had nothing to fear. He was massive, frame having reached mature height and weight. The rest of his maturity would come with age. He’d morphed from a pudgy oversized puppy to a dashing fellow, with his strong features and deep sapphire eyes. He was unaware of the fact that he looked damn good. He was more focused on his mother and her plans for Celestial, and the further plans regarding darker matters.

He had been the first to hear of them, as he would be the heir of Celestial, the Future; he would be Archangel someday, when his mother was ready to step down. Love was the furthest thing from his mind right now. But he did wonder where his friend had disappeared to. Ganja. Tiny, green, Ganja. He’d taken a trip or two to Nephilim Island, and hadn’t been able to find her; or anyone else, for that matter. Maybe she’d gone to look for her family?

The brawny Adravendi stretched, limbs extending, toes stretching apart, before he relaxed, sprawled out in a lump of brilliant red fur. Cinder was off taking advantage of the high bird population to help fill the caches.



2 Years
10-28-2015, 04:10 PM

Ganja had been gone from these lands for a long time now, her travels brought her far and wide, and still the goal of her mission was never accomplished. Ganja found no trace of her family. Her spirit was bruised, she'd had such high hopes of reuniting with her parents and her brothers. It seemed everything was true however, her parents had abandoned her and her siblings. And with out them the girl was quite alone. Not that she saw it entirely that way, more along the lines of devoid of wolven company. Now a days the yearling was occupied with her plants. She'd become quite knowledgable in growing the medicinal plants her mother had named her after. Once she knew thta there was no hope of finding her parents she'd gotten to work on her second passion.

Eventually she made her way back to Alacritis, the whole reason why she wasn't sure. She'd had a nice garden where she lived before, it was a more than pleasant place to live, something had called her back. Ganja had harvested her plants, gathered the seeds and made her way back to the land she'd been born in. The girl needed to find a place to make camp before winter fully took hold. The nights were colder and the days grew shorter. The cold would be upon them soon and she wished to be more prepared.

Paying little attention to any kind of company that might be in her vicinity Ganja's eyes were on the scenery. She wanted to find a shelter, and would have eyes only for that purpose. In her jaws she carried a small bundle, within it the seeds of her beloved plants as well as the very last of the final harvest. She needed a place to let them rest for the night. She hoped to find a more permanent residence, but for now one for the winter would be acceptable. Her black paws carried her through the Estuary, though she was doubtful that she'd find anything suitable here. Picking her way through flocking birds she didn't notice the pair that were currently occupying the lands.

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12 Years
Extra large
11-01-2015, 06:49 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Okay, so he might have dozed off. But just a little! It was when a smell hit his nose that didn’t fit with the rest of the Estuary that he gave a slight snort, opening bleary sapphire eyes and lifting his head to look around. A large yawn cracked his jaws wide for a moment, and it took a few disgruntled squawks of the birds and light pawsteps to bring him back from the edge of another nap and really take notice of his surroundings, namely the area that the birds were most irritated.

Okay, that bit of greenery was moving, and was way too green for the season. He squinted, blinking a few times, before he realized that it was a wolf. A tiny wolf. A tiny green wolf. Ganja? Regulus pushed himself to a sitting position tof get a better look, before his haunches started wiggling side to side under the power of his abruptly wide awake and wagging tail. It was Ganja! And for once, he hadn’t stepped on her first. He looked over the little female, noting that in all this time, she hadn’t grown an inch. But that was hardly a problem.

A deep voiced woof left the Adravendi as he came to his paws and made toward her. “Ganja!” His low baritone voice held delight and warm welcome, mirroring the high energy wagging of his tail and exuberant steps.



2 Years
11-03-2015, 05:06 PM

So preoccupied was she that when the booming woof was offered in her direction the tiny she wolf would jump in surprise. With raised hackles and fierce ruby eyes the little green girl looked more like her goblin of a mother for a long moment. She'd relax as her eyes settled on the monstrous form of her friend Regulus. Letting her sack rest at her paws she'd look up to the giant beast as he made his way over, green tipped tail would wag contentedly behind her as she smiled up at him. Obviously not quite as excitable as she used to be she'd offer a deep nod of greeting as he said her name. "Hello, Regulus." While it seemed her body hadn't grown much her mind certainly had. Not even two and the haunts of the world rested on her shoulders. "You seem as boisterous as ever," the girl would comment with an amused grin. Despite her odd demeanor it was very relieving to see a familiar face. "I didn't find anyone," she'd sigh heavily both wanting to speak about her failed trip and not and the same time.

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12 Years
Extra large
11-28-2015, 11:31 AM
He seemed to have startled her with his woof, because Ganja bristled and turned, relaxing as soon as she saw him. Her returned greeting showed her maturity that had come in since the last time he'd seen her, and his exuberance quickly mellowed to his usual regal strength as he lowered his haunches to the sand, though his tail still swept marks into the grains. A large grin flashed across his muzzle at her remark on his boisterousness and he tipped his head slightly with a chuckle. "Well, it's been a long time since I saw you. Last time I went to the island, you weren't there anymore." There was no accusation in his tone, only an honest sadness.

Her next words, sighed heavily, brought his tail to a stop on the sand, his expression turning solemn as he said "I'm sorry." It was the best he could offer. It seemed he had the opposite side of the coin; his sister had returned at last, alive and well. There was still a lot of getting to know left for he and Faite; so much time had passed, and both of them had been forced to grow up at a young age. He to keep his mother alive while they were lost on the southern continent, and she to survive as a pup lost in the wilds. But they would get there eventually.

"What about your Aunt Rainbow?" Had the mysterious aunt gone on the search too? Ganja held no other wolf's scent on her coat, however, so he guessed maybe not. He'd never met the female himself. "You're still welcome to stay with my family if you like. I know Mother and Da wouldn't mind, and we'll have a pack someday soon..." He trailed off, unable to completely mask the hopeful note to his words. He'd missed his tiny green friend who shared unique coloring as something in common with himself.



2 Years
12-30-2015, 01:19 PM

Regulus didn't take very long to calm himself, it seemed she was not the only one doing some growing. Receiving a smile for her amusing words the girl would also take her seat, curious about the ways of the world since she'd been gone. She'd shake her head as he mentioned the island, no one had been there since before her mother had formed a pack. He'd offer a regretful 'sorry' when she told him she'd come up with nothing. "It's not your fault," and it wasn't. Her parents had made the decision to leave her, now it was time to move on and find her own place. "I haven't seen her yet," Ganja would tell him, while it was tempting to go see her and the new babies she wasn't ready to tell her what she'd found yet. "I might stay for a while.." She couldn't commit to anything yet, but the prospect of staying with Regulus and his family was a tempting one.

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